Dossier, Dossier, Dossier

The dossier is real.

Want to know how I know? Trump said it isn't true... and whatever Trump says, it is the opposite. Trump can't tell the truth about what he eats for breakfast, but you think he is going to tell the truth about something as important and undermining to his power as this? Right...

What a stupid post.

I mean,'ll agree tomorrow when you sober up.

Trump's lawyer called him a fucking liar and quit. If that doesn't tell you about the man you support then you are a lemming.

Now...focus like a laser: was there collusion between Trump and Moscow to make him President?

Take your time....and consider all available evidence.

Have a cup of black coffee before you answer.
Where is the Dirty Clinton Dossier Putin Wrote for The Trump Campaign? It simply does not exist.

And your evidence that Putin wrote the Steele your imagination.

For crying out loud, you have anything more than this one trick? As you're citing your imagination again and again, while ignoring the actual evidence, the *actual* testimony before Congress. The actual order from the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

This is why its so hard to have a rational discussion with conservatives. As when presented with facts and evidence, they keep trying to counter with whatever hapless nonsense they can make up.

Predictably, backed by nothing.

This is the bottom line, from page 4 of this thread:
If Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

This is what Trump did:

bombed Russians in Syria killing hundreds
enforced the red line in Syria
Signed $700 billion in DoD funding to rebuild our military in 2018, the largest amount in history.
increased US cyber and space capabilities
NATO Member Poland Agrees to Buy and Deploy the U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System
Called out the Russian government for its malicious cyber activity targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including failed attempts on the energy sector.
Proposed Patriot Act change that prohibits Latvia’s ABLV bank, which launders illicit Russian funds, from opening or maintaining accounts in the US.
Announced Russia Magnitsky Sanctions and Global Magnitsky Sanctions respectively.
Imposed export controls against two Russian companies that were helping Russia to develop missiles that violate the INF Treaty.
In response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, the Trump Administration sanctioned 100 targets
Continues to take a direct approach to confront Russia where it threatens our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
Imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals that were previously indicted for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Imposed sanctions against two Russian intelligence agencies and six senior Russian intelligence officials for their significant efforts to undermine U.S. cyber security.
New National Security Strategy makes clear that Russian actions threaten the security of the US and our allies, and outlines steps to stop Russia’s malign interference.
Increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, billions to increase U.S. troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
Enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
Working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Announced the closure of a Russian consulate and two diplomatic annexes in response to Russia’s cutting of the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
Attributed the worldwide NotPetya cyber-attack to the Russian military.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on U.S. government computers due to Kaspersky ties to Russian intelligence.
Charged three Russians, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with criminal charges for the 2014 Yahoo hack.
Maintained the closure of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This is what the dems and Hillary did:
Created the Trump dossier to defeat Trump, and paid Russians millions. That has to be called conspiracy & collusion, if not treason.
Sold Russia 20% of US uranium via the UraniumOne scam, Hillary pocketed $145,000,000 in her foundation for that treason
Let Russia have Crimea
Let Russia invade and keep eastern Ukraine
Let Russia keep Syria, while targeting the civilian population creating a migrant crisis in the EU
Let Russia make new gas pipeline to Germany while the US pays to protect Germany from Russia????
Used the intel agencies spy on the Trump campaign, setup the Russia collusion witchhunt, AND the special counsel to create havoc in the US
Let the US defenses deteriorate due to lack of adequate funding
Used a private bathroom server to store classified data that was stolen by Russia/China

That "Putin supported Trump instead of Hillary" is blatant bullsh!t, that the Left is doing Putin's bidding against the US is undeniable.
No I KNOW you just put keywords into Google to pull whatever quotes fit the agenda your mind gets from whatever Far right news source you use. I've busted so many posts on here the last few days that don't take the time to actually check varying news sources on stories it isn't even funny. You are no different.

Let me repeat this for you. Trump's LAWYER, John Dowd called Trump a fucking liar and quit.

Really, you moron....

Did you read this book:

The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

I did.

I have a real education, unlike you government school grads.

Congrats you read a book. What the fuck does that have to do with this and my post about John Dowd?

A BOOK?????

I see the ire I've created in you pushed you over the edge, into vulgarity.

Losing the argument seems to do that to Liberals.


Could you provide 2 or 3 of the tomes that have fueled your political outlook?

Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?
Really, you moron....

Did you read this book:

The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

I did.

I have a real education, unlike you government school grads.

Congrats you read a book. What the fuck does that have to do with this and my post about John Dowd?

A BOOK?????

I see the ire I've created in you pushed you over the edge, into vulgarity.

Losing the argument seems to do that to Liberals.


Could you provide 2 or 3 of the tomes that have fueled your political outlook?

Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?

I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

You're simply one more cookie-cutter government school grad, who is either too ignorant or too cowardly to question your masters.

Don't you agree?

Here are a few that I would point to.....

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.
If you were ever energetic enough to read them, or similar books, I'd go so far at to bet your posts would at least be more informative.....and, you might even reverse your perspective.

I'm an eternal optimist.
Congrats you read a book. What the fuck does that have to do with this and my post about John Dowd?

A BOOK?????

I see the ire I've created in you pushed you over the edge, into vulgarity.

Losing the argument seems to do that to Liberals.


Could you provide 2 or 3 of the tomes that have fueled your political outlook?

Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?

I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

You're simply one more cookie-cutter government school grad, who is either too ignorant or too cowardly to question your masters.

Don't you agree?

Here are a few that I would point to.....

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.
If you were ever energetic enough to read them, or similar books, I'd go so far at to bet your posts would at least be more informative.....and, you might even reverse your perspective.

I'm an eternal optimist.

Yeah not quite. Not even close. I've gone to 4 different universities/colleges, 3 of which are major universities, including a degree in a very important part of government (Criminal Justice), and with a minor in a field that is also a very important aspect of government (Police Studies).

Everyone here knows you are nothing more than a cut and paste expert, and there is no way to prove you read those books and didn't just Google some names and cut and paste them. I showed you pictures of actual books I OWN. You want me to post more? You want me to write you a little note in the picture too, to prove the picture is mine?
A BOOK?????

I see the ire I've created in you pushed you over the edge, into vulgarity.

Losing the argument seems to do that to Liberals.


Could you provide 2 or 3 of the tomes that have fueled your political outlook?

Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?

I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

You're simply one more cookie-cutter government school grad, who is either too ignorant or too cowardly to question your masters.

Don't you agree?

Here are a few that I would point to.....

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.
If you were ever energetic enough to read them, or similar books, I'd go so far at to bet your posts would at least be more informative.....and, you might even reverse your perspective.

I'm an eternal optimist.

Yeah not quite. Not even close. I've gone to 4 different universities/colleges, 3 of which are major universities, including a degree in a very important part of government (Criminal Justice), and with a minor in a field that is also a very important aspect of government (Police Studies).

Everyone here knows you are nothing more than a cut and paste expert, and there is no way to prove you read those books and didn't just Google some names and cut and paste them. I showed you pictures of actual books I OWN. You want me to post more? You want me to write you a little note in the picture too, to prove the picture is mine?

Are you sure you want to compare educational resumes????

If you'd like me to provide notes from the books noted....say so. alma mater has the best fight song in the nation!
Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?

I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

You're simply one more cookie-cutter government school grad, who is either too ignorant or too cowardly to question your masters.

Don't you agree?

Here are a few that I would point to.....

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.
If you were ever energetic enough to read them, or similar books, I'd go so far at to bet your posts would at least be more informative.....and, you might even reverse your perspective.

I'm an eternal optimist.

Yeah not quite. Not even close. I've gone to 4 different universities/colleges, 3 of which are major universities, including a degree in a very important part of government (Criminal Justice), and with a minor in a field that is also a very important aspect of government (Police Studies).

Everyone here knows you are nothing more than a cut and paste expert, and there is no way to prove you read those books and didn't just Google some names and cut and paste them. I showed you pictures of actual books I OWN. You want me to post more? You want me to write you a little note in the picture too, to prove the picture is mine?

Are you sure you want to compare educational resumes????

If you'd like me to provide notes from the books noted....say so. alma mater has the best fight song in the nation!

Two things. One I have no problem comparing resumes with you. Secondly, unless you went to Notre Dame your school does not have the best fight song.
1. Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'

Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......

No Comey leaks

No special prosecutor

Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.

And here's what it implies:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

2. As of this moment:
"FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward
Justice turned on its head: “imposing the presumption of guilt upon a probe whose own originators had reason to doubt the strength of their evidence”

3. Buried amid all the anti-Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations.

Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn’t prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching “hard” for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

In response to questioning during a congressional interview, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX) that as of May, 2017, the FBI had found no connection between Trump and Russia that pointed to collusion."
FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward

4. "To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia.

Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer years from now, her most consequential pronouncement may not have been typed on her bureau-issued Samsung smartphone to her colleague and lover.

Rather, it might be eight simple words she uttered behind closed doors during a congressional interview a few weeks ago.

“It’s a reflection of us still not knowing,” Page told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) when questioned about texts she and Strzok exchanged in May 2017 as Robert Mueller was being named a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.

With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point." Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5. Everything the Democrats/Liberals touch turns to ....mud.

They have altered the reputation of a once great institution, the FBI, to political backstabbers, no more than 'the gang that couldn't shoot straight,' and treacherous goons.

No more than handmaidens of the Democrats.


You know you are getting desperate when you try to change the subject.

That dossier has never been disproved.
Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?

I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

You're simply one more cookie-cutter government school grad, who is either too ignorant or too cowardly to question your masters.

Don't you agree?

Here are a few that I would point to.....

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.
If you were ever energetic enough to read them, or similar books, I'd go so far at to bet your posts would at least be more informative.....and, you might even reverse your perspective.

I'm an eternal optimist.

Yeah not quite. Not even close. I've gone to 4 different universities/colleges, 3 of which are major universities, including a degree in a very important part of government (Criminal Justice), and with a minor in a field that is also a very important aspect of government (Police Studies).

Everyone here knows you are nothing more than a cut and paste expert, and there is no way to prove you read those books and didn't just Google some names and cut and paste them. I showed you pictures of actual books I OWN. You want me to post more? You want me to write you a little note in the picture too, to prove the picture is mine?

Are you sure you want to compare educational resumes????

If you'd like me to provide notes from the books noted....say so. alma mater has the best fight song in the nation!
PC claims to have cut and pasted her way through Columbia

If you have seen the lack of original thought in her posts, you wonder what has happened to a once great institution
1. Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'

Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......

No Comey leaks

No special prosecutor

Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.

And here's what it implies:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

2. As of this moment:
"FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward
Justice turned on its head: “imposing the presumption of guilt upon a probe whose own originators had reason to doubt the strength of their evidence”

3. Buried amid all the anti-Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations.

Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn’t prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching “hard” for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

In response to questioning during a congressional interview, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX) that as of May, 2017, the FBI had found no connection between Trump and Russia that pointed to collusion."
FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward

4. "To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia.

Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer years from now, her most consequential pronouncement may not have been typed on her bureau-issued Samsung smartphone to her colleague and lover.

Rather, it might be eight simple words she uttered behind closed doors during a congressional interview a few weeks ago.

“It’s a reflection of us still not knowing,” Page told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) when questioned about texts she and Strzok exchanged in May 2017 as Robert Mueller was being named a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.

With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point." Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5. Everything the Democrats/Liberals touch turns to ....mud.

They have altered the reputation of a once great institution, the FBI, to political backstabbers, no more than 'the gang that couldn't shoot straight,' and treacherous goons.

No more than handmaidens of the Democrats.


You know you are getting desperate when you try to change the subject.

That dossier has never been disproved.

The dossier claims that Putin has compromising information about Trump

What has Trump done to make it appear true
What a stupid post.

I mean,'ll agree tomorrow when you sober up.

Trump's lawyer called him a fucking liar and quit. If that doesn't tell you about the man you support then you are a lemming.

Now...focus like a laser: was there collusion between Trump and Moscow to make him President?

Take your time....and consider all available evidence.

Have a cup of black coffee before you answer.
Where is the Dirty Clinton Dossier Putin Wrote for The Trump Campaign? It simply does not exist.

And your evidence that Putin wrote the Steele your imagination.

For crying out loud, you have anything more than this one trick? As you're citing your imagination again and again, while ignoring the actual evidence, the *actual* testimony before Congress. The actual order from the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

This is why its so hard to have a rational discussion with conservatives. As when presented with facts and evidence, they keep trying to counter with whatever hapless nonsense they can make up.

Predictably, backed by nothing.

This is the bottom line, from page 4 of this thread:
If Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

This is what Trump did:

bombed Russians in Syria killing hundreds
enforced the red line in Syria
Signed $700 billion in DoD funding to rebuild our military in 2018, the largest amount in history.
increased US cyber and space capabilities
NATO Member Poland Agrees to Buy and Deploy the U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System
Called out the Russian government for its malicious cyber activity targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including failed attempts on the energy sector.
Proposed Patriot Act change that prohibits Latvia’s ABLV bank, which launders illicit Russian funds, from opening or maintaining accounts in the US.
Announced Russia Magnitsky Sanctions and Global Magnitsky Sanctions respectively.
Imposed export controls against two Russian companies that were helping Russia to develop missiles that violate the INF Treaty.
In response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, the Trump Administration sanctioned 100 targets
Continues to take a direct approach to confront Russia where it threatens our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
Imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals that were previously indicted for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Imposed sanctions against two Russian intelligence agencies and six senior Russian intelligence officials for their significant efforts to undermine U.S. cyber security.
New National Security Strategy makes clear that Russian actions threaten the security of the US and our allies, and outlines steps to stop Russia’s malign interference.
Increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, billions to increase U.S. troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
Enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
Working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Announced the closure of a Russian consulate and two diplomatic annexes in response to Russia’s cutting of the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
Attributed the worldwide NotPetya cyber-attack to the Russian military.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on U.S. government computers due to Kaspersky ties to Russian intelligence.
Charged three Russians, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with criminal charges for the 2014 Yahoo hack.
Maintained the closure of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This is what the dems and Hillary did:
Created the Trump dossier to defeat Trump, and paid Russians millions. That has to be called conspiracy & collusion, if not treason.
Sold Russia 20% of US uranium via the UraniumOne scam, Hillary pocketed $145,000,000 in her foundation for that treason
Let Russia have Crimea
Let Russia invade and keep eastern Ukraine
Let Russia keep Syria, while targeting the civilian population creating a migrant crisis in the EU
Let Russia make new gas pipeline to Germany while the US pays to protect Germany from Russia????
Used the intel agencies spy on the Trump campaign, setup the Russia collusion witchhunt, AND the special counsel to create havoc in the US
Let the US defenses deteriorate due to lack of adequate funding
Used a private bathroom server to store classified data that was stolen by Russia/China

That "Putin supported Trump instead of Hillary" is blatant bullsh!t, that the Left is doing Putin's bidding against the US is undeniable.

And the debunked claim that the Steele Dossier was the basis of the Mueller investigation remains pristinely unsupported.

With PC abandoning it you and you refusing to discuss it, can we just put that steaming pile of conspiracy batshit in the rhetorical garbage pile where it belongs?
Trump's lawyer called him a fucking liar and quit. If that doesn't tell you about the man you support then you are a lemming.

Now...focus like a laser: was there collusion between Trump and Moscow to make him President?

Take your time....and consider all available evidence.

Have a cup of black coffee before you answer.
Where is the Dirty Clinton Dossier Putin Wrote for The Trump Campaign? It simply does not exist.

And your evidence that Putin wrote the Steele your imagination.

For crying out loud, you have anything more than this one trick? As you're citing your imagination again and again, while ignoring the actual evidence, the *actual* testimony before Congress. The actual order from the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

This is why its so hard to have a rational discussion with conservatives. As when presented with facts and evidence, they keep trying to counter with whatever hapless nonsense they can make up.

Predictably, backed by nothing.

This is the bottom line, from page 4 of this thread:
If Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

This is what Trump did:

bombed Russians in Syria killing hundreds
enforced the red line in Syria
Signed $700 billion in DoD funding to rebuild our military in 2018, the largest amount in history.
increased US cyber and space capabilities
NATO Member Poland Agrees to Buy and Deploy the U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System
Called out the Russian government for its malicious cyber activity targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including failed attempts on the energy sector.
Proposed Patriot Act change that prohibits Latvia’s ABLV bank, which launders illicit Russian funds, from opening or maintaining accounts in the US.
Announced Russia Magnitsky Sanctions and Global Magnitsky Sanctions respectively.
Imposed export controls against two Russian companies that were helping Russia to develop missiles that violate the INF Treaty.
In response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, the Trump Administration sanctioned 100 targets
Continues to take a direct approach to confront Russia where it threatens our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
Imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals that were previously indicted for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Imposed sanctions against two Russian intelligence agencies and six senior Russian intelligence officials for their significant efforts to undermine U.S. cyber security.
New National Security Strategy makes clear that Russian actions threaten the security of the US and our allies, and outlines steps to stop Russia’s malign interference.
Increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, billions to increase U.S. troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
Enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
Working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Announced the closure of a Russian consulate and two diplomatic annexes in response to Russia’s cutting of the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
Attributed the worldwide NotPetya cyber-attack to the Russian military.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on U.S. government computers due to Kaspersky ties to Russian intelligence.
Charged three Russians, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with criminal charges for the 2014 Yahoo hack.
Maintained the closure of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This is what the dems and Hillary did:
Created the Trump dossier to defeat Trump, and paid Russians millions. That has to be called conspiracy & collusion, if not treason.
Sold Russia 20% of US uranium via the UraniumOne scam, Hillary pocketed $145,000,000 in her foundation for that treason
Let Russia have Crimea
Let Russia invade and keep eastern Ukraine
Let Russia keep Syria, while targeting the civilian population creating a migrant crisis in the EU
Let Russia make new gas pipeline to Germany while the US pays to protect Germany from Russia????
Used the intel agencies spy on the Trump campaign, setup the Russia collusion witchhunt, AND the special counsel to create havoc in the US
Let the US defenses deteriorate due to lack of adequate funding
Used a private bathroom server to store classified data that was stolen by Russia/China

That "Putin supported Trump instead of Hillary" is blatant bullsh!t, that the Left is doing Putin's bidding against the US is undeniable.

And the debunked claim that the Steele Dossier was the basis of the Mueller investigation remains pristinely unsupported.

With PC abandoning it you and you refusing to discuss it, can we just put that steaming pile of conspiracy batshit in the rhetorical garbage pile where it belongs?
Trump firing Comey is what created the Mueller investigation
Yeah a book. I've read MANY books. Do I get an award? Are we going to have a book contest? One semester, yes a semester, I had to read these books.


You read a BOOK about the KGB, do you think that makes you an expert on the Russia investigation now?

So, we agree that you are unable to provide a sample of any books you've read that you can point to as having giving you political direction?

Telling, isn't it?'s fair for me to refer to you as a dunce?

I knew we'd find agreement.

No we don't agree on that. If I gave you the list of the number of books I've read I'd be here all day, and you wouldn't pay attention to it anyway.

Do you have any idea what the books I just posted are about?

I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

You're simply one more cookie-cutter government school grad, who is either too ignorant or too cowardly to question your masters.

Don't you agree?

Here are a few that I would point to.....

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.
If you were ever energetic enough to read them, or similar books, I'd go so far at to bet your posts would at least be more informative.....and, you might even reverse your perspective.

I'm an eternal optimist.

Yeah not quite. Not even close. I've gone to 4 different universities/colleges, 3 of which are major universities, including a degree in a very important part of government (Criminal Justice), and with a minor in a field that is also a very important aspect of government (Police Studies).

Everyone here knows you are nothing more than a cut and paste expert, and there is no way to prove you read those books and didn't just Google some names and cut and paste them. I showed you pictures of actual books I OWN. You want me to post more? You want me to write you a little note in the picture too, to prove the picture is mine?

Are you sure you want to compare educational resumes????

If you'd like me to provide notes from the books noted....say so. alma mater has the best fight song in the nation!
Now...focus like a laser: was there collusion between Trump and Moscow to make him President?

Take your time....and consider all available evidence.

Have a cup of black coffee before you answer.
Where is the Dirty Clinton Dossier Putin Wrote for The Trump Campaign? It simply does not exist.

And your evidence that Putin wrote the Steele your imagination.

For crying out loud, you have anything more than this one trick? As you're citing your imagination again and again, while ignoring the actual evidence, the *actual* testimony before Congress. The actual order from the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

This is why its so hard to have a rational discussion with conservatives. As when presented with facts and evidence, they keep trying to counter with whatever hapless nonsense they can make up.

Predictably, backed by nothing.

This is the bottom line, from page 4 of this thread:
If Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

This is what Trump did:

bombed Russians in Syria killing hundreds
enforced the red line in Syria
Signed $700 billion in DoD funding to rebuild our military in 2018, the largest amount in history.
increased US cyber and space capabilities
NATO Member Poland Agrees to Buy and Deploy the U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System
Called out the Russian government for its malicious cyber activity targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including failed attempts on the energy sector.
Proposed Patriot Act change that prohibits Latvia’s ABLV bank, which launders illicit Russian funds, from opening or maintaining accounts in the US.
Announced Russia Magnitsky Sanctions and Global Magnitsky Sanctions respectively.
Imposed export controls against two Russian companies that were helping Russia to develop missiles that violate the INF Treaty.
In response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, the Trump Administration sanctioned 100 targets
Continues to take a direct approach to confront Russia where it threatens our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
Imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals that were previously indicted for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Imposed sanctions against two Russian intelligence agencies and six senior Russian intelligence officials for their significant efforts to undermine U.S. cyber security.
New National Security Strategy makes clear that Russian actions threaten the security of the US and our allies, and outlines steps to stop Russia’s malign interference.
Increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, billions to increase U.S. troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
Enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
Working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Announced the closure of a Russian consulate and two diplomatic annexes in response to Russia’s cutting of the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
Attributed the worldwide NotPetya cyber-attack to the Russian military.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on U.S. government computers due to Kaspersky ties to Russian intelligence.
Charged three Russians, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with criminal charges for the 2014 Yahoo hack.
Maintained the closure of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This is what the dems and Hillary did:
Created the Trump dossier to defeat Trump, and paid Russians millions. That has to be called conspiracy & collusion, if not treason.
Sold Russia 20% of US uranium via the UraniumOne scam, Hillary pocketed $145,000,000 in her foundation for that treason
Let Russia have Crimea
Let Russia invade and keep eastern Ukraine
Let Russia keep Syria, while targeting the civilian population creating a migrant crisis in the EU
Let Russia make new gas pipeline to Germany while the US pays to protect Germany from Russia????
Used the intel agencies spy on the Trump campaign, setup the Russia collusion witchhunt, AND the special counsel to create havoc in the US
Let the US defenses deteriorate due to lack of adequate funding
Used a private bathroom server to store classified data that was stolen by Russia/China

That "Putin supported Trump instead of Hillary" is blatant bullsh!t, that the Left is doing Putin's bidding against the US is undeniable.

And the debunked claim that the Steele Dossier was the basis of the Mueller investigation remains pristinely unsupported.

With PC abandoning it you and you refusing to discuss it, can we just put that steaming pile of conspiracy batshit in the rhetorical garbage pile where it belongs?
Trump firing Comey is what created the Mueller investigation

They certainly seem related timing wise. However, the most factually supported account for the appointment of the Special Counsel is in the order created by Deputy AG Rosenstein in seating the special counsel.

With Rosenstein citing Comey's testimony before Congress on March 20th, 2017.

I suspect you're right. But I can factually prove it was Comey's testimony much more readily with the Special Counsel appointment order.
Yes, and any person with common sense can see it. If a guy that gets paid MILLIONS of dollars and has worked for several politicians over the years comes to you, and says they want to run your campaign... and do it for FREE, that should have alarm bells going off all over your head.

Ohhhhhh.....I didn't get that at first!

You're not're just a fool.

Now....go sit over there, last seat dumb row.

Before you go....a little history that would enlighten a brighter fellow than you:

No foreign government can sway our elections, you dunce.

The man who the Soviets actually feared as President….and worked feverishly to defeat…..with Democrat aid, BTW.....

None other than Ronald Reagan.

Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

His book:

‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.
I highly recommend it.

Mitrokhin outlines the full-court press that the Soviet power structure used to prevent a Reagan presidency….with, of course the joyful aid of such Democrat luminaries as Ted Kennedy.
“…chairman of the KGB….all foreign intelligence officers….active measures to ensure Reagan’s defeat….”
Mitrokhin, Op. Cit., p. 243

“Reagan won a forty-nine state landslide. The entire Soviet government, working hand-in-hand with [the Democrat hierarchy] and America’s most influential newspaper, couldn’t put a dent a US election…”
Coulter, “Resistance Is Futile,”p. 44-45

Only a complete imbecile would believe the Democrat fairy tale.

Still imagine 'the Russians engineered Trump's win'????????????

What would you do if you had to think for yourself instead of cutting and pasting other people's opinions?

OK, moron.....did you imagine (I almost said 'think') that the quotes are selected at random, rather than carefully culled and selected from my immense mental library????

Stick to trying to refute what I post, rather than carping about how it is presented.

No I KNOW you just put keywords into Google to pull whatever quotes fit the agenda your mind gets from whatever Far right news source you use. I've busted so many posts on here the last few days that don't take the time to actually check varying news sources on stories it isn't even funny. You are no different.

Let me repeat this for you. Trump's LAWYER, John Dowd called Trump a fucking liar and quit.

Really, you moron....

Did you read this book:

The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

I did.

I have a real education, unlike you government school grads.
Proof of education??? Schools & degrees????
You know you are getting desperate when you try to change the subject.
That dossier has never been disproved.

Nor has it ever been proven legitimate.
Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier

Yeah, I get it, ya got nothin'.....Your link proves nothing at all other than there was a dossier compiled by a British spy at the behest of Hillary Clinton. There is no there, there. Get used to it.
You know you are getting desperate when you try to change the subject.
That dossier has never been disproved.

Nor has it ever been proven legitimate.
Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier

Yeah, I get it, ya got nothin'.....Your link proves nothing at all other than there was a dossier compiled by a British spy at the behest of Hillary Clinton. There is no there, there. Get used to it.
Hillary never had anything to do with it

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