Dr. Anthony Fauci has indeed violated the Hippocratic Oath


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Part of the Classic Version of the Hippocratic Oath commands a doctor to

“ … apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.”

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

And in the ancient Hippocratic Oath which physicians took, they are instructed, “Prima non nocere” — above all else, don’t harm the patient!

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which may predictable result from his advice.

And what was Fauci’s advice? See: 'I don't understand why' every state hasn't issued stay-at-home orders

In addition he told the American People:

"Please, put off, cancel elective medical and surgical procedures. You don't want to not ever do them, but for the time being, don't do them. Because they also not only consume personal protective equipment, they may also consume some of the things like ventilators that they might need,” NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said. LINK

So tell us Dr. Fauci, by advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed. And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of your advice, during which time early cancer could have been detected?

And what about the increase in suicides, drug overdose deaths and domestic violence which has resulted from your advice to enforce a shelter in place order . . . has your advice not resulted in predictable and various forms of harm to the patient?

Had you actually paid attention to your Oath, Dr. Fauci, your advice would have been far different than a stay at home order. You would have advised that those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus should be contained by a stay at home order and cared for, while those less susceptible ought to practice enhanced protective measures i.e., masks, distancing, handwashing, etc. Indeed, this advice would not have allowed the devastating harm that your advice has inflicted on the patient, and it would have allowed heard immunity to build up while scientific research could produce treatments, vaccines, and test detections. But instead, you choose to ignore your Oath and recommended a medicine far worse than the disease. And for that you should be shunned and ignored henceforth.

Fauci is a lifelong political hack, and more then that, a lifelong leftist political operative! Trump walked right into coup d' tat number three courtesy of Fauci's subterfuge at NIH, and CDC... Folks, the whole idea behind the CCP/democratic party bio attack was shutting down the United States economy, an utterly ruthless attack upon the nation where its entirely likely millions will never, ever recover from it! I can assure you Fauci is doing the bidding of Obama and his billionaire buddies, and what those billionaire buddies and Obama want is the United States dead and out of the way of China.....
Fauci is a lifelong political hack, and more then that, a lifelong leftist political operative! Trump walked right into coup d' tat number three courtesy of Fauci's subterfuge at NIH, and CDC... Folks, the whole idea behind the CCP/democratic party bio attack was shutting down the United States economy, an utterly ruthless attack upon the nation where its entirely likely millions will never, ever recover from it! I can assure you Fauci is doing the bidding of Obama and his billionaire buddies, and what those billionaire buddies and Obama want is the United States dead and out of the way of China.....
part of me wants to go YEA and run with this.

only, most of the entire free world shut down; so in order for this to work, you have to have all these other countries shut down to give us an illusion it was necessary.

this isn't to say Fauci is any good - would take research to dig in not my emotions saying yes or not to take the easy road. this is to say it's stupid to think the plot was to have us shut down to attack trump.

now did the left maximize the value here of the event? yep. they tried to but that doesn't mean they started it for xyz effect.
A couple of things about Fauci's testimony today.

1. If the Divider-in-Chief was planning on Repub senators acting like fawning sycophants (remember Don refused to let Fauci testify before the House) he must have been sorely disappointed. They asked pertinent questions. Perhaps they are concerned with hooking their wagons too tightly to the guy who recommended swilling bleach as a COVID treatment.

2. Fauci gave some very dire warnings about an uncontrollable second wave of COVID if the CDC protocols Trump has encouraged states to ignore do in fact continue to be ignored.
The facts are...that 36 million Americans have lost their jobs and incomes because Fauci and Scientists like him
cannot do their job. It isn't the job of some waitress in Idaho or ranch hand in Texas, or some farmer in
Iowa to develop a vaccine or treatments for a virus. It is the job of our Doctors and scientists to do that.

If he cannot do his job, he needs to be terminated and someone elese given the opportunity and paycheck
to do it.
Dr. Fauci is the typical liberal who says "how can you be sick? I feel fine!"
A couple of things about Fauci's testimony today.

1. If the Divider-in-Chief was planning on Repub senators acting like fawning sycophants (remember Don refused to let Fauci testify before the House) he must have been sorely disappointed. They asked pertinent questions. Perhaps they are concerned with hooking their wagons too tightly to the guy who recommended swilling bleach as a COVID treatment.

2. Fauci gave some very dire warnings about an uncontrollable second wave of COVID if the CDC protocols Trump has encouraged states to ignore do in fact continue to be ignored.
So keep hiding under your bed, like the craven fucking coward that you are, and let the rest of us get on with living.
Part of the Classic Version of the Hippocratic Oath commands a doctor to

“ … apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.”

A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath requires a doctor “… that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”

And in the ancient Hippocratic Oath which physicians took, they are instructed, “Prima non nocere” — above all else, don’t harm the patient!

Unfortunately, our beloved Dr. Fauci’s advice, and silence in some cases, has set the stage for his patient, the American People, to suffer and endure enormous harm, which he has brazenly attempted to justify by repeatedly saying he doesn’t give economic advice. And yet, his very oath requires him to take cognizance of economic problems which may predictable result from his advice.

And what was Fauci’s advice? See: 'I don't understand why' every state hasn't issued stay-at-home orders

In addition he told the American People:

"Please, put off, cancel elective medical and surgical procedures. You don't want to not ever do them, but for the time being, don't do them. Because they also not only consume personal protective equipment, they may also consume some of the things like ventilators that they might need,” NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said. LINK

So tell us Dr. Fauci, by advising elective medical procedures like mammograms, colonoscopies, and PSA tests, to come to a halt, how many early detected cancers have gone unnoticed. And how many scheduled dental cleanings were suspended, because of your advice, during which time early cancer could have been detected?

And what about the increase in suicides, drug overdose deaths and domestic violence which has resulted from your advice to enforce a shelter in place order . . . has your advice not resulted in predictable and various forms of harm to the patient?

Had you actually paid attention to your Oath, Dr. Fauci, your advice would have been far different than a stay at home order. You would have advised that those most susceptible to the deadly effects of the virus should be contained by a stay at home order and cared for, while those less susceptible ought to practice enhanced protective measures i.e., masks, distancing, handwashing, etc. Indeed, this advice would not have allowed the devastating harm that your advice has inflicted on the patient, and it would have allowed heard immunity to build up while scientific research could produce treatments, vaccines, and test detections. But instead, you choose to ignore your Oath and recommended a medicine far worse than the disease. And for that you should be shunned and ignored henceforth.

Ah yes- all part of the ongoing efforts to blame anyone other than Donald Trump.

The Trumpkins want to blame China, Fauci, 'the Deep State', science, medicine, Democrats, Obama- anyone to deflect from any criticism of their Dear Leader.
Dr. Fauci is the typical liberal who says "how can you be sick? I feel fine!"

Yea the guy appointed by Reagan and given a Medal fo Freedom by Bush...

Fucking Liberal...
Bush was as big a fraud of a republican as anyone, like Romney or McWeasel.

Especially when he knew early-on that derivatives in the housing market were not kosher, and did nothing about it. That led to the 2008 financial meltdown.
He lacked balls, no less balls O' Steel!
A couple of things about Fauci's testimony today.

1. If the Divider-in-Chief was planning on Repub senators acting like fawning sycophants (remember Don refused to let Fauci testify before the House) he must have been sorely disappointed. They asked pertinent questions. Perhaps they are concerned with hooking their wagons too tightly to the guy who recommended swilling bleach as a COVID treatment.

2. Fauci gave some very dire warnings about an uncontrollable second wave of COVID if the CDC protocols Trump has encouraged states to ignore do in fact continue to be ignored.
So keep hiding under your bed, like the craven fucking coward that you are, and let the rest of us get on with living.
Now if only his posting device was contaminated and he had to stop posting...
Fauci is a lifelong political hack, and more then that, a lifelong leftist political operative! Trump walked right into coup d' tat number three courtesy of Fauci's subterfuge at NIH, and CDC... Folks, the whole idea behind the CCP/democratic party bio attack was shutting down the United States economy, an utterly ruthless attack upon the nation where its entirely likely millions will never, ever recover from it! I can assure you Fauci is doing the bidding of Obama and his billionaire buddies, and what those billionaire buddies and Obama want is the United States dead and out of the way of China.....

Didn't Fauci, back in January, claim the Coronavirus was not a major threat to the people of the United States?

Fauci is a lifelong political hack, and more then that, a lifelong leftist political operative! Trump walked right into coup d' tat number three courtesy of Fauci's subterfuge at NIH, and CDC... Folks, the whole idea behind the CCP/democratic party bio attack was shutting down the United States economy, an utterly ruthless attack upon the nation where its entirely likely millions will never, ever recover from it! I can assure you Fauci is doing the bidding of Obama and his billionaire buddies, and what those billionaire buddies and Obama want is the United States dead and out of the way of China.....

Didn't Fauci, back in January, claim the Coronavirus was not a major threat to the people of the United States?

That is correct, he also stated that masks were more harmful then not, then 180'd to must have them in public! Folks, especially you few democrats who actually have a mind, they are gaming us, this isn't about winning an election, its plainly obvious, plainly so, the game is the total take down of the United States, the democratic party and their CCP masters are clearly embarked upon that precise course.
Fauci is a lifelong political hack, and more then that, a lifelong leftist political operative! Trump walked right into coup d' tat number three courtesy of Fauci's subterfuge at NIH, and CDC... Folks, the whole idea behind the CCP/democratic party bio attack was shutting down the United States economy, an utterly ruthless attack upon the nation where its entirely likely millions will never, ever recover from it! I can assure you Fauci is doing the bidding of Obama and his billionaire buddies, and what those billionaire buddies and Obama want is the United States dead and out of the way of China.....
part of me wants to go YEA and run with this.

only, most of the entire free world shut down; so in order for this to work, you have to have all these other countries shut down to give us an illusion it was necessary.

this isn't to say Fauci is any good - would take research to dig in not my emotions saying yes or not to take the easy road. this is to say it's stupid to think the plot was to have us shut down to attack trump.

now did the left maximize the value here of the event? yep. they tried to but that doesn't mean they started it for xyz effect.
Most of the world is not free! Obama and his billionaire buddies, along with the democratic party, admire China's system of fascism and are intent on ramming it down our throats, indeed they are ramming it down our throats... I don't see how a single intelligent human with a three digit IQ could fail to see covid-19 for exactly what it is, a naked power grab, a massive coup d' tat. Three months ago Trump, arrogant primadonna that he is, was leading the United States into being the greatest economic power in human history, the US economy under Trump's stewardship had raced by China's command & control toy like a .45 ACP through paper.

This is exactly what China, Obama, and his billionaire buddies did not want, Obama had obviously served up the United States and its technocracy to the communists on a platter, far far worse then anything we had previously thought possible even considering Obama's naked treason with Iran and the 150 billion he handed over to them, or his Arab spring treason intended to ring in Israel with an emergent and revolutionary Islamic caliphate. China didn't hack into Boeing, Lockheed Martin, or General Dynamics, they didn't have to, Obama, and his dear lesbian Secretary of State handed it all over to them on a platter, in exchange of course for money for themselves, and permanent lordship over us, the permanent serf class.....

Three months ago China and the democratic party were dead on arrival, today the United States is dead, and make absolutely no mistake about it, the democratic party conspired with communist China to make that happen! Three months ago democrats hadn't a hope in red hot hell of running against Trump and the US economy. Just what do you think the odds were for the absolute perfect set of circumstances to come together and make that little obstacle vaporize like Vic's on a school kids chest??? Tens of billions to one, maybe hundreds of billions to one a natural event would magically erupt and kill it off. In other words, it was impossible, and it is impossible, it was an intentional bio weapon release, except China didn't do this on their own, no they had ample help from the DNC and CIA...... Checkmate!
Dr. Fauci is the typical liberal who says "how can you be sick? I feel fine!"

Yea the guy appointed by Reagan and given a Medal fo Freedom by Bush...

Fucking Liberal...
Bush was as big a fraud of a republican as anyone, like Romney or McWeasel.

Sorry, But anyone who disagrees with Trump is a fraud in your book...

Reagan was about opening borders - Fraud
Bush 1 increased taxes - Fraud
Bush 2 - Fraud
McCain got caught -Fraud
Romney - Fraud

GOP seem to be great at picking Frauds...

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