Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office

Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

:biggrin: :laugh:
Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
Speaking AS a Native American, when I read all of these comments I do not see it as these people making fun of or mocking Native Americans but instead making fun of the elitist lying 'Pale Face' whose ancestors killed many of us off, stole our land, and who now want to steal our heritage / culture / race as a 'badge of honor' to get some special recognition.

As I said already, Warren claiming to be of Native American ancestry is not 'cute', it is not 'funny' - it is racially offensive.
But wait, we saved one. NOW how much would you pay?

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
Have you even wondered why she refuses to do a DNA test? Of course you haven't

Of course we have, morons like you have brought this up before and been told outright that (A), DNA tests do not show ethnicity (unless you believe Irish is the same as Serbian which is what mine indicated) and much more importantly, (B) NOBODY OWES YOU A FUCKING DNA TEST in the first place, arrogant bitch.

Does this site "demand" you submit a fucking DNA test to take a name with "Irish" in it? Think about it, Dumbass.

'Stolen Valor'? Now we have 'Stolen Ancestry'..... It's all good...as long as a Democrat is doing it. :p
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
Speaking AS a Native American, when I read all of these comments I do not see it as these people making fun of or mocking Native Americans but instead making fun of the elitist lying 'Pale Face' whose ancestors killed many of us off, stole our land, and who now want to steal our heritage / culture / race as a 'badge of honor' to get some special recognition.

As I said already, Warren claiming to be of Native American ancestry is not 'cute', it is not 'funny' - it is racially offensive.

I couldn't agree more.

My great grandmother on my Mom's side was a full blooded Cherokee so I'm part Native American.

I detest anyone who claims to be what they are not.
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.

Let Mueller finish his job before people demand he be removed.

If he has committed crimes he needs to be held responsible for his actions.

If he's taken out of office any other way than through the vote of the people, trump will not have to face any consequences from our federal government for his crimes.

pence will pardon him and anyone else involved.

If that happens the only way he can be brought to justice is if it's done on the state level.

The best thing we can do for our nation is to vote. Not just yourself but get everyone you know to vote and get them to get everyone they know to vote and so on. Help people to get to the polls to vote.

We can elect a congress that will put some checks and balances on that man. All it takes is to get everyone to vote. A congress that actually follows the constitution with putting those checks and balances on him will help to keep our nation safe from the worst of his damage until 2020 when we can vote him out of office. Once out of office then he can and should face justice for all if his crimes.

We need to stop with the policy of letting politicians get away with serious crimes. No one is above the law. Especially those in our government and including our president.
But I truly believe that Trump is mentally unfit to be POTUS.

Based on what specifically? What specific action has Trump taken that would justify removing a president duly elected by the people? You realize its you who appears bat shit crazy right?

One has to browse back quite a ways to find a question actually on the topic. Amazing. But thank you, this is an easy one.

"What specific action has Rump taken that would justify removing a President" --- how's 'bout continuous existence in a disreality world of self-delusion where "I got more votes than anybody since Reagan", where "I got more done than anybody since Truman", where "thousands and thousands of people dance on rooftops, I saw it on TV", where "it wasn't raining", where "would" means "wouldn't", where "O'bama tapppped my wires", where you can fire the FBI chief because the course of the job he's supposed to do might implicate you. If you think that's the world of "sanity", you've never seen it.
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
Speaking AS a Native American, when I read all of these comments I do not see it as these people making fun of or mocking Native Americans but instead making fun of the elitist lying 'Pale Face' whose ancestors killed many of us off, stole our land, and who now want to steal our heritage / culture / race as a 'badge of honor' to get some special recognition.

As I said already, Warren claiming to be of Native American ancestry is not 'cute', it is not 'funny' - it is racially offensive.

I couldn't agree more.

My great grandmother on my Mom's side was a full blooded Cherokee so I'm part Native American.

I detest anyone who claims to be what they are not.

And you have no way to know that that is the case here.
Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya?
But wait, we saved one. NOW how much would you pay?

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
Have you even wondered why she refuses to do a DNA test? Of course you haven't

Of course we have, morons like you have brought this up before and been told outright that (A), DNA tests do not show ethnicity (unless you believe Irish is the same as Serbian which is what mine indicated) and much more importantly, (B) NOBODY OWES YOU A FUCKING DNA TEST in the first place, arrogant bitch.

Does this site "demand" you submit a fucking DNA test to take a name with "Irish" in it? Think about it, Dumbass.

'Stolen Valor'? Now we have 'Stolen Ancestry'.....

Yuh huh. Now PROVE that.

This oughta be good.
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
Speaking AS a Native American, when I read all of these comments I do not see it as these people making fun of or mocking Native Americans but instead making fun of the elitist lying 'Pale Face' whose ancestors killed many of us off, stole our land, and who now want to steal our heritage / culture / race as a 'badge of honor' to get some special recognition.

As I said already, Warren claiming to be of Native American ancestry is not 'cute', it is not 'funny' - it is racially offensive.

I couldn't agree more.

My great grandmother on my Mom's side was a full blooded Cherokee so I'm part Native American.

I detest anyone who claims to be what they are not.

And you have no way to know that that is the case here.
Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya?

And you do??

Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya??
You can’t remove a President with the 25th because you lost the election

No, but his cabinet can if they think he's not capable of doing his job. And if he's really as ignorant and random as the op-ed suggests, they should.
Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
It's kind of hard to have a serious discussion about someone who is out of their mind. Warren is an idiot. And I'm not a democrat, so I wouldn't go to a cross burning..
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.

You are awful, and you just don't get it. Warren is doing more harm than good. Did you modify my quote to delete a real pic of a pow-wow dancer? Seriously? That is against forum rules.

What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage
What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage

"She could be the teaching moment America desperately needs by simply and humbly admitting she was wrong."
Last edited:
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.

You are awful, and you just don't get it. Warren is doing more harm than good. Did you modify my quote to delete a real pic of a pow-wow dancer? Seriously? That is against forum rules.

What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage
What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage

If she really is part native American a simple blood test will prove it.

Has she had one??
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.

You are awful, and you just don't get it. Warren is doing more harm than good. Did you modify my quote to delete a real pic of a pow-wow dancer? Seriously? That is against forum rules.

What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage
What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage

I didn't "delete" anything. The software only allows so many quotes so you have to store them offline and bring them back, at which point the images don't always reappear. I'll be happy to go fix it since it only makes you look worse.
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Maybe he doesn't get out much.

How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
Speaking AS a Native American, when I read all of these comments I do not see it as these people making fun of or mocking Native Americans but instead making fun of the elitist lying 'Pale Face' whose ancestors killed many of us off, stole our land, and who now want to steal our heritage / culture / race as a 'badge of honor' to get some special recognition.

As I said already, Warren claiming to be of Native American ancestry is not 'cute', it is not 'funny' - it is racially offensive.

I couldn't agree more.

My great grandmother on my Mom's side was a full blooded Cherokee so I'm part Native American.

I detest anyone who claims to be what they are not.

And you have no way to know that that is the case here.
Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya?

And you do??

Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya??

I don't speak in absolutes, Chunkycheeks. I don't declare negatives that I can't prove. As you just did.

Yuh huh. Now PROVE that. This oughta be good.
So a lily-white elitist politician with no historical record or evidence that she is of Native American Ancestry can simply claim to be of Native American descent, and as long as she is a Democrat you are good with that?!


Dude, I AM Native American, looks, evidence, DNA - it's obvious. I don't have to prove anything.

Lily-white Warren? She's a different story! IMO, she is of Native American descent when she can PROVE she is. You buy her un-proven BS all you want based on her word alone. Good luck with that
Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.
Speaking AS a Native American, when I read all of these comments I do not see it as these people making fun of or mocking Native Americans but instead making fun of the elitist lying 'Pale Face' whose ancestors killed many of us off, stole our land, and who now want to steal our heritage / culture / race as a 'badge of honor' to get some special recognition.

As I said already, Warren claiming to be of Native American ancestry is not 'cute', it is not 'funny' - it is racially offensive.

I couldn't agree more.

My great grandmother on my Mom's side was a full blooded Cherokee so I'm part Native American.

I detest anyone who claims to be what they are not.

And you have no way to know that that is the case here.
Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya?

And you do??

Think about it.

Buy a lot of bullshit do ya??

I don't speak in absolutes, Chunkycheeks. I don't declare negatives that I can't prove. As you just did.


Reads like absolutes to me. Shit for brains.

Yuh huh. Now PROVE that. This oughta be good.
So a lily-white elitist politician with no historical record or evidence that she is of Native American Ancestry can simply claim to be of Native American descent, and as long as she is a Democrat you are good with that?!


Dude, I AM Native American, looks, evidence, DNA - it's obvious. I don't have to prove anything.

Lily-white Warren? She's a different story! IMO, she is of Native American descent when she can PROVE she is. You buy her un-proven BS all you want based on her word alone. Good luck with that

Ol Pogo doesn't think he speaks in absolutes about something he can't prove but he sure sounds like he is sure she's NA.

He is a dumbass.
Like CNN, Warren will double-down on her lies until her last dying breath.

Who gives a crap - NO ONE actually REALLY believes her claim.

In the end, what does she think she will really get out of claiming to be a Native American? Being a woman not enough of a 'card' to play when most opportune for her?
Fauxahontas on war path

Squaw do-um war dance?

Oh Noez! Liawatha send smoke signal that panties wedged in heap big ass!

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
Shitforbrains says being an Indian is racist.
Maybe he doesn't get out much.

Squaw do-um war dance?
Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
How can it be racist? She's not Native Ametican

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.

Alternate thread title...Liz Warren goes on the warpath.
"Liz Warren Goes Off The Reservation..."

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?
I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
View attachment 215074

Is she an albino Indian or something?

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.

Fauxahontas needs to do the country a favor and go play on a freeway.
I agree!
That's the point....that Fauxahontas is a pathetic joke!
Go away woman!!!!!!!!!!!!shoooooooooooooooo

Warren's fake claim of being part native American is not 'funny' or 'amusing'. Speaking AS a native American, it is racially offensive.

that's that ok?

The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.
Well for people like Pocahantas any evidence will do even if its by ANOYMOUS. Who cares if its a pack of lies. She sure doesn't.
What a moron.

Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.

You are awful, and you just don't get it. Warren is doing more harm than good. Did you modify my quote to delete a real pic of a pow-wow dancer? Seriously? That is against forum rules.

What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage
What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage

I didn't "delete" anything. The software only allows so many quotes so you have to store them offline and bring them back, at which point the images don't always reappear. I'll be happy to go fix it since it only makes you look worse.

Fine, I'll accept that, however, you failed to address the bigger issue, the one from the media for Native Americans in the link, the simple point the article makes about Sen. Warren;

What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage
What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage

"She could be the teaching moment America desperately needs by simply and humbly admitting she was wrong."
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.
/——/ Squaw Pocahontas heap big pain in ass.
Fine, I'll accept that, however, you failed to address the bigger issue, the one from the media for Native Americans in the link, the simple point the article makes about Sen. Warren;

What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage
What’s Really at Stake in the Debate over Sen. Warren’s Claim to Native American Heritage

"She could be the teaching moment America desperately needs by simply and humbly admitting she was wrong."

I was about to say Democrats do not apologize - they issue retractions, edit the articles, occasionally fire a reporter or two, double-down on the lie, etc....but that is not exactly 100% true.

Brennan was FORCED to appear before Congress and admit that he and the CIA had illegally spied on the US Senate and had committed Felony Perjury by lying to Congress under oath about it in order to avoid being indicted for his Perjury. When backed into a corner and left with no other option, Democrats will occasionally apologize.


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