Excellent! Trump Will Not Invite Democrats Or Media To First State Dinner

Democrats wanted to be invited so they could make a big production of refusing, then make the talk show rounds of talking about refusing. The media would scrutinize how Trump holds a fork and run for the headlines if he has two scoops of ice cream.

It was pure wisdom to tell these imbeciles they aren't wanted.
Wow.....................so only 4 members of Congress are going to be there, the other 146 people invited are going to be private business owners.

Trump is gonna try to sell out this country.
Funny from an Obama supporter who Obama, did try to sell out the US, to fucking illegals and Muslims.
Democrats wanted to be invited so they could make a big production of refusing, then make the talk show rounds of talking about refusing. The media would scrutinize how Trump holds a fork and run for the headlines if he has two scoops of ice cream.

It was pure wisdom to tell these imbeciles they aren't wanted.
It was pure wisdom to tell these imbeciles they aren't wanted.
I don't want them either, but the dumbass liberal voters keep putting the schmucks back in.
Good. When they start supporting the US, they will be welcome again.

Trump has not invited Democrats, media to state dinner: report

Trump makes Fidel Castro look democratic.
Go crawl back in your Tepee, Injun.
Everyone leaves the joke dinner ....as usual Trump shows Europe that he trusts Putin over American press and Democrats...
Trump will get 2 scoops of ice cream ...he can't help but embarrass himself..
Oh didn't they have clown's there making baloon doogies for the guests to take home..what a circus.

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Wow.....................so only 4 members of Congress are going to be there, the other 146 people invited are going to be private business owners.

Trump is gonna try to sell out this country.
Draining the swamp indeed.
I've never had a dinner at my house where I invited my enemies, nor have
I ever been invited to one where the host didn't like me.

If I am interested in making the country MAGA...I'm going to invite people
who will do just that...The Private Sector.

Only they can Make America Great Again. For the foreign Countries...well
you're gonna have to act like an ally to get invited. No phonies will be allowed.
Enemies that see things differently from overseas, I might invite as a way of talking to them under favorable conditions, in hopes of altering some of their

The MSM will go about bad mouthing anybody that does show up to
run interference for America's favorite Jig, Obama.
Good,fuck then pussy Demorats, Pelosi dentures would fall out chewing on a chicken bone.
Now I'm wondering who the 140+ people are who ARE attending. I never really thought about the invite list to a state dinner before. Diplomats? (Do we have 140 members of the State Department left?) A lot of Macron's people, obviously.
I wonder why he didn't have a state dinner for PM Abe, who has been here twice? Perhaps he prefers the cuisine at Mar a Lago.
Anyway, I hope we still get to see the ladies' gowns. The only good part, anyway.

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My bad, thought once you became president you worked for all the people, not just those that like you.
My bad, thought once you became president you worked for all the people, not just those that like you.
It is HIS dinner. Give the guy a break.
That's one big table, huh? 150 people? They got a kiddie table or what? There can't be a room in the WH big enough for a table that seats 75 on each side. You sure wouldn't want to have to pass the salt.
Now I'm wondering about all kinds of stuff.
By the time the last folks get served, the first served are ready for dessert. Unless there are a bazillion waiters, which would be great. The staff (not the aides) at the WH are the unsung heros. They never bitch about who they're serving or picking up after, do they?

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