Explaining Conservatives

To be accurate, they prefer leaders who confirm their phantom fears, if someone does that on a regular basis rather than tell them the truth and make them feel stupid they will follow them off a cliff.

I find it laughable that people who are not conservatives are trying to define them.

The first big mistake (as is always the case when talking about a group such as conservatives or liberals) is to assume they all think the same.

I make no apologies for being a conservative.

And I certainly don't find anything that has been stated here to be very close to what I am.

They are also very bad at taking a good hard critical look at themselves and their beliefs preferring to hold tight to treasured misconceptions long after they are proven inaccurate. True story.

And, speaking of "misconceptions long after they are proven inaccurate," ....

....did you vote for Obama?
If conservatives are so good at thinking and speaking for themselves, why are they content to let the author of this thread appoint herself their spokesperson?
Here's some recent damage inflicted on this country......

“...the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession | The Weekly Standard

Did you know Obama isn't a Republican?

True story.

Glad to see you will be supporting a raise of the minimum wage.

Well....would that help pay for your meds?

what do you suggest to fix this problem you brought up oh christiany one?
How are you going to raise the incomes of most Americans?

your so concerned about it whats your fix beautiful blonde woman who wears Jesus like a piece of flair?
How are you going to raise the incomes of most Americans?

your so concerned about it whats your fix beautiful blonde woman who wears Jesus like a piece of flair?

Now wait right there while I get my Rosetta Stone to translate that into English!
If conservatives are so good at thinking and speaking for themselves, why are they content to let the author of this thread appoint herself their spokesperson?

Probably abandoned the thread already because of the pointless off-topic bickering.
1. "What I mean is that he has no political principles which enable him to work with people whose moral values differ from his own..."

"President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it."
President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

2. "Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles,..."

"Rep. Goodlatte: Obama Rewriting Laws, Ignoring Constitution"
Rep. Goodlatte: Obama Rewriting Laws, Ignoring Constitution

3. "...to the liberal neither moral nor religious ideals are proper objects of coercion, while both conservatives and socialists recognize no such limits."

"Obama: 'If Congress Won't Act, I Will'"
Obama: 'If Congress Won't Act, I Will' | Video - ABC News

4. " the conservative position rests on the belief that in any society there are recognizably superior persons whose inherited standards and values and position ought to be protected and who should have a greater influence on public affairs than others."

"I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."
Obama: I?m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers | AEIdeas

Gee, BoringFriendlessGuy.....

...that sure was a stupid quote for you to choose.....

You made it seem like you believe Obama is a conservative, huh?

Pretty much. Obama is not a liberal. The liberals in the party have been shut out on health care, justice department policy and other issues. Obama has tried hard to appeal to conservatives. People who would never vote for him.

" Obama is not a liberal."

I heard you took an IQ test and they said you're results were negative.

I see why.

Your usual haughty reply. Why are you so insecure PC? Why didn't you address anything Hayek said PC???
How are you going to raise the incomes of most Americans?

your so concerned about it whats your fix beautiful blonde woman who wears Jesus like a piece of flair?

the fact that you would think that government should be responsible for raising the incomes of most americans just reveals who and what you really are.

Why not just give every american citizen 100K per year? same income for every job, same for sick people and old people who are not able to work, same for doctors and garbage collectors, same for congressmen and corporate CEOS.

100K for every citizen. OK? like that idea?

Now, if that were the case, who would do the hard and dirty jobs? in fact if income was guaranteed, who would bother working?

you libs never think anything all the way through. It just feeeeeeeeeeeeeels like the right thing to do, right?
dear idiot,

this country has a minimum wage.

You didn't win the battle to make it not so.


The American people want the minimum wage we do have raised.

go get the votes to end it.

Until then face that it can be raised by the people through representation.

why is it the people cant have what they want?

because republicans don't want to do what the people want.

they don't like Democracy.

they want chaos

the corps like chaos in government.

They want it limping along feebly so they can milk it for everything they want.

why are you on their side instead of the people side?
dear idiot,

this country has a minimum wage.

You didn't win the battle to make it not so.


The American people want the minimum wage we do have raised.

go get the votes to end it.

Until then face that it can be raised by the people through representation.

why is it the people cant have what they want?

because republicans don't want to do what the people want.

they don't like Democracy.

they want chaos

the corps like chaos in government.

They want it limping along feebly so they can milk it for everything they want.

why are you on their side instead of the people side?

Dear Idiot:

What happens when the minimum wage is raised? Lets just use fast food workers since you libs always bring them up. Lets use McDonalds as an example.

1. When the burger flippers get more money what does the McDonalds have to do? a. raise the price of a big mac or b. hire fewer burger flippers. Remember, the restaurant cannot remain in business if it does not make a profit.

2. When burgers go up in price, they sell fewer burgers so they need fewer workers.

3. When those workers go on unemployment WE have to pay their living expenses.

There is always a reaction to every action. You cannot raise pay without some other impacts.

Its not just a matter of the evil owners taking less profit, its a matter of them going out of business and creating zero jobs.

and for the record, virtually no one is currently being paid minimum wage.

The whole thing is a bullshit argument put forth by liars in the lib media.
If conservatives are so good at thinking and speaking for themselves, why are they content to let the author of this thread appoint herself their spokesperson?

Please point out where she appointed herself our spokesperson ?

It's so funny that all the so-called rebukes all sound the same. Yet, that is what you are whining about.

But that is all lost on you.
we should be winning all the elections huh if there is more of us.

why did the scotus not save your party last year?

Because the SCOTUS wasn't given a case that would save the party and because the party doesnt need to be saved...

Why on earth would you think the SCOTUS needs to save the party?
To be accurate, they prefer leaders who confirm their phantom fears, if someone does that on a regular basis rather than tell them the truth and make them feel stupid they will follow them off a cliff.

I find it laughable that people who are not conservatives are trying to define them.

The first big mistake (as is always the case when talking about a group such as conservatives or liberals) is to assume they all think the same.

I make no apologies for being a conservative.

And I certainly don't find anything that has been stated here to be very close to what I am.

They are also very bad at taking a good hard critical look at themselves and their beliefs preferring to hold tight to treasured misconceptions long after they are proven inaccurate. True story.

Just another way of saying that because we don't agree with you (and your circuit breakers start to blow), you need to blither out your alternate reality to convince yourself it is a "true story".

Did you miss this from the OP ?

5. One more difference: insight- found more in the conservative camp than in the Liberal.
There was actually a study by Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who, until 2009, considered himself a partisan liberal.

"In “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature.
The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals.

Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."
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How are you going to raise the incomes of most Americans?

your so concerned about it whats your fix beautiful blonde woman who wears Jesus like a piece of flair?

Im not going to raise the income of most Americans. My job is to raise my own income. Just like everyone else is responsible for raising their own. Only a complete fool would depend on politicians to raise their income.
How are you going to raise the incomes of most Americans?

your so concerned about it whats your fix beautiful blonde woman who wears Jesus like a piece of flair?

Im not going to raise the income of most Americans. My job is to raise my own income. Just like everyone else is responsible for raising their own. Only a complete fool would depend on politicians to raise their income.

Does that help you with the context of this conversation ?
If conservatives are so good at thinking and speaking for themselves, why are they content to let the author of this thread appoint herself their spokesperson?

Please point out where she appointed herself our spokesperson ?

It's so funny that all the so-called rebukes all sound the same. Yet, that is what you are whining about.

But that is all lost on you.

Start with the thread title.
If conservatives are so good at thinking and speaking for themselves, why are they content to let the author of this thread appoint herself their spokesperson?

Please point out where she appointed herself our spokesperson ?

It's so funny that all the so-called rebukes all sound the same. Yet, that is what you are whining about.

But that is all lost on you.

Start with the thread title.

I don't see the term spokesperson in the title.

Let me point out that this is America and everyone is entitled to an opinion.

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