Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

now they need to clean out the squatters....i assure you if these people were black, brown or yellow they would have been gone by now
I bet not

A herd of Blacks block traffic and the entrnaces to airports and the all walk away alive and well

Whites occupy a piece of crap ranger shack in the middle of fucking nowhere and get shot
Why do you have to lie to attempt to make your point? The criminals were occupying valuable and historical buildings. The site being occupied was not a crap ranger shack. That complex is worth millions, included a museum and historical buildings.

Yeah built for millions by the idiots in government anyone else could have built it for a fifth of that

It was in the middle of fucking nowhere there was no imminent threat to the safety of the public or to the so called valuable bits of stones in the so called museum
Apparently "in the middle of nowhere", while a lie, is the RW excuse of the day.
More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....

Hey, we have 12 year olds being shot on sight because they have toy guns.

These assholes were coddled for weeks, when they should have stormed the building on day one.

Considering you are in favor of union thugs being able to threaten and beat people, your opinion is not valid.

You mean ala protester at Trump events? You mean beating and demeaning like that?

Not what I meant. But if you advocate or support that sort of crap, you have bigger issues.

Trump is a lying Bully. He has proven himself an embarrassment to this country.

No argument from me on that.
now they need to clean out the squatters....i assure you if these people were black, brown or yellow they would have been gone by now
I bet not

A herd of Blacks block traffic and the entrnaces to airports and the all walk away alive and well

Whites occupy a piece of crap ranger shack in the middle of fucking nowhere and get shot

Were the blacks armed?

Don't know don't care they were blocking public roads and the entrances and exits to private buildings as well as airports

you know things that are actual threats to public safety

Blocking roads by lying in the street is not the threat to public safety that blocking roads with armed vigilantes
Really tell that to a guy having a fucking heart attack who is waiting for an ambulance

And these white guys were in the middle of fucking nowhere

if it wasn't in the news none of you idiots nor anyone else would have known or cared and none of you were effected by it because they weren't a threat to public safety
So from your previous posts, as usual it's not about the armed idiots it's because the armed idiots were white...
Another moron who thinks federal property actually belongs to the people
Sorta like people actually thinking their property and their house is theirs:
- You buy the House / Property

- Every Year you have to pay local taxes to the government for that House you own based on the value they assign to your house that you own.

- Whenever the government decides they could make more money owning your house / land they can simply seize it and pay you whatever THEY deem it to be worth

- If you die and try to leave YOUR house to a family member the govt steps in with their hand out demanding a share of the worth of the house as it changes possession...

People need to wake up....
Then write your legislators, petition, and vote.

Yeah that works...NOT
What usually happens when you do that is you get investigated by the fucking IRS
But...but...but...that's too haaaaaard!
now they need to clean out the squatters....i assure you if these people were black, brown or yellow they would have been gone by now
I bet not

A herd of Blacks block traffic and the entrnaces to airports and the all walk away alive and well

Whites occupy a piece of crap ranger shack in the middle of fucking nowhere and get shot
Why do you have to lie to attempt to make your point? The criminals were occupying valuable and historical buildings. The site being occupied was not a crap ranger shack. That complex is worth millions, included a museum and historical buildings.

Yeah built for millions by the idiots in government anyone else could have built it for a fifth of that

It was in the middle of fucking nowhere there was no imminent threat to the safety of the public or to the so called valuable bits of stones in the so called museum
Apparently "in the middle of nowhere", while a lie, is the RW excuse of the day.

Yeah it was in the middle of a bustling metropolis


It was at least 30 miles from the nearest town
If you think any federal property belongs to the people you're even dumber than I thought and that's saying something

Who owns it, shitforbrains? Some guvmint entity? They can't even balance a fucking checkbook, and now they're property owners?

You think you own it Moron?

You don't even own your own fucking house if the government tells you you don't
No we don't

Just try to walk into a post office in the middle of the night and tell them that you own it so you have a right to get your mail whenever you want

The post office is not a federal government entity, asswipe. It's an independent agency. Try another example, stupid.
now they need to clean out the squatters....i assure you if these people were black, brown or yellow they would have been gone by now
I bet not

A herd of Blacks block traffic and the entrnaces to airports and the all walk away alive and well

Whites occupy a piece of crap ranger shack in the middle of fucking nowhere and get shot
Why do you have to lie to attempt to make your point? The criminals were occupying valuable and historical buildings. The site being occupied was not a crap ranger shack. That complex is worth millions, included a museum and historical buildings.

Yeah built for millions by the idiots in government anyone else could have built it for a fifth of that

It was in the middle of fucking nowhere there was no imminent threat to the safety of the public or to the so called valuable bits of stones in the so called museum
Apparently "in the middle of nowhere", while a lie, is the RW excuse of the day.

Yeah it was in the middle of a bustling metropolis


It was at least 30 miles from the nearest town
So that made it right????...LOL!!!
You think you own it Moron?

You don't even own your own fucking house if the government tells you you don't

Sorry - I don't follow what the government tells me to do. That's a job for stooges/flunkies like yourself.
I don't even pay taxes to support failures like you either.
Sorry to disappoint.
Suck off someone else's teat/dick.
More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....

Hey, we have 12 year olds being shot on sight because they have toy guns.

These assholes were coddled for weeks, when they should have stormed the building on day one.

Incredibly -

The protester Patrick likened Finicum’s death to the killing of Tamir Rice, an unarmed 12-year-old African American boy fatally shot by police outside a Cleveland recreation center in 2014.

I can't think of one thing the incidents have in common.
No we don't

Just try to walk into a post office in the middle of the night and tell them that you own it so you have a right to get your mail whenever you want

The post office is not a federal government entity, asswipe. It's an independent agency. Try another example, stupid.

Sorry moron but the post office is a federal government entity

According to the laws under which it now operates, the U.S. Postal Service is a semi-independent federal agency, mandated to be revenue-neutral. That is, it is supposed to break even, not make a profit.

About the US Postal Service: Agency or Private Business?

It is not a solely independent agency
They had more than enough time and leeway...fuck ém.

Don't get me wrong, THIS is the scenario that should have happened in WACO. Instead of ramming a tank through a barn wall, a barn filled with women and children, the authorities should have backed off and picked up the leader later off-site when he went to town.

'Taking' these guys off-site from the location they held was the right call. Doing so was the right thing to do...so I'm saying own up to it. Don't try to try to make it sound like this event and the shooting that ensued was an 'accident' from a 'routine' traffic stop when it wasn't. They were in the wrong, they had to be stopped / the issue had to be resolved, and it was (hopefully).
The Bundy family is threatening "retribution" very soon ...

Cliven Bundy was not available for further comment Tuesday night, but the family spokesman said the Nevada ranch militia members would seek to avenge Finicum's death “very soon.”

“There has to be retribution,” Steve Bundy said. “But we’re not going to ruin the element of surprise.”

‘There has to be retribution’: Bundy family says slain Oregon protester unarmed
He's gonna make some Black people stop picking cotton and attack the government officials with shovels and hoes...
I bet not

A herd of Blacks block traffic and the entrnaces to airports and the all walk away alive and well

Whites occupy a piece of crap ranger shack in the middle of fucking nowhere and get shot
Why do you have to lie to attempt to make your point? The criminals were occupying valuable and historical buildings. The site being occupied was not a crap ranger shack. That complex is worth millions, included a museum and historical buildings.

Yeah built for millions by the idiots in government anyone else could have built it for a fifth of that

It was in the middle of fucking nowhere there was no imminent threat to the safety of the public or to the so called valuable bits of stones in the so called museum
Apparently "in the middle of nowhere", while a lie, is the RW excuse of the day.

Yeah it was in the middle of a bustling metropolis


It was at least 30 miles from the nearest town
So that made it right????...LOL!!!

It wasn't worth killing anyone over

That's the point that sailed right over your head
You think you own it Moron?

You don't even own your own fucking house if the government tells you you don't

Sorry - I don't follow what the government tells me to do. That's a job for stooges/flunkies like yourself.
I don't even pay taxes to support failures like you either.
Sorry to disappoint.
Suck off someone else's teat/dick.

SeniorChief_Polock That makes you a criminal who lives off of those who do pay their taxes.

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