FIX News ignoring Stormy law suit against Trump

The actual lawsuit itself really doesn't deserve much public discussion.
  • The claim that the contract (the NDA) is void is highly dubious.
  • Far more credible is the claim that the contract is, by dint of one or more facts of Trump's (his attorney's) behavior subsequent to the contract's having been signed and treated as though it was valid, voidable, entirely or in part.
As goes the matter of Trump philandering, well that's not a criminal matter and, frankly, it's really a matter to be addressed between him, Daniels and Mrs. Trump. What remains to be seen is how Melania Trump responds to what now cannot credibly be denied -- that Donald did indeed, while she was caring for their newborn son, have some sort of sexual congress with at least one woman.

It seems to me, at least re: the suit's germanity as a matter of public conversation, the lawsuit is little other than a vehicle for extending Daniels' "fifteen minutes of fame." That is what it is. I won't chide Daniels for enjoying the spotlight. I will, however, accord to Daniels my derision for actively seeking the spotlight in the self aggrandizing way she has. Her taking that tack belies the fact that, at heart, she is nothing other than a crassly plebeian "social climber."

More important, as far as I'm concerned, is the criminal question her lawsuit raises: Was the hush money paid to prevent politically deleterious information from coming to light in advance of the 2016. That is well worth covering by any organization that considers itself a legitimate news outlet. It is because if the payout was made with that as part or all of its intent, doing so was illegal because the manner in which the payment was made, and that it was made, would have violated federal election laws. The timing of Trump and Daniel's intimacy and the intervening decade before the contract was effected makes it very hard to think that keeping secret the affair -- something that some, likely many, people would have considered material information about Trump -- was not part or all of the intent for the contract and the manner in which it was executed.

Stormy just wants to tell her story....Maybe Falwell Jr or Franklin Graham will give her a few minutes on Sunday?
Stormy just wants to tell her story....
I happen to think that is the primary impetus for the suit, that and to have a means to answer credibly the question she couldn't otherwise speak to: Did she sleep with Trump? She's now, for all intents and purposes, indicated in the text of her lawsuit that she did. I doubt that even Daniels would lie to a court and risk incarceration by having done so in the sworn averrances of her lawsuit. It's one thing to say "sh*t" in public, to news people and so on. It's wholly another to say those same things to a jurist when they are in fact not factually true.

She will be on all the news channels....except maybe FIX news...Melania will need to control Barron's TV viewing. The little prince may be shocked
Melania will need to control Barron's TV viewing. The little prince may be shocked
I doubt that Barron would by that revelation be shocked, but maybe he's been "living in a cave" for the past two years, but given the types of schools he's been attending, I doubt that very much. Far more likely, in my mind and judging by the way my own kids', my and my siblings' and peers' minds worked at that age (but for our being boarding school kids, we all attended schools quite similar to, and having very precocious students, Barron's), Barron wants to know whether he has a half-sibling, mothered by Daniels or another woman, of whom he has been unaware.
Are they really that slow? I can't find a word about it on their web site...
Why would Trumps sex life be newsworthy? Who cares who he fucks? I assume he fucks lots of different women.

Bill Clinton's sex life involved the Oval Office, White House employees and suborning perjury, and STILL the Democrats didn't think it was newsworthy much less important. Hell, they kind of admired him for it. And that's not even touching upon the rapes and murders.

The Ukrainian immigrant, who lives in Russia and shits on Russia. Mom paid you for the Internet?


Are they really that slow? I can't find a word about it on their web site...

No one cares about prostitutes attempting to extort money from rich men.

She wants NO MONEY. She only wants to tell her story. I am excited! Betcha Melania is also!

LMAO. She “wants no money”, except the 130k she supposedly took. Only now she was “coerced” into taking.
Stormy’s going to get an even bigger payoff than before and this time she won’t even have to boink the fat slob. Melania must be so mad she didn’t think of that first. :laugh:
Are they really that slow? I can't find a word about it on their web site...

No one cares about prostitutes attempting to extort money from rich men.

She wants NO MONEY. She only wants to tell her story. I am excited! Betcha Melania is also!

LMAO. She “wants no money”, except the 130k she supposedly took. Only now she was “coerced” into taking.

No...u have a reading deficit. She said she was coerced into signing a statement that the affair didn't happen

I want to hear it all. How long did the old Orange fart last! Did he have trouble getting it up? Are his "hands" really that small? Did he yell Melania's name during the intercourse?

ALL OF IT!!!!!
You guys sound Proud of your Pervert in Chief! Yup....the Trumpization of the GOP....

I ain't proud of Bill Clinton.

But u squirt down your leg for Benedict Donald.....
Actually, what gets me excited is watching you guys melting down
I like this news on Trump raw dogging a porn star after his wife gave birth because it will be "shoved up Evangelical ass"

Maybe she will send Falwell and Graham a video tape?
If Trump's wife can't trust him to not bring a Vietnam STD to her because the Orange Goof is a Sex pervert how3 can we trust his nasty ass with our economy
You guys sound Proud of your Pervert in Chief! Yup....the Trumpization of the GOP....

I ain't proud of Bill Clinton.

But u squirt down your leg for Benedict Donald.....
Actually, what gets me excited is watching you guys melting down
I like this news on Trump raw dogging a porn star after his wife gave birth because it will be "shoved up Evangelical ass"

Maybe she will send Falwell and Graham a video tape?
Oh man that would be very cool
If Trump's wife can't trust him to not bring a Vietnam STD to her because the Orange Goof is a Sex pervert how3 can we trust his nasty ass with our economy

We will find out when he crashes Obama's economy before the end of the year.
If Trump's wife can't trust him to not bring a Vietnam STD to her because the Orange Goof is a Sex pervert how3 can we trust his nasty ass with our economy

We will find out when he crashes Obama's economy before the end of the year.
Think of it ...the people who thought gays getting Pizza at their wedding was a violation of "The Sanctity of Marriage" voting en masses for a serial adulterer sex pervert and CREEP

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