Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

I'm sure a balloon that is being tracked and monitored by NORAD is going to drop something from 66.000 feet that will go unnoticed and wreak havoc in this country. We should have already launched nuclear missiles to Beijing, like Trump would have. Biden is weak!

Yes he is. The only reason they shot it down now is because of the publicity. If not for that they would have left the thing up there.
Yep. They got their pictures and transmitted back to home. Comrade Biden made sure of that. This balloon could have been brought down in northern Montana. Hardly any people up there. Biden and Harris should resign.

the pentagon certainly used radio jammers to be a stop to any of that.
why is this even being discussed.

US Military Fears China May Reach Balloon Wreckage Before They Can Get There – Proper Salvage Vessel Won’t Be There For Days​

how the fuck does china get to our coast before we can??

this is a treasonous offense,,
President Trump is a self-absorbed piece of shit, PERIOD.
And Biden didn’t shoot down a spy balloon until after it crossed the country and spied on us, that is incompetent. How in the hell did we vote these two clowns into office. The two parties are a joke and we need to look for better choices. We are an embarrassment to the world.
this is a treasonous offense,,

At least #51 on my list of treasonous Biden offenses. If they don't get this balloon and it sinks or it falls into China's hands first, all bets are off on who our government and military are working for anymore.

The USA watches the planet 24/7 for incoming high-altitude ICBMs, weapons and attacks from all directions, over the North Pole, from the seas, everywhere, and that balloon never should have even made it to flying over Alaska.

That thing could have been shot down most anytime over Alaska, the Yukon, British Columbia or Montana, etc., with little fear of hitting anything other than pine trees or the occasional bear or bull moose.

They had to know its location at all times and falling out of the sky a flapping piece of cloth and some instrument packages as dead weight falling from 11 miles up, what could they drift without high winds? A half mile? A mile? You telling me they couldn't find a few miles of empty space to shoot it down in Alaska, through Canada into the northern remotes of the USA?

I don't know which is worse, that they left this thing go or are such flagrantly bad liars about it to not even give a remotely plausible excuse?
Has our military sunk so low that it cannot pinpoint and take charge of such a spy satellite? I remember decades ago, the military (and media) being on site as the first space shuttle capsules arrived back on earth. Even then, they had no problems in locating and being at the ready as each one splashed down over the period of at first a few years, and then a few months. I also remember being amazed that they could find such an object in the big vast oceans.
We have been fed a major dose of b.s. from the beginning on this security encroachment on our nation. Everyone from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Biden, the pretend Commander in Chief should step down over such failures!
Our nation has never before been governed (controlled?) by such traitors within the Biden administration (not inept—for this is deliberate) as “leaders” since it’s founding. Even many of those who made policy mistakes before at least had the excuse of lack of knowledge or incorrect information for their mistakes. With this crew, you know it is pure evilness and their hate of America and all it stands for. We truly have traitors in our midst!

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