Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

The soft bigotry of significantly low expectations on the black population from democrats never ceases to amaze me. Nearly all of their rhetoric and policy points to the belief that black people are helpless and incapable of independently succeeding in life..

We conservatives think they are capable of success in America just as much as any person of any color.

Democrats need to get on board with stopping the treatment of black people as inferior
^ Another candidate for thread win. :)
You can troll me with idiotic and fallacious comments, or you can read the thread, learn something, and make an intelligent contribution.

Your choice.
Or YOU can read a little

You're touting two professors...out of a group of 13

And they did sloppy work.

They cited numerous examples and almost all of them were either born freedmen or gained their skills AFTER being freed.
So your “truth” is that slavery was a good thing for slaves?

Newsflash, Germany taught Jews to build rockets and jets. I guess that makes the Holocaust a good thing right?
Don't compare Jews and Blacks. Slavery was not a holocaust.
And, as some wit recently noted, Pompeiians may have believed the volcanic ash would be good for crops many generations later.
In my opinion, it is pure knuckleheadery to suggest slavery was a good and fine thing for the enslaved. Nutsocrazo thinking straight from the Bizarro Desk.


Since no one is saying that your post and the others like it are just stupid……..
Or YOU can read a little
I've read quite a bit on this, but thanks. :)
You're touting two professors...out of a group of 13
For the ENTIRE curriculum, yes.

My understanding is that Allen & Rice wrote this portion; do you have information which contradicts this?
And they did sloppy work.
Did they?

Or has the experience of Black Americans been recorded in such a piecemeal fashion that numerous contradictions and omissions are the rule?
They cited numerous examples and almost all of them were either born freedmen or gained their skills AFTER being freed.
No; 40% or fewer of their cites have been challenged by SOME alternate sources, but the atrocious state of recorded early Black history in the Americas leaves the door open for disagreement.

And the fact remains that enslaved Blacks applied, refined and/or acquired skills which benefitted both themselves and later humanity, some to an incredible extent.

Only a virulent racist would claim otherwise.

Your need to denigrate the accomplishments of both contemporary Black scholars AND those of enslaved Blacks is extraordinary, Lesh.

But thank you for finally making comments germane to the discussion. :)
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Irrelevant idiocy.

The curriculum - created by two Black PhDs - doesn't suggest this at all.

Read the thread.

Why do you harp on about 2 black PHDs ?
Do you feel it justifies this crap ?
Nobody from Planet Normal accepts this shit apart from racists and loons. Which one are you ?
Parents can help teach the truth about slavery. I would teach how evil slave owners were as they used torture to inflict fear and pain on their slaves so they could sit back and have others do all the work. Then id show pictures of chained up people and talk about how that was "opportunity".
Why do you harp on about 2 black PHDs ?
Why do you feel the need to continually denigrate Black accomplishment?

That's what racists do FYI.
Do you feel it justifies this crap ?
What crap?

That Blacks, even in enslavement, accomplished, innovated and raised themselves beyond the limitations of their situation?

Why does this trouble you so much?

Racists are troubled by such things FYI.
Nobody from Planet Normal accepts this shit apart from racists and loons.
See above, and read your own thread.
Which one are you ?
You would appear to be both a racist and a loon, and perhaps a troll as well, defecating on your own thread.
Democrats need to get on board with stopping the treatment of black people as inferior
But then they wouldn't get the Black victim voting block.

Back in LBJ's time they figured out how to get Blacks to vote for Democrats for the next 200 years. Put them on welfare and brainwash them that Whites are the source of all their problems.

It worked. The dumbass Blacks fell for it hook, line and sinker.
You are rather twisting the truth. They learned skills to make them more valuable to the slave owner.
You types are vile.
Duh! If they're working on a plantation then that would be the goal.

Liberals like Tommy don't understand how business works.
Parents can help teach the truth about slavery. I would teach how evil slave owners were as they used torture to inflict fear and pain on their slaves so they could sit back and have others do all the work. Then id show pictures of chained up people and talk about how that was "opportunity".
Some did. Most did not. Torturing a slave made as much sense as Torturing a horse or a bull. Slaves represented a financial interest. In many cases slaves were better treated than poor whites who had no value at all.
Blacks were compensated. They got food, clothing and shelter for their labor. By that definition, it was a job.
Why do you feel the need to continually denigrate Black accomplishment?

That's what racists do FYI.

What crap?

That Blacks, even in enslavement, accomplished, innovated and raised themselves beyond the limitations of their situation?

Why does this trouble you so much?

Racists are troubled by such things FYI.

See above, and read your own thread.

You would appear to be both a racist and a loon, and perhaps a troll as well, defecating on your own thread.
Apologist in action.
Apologist in action.
Recognizing you have a problem is the first step in addressing it, though your admission is ultimately just more off-topic crapping and trolling in your own thread.

You haven't made a single meaningful contribution to the topic, including your counterfactual OP.

But there are racists, and then there are liberal racists, so congratulations on being a bigot of the less honest variety.


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