Florida Wants to Kill Kids

My doctor still always asks me if I still smoke, which is another killer but also still legal. But I'm not going to change doctors just to get the same question from another one.

I once got a neg for being stupid (according to the negger) Did you get one for this post?
Yeah... there are more people in prison in this country now than ever and ironically, it's the facet of our government that no one is looking to cut.

You're correct that it's a problem. Your solution seems to be less people in prison. My solution is to start executing the surplus prison population (especially the violent ones).

But I digress... your collective shit(worth $100 bucks or so) that you mentioned is worth more than a human life? Sorry, I disagree. My immortal soul is worth losing my material goods(for which I am insured at replacement cost... you know??? Preparedness?). But putting my immortal soul in jeopardy because I want to play the "tough guy"? Nahh... I'll pass.

So far as I'm concerned it's immoral NOT to stop someone from stealing from you... BY WHATEVER MEANS ARE NECESSARY. I'm insured as well. I carry a policy from the same company as my car insurance. I carry another from Smith & Wesson and a third from Remington Arms.

Like I said... If it came down to brass tack.. an Intruder vs. My family. I'd shoot. But not to protect my possessions... I even have to wonder if it was just me vs. him. I THINK I'd be much bolder and have the gun at the ready, but try to scare the sucker away. The Clack of the pump off of a 12 gauge will do that in most cases. Sure, I might pay the ultimate price in that kind of error in judgment, but I'd rather not kill.

My pump action is already loaded. Racking it would simply remove one round of useful ammunition. I'll repeat something I've said many times here.... Show me what a man will kill or die for and I'll show you what he cares about. Show me what he will not kill or die for and I'll show you what means nothing to him.

I hope that you are as tough in real life as you are on an anonymous message board. Go get 'em tiger!

As far as your "show me... tangent at the end? Show me a man that is willing to take a life for virtually worthless trinkets, and I'll show you a man with an empty soul.
As far as your "show me... tangent at the end? Show me a man that is willing to take a life for virtually worthless trinkets, and I'll show you a man with an empty soul.

If a "full" soul is what gets you into Heaven, I prefer mine to be as empty as possible, thank you very much.
So you're afraid. That's why you carry a jack and spare tire. Glad we cleared that up. You probably have car insurance and homeowner's insurance as well for the same reason: fear.

My customer's little daughters are now grown women in their 20s and 30s. Neither one ever had an accident. One of them was a competition shooter and wielded a shotgun against an intruder one time. My customer has had successful businesses and a long lasting marriage and raised two great kids who are themselves successful. Yeah, sounds cuckoo all right.

You're right. If I didn't fear flat tires, accidents or house fires I wouldn't need spare tires or insurance. So it sounds like we are in agreement and it is resolved that the ONLY reason to carry a gun is FEAR, right? And since I don't share the same fear of "boogey men" I don't feel the need to carry a gun with me everywhere I go.

So let me get this straight. YOU'RE the one that said your customer had guns all over the house with LITTLE kids around. And if he's as much of a "gun nut" as you say he is wouldn't be a safe assumption to say his guns were loaded? And you're saying that having loaded guns laying all over the house with little kids around is OK?????

If you conside the number of muggings, road rage incidents and murders in this country, one need not assume a "boogeyman" is a threat. The crackhead down the street is enough. But hey, if you feel safe without one, go ahead. Same as you've probably never needed your spare tire. Go and drive without one. Think fo the gas savings.
As for my customer, yes they were all loaded. Yes he had two little girls. Yes, they grew up safely because their father was responsible enough to teach them at an early age what guns were and when not to touch them. I realize for a statist liberal like yourself leaving these things up to a responsible individual is unthinkable. But the results speak for themselves.
I'll add I have 3 kids and have had loaded guns around the house for probably 15 years with no incident. This isn't unusual, btw.

Actually I grew up in the country and was taught a healthy respect for guns at a young age as well. My shotguns are under lock and key. But I'm not idiotic enough to keep loaded guns just laying all over the house.

You're right that it's not unusual that people have loaded guns around the house with no incident. But hundreds of children have died as a result of those who have had incident. And how many of those parents do you suppose said "I taught them a healthy respect for guns"? How about 100%? Because no matter what kids will be kids. And it's the height of IRRESPONSIBILITY to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house. In fact, it's down right stupid.

So don't try preaching anything about responsibility as long as you think it's OK to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house accessible to LITTLE children. That's not responsibility, it's hypocracy. As well as sheer madness.

So don't try preaching anything about responsibility as long as you think it's OK to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house accessible to LITTLE children. That's not responsibility, it's hypocracy. As well as sheer madness.

It's also one of the reasons why I go out of my way to avoid having small children in my apartment. There ARE and WILL ALWAYS BE loaded firearms as well as bows, knives, and other blunt and bladed weapons in my apartment. That's simply a fact of life that those who choose to associate themselves with me have to deal with. Just like ladies I date find that the third or fourth date almost always ends up including a trip to the range. If they're going to be around the guns, they need to know how they operate and how to safely handle them.
So, you're not a Christian man I take it?

Not anymore. I was growing up, but let's just say I got "enlightened" a little more than a decade ago and my father's death in 2001 was the final straw that moved me away from Christianity and all organized religion permanently.
You're right. If I didn't fear flat tires, accidents or house fires I wouldn't need spare tires or insurance. So it sounds like we are in agreement and it is resolved that the ONLY reason to carry a gun is FEAR, right? And since I don't share the same fear of "boogey men" I don't feel the need to carry a gun with me everywhere I go.

So let me get this straight. YOU'RE the one that said your customer had guns all over the house with LITTLE kids around. And if he's as much of a "gun nut" as you say he is wouldn't be a safe assumption to say his guns were loaded? And you're saying that having loaded guns laying all over the house with little kids around is OK?????

If you conside the number of muggings, road rage incidents and murders in this country, one need not assume a "boogeyman" is a threat. The crackhead down the street is enough. But hey, if you feel safe without one, go ahead. Same as you've probably never needed your spare tire. Go and drive without one. Think fo the gas savings.
As for my customer, yes they were all loaded. Yes he had two little girls. Yes, they grew up safely because their father was responsible enough to teach them at an early age what guns were and when not to touch them. I realize for a statist liberal like yourself leaving these things up to a responsible individual is unthinkable. But the results speak for themselves.
I'll add I have 3 kids and have had loaded guns around the house for probably 15 years with no incident. This isn't unusual, btw.

Actually I grew up in the country and was taught a healthy respect for guns at a young age as well. My shotguns are under lock and key. But I'm not idiotic enough to keep loaded guns just laying all over the house.

You're right that it's not unusual that people have loaded guns around the house with no incident. But hundreds of children have died as a result of those who have had incident. And how many of those parents do you suppose said "I taught them a healthy respect for guns"? How about 100%? Because no matter what kids will be kids. And it's the height of IRRESPONSIBILITY to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house. In fact, it's down right stupid.

So don't try preaching anything about responsibility as long as you think it's OK to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house accessible to LITTLE children. That's not responsibility, it's hypocracy. As well as sheer madness.


You've surveyed all these people so you know, right?

I would say that the "children" in many cases were drug dealers age 16-25. The number of actual children killed accidently is significantly fewer than the number drowned in swimming pools every year.
Anachronism;3623542 Not anymore. I was growing up said:
OK.. good.. I am not an "organized religion" person myself. I happen to think that most of what we call "Christianity" is a tenant agreed upon by mortal men( Constantine and the Council of Nicaea).

I feel that the true meaning of Christianity is very simple... LOVE. I do worship in my country church... I do love our congregation and our pastor.. but I try to be as agape with my love for people as I possible can... which I feel is Jesus' true message.

In other words.. don't be an asshole. Try to make things right for people less fortunate than yourselves. Use your compassion to bring people to God, not hard hardheartedness to push people away.

The rest is all fluff to be debated... Ironically.... on Internet Message Boards.
If you conside the number of muggings, road rage incidents and murders in this country, one need not assume a "boogeyman" is a threat. The crackhead down the street is enough. But hey, if you feel safe without one, go ahead. Same as you've probably never needed your spare tire. Go and drive without one. Think fo the gas savings.
As for my customer, yes they were all loaded. Yes he had two little girls. Yes, they grew up safely because their father was responsible enough to teach them at an early age what guns were and when not to touch them. I realize for a statist liberal like yourself leaving these things up to a responsible individual is unthinkable. But the results speak for themselves.
I'll add I have 3 kids and have had loaded guns around the house for probably 15 years with no incident. This isn't unusual, btw.

Actually I grew up in the country and was taught a healthy respect for guns at a young age as well. My shotguns are under lock and key. But I'm not idiotic enough to keep loaded guns just laying all over the house.

You're right that it's not unusual that people have loaded guns around the house with no incident. But hundreds of children have died as a result of those who have had incident. And how many of those parents do you suppose said "I taught them a healthy respect for guns"? How about 100%? Because no matter what kids will be kids. And it's the height of IRRESPONSIBILITY to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house. In fact, it's down right stupid.

So don't try preaching anything about responsibility as long as you think it's OK to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house accessible to LITTLE children. That's not responsibility, it's hypocracy. As well as sheer madness.


You've surveyed all these people so you know, right?

I would say that the "children" in many cases were drug dealers age 16-25. The number of actual children killed accidently is significantly fewer than the number drowned in swimming pools every year.

I don't have to survey. It's common sense. What do you think they're gonna say? How many times have you read about a Pit Bull killing someone? EVERY time the owner ALWAYS says, "But he was never trained to do that". Likewise every parent of a child hurt or killed by a gun will say, "But I taught them better".

And why do children drown in swimming pools? Because in many cases morons do not put up suffficient barricades. It's no different with hand guns. I don't care if one owns 1000 pistols as long as they keep them where little children cannot get to them.

Anyone who fails to keep them out of childrens reach should be arrested and heavily fined. Anyone whose child gets injured or killed by a gun that was not properly stored should go to prison for a long, long time. THEY are at 100% fault that their child is hurt or dead.

This happened this week..........

TELFERNER, Texas — A 4-year-old boy is dead after being shot in the stomach by a 5-year-old sibling who was playing with a bolt-action rifle in the family's Texas home, authorities said.

..Victoria County authorities said the children's parents were at the home in Telferner in southern Texas when the shooting happened late Wednesday.

Chief Deputy Terry Simons told the Victoria Advocate that investigators are trying to determine why the children were left unsupervised. The parents drove their wounded son to a nearby grocery to meet with paramedics, who then rushed the boy to a hospital.

Telferner is in southern Texas between Houston and Corpus Christi. The boy's parents drove him to the Telferner Grocery and Market to meet with paramedics, who then rushed the boy to Citizens Medical Center in Victoria, the Advocate reported.

Authorities have not released the name and gender of the other sibling
Texas boy, 4, fatally shot by 5-year-old sibling - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

This happened this week, also
Elderly Woman Pistol-Whipped in Sparks Home Invasion, Suspects Sought
What's your point?

Should it be the men's doctors or the little old lady's doctor to ask about guns???
Yup. Thousands of innocent children will be slaughtered if this legislation.

What qualifies a doctor to give advice about gun safety??

Critics: New Gun Law Will Kill Kids - Yahoo! News

Ummmm...........probably their MEDICAL degrees, and the fact that because they see so many children in a month, not only do they understand their medical issues, but they also understand the psychology of a child BETTER (generally) than their parents do.

Not of each individual Child. They may have a better idea over all of what Children think, but the Parents damn well better know what their own kid thinks better than some doctor.
Actually I grew up in the country and was taught a healthy respect for guns at a young age as well. My shotguns are under lock and key. But I'm not idiotic enough to keep loaded guns just laying all over the house.

You're right that it's not unusual that people have loaded guns around the house with no incident. But hundreds of children have died as a result of those who have had incident. And how many of those parents do you suppose said "I taught them a healthy respect for guns"? How about 100%? Because no matter what kids will be kids. And it's the height of IRRESPONSIBILITY to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house. In fact, it's down right stupid.

So don't try preaching anything about responsibility as long as you think it's OK to leave loaded hand guns laying around the house accessible to LITTLE children. That's not responsibility, it's hypocracy. As well as sheer madness.


You've surveyed all these people so you know, right?

I would say that the "children" in many cases were drug dealers age 16-25. The number of actual children killed accidently is significantly fewer than the number drowned in swimming pools every year.

I don't have to survey. It's common sense. What do you think they're gonna say? How many times have you read about a Pit Bull killing someone? EVERY time the owner ALWAYS says, "But he was never trained to do that". Likewise every parent of a child hurt or killed by a gun will say, "But I taught them better".

And why do children drown in swimming pools? Because in many cases morons do not put up suffficient barricades. It's no different with hand guns. I don't care if one owns 1000 pistols as long as they keep them where little children cannot get to them.

Anyone who fails to keep them out of childrens reach should be arrested and heavily fined. Anyone whose child gets injured or killed by a gun that was not properly stored should go to prison for a long, long time. THEY are at 100% fault that their child is hurt or dead.


You realize that it is not "common sense" but a matter of statistics, right?
The rest of your post has nothing to do with anything I wrote.
The legislation was proposed because people are concerned with their private information being used against them by insurance companies as if doctors catalog the info and tattle on patients private behavior. I don't blame people for being concerned but the fact of the matter is the doctor / patient relationship is a private one and patients privacy only stands to be violated by the insurance companies or the state regulators trying to butt-in asking for it to be cataloged. I think this legislation is a backward solution which puts unnecessary limits on a private relationship where they should rather put restrictions elsewhere to protect privacy.

The nature of pediatrics is to operate in the best interest of the health and safety of the child, asking certain questions is not always the same as a matter of course and can vary from family to family depending on the subjective and objective assessment of the situation by the medical professional. To OUTLAW asking a certain question is silly IMO.

Pardon my paranoia, but how much of this information will my government have privy to once gov't run healthcare takes hold??

That's probably what prompted this legislation is people's fears of big government intrusion on our medical info...

Actually this legislation was introduced after a Pediatrician in Ocala told a woman to find a different doctor when she refused to answer the question of whether there were any guns in the house.
Tell you people that don't *LIVE* here something? You don't like it?

Don't MOVE here.


First of all I live here, so I have a right to weigh in on my opinion of our state's laws (I agree with you on the thoughts of people complaining from elsewhere-just don't move here).

I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.

I think the doctor should be able to bring it up, just like I think you have the right to stop the visit right then and there, and bring your business elsewhere.

The new law allows that. It does not allow keeping records of gun ownership nor does it allow asking for no reason.

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