For every 10% of American cars/trucks becoming EVs, means 3,460 power plants have to be built.

I really don't understand why you EV proponents don't do just a little math.
Your math sucks.

Your link says that drivers put on a total of 2.9 trillion miles. At 0.3 kWh per mile, that’s roughly 1 trillion kWh needed. Your estimate of electricity needed for electric vehicles is off dramatically.

Second, you don’t need to produce more power plants because we have a greater capacity for power generation than actual power generated. We build enough power plants to supply peak electricity demand. Electricity demand at night (when people charge their cares) is half to a quarter as much power needed at peak times in the evening.

We can produce upwards of 10 trillion kWh but only consume 4-5 trillion kWh because of this.
If I recall from differential equations:

A solution can be approximated with insignificant error by the sum of partial solutions. (Or something like that).

Yes, we need EVs, yes, we need nuclear power plants, yes, we need solar & wind power, yes, we need mass transit, and yes there will always be some gas-powered vehicles.

Oh yeah...yes, we need as many people working from home as is possible!
It will be fun to bring this thread up a few years from now.
Your math sucks.

Your link says that drivers put on a total of 2.9 trillion miles. At 0.3 kWh per mile, that’s roughly 1 trillion kWh needed. Your estimate of electricity needed for electric vehicles is off dramatically.

Second, you don’t need to produce more power plants because we have a greater capacity for power generation than actual power generated. We build enough power plants to supply peak electricity demand. Electricity demand at night (when people charge their cares) is half to a quarter as much power needed at peak times in the evening.

We can produce upwards of 10 trillion kWh but only consume 4-5 trillion kWh because of this.
Then there is this.

Somehow his blob still ran up $8T in new debt
Sure, when the next electric car rolls onto a neighborhood block already filled with electric cars or a transit agency plans to roll out half dozen electric buses at the depot, the local utility may need to upgrade a local transformer or add extra distribution wires. But do not doubt this: there is currently enough power generation and transmission currently to serve the increase in charging load from EV purchases in the next few years, particularly if they are charged at times when other demands for power are less (such as overnight) or at times of high renewable energy generation.

I’ll say it again because the fossil fuel disinformation machine wants you to believe otherwise: there is enough power generation and transmission on our current electric grid to charge all the electric vehicles being purchased over the next few years.
And again... your source said: She wrote: Will the grid be able to handle all of the electric vehicles we will have in the future?
Yes, if we prepare well.

Tell me where these numbers are wrong if just 25% of all American cars/trucks are EVs?
You still haven't proven my numbers are inaccurate. Prove that and then show the proof!
Show how many cars/trucks at 25% will be EVs and how much electricity will be needed to power them.
Look at my analysis and point out any errors. Ok? Because I want it to be accurate... By the way NONE of the figures are
mine... they are from experts!
Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 4.02.04 PM.png
Your math sucks.

Your link says that drivers put on a total of 2.9 trillion miles. At 0.3 kWh per mile, that’s roughly 1 trillion kWh needed. Your estimate of electricity needed for electric vehicles is off dramatically.

Second, you don’t need to produce more power plants because we have a greater capacity for power generation than actual power generated. We build enough power plants to supply peak electricity demand. Electricity demand at night (when people charge their cares) is half to a quarter as much power needed at peak times in the evening.

We can produce upwards of 10 trillion kWh but only consume 4-5 trillion kWh because of this.
We were supposed to be getting $55B in new'd he manage to put $8T more red ink in the books?
Prove it! NOT one single line of proof. You add nothing when you write crap with no proof!
Prove it! NOT one single line of proof. You add nothing when you write crap with no proof!
You're off by galactic scale numbers on every one of your predictions.

The prediction that we're going to need thousands of new power plants is straight up batty considering we put millions of electric vehicles on the road in 2021 and didn't have to build a new plant to keep up with the demand.
Your math sucks.
Your link says that drivers put on a total of 2.9 trillion miles. At 0.3 kWh per mile, that’s roughly 1 trillion kWh needed. Your estimate of electricity needed for electric vehicles is off dramatically.
Second, you don’t need to produce more power plants because we have a greater capacity for power generation than actual power generated. We build enough power plants to supply peak electricity demand. Electricity demand at night (when people charge their cares) is half to a quarter as much power needed at peak times in the evening.
We can produce upwards of 10 trillion kWh but only consume 4-5 trillion kWh because of this.
Your engineering sucks.
1. Powerplants have a "useful life", generally 20-30 years. So we need to keep building new powerplants.
2. Electrical demand in increasing, and renewables are not keeping up.
3. Look at CA this past summer, brownouts, and not charging new EVs during peak power usage.

someone needs to asks govenor gary newman,,something like this. Governor Newsmon, by the time we are ready to produce 150 million electric cars, we will be 100 trillion in debt. maybe you can tell us where you will acquire the 20 trillion dollars to build these cars and charging stations?

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