Freedom of Speech vs. Political Correctness

PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.
"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.
Political correctness is an attack on free speech and its intentional. Just part of the lefts wider assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This and other fallicies on sale now!
Another left wing moon bat true believer. There is no rational thought in you....
You do not have time for the facts. All that matters is what you believe.
Actually, that's your malfunction.
With a few exceptions free speech is still free .
The bill of rights and the constitution don't gard against the consequences of free speech.
They don't give you the right not to be offended or yammer any bullshit you wish .
They only guarantee your right to speak.

Public universities have a different opinion.
PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.
"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
Political correctness is an attack on free speech and its intentional. Just part of the lefts wider assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This and other fallicies on sale now!
Another left wing moon bat true believer. There is no rational thought in you....
You do not have time for the facts. All that matters is what you believe.
Actually, that's your malfunction.
With a few exceptions free speech is still free .
The bill of rights and the constitution don't gard against the consequences of free speech.
They don't give you the right not to be offended or yammer any bullshit you wish .
They only guarantee your right to speak.

Public universities have a different opinion.

Hmmm, not false. Haven't you watched the news lately? All kinds of them have made it an offence to say anything that upsets the resident hysterical leftwing students.
PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.
"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
Ditka destroyed himself.
There are no other words.
I'm in favor of letting asshole like you and Ditka talk themselves into situations where they fuck themselves.
A good example is mitt Romney's 47% comment.
This and other fallicies on sale now!
Another left wing moon bat true believer. There is no rational thought in you....
You do not have time for the facts. All that matters is what you believe.
Actually, that's your malfunction.
With a few exceptions free speech is still free .
The bill of rights and the constitution don't gard against the consequences of free speech.
They don't give you the right not to be offended or yammer any bullshit you wish .
They only guarantee your right to speak.

Public universities have a different opinion.

Hmmm, not false. Haven't you watched the news lately? All kinds of them have made it an offence to say anything that upsets the resident hysterical leftwing students.
yes, but as always you willfully misinterpret reality.
"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
Ditka destroyed himself.
There are no other words.
I'm in favor of letting asshole like you and Ditka talk themselves into situations where they fuck themselves.
A good example is mitt Romney's 47% comment.

That's what douche bags like you normally call "blaming the victim." In a just world, criticizing Obama wouldn't be a justification for destroying someone. You're admitting that you don't give a damn about justice.
Another left wing moon bat true believer. There is no rational thought in you....
You do not have time for the facts. All that matters is what you believe.
Actually, that's your malfunction.
With a few exceptions free speech is still free .
The bill of rights and the constitution don't gard against the consequences of free speech.
They don't give you the right not to be offended or yammer any bullshit you wish .
They only guarantee your right to speak.

Public universities have a different opinion.

Hmmm, not false. Haven't you watched the news lately? All kinds of them have made it an offence to say anything that upsets the resident hysterical leftwing students.
yes, but as always you willfully misinterpret reality.

Prove it.
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
Ditka destroyed himself.
There are no other words.
I'm in favor of letting asshole like you and Ditka talk themselves into situations where they fuck themselves.
A good example is mitt Romney's 47% comment.

That's what douche bags like you normally call "blaming the victim." In a just world, criticizing Obama wouldn't be a justification for destroying someone. You're admitting that you don't give a damn about justice.
Ditka was no victim, he fucked himself

Only in your delusion .
If he had said that about any president the results would have been the same.
Justice is an alien concept to you
Actually, that's your malfunction.
With a few exceptions free speech is still free .
The bill of rights and the constitution don't gard against the consequences of free speech.
They don't give you the right not to be offended or yammer any bullshit you wish .
They only guarantee your right to speak.

Public universities have a different opinion.

Hmmm, not false. Haven't you watched the news lately? All kinds of them have made it an offence to say anything that upsets the resident hysterical leftwing students.
yes, but as always you willfully misinterpret reality.

Prove it.
You do that for me every time you post.
Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
Ditka destroyed himself.
There are no other words.
I'm in favor of letting asshole like you and Ditka talk themselves into situations where they fuck themselves.
A good example is mitt Romney's 47% comment.

That's what douche bags like you normally call "blaming the victim." In a just world, criticizing Obama wouldn't be a justification for destroying someone. You're admitting that you don't give a damn about justice.
Ditka was no victim, he fucked himself

Only in your delusion .
If he had said that about any president the results would have been the same.

He expressed an opinion protected by the First Amendment. Millions of Americans agree with that opinion. So how, in any sane world, is that "fucking yourself?" Many media personalities have said the most vicious things imaginable about George Bush without any ill effects to their careers.


While on tour in London in March 2003, as the U.S. was preparing to invade Iraq, under President George W. Bush’s command, Maines looked out at the audience and said, “Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we’re ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.”

Alec Baldwin’s appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien on December 12, 1998, eight days before President Bill Clinton was to be impeached where Baldwin said, “If we were in another country … we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they’re doing to this country.”​
Public universities have a different opinion.

Hmmm, not false. Haven't you watched the news lately? All kinds of them have made it an offence to say anything that upsets the resident hysterical leftwing students.
yes, but as always you willfully misinterpret reality.

Prove it.
You do that for me every time you post.

Prove it to someone who isn't suffering from brain damage.
I believe that freedom of speech is our most important Constitutional right and that political correctness is its greatest adversary. The question is, who among our Presidential candidates will be its greatest defender?

The answer, obviously, is Donald Trump. You may not like his speech, but he is the embodiment of exercising that right. Ted Cruz makes good legal arguments, and the rest of the GOP candidates espouse conservative Constitutional principles, but Trump is the only one who puts his money where his mouth is.

Of course this "offends" those who want to control your speech, your thoughts and your money. Isn't it time we finally tell these people to "fuck off?"
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Freedom of speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

Private citizens in the context of private society are at liberty to condemn speech they find offensive and wrong – where such condemnation neither violates 'free speech' nor manifests as 'political correctness.'

Moreover, no one seeks to 'control' anyone's speech, nor do private citizens have the authority to do so – only government has that authority, and may use that authority only when it's consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence.

The ignorance and stupidity that is this thread's premise comes as no surprise, as it's consistent with the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.
Political Correctness is not a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

The PC Police aren't robbing you of your right to speak freely. What they have done instead is create a culture of intimidation and "consequences" for anyone who says anything they don't like. Does that work against the spirit of freedom of speech? Yes. But it's not about the Constitution.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it" is not on their minds. They want to shut you up, and they'll find a way to do it.

I will agree with you Mac (this one time) that "Political correctness" is not a constitutional issue. The government isn't stifling speech so there is no Constitutional issue and that it is a cultural issue, if any.

However, being "Politically correct" is an exercise of their 1st amendment rights as well. However, people want to silence their speech as well. So, it's not like your side is benevolent in all of this.

Your frustration is the power that these "PC/SJW" actually have. Is it formal powers? Nope. But power is just the ability to coerce someone to do something that they would not normally do. Let's use an example of purchasing/economic power.

If people boycott Kohl's because of their relationship of Trump, Kohl's loses money and customers. These people are using their economic power to not shop at Kohl's. No one is forced to shop at Kohl's but people can voice their concerns to Kohl's. The idea is to get Kohl's to not endorse someone that group believes is a bad person.

However, it doesn't always work (Chick Fil-a) for example but if the economic power of boycotting outweighs the economic power of people supporting, companies will end their relationship. Chick Fil-A didn't work because it is in the South mostly and they are in agreement that Gay marriage is horrible.

Well yeah but you have to take it further;

If Person A says "Queers Deserve AIDS" and Person B says "That's horrible" that is a difference of opinion.
I think Mac is saying that is where it should stop.

What you're saying is that Person B is perfectly justified in using her/his 1st Amendment rights to pressure Person A into silence by contacting their employer and by boycotting that business where Person A works.
I think that is what you're saying.

I take it a step further. If I'm the employer, I am of the opinion that I would like to know if my employees are broadcasting views that are contrary to my beliefs. What if I have homosexual employees who Person A supervises? What if I am homosexual myself? What if we sell a clothing line marketed to the LGBT community? By the same token, what if I could care less as long as Person A does their work, comes in on time and is square with everyone they encounter during business. If I have a customer who is homosexual or refers to their same-sex friend as a "partner", I can mention to Person A "Do you feel comfortable with serving that person?"

The more information that is in the equation, the better.
The Constitution does not end with freedom of speech. Freedom of speech says I can object to what you say
There is also freedom of the press where I can condemn your thoughts publicaly
Freedom of assembly says I can protest along with others what you say
Political Correctness is not a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

The PC Police aren't robbing you of your right to speak freely. What they have done instead is create a culture of intimidation and "consequences" for anyone who says anything they don't like. Does that work against the spirit of freedom of speech? Yes. But it's not about the Constitution.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it" is not on their minds. They want to shut you up, and they'll find a way to do it.

I will agree with you Mac (this one time) that "Political correctness" is not a constitutional issue. The government isn't stifling speech so there is no Constitutional issue and that it is a cultural issue, if any.

However, being "Politically correct" is an exercise of their 1st amendment rights as well. However, people want to silence their speech as well. So, it's not like your side is benevolent in all of this.

Your frustration is the power that these "PC/SJW" actually have. Is it formal powers? Nope. But power is just the ability to coerce someone to do something that they would not normally do. Let's use an example of purchasing/economic power.

If people boycott Kohl's because of their relationship of Trump, Kohl's loses money and customers. These people are using their economic power to not shop at Kohl's. No one is forced to shop at Kohl's but people can voice their concerns to Kohl's. The idea is to get Kohl's to not endorse someone that group believes is a bad person.

However, it doesn't always work (Chick Fil-a) for example but if the economic power of boycotting outweighs the economic power of people supporting, companies will end their relationship. Chick Fil-A didn't work because it is in the South mostly and they are in agreement that Gay marriage is horrible.

Well yeah but you have to take it further;

If Person A says "Queers Deserve AIDS" and Person B says "That's horrible" that is a difference of opinion.
I think Mac is saying that is where it should stop.

What you're saying is that Person B is perfectly justified in using her/his 1st Amendment rights to pressure Person A into silence by contacting their employer and by boycotting that business where Person A works.
I think that is what you're saying.

I take it a step further. If I'm the employer, I am of the opinion that I would like to know if my employees are broadcasting views that are contrary to my beliefs. What if I have homosexual employees who Person A supervises? What if I am homosexual myself? What if we sell a clothing line marketed to the LGBT community? By the same token, what if I could care less as long as Person A does their work, comes in on time and is square with everyone they encounter during business. If I have a customer who is homosexual or refers to their same-sex friend as a "partner", I can mention to Person A "Do you feel comfortable with serving that person?"

The more information that is in the equation, the better.
The Constitution does not end with freedom of speech. Freedom of speech says I can object to what you say
There is also freedom of the press where I can condemn your thoughts publicaly
Freedom of assembly says I can protest along with others what you say

Fair point.
PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.
"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
He didn't lose his job. You know what's worse than whining about PC? Lying.
Plenty of honest liberals out there, and, happily, the list continues to grow:
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"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
He didn't lose his job. You know what's worse than whining about PC? Lying.

Then why are all the news outlets saying he was?

Mike Ditka to be removed from ESPN's 'Sunday NFL Countdown,' website reports
Political Correctness is not a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

The PC Police aren't robbing you of your right to speak freely. What they have done instead is create a culture of intimidation and "consequences" for anyone who says anything they don't like. Does that work against the spirit of freedom of speech? Yes. But it's not about the Constitution.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it" is not on their minds. They want to shut you up, and they'll find a way to do it.

Aren't you citing a distinction without a difference? "Intimidation" can be as potent a weapon against free speech as a loaded gun is during a robbery. Do you think that "protesters" who disrupt or prevent those with opposing views from speaking is merely a cultural issue? That argument itself is a demonstration of how PC is robbing us of our First Amendment rights.
Protesters who shout you down aren't taking away your rights. You can keep talking, even if no one can hear you.

PC Police who get you fired for "offending" them aren't taking away your rights. You can say whatever you want and suffer the consequences.

That's the difference. You can say anything you want. Your rights are secure. It's what they then do to you that matters. Yes, that's clearly against the spirit of Freedom of Speech, agreed. But what they are doing is not unconstitutional.
True, but to a point. It does effect legislation. Also unnecessary actions(or lack thereof) by the local, state and federal agencies as well.
Yeah, I can see that. It starts within the culture and then spreads to legislation.

List that legislation.
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
He didn't lose his job. You know what's worse than whining about PC? Lying.

Then why are all the news outlets saying he was?

Mike Ditka to be removed from ESPN's 'Sunday NFL Countdown,' website reports

You're an unquestioning believer of the news now? One website constitutes 'all the news outlets'?

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