From Rags To Riches.....Or Not

1. In this thread, an exemplar of the indoctrination that is central to the ascendancy of 'Liberalism, Incorporated.'

Why in 'Politics'? For this For this reason....every political endeavor in our society recognizes, and attempts to confront, poverty.
Some actually desire ending it.

The defining characteristic that divides conservatism and Modern Liberalism is the role played by government in attempting to end poverty.

Two quotes which set the stage:
a. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan

b. "You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result. "LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Of course, the difference between the two views is stark...but I contend that a look at the results of the two views makes it impossible not to see the former as the correct one.

2. The impetus for this thread is a new series on NPR radio, "Busted: America's Poverty Myths." Based on the perspective one has come to expect from NPR, and the fact that it dines at the government trough, one would expect a one-sided support for the Liberal perspective.
Nay, nay! An excellent, professional job....sloped toward the Left, but, still, quite even-handed. Listen here: Busted: America's Poverty Myths | WNYC

3. NPR gets right to it; "The upward mobility myth....where everyone has an equal chance to surmount any obstacle..." Well...they may label it a 'myth'...because they have slanted the language to prove their contention. Only a fool expects the CEO position to be given out randomly, sort of like the Dalai Lama position is.
In fact, upward mobility is a attainable.... for all... if one places the goal within a real-world framework that includes hard work, the proper discipline in the choices one makes, and rational expectations. That means, do the right things.

4. The show starts by....'blaming' Ben Franklin for the 'myth.'
I said 'even-handed'....and quote is provided: "... the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” Ben Franklin

Now...they do point out how exceptional Ben Franklin was....but it's hard to find any errors in that quote.

How does NPR soften the blow to the Liberal perspective?
The pander to the rich GOP has mad it as difficult as possible to rise in society for many years. People didn't just get lazy.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

I almost got you upset enough to default to profanity, huh?

Copied from sig duh...

Hey....don't stop now.....I'm havin' too much fun!

Post more of the Left's lies so I can rip it to shreds!
After all......That's what you're here for.

Yeah! When you're having your ass handed to you, tell everybody it's roses!
1. In this thread, an exemplar of the indoctrination that is central to the ascendancy of 'Liberalism, Incorporated.'

Why in 'Politics'? For this For this reason....every political endeavor in our society recognizes, and attempts to confront, poverty.
Some actually desire ending it.

The defining characteristic that divides conservatism and Modern Liberalism is the role played by government in attempting to end poverty.

Two quotes which set the stage:
a. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan

b. "You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result. "LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Of course, the difference between the two views is stark...but I contend that a look at the results of the two views makes it impossible not to see the former as the correct one.

2. The impetus for this thread is a new series on NPR radio, "Busted: America's Poverty Myths." Based on the perspective one has come to expect from NPR, and the fact that it dines at the government trough, one would expect a one-sided support for the Liberal perspective.
Nay, nay! An excellent, professional job....sloped toward the Left, but, still, quite even-handed. Listen here: Busted: America's Poverty Myths | WNYC

3. NPR gets right to it; "The upward mobility myth....where everyone has an equal chance to surmount any obstacle..." Well...they may label it a 'myth'...because they have slanted the language to prove their contention. Only a fool expects the CEO position to be given out randomly, sort of like the Dalai Lama position is.
In fact, upward mobility is a attainable.... for all... if one places the goal within a real-world framework that includes hard work, the proper discipline in the choices one makes, and rational expectations. That means, do the right things.

4. The show starts by....'blaming' Ben Franklin for the 'myth.'
I said 'even-handed'....and quote is provided: "... the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” Ben Franklin

Now...they do point out how exceptional Ben Franklin was....but it's hard to find any errors in that quote.

How does NPR soften the blow to the Liberal perspective?
The pander to the rich GOP has mad it as difficult as possible to rise in society for many years. People didn't just get lazy.

"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.
View attachment 93907
"This liberal hates big govt. and hates high taxation."

Reality is defined by actions, not by words: I've need seen a post of your criticizing Obama.

"Welfare workers need to be working if capable and the politicians need to be held accountable for their actions...We need to reduce the debt, reduce expenditure and live frugally..."

I don't have to publicly announce my disapproval every day at every moment to think...

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

I certainly hope you don't mind discussions of your 'religion.'

From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter…

"Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident)."

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.

And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

And...this catechism, which we learn from NPR....
you didn't build that.....any success is just dumb luck!

She also just published a book about how great Trump is. Glad it is out in print as we learn about the real Donald Trump, who will go down harder than Bill Cosby.

But of course she's been trolling the dregs of the semi-illiterate mindset for years now, putting into print what the ignorant mouth-breathers speak and serving the lowest common denominator.

"Trumped-Up Outrage
The Left condemns the GOP candidate even as it celebrates crudity and sexual exhibitionism throughout the culture.

The Left condemns the GOP candidate even as it celebrates crudity and sexual exhibitionism throughout the culture.
But Democrats are the most shameless in their outrage over the Trump braggadocio, having dismissed Bill Clinton’s White House and gubernatorial escapades for years, and standing as the party of maximal sexual liberation, unlike the Republicans. The New York Times rejects the relevance of Clinton’s predatory White House behavior on the ground that “Mr. Clinton is not running for president.” But the Times did not find Clinton’s behavior significant when Clinton was in office, either."

Trumped-Up Outrage

In your face, you dunce.

Are you "bleeding from your...whatever" today? So this op-ed by some newspaper reporter at the some paper called the City Journal dismisses Trump's own comments to Billy Bush on the A.H. bus? Such a sore loser.


Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

The pander to the rich GOP has mad it as difficult as possible to rise in society for many years. People didn't just get lazy.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

I almost got you upset enough to default to profanity, huh?

Copied from sig duh...

Hey....don't stop now.....I'm havin' too much fun!

Post more of the Left's lies so I can rip it to shreds!
After all......That's what you're here for.

Yeah! When you're having your ass handed to you, tell everybody it's roses!

You can't compete.

Your posts....paper weight per view
I was havin' so much fun demolishing the dopes...but this is the education of the thread:

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

More to come.
The pander to the rich GOP has mad it as difficult as possible to rise in society for many years. People didn't just get lazy.

"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.
And the Kochs were going to give a billion to the GOP...until Trump. The whole GOP depends on big money. That's how they keep their bought off politicians in line...Soros gives most of his money outside the country. DUH.
I was havin' so much fun demolishing the dopes...but this is the education of the thread:

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

More to come.
OF course hard work is great DUH. Thanks for obstructing people- and the world depression, dingbat.
The pander to the rich GOP has mad it as difficult as possible to rise in society for many years. People didn't just get lazy.

"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.

Thanks for the link to Soros. I see how you selectively verify.
It's nice to know Soros has given money away for human rights in 70 countries instead of a personal agenda in Kanas, you simple-headed twit.
I was havin' so much fun demolishing the dopes...but this is the education of the thread:

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

More to come.

Talk IS cheap.
"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.
And the Kochs were going to give a billion to the GOP...until Trump. The whole GOP depends on big money. That's how they keep their bought off politicians in line...Soros gives most of his money outside the country. DUH.

They are funding down-ballot far right wing minions. David Koch has openly said on NPR that he doesn't like Trump.
I was havin' so much fun demolishing the dopes...but this is the education of the thread:

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

More to come.

Talk IS cheap.

"Talk IS cheap"

Au costs millions to talk to the career criminal...

This, from the Mexican paper...the NYTimes:
"In April 2012, representatives from Qatar were apparently hoping to get “five minutes” with former President Bill Clinton while in New York to present him with a $1 million check for his foundation as a birthday gift from the previous year.

While it is unclear whether that meeting ever took place, the offer,mentioned in one of thousands of hacked Clinton campaign emailsreleased by WikiLeaks last week, was an example of the complex ethical issues the Clinton Foundation faced in managing relationships with foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. It also raised questions about whether the foundation had fully followed procedures it had voluntarily agreed to in order to avoid those very issues."

You keep tossing those softballs....I'll keep hittin' 'em out of the park.
"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.

Thanks for the link to Soros. I see how you selectively verify.
It's nice to know Soros has given money away for human rights in 70 countries instead of a personal agenda in Kanas, you simple-headed twit.

I produce undeniable facts, you moron.

I destoryed blanko's Left wing talking point that the Right has all the money....

And you just supported my post.

Don't ever change.
I was havin' so much fun demolishing the dopes...but this is the education of the thread:

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

More to come.
OF course hard work is great DUH. Thanks for obstructing people- and the world depression, dingbat.

"OF course hard work is great DUH."

Wrong again!

9. As proof of the view that one cannot make it on their own...hard work notwithstanding, our NPR pals offer the example of a board game called "The Office Boy... The players start as Office Boys. They travel around a spiral track that uses hexagonal shaped spaces. Some spaces direct a piece to advance or go back. The first player to reach the center space becomes Head of the Firm and wins the game."
Office Boy | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

"...if you land on a virtue, like work extra hours, you go ahead....and if you land on a vice, like you take to drinking or something, you go succeed through the exercise of virtue...but it still depends on landing on the right square."
Busted: America's Poverty Myths | WNYC

Big government....bigger government....biggest government....that's what makes you overcome luck....that, by implication, means 'bad luck.'

Now....the law of the land, the Constitution, the only document Americans have agreed to be ruled by, does not authorize indemnifying the people from the vagaries of life.

And when Progressives have attempted same....well, Social Security's burgeoning debt, FDR's Fannie Mae caused the mortgage meltdown, ObamaCare's failure, and Affirmative Action left us with BlackLivesMatter.

The rules hammered out via uncountable human interactions still seem the best:

Proverbs 19:15 Laziness casts into a deep sleep, And an idle man will suffer hunger.
Proverbs 28:19 He who tills his land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty.

The 60s....the rise of the Left in America....

10. "By the 1960s, that modernist tendency had evolved into a credo of self-fulfillment in which “nothing is forbidden, all is to be explored,” Bell wrote. Out went the Protestant ethic’s prudence, thrift, temperance, self-discipline, and deferral of gratification. As the editor of the 1973 American Work Ethic noted, “affluence, hedonism and radicalism” became the new axiom.

The time-honored definition of virtue abandoned the notion of rewarding traditional bourgeois virtues like completing an education or marrying to substitute pursuit of cash, recycling trash, saving endangered species, showing tolerance and sensitivity.

So.....a clear confrontation of Left vs Right

Big government vs the traditional values that made America the 'can-do' nation.

On November 8th.
Last edited:
11. As I said, NPR does a professional job, but this example, I believe, actually works against their premise...that only the intervention of government can solve the problem of poverty.

Get this:
The claim is made that virtue actually works counter to solving the problem of poverty.
That's right....NPR and Liberalism, Inc., actually strive for an America in which no one tries to be ethical and disciplined.

The reference is the study by Carol Stack, in her book "All Our Kin."..."This landmark study debunked the misconception that poor families were unstable and disorganized...."
"...traces the networks of kinship that poor people rely on to survive, by sharing funds and childcare, and basic goods...but those networks also impede upward mobility because good fortune is expected to be shared. Your choice, then, is to severe those bonds or to distribute the fruits of your lucky break...until it's too small to make a difference."
Busted: America's Poverty Myths | WNYC

Did you catch the switch?
If you make it, according to our Liberal NPR, it's all based on luck, on good fortune, and a lucky break.
Not the virtues and hard work that represent the traditional recipe for success.
After all....'you didn't build this.'

And...inadvertently, it seems to admit that socialism, collectivism, cannot cure can only share it.

The truth is actually found in this quote, attributed to a number of Americans:
"I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."
"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.
And the Kochs were going to give a billion to the GOP...until Trump. The whole GOP depends on big money. That's how they keep their bought off politicians in line...Soros gives most of his money outside the country. DUH.

You need to see this AGAIN????
- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”
"The pander to the rich GOP..."

Now watch me smash another custard pie in your kisser: it is the Left with all the money,'re just too stupid to do any research.


1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

So....we agree that you're a moron?
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.

Thanks for the link to Soros. I see how you selectively verify.
It's nice to know Soros has given money away for human rights in 70 countries instead of a personal agenda in Kanas, you simple-headed twit.

"you simple-headed twit."

Does that mean you are a multiple-headed moron?????
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.

Thanks for the link to Soros. I see how you selectively verify.
It's nice to know Soros has given money away for human rights in 70 countries instead of a personal agenda in Kanas, you simple-headed twit.

I produce undeniable facts, you moron.

I destoryed blanko's Left wing talking point that the Right has all the money....

And you just supported my post.

Don't ever change.
NOBODY ever said that, dingbat. Just all the greedy idiot money lol
What about Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, and Mercer, fool?

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.
b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

Check out “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

Koch Brothers????

3. " The brothers that liberals like to hate are often trotted out as prime examples of why campaign finance reform is necessary. They are often portrayed as one of the biggest contributors to political candidates, their evil money financing evil Republicans...... tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries ;;;; doesn't appear until the 59th slot,...

a. Six ofthe top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

4. ....the Koch brothers also contribute tens of millions of dolalrs to the GOP cause indirectly through their indpendent committees Americans for Prosperity and others. Also to be fair, I should point out that unions spent a half a billion dollars in such indirect spending in the 2012 election cycle.

5. So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation." Blog: 'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list

The Kochs announced early last year that they had $889,000,000 between the two of them, two individuals, to play with for this election. Why don't you state ALL the facts?

  1. David and Charles Koch each own 42 percent of closely held Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Industries, have a combined net worth of $70.8 billion, and are the seventh and eighth richest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
  2. The Koch brothers have become synonymous with outside spending in politics in part becauseDavid Koch is head of Americans for Prosperity, which has helped fuel the Tea Party movement that seeks smaller government. Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit group that isn’t required to disclose its donors and legally can’t spend more than 50 percent of its budget on elections. It has spent more than $6 million on television ads attacking Obama, and recently announced a $9 million ad campaign against the president’s health-care law.

- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”

- Up to $425 million donated annually

In your face....again...dunce.
And the Kochs were going to give a billion to the GOP...until Trump. The whole GOP depends on big money. That's how they keep their bought off politicians in line...Soros gives most of his money outside the country. DUH.

You need to see this AGAIN????
- Soros has given away over $7 billion to “support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries.”
Yup, a great man, dupe.
1. In this thread, an exemplar of the indoctrination that is central to the ascendancy of 'Liberalism, Incorporated.'

Why in 'Politics'? For this For this reason....every political endeavor in our society recognizes, and attempts to confront, poverty.
Some actually desire ending it.

The defining characteristic that divides conservatism and Modern Liberalism is the role played by government in attempting to end poverty.

Two quotes which set the stage:
a. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan

b. "You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result. "LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Of course, the difference between the two views is stark...but I contend that a look at the results of the two views makes it impossible not to see the former as the correct one.

2. The impetus for this thread is a new series on NPR radio, "Busted: America's Poverty Myths." Based on the perspective one has come to expect from NPR, and the fact that it dines at the government trough, one would expect a one-sided support for the Liberal perspective.
Nay, nay! An excellent, professional job....sloped toward the Left, but, still, quite even-handed. Listen here: Busted: America's Poverty Myths | WNYC

3. NPR gets right to it; "The upward mobility myth....where everyone has an equal chance to surmount any obstacle..." Well...they may label it a 'myth'...because they have slanted the language to prove their contention. Only a fool expects the CEO position to be given out randomly, sort of like the Dalai Lama position is.
In fact, upward mobility is a attainable.... for all... if one places the goal within a real-world framework that includes hard work, the proper discipline in the choices one makes, and rational expectations. That means, do the right things.

4. The show starts by....'blaming' Ben Franklin for the 'myth.'
I said 'even-handed'....and quote is provided: "... the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” Ben Franklin

Now...they do point out how exceptional Ben Franklin was....but it's hard to find any errors in that quote.

How does NPR soften the blow to the Liberal perspective?
Jesus told us that the poor would always be with us. Looks like He was right. There is no cure.
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"This liberal hates big govt. and hates high taxation."

Reality is defined by actions, not by words: I've need seen a post of your criticizing Obama.

"Welfare workers need to be working if capable and the politicians need to be held accountable for their actions...We need to reduce the debt, reduce expenditure and live frugally..."

I don't have to publicly announce my disapproval every day at every moment to think...

The thread is based on NPR/Liberalism's view that the only way to achieve success is through the efforts of big government.
Not hard work, not an individual's decisions nor efforts.....only through appeasement of the great god, government.

I certainly hope you don't mind discussions of your 'religion.'

From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter…

"Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident)."

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.

And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

And...this catechism, which we learn from NPR....
you didn't build that.....any success is just dumb luck!

She also just published a book about how great Trump is. Glad it is out in print as we learn about the real Donald Trump, who will go down harder than Bill Cosby.

But of course she's been trolling the dregs of the semi-illiterate mindset for years now, putting into print what the ignorant mouth-breathers speak and serving the lowest common denominator.

"Trumped-Up Outrage
The Left condemns the GOP candidate even as it celebrates crudity and sexual exhibitionism throughout the culture.

The Left condemns the GOP candidate even as it celebrates crudity and sexual exhibitionism throughout the culture.
But Democrats are the most shameless in their outrage over the Trump braggadocio, having dismissed Bill Clinton’s White House and gubernatorial escapades for years, and standing as the party of maximal sexual liberation, unlike the Republicans. The New York Times rejects the relevance of Clinton’s predatory White House behavior on the ground that “Mr. Clinton is not running for president.” But the Times did not find Clinton’s behavior significant when Clinton was in office, either."

Trumped-Up Outrage

In your face, you dunce.

Are you "bleeding from your...whatever" today? So this op-ed by some newspaper reporter at the some paper called the City Journal dismisses Trump's own comments to Billy Bush on the A.H. bus? Such a sore loser.

You are apparently one of those liberals who believe Trump referred to Megyn Kelly's menstrual flow and you are wrong. The exact words Trump said were: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever” (Highlights my own).

Trump was clearly referring to blood coming from orifices one can see (eyes, ears, nose or mouth) not to Kelly's private parts. Trump may be crude in his private conversations, but he wouldn't say anything so personal and so offensive in an interview which would be broadcast to the nation. It takes one hell of a biased and crude imagination to read a sexual insult into what Trump said.

But YOU think Trump's reference was to Megyn Kelly's private parts and YOU used the same language in addressing PoliticalChic! Your words were meant to be vulgar; Trump's words were not.

You have the last word. I am done with you.

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