Frozen wind turbines hamper Texas power output

Well, they need it once every forty years or so, right? I guess we can forgive that.

But it is obvious that Global Warming causes global cooling so the windmills freezing up will happen far more frequently.

Fossil fuel power plants don’t freeze up nor do nukes.
If we can build safe nuclear power plants, I have nothing against them. I was reading that they are coming up with ways to manage the radioactive waste that are much improved, too.

I actually cried when I learned that we were taking it and burying it deep in the Earth. In our Mother. We've only got one, folks.
so you cried when you found out we were burying something we dug out of the ground,,

Something that has a toxic half-life in excess of the entire period humans have existed, fuck yes.
Didn't know that either didja.
The thing is the longer the half life the less radioactive it is.

The real nasty stuff has the shortest half lives.
I wonder what the half life is before we dig it up??

The half life of a radioactive isotope is constant.

The problem is more that nuclear waste is much more concentrated than what is found in nature.
so its better to secure it as far away from humans as possible,, like underground in a secure place,,

Actually it's better to not generate it in the first place.

Ask the residents of Fukushima how "secure" they feel.

Poor design and poor placement were the problems there.

We don't have to build obsolete light water reactors anymore.

Not the point. Poor placement, absofrickinlutely. I was stunned to find out that Japan, of all the nations that should know better, is running nukes at all, let alone in a land of earthquakes and tsunamis.

The point is that that shit is toxic, and it stays toxic for the "duration". Then we think we can build underground tanks that will way way way outlive us, that will never be attacked or rot away. That's just fuggin' stoopid.

We can use almost all the so called nuclear waste we have in this country as fuel for LFTR reactors. We can also use it to manufacture medical isotopes and get a share of that multibillion dollar a year industry.

I just don't think nuclear waste is as much of a problem as people are led to believe.
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,
Well, they need it once every forty years or so, right? I guess we can forgive that.

But it is obvious that Global Warming causes global cooling so the windmills freezing up will happen far more frequently.

Fossil fuel power plants don’t freeze up nor do nukes.
If we can build safe nuclear power plants, I have nothing against them. I was reading that they are coming up with ways to manage the radioactive waste that are much improved, too.

I actually cried when I learned that we were taking it and burying it deep in the Earth. In our Mother. We've only got one, folks.
so you cried when you found out we were burying something we dug out of the ground,,

Something that has a toxic half-life in excess of the entire period humans have existed, fuck yes.
Didn't know that either didja.
The thing is the longer the half life the less radioactive it is.

The real nasty stuff has the shortest half lives.
I wonder what the half life is before we dig it up??

The half life of a radioactive isotope is constant.

The problem is more that nuclear waste is much more concentrated than what is found in nature.
so its better to secure it as far away from humans as possible,, like underground in a secure place,,

Actually it's better to not generate it in the first place.

Ask the residents of Fukushima how "secure" they feel.
fukushima didnt happen from buried waste,,

No it was a tsunami and we all know that those are daily occurrences right?

A different reactor would not have been taken off line by a wave

Irrelevant. In dealing with that level of danger you don't plan for the "daily occurrence". You plan for the "worst case".

All light water reactors have the same flaw in that they need to access large amounts of water which is why we need to mothball those reactors and build reactors that can run at atmosphere instead of under high pressure and without all that water
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,

I only do that on defense. If you don't fuck with me, I won't start it.

Check his latest post just now. He keeps proving me right, over and over and over.

By contrast check the post directly above. That's real discussion, making points that might be contested, and doing so without insults.
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,

I only do that on defense. If you don't fuck with me, I won't start it.
I didnt fuck with you and youve done nothing but make insults and rude comments,,,
All light water reactors have the same flaw in that they need to access large amounts of water which is why we need to mothball those reactors and build reactors that can run at atmosphere instead of under high pressure and without all that water.

Naah. They're built that way because it works, but they certainly could be built with a closed cooling system. (Whether that would be financially feasible, I have no idea.)

There are new designs, passively save, running at atmospheric pressure or slightly (10-15psi) above, and cannot melt down. (If they get too hot, they shut down.)
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,

I only do that on defense. If you don't fuck with me, I won't start it.
I didnt fuck with you and youve done nothing but make insults and rude comments,,,

I'm reading the quote nest and I'm not seeing it.

What I AM seeing is you questioning "you can think?" and purporting to try to blame ME for somebody else's posting.

Why are you white-knighting for this sleazebucket? Is that your sock?

EDIT --- check it out, directly above. I shamed him into posting actual content. Took several posts to do it.
Now he'll deny that happened. Maybe even delete the post.

Losers..... :popcorn:
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,

I only do that on defense. If you don't fuck with me, I won't start it.
I didnt fuck with you and youve done nothing but make insults and rude comments,,,

I'm reading the quote nest and I'm not seeing it.

What I AM seeing is you questioning "you can think?" and purporting to try to blame ME for somebody else's post.

Why are you white-knighting for this sleazebucket? Is that your sock?
"you can think" came after a slew of rude and insulting comments,,
try going back to your first comment to me this morning and go from there,,

giving a different opinion or asking you a question isnt "fucking with you"
All light water reactors have the same flaw in that they need to access large amounts of water which is why we need to mothball those reactors and build reactors that can run at atmosphere instead of under high pressure and without all that water.

Naah. They're built that way because it works, but they certainly could be built with a closed cooling system. (Whether that would be financially feasible, I have no idea.)

There are new designs, passively save, running at atmospheric pressure or slightly (10-15psi) above, and cannot melt down. (If they get too hot, they shut down.)

Light water reactors are obsolete we should be getting rid of them by attrition and we should be going all in on LFTR reactors
All light water reactors have the same flaw in that they need to access large amounts of water which is why we need to mothball those reactors and build reactors that can run at atmosphere instead of under high pressure and without all that water.

Naah. They're built that way because it works, but they certainly could be built with a closed cooling system. (Whether that would be financially feasible, I have no idea.)

There are new designs, passively save, running at atmospheric pressure or slightly (10-15psi) above, and cannot melt down. (If they get too hot, they shut down.)

Light water reactors are obsolete we should be getting rid of them by attrition and we should be going all in on LFTR reactors
So I went to google. Indeed, Biden calls for all electricity to be generated by renewable sources by 2035. They've got a hell of a long way to go. But I am not worried that they will phase out reliable sources until they've got reliable alternatives on line. That would be stupid.

The wind turbines in Texas are supplemental, used during the hottest months to cover demand for ac. They just tried firing them up for the increased heating demands during this once in a lifetime weather emergency and they too were affected by the highly unusual weather. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, or that it's horribly unreliable. They are also crippled by a lack of natural gas--it's not just the wind turbines. I heard that in some places, the natural gas pipes are freezing as well.

We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the extreme cold temperatures that have gripped Texas," ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a news release. "At the same time, we are dealing with higher-than-normal generation outages due to frozen wind turbines and limited natural gas supplies available to generating units."

The cold even forced an oil refinery to shut down.

All light water reactors have the same flaw in that they need to access large amounts of water which is why we need to mothball those reactors and build reactors that can run at atmosphere instead of under high pressure and without all that water.

Naah. They're built that way because it works, but they certainly could be built with a closed cooling system. (Whether that would be financially feasible, I have no idea.)

There are new designs, passively save, running at atmospheric pressure or slightly (10-15psi) above, and cannot melt down. (If they get too hot, they shut down.)

Light water reactors are obsolete we should be getting rid of them by attrition and we should be going all in on LFTR reactors

I actually watched that entire documentary when it was on Prime video
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,

I only do that on defense. If you don't fuck with me, I won't start it.
I didnt fuck with you and youve done nothing but make insults and rude comments,,,

I'm reading the quote nest and I'm not seeing it.

What I AM seeing is you questioning "you can think?" and purporting to try to blame ME for somebody else's post.

Why are you white-knighting for this sleazebucket? Is that your sock?
"you can think" came after a slew of rude and insulting comments,,
try going back to your first comment to me this morning and go from there,,

giving a different opinion or asking you a question isnt "fucking with you"

NO Sparkles, it came after ONE (1) snark which was directed at another poster altogether. HE fucked with me first, and HE got the horn. Then you came charging in on yon white steed over a retaliatory comment that had ZERO (0) to do with you.

Don't you GET that all these quotes are sitting right above for all to see??
So I went to google. Indeed, Biden calls for all electricity to be generated by renewable sources by 2035. They've got a hell of a long way to go. But I am not worried that they will phase out reliable sources until they've got reliable alternatives on line. That would be stupid.

The wind turbines in Texas are supplemental, used during the hottest months to cover demand for ac. They just tried firing them up for the increased heating demands during this once in a lifetime weather emergency and they too were affected by the highly unusual weather. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, or that it's horribly unreliable. They are also crippled by a lack of natural gas--it's not just the wind turbines. I heard that in some places, the natural gas pipes are freezing as well.

We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the extreme cold temperatures that have gripped Texas," ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a news release. "At the same time, we are dealing with higher-than-normal generation outages due to frozen wind turbines and limited natural gas supplies available to generating units."

The cold even forced an oil refinery to shut down.

Funny that's exactly what they did in Germany.

They decommissioned nuclear plants and thought wind power could provide enough power.

They were wrong
Last edited:
So I went to google. Indeed, Biden calls for all electricity to be generated by renewable sources by 2035. They've got a hell of a long way to go. But I am not worried that they will phase out reliable sources until they've got reliable alternatives on line. That would be stupid.

The wind turbines in Texas are supplemental, used during the hottest months to cover demand for ac. They just tried firing them up for the increased heating demands during this once in a lifetime weather emergency and they too were affected by the highly unusual weather. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, or that it's horribly unreliable. They are also crippled by a lack of natural gas--it's not just the wind turbines. I heard that in some places, the natural gas pipes are freezing as well.

We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the extreme cold temperatures that have gripped Texas," ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a news release. "At the same time, we are dealing with higher-than-normal generation outages due to frozen wind turbines and limited natural gas supplies available to generating units."

The cold even forced an oil refinery to shut down.

It's always strange to read this, as for me an electricity interruption has absolutely zero effect on my heating.
So I went to google. Indeed, Biden calls for all electricity to be generated by renewable sources by 2035. They've got a hell of a long way to go. But I am not worried that they will phase out reliable sources until they've got reliable alternatives on line. That would be stupid.

The wind turbines in Texas are supplemental, used during the hottest months to cover demand for ac. They just tried firing them up for the increased heating demands during this once in a lifetime weather emergency and they too were affected by the highly unusual weather. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, or that it's horribly unreliable. They are also crippled by a lack of natural gas--it's not just the wind turbines. I heard that in some places, the natural gas pipes are freezing as well.

We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the extreme cold temperatures that have gripped Texas," ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a news release. "At the same time, we are dealing with higher-than-normal generation outages due to frozen wind turbines and limited natural gas supplies available to generating units."

The cold even forced an oil refinery to shut down.

Funny that's exactly what they did in Germany.

They decommissioned nuclear plants and thought wind power could provide enough power.

They were wrong
Let's hope we learn from that. I just read an article on it in Forbes. Sounds like a mess.
Very cool, I'm jealous. I love natural disasters, well at least the ones that involve power outages.

I have the same issue here. When the power goes out the first thing that comes to mind is: "You get ONE flush, make it count". Actually if there's a power outage it usually means the creek just across the way is swollen with water, so I'll take a bucket over there to refill the toilet tank. For drinking and cooking I have backup stored water to tide me over until if need be I can drive up the road to a local spring. Wood stove and/or propane camping stove for cooking. If it's arctic weather and the reefer is off I can just store food out in the car. That's why I like power outages -- it makes ya get creative. And if you live in a lighted area (I don't any more) you get to see stars.

Fuck creative. Power goes out, I fire up my generator.

And that's being creative, step one.

I ran an entire radio station that way once when the local power system went down. (Not including transmitter which was not affected).
You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

Lemme axe you sump'm.

Have you EVER, in any thread at any time, posted anything at all on the topic, or do you just do drive-by cheerleading pompom shit?

Serious question. Because I can't think of any.
you can think??

I can remember too. And what I can't remember is any time Jarhead posted anything other than "YOU'RE A BIG STOOPID'. He seems to show up to battle unarmed. And he just did it again. Sad.
thats your failing not his,,,

Uh.... No Sprinkles. I'm not writing his posts. HE IS. At some point there's something called personal responsibility.
you got a lot of nerve complaining about others posts when you came on this morning with rude and insulting comments,,

I only do that on defense. If you don't fuck with me, I won't start it.
I didnt fuck with you and youve done nothing but make insults and rude comments,,,

I'm reading the quote nest and I'm not seeing it.

What I AM seeing is you questioning "you can think?" and purporting to try to blame ME for somebody else's post.

Why are you white-knighting for this sleazebucket? Is that your sock?
"you can think" came after a slew of rude and insulting comments,,
try going back to your first comment to me this morning and go from there,,

giving a different opinion or asking you a question isnt "fucking with you"

NO Sparkles, it came after ONE (1) snark which was directed at another poster altogether. HE fucked with me first, and HE got the horn. Then you came charging in on yon white steed over a retaliatory comment that had ZERO (0) to do with you.

Don't you GET that all these quotes are sitting right above for all to see??
sounds to me like youre an over emotional person,,,
So I went to google. Indeed, Biden calls for all electricity to be generated by renewable sources by 2035. They've got a hell of a long way to go. But I am not worried that they will phase out reliable sources until they've got reliable alternatives on line. That would be stupid.

The wind turbines in Texas are supplemental, used during the hottest months to cover demand for ac. They just tried firing them up for the increased heating demands during this once in a lifetime weather emergency and they too were affected by the highly unusual weather. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, or that it's horribly unreliable. They are also crippled by a lack of natural gas--it's not just the wind turbines. I heard that in some places, the natural gas pipes are freezing as well.

We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the extreme cold temperatures that have gripped Texas," ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness said in a news release. "At the same time, we are dealing with higher-than-normal generation outages due to frozen wind turbines and limited natural gas supplies available to generating units."

The cold even forced an oil refinery to shut down.

Funny that's exactly what they did in Germany.

They decommissioned nuclear plants and thought wind power could provide enough power.

They were wrong
Let's hope we learn from that. I just read an article on it in Forbes. Sounds like a mess.

We won't learn from it we will copy it.

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