Funny how Alex Jones knew about 9/11 happening

and i'm having a hard time following. on the one hand you're saying clinton/bush went out of their way to protect bin laden and bush did nothing about the warnings of terrorist attacks in his first 9 months.

but then you say there were no hijackers.

so you're saying there were hijackers on 9/11, the US government knew about them, and as soon as their flights took off, the government somehow managed to make them disappear and fly drones in to the towers and shoot missiles in to the pentagon, and jsut for the hell of it, they shot down an actual plane over pennsylvania?

on a side not, did the rothchilds and rockefellers determine the supreme court's ruling on the bush/gore recount?
the whole point of terrorism is chaos and unpredictability.

The whole point of false flag terrorism is to bring order to the chaos with predictable results that it occurs where when and how is most beatifical

if you have intel that terrorists are going to hijackplanes and fly them into buildings, why not just let them? so what if they miss their targets, in NYC and DC they're still going to kill thousands.

why destroy infrastructure that causes loss instead of profit ??

to the people who died in WTC, yes they died because of the fall, but i believe the vast majority of those who survived were below the impacted floors, and basically everyone above died. many of them still would have died if the towers had stood. how long would it have taken for rescuers to reach them? hours right?

wrong... firefighters reached the impact zone and reported two pockets of fire and estimated it would take no more the two hoses to extinguish ..that was the last radio message then seconds later the tower collapsed

if you're one who believes the WTC were demolished by explosives, how were they put there? by whom? when?

As in any crime those specifics would require an investigation...

who PROFITED from the attacks? who made trillions of dollars?

stock market put options .haliburton..missing trillions from the pentagon
insurance claims..fortunes were made

you don't think the coverup would be that big? you think a few people could have pulled this off

wheres bin laden again ?

[ame=]YouTube - Rumsfeld 2.3 Trillion Dollars missing Pentagon 1 DAY b4/9-11[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Commodities Trader speaks on 9/11[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - USA - Halliburton$ Army ... the Way America Makes War[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Truth: The Put Options[/ame]
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Further proof that Clinton and Bush have been long time friends and pals.Matter of fact Barbara Bush is even on record saying Clinton is like a second son to her.

[ame=]YouTube - The Best Of Friends[/ame]
Further proof that Clinton and Bush have been long time friends and pals.Matter of fact Barbara Bush is even on record saying Clinton is like a second son to her.

YouTube - The Best Of Friends

that's it, the missing link.

obviously the us government was behind 9/11. barbara bush said clinton is like a son to her. it all falls in to place now...

don't forget, they both have jewish lawyers....
Further proof that Clinton and Bush have been long time friends and pals.Matter of fact Barbara Bush is even on record saying Clinton is like a second son to her.

YouTube - The Best Of Friends

that's it, the missing link.

obviously the us government was behind 9/11. barbara bush said clinton is like a son to her. it all falls in to place now...

don't forget, they both have jewish lawyers....

well it certainly does not exclude the possibility does it...just as your answer does nothing to recognize the profits made from 9/11
Further proof that Clinton and Bush have been long time friends and pals.Matter of fact Barbara Bush is even on record saying Clinton is like a second son to her.

YouTube - The Best Of Friends

that's it, the missing link.

obviously the us government was behind 9/11. barbara bush said clinton is like a son to her. it all falls in to place now...

don't forget, they both have jewish lawyers....

that ignorant comment of yours just shows that like all OCTA'S,your afraid of the truth and dont want to look at those videos.You lied,you said you would watch those videos but i have not heard one comment from you on them yet.

also you better take a look at this link below.

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection his bodyguard L.D Brown a state trooper of arkansas as well testified under oath before an arkansas state jury when he found out he was smuggling in drugs into arkansas and clinton knew about it,when he approached clinton,clinton said-Hey my buddy Bush knows all about it.Brown backs up everyone of Reeds statements.Better take a look at this video as far you seem scared to do that though as is typical of the OCTA'S around here.

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Further proof that Clinton and Bush have been long time friends and pals.Matter of fact Barbara Bush is even on record saying Clinton is like a second son to her.

YouTube - The Best Of Friends

that's it, the missing link.

obviously the us government was behind 9/11. barbara bush said clinton is like a son to her. it all falls in to place now...

don't forget, they both have jewish lawyers....

that ignorant comment of yours just shows that like all OCTA'S,your afraid of the truth and dont want to look at those videos.You lied,you said you would watch those videos but i have not heard one comment from you on them yet.

also you better take a look at this link below.

The Mena Arkansas Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Drug Connection his bodyguard L.D Brown a state trooper of arkansas as well testified under oath before an arkansas state jury when he found out he was smuggling in drugs into arkansas and clinton knew about it,when he approached clinton,clinton said-Hey my buddy Bush knows all about it.Brown backs up everyone of Reeds statements.Better take a look at this video as far you seem scared to do that though as is typical of the OCTA'S around here.

okay, so i wasted 3 minutes of my life by watching a bunch of pictures of george bush and bill clinton holding hands. AND????? was that a klan rally?
you obviously didnt read that link I posted or watch that 1 hour video and you dodged my challenge to look at even one of those 47 canada wants the truth videos which you said you would look lied or even read what I just said about L.D Brown or Terrys Reeds lawsuit against clinton which as i said before,somehow that wasnt something the media wanted to ver and put on the front pages of newspapers,they only seemed interested in O.J.Simpson.:rolleyes: really if your not even going to look at links or watch these videos we give you,there is no point in going any further.
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you know what, i did lie. i said i was goiung to watch the videos adn i didn't. i passed out. maybe i will some day, maybe not. can you at least assurfe me that they are more relevant than the video about the native americans that were sterilized by the church (but there was no mention of the church inhte video) or that clinton/bush collage of photos (spliced wiht a klan rally?). i hope all 47 videos aren't like that.

but i guess until then i'll just have to live my life in ignorant bliss, thinking islamic terrorists were behind 9/11, and you can sleep well knowing that in reality it was all the jews fault.

you're not really mel gibson, are you?
well since soooooooo many people want to talk about 9/11 now and so many 9/11 threads are being made by so many different people,might as well bring this one back.
so he specifically sought out the security position at the WTC because he wanted to be there to defend it? that's a brave guy.

do you believe the government knew about it and just did nothing to stop it? how far up did it go?

was it a plane or a missle that struck the pentagon?

what happened to the plane that was "brought down" by the passengers?

i'm not trying to be a douche here, i think this is fascinating and would really enjoy getting responses from someone who has a different perspective than mine. if you don't mind indulging me a bit...
There is a ton of information on the counter view of what happened on 9-11. If you are serious about learning what those views and opinions are you have to start looking it up and watching the videos and reading the links. You gotta do your own research.
so he specifically sought out the security position at the WTC because he wanted to be there to defend it? that's a brave guy.

do you believe the government knew about it and just did nothing to stop it? how far up did it go?

was it a plane or a missle that struck the pentagon?

what happened to the plane that was "brought down" by the passengers?

i'm not trying to be a douche here, i think this is fascinating and would really enjoy getting responses from someone who has a different perspective than mine. if you don't mind indulging me a bit...
There is a ton of information on the counter view of what happened on 9-11. If you are serious about learning what those views and opinions are you have to start looking it up and watching the videos and reading the links. You gotta do your own research.

very true.a great place to start would be to read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING with the appropriate subtitle-an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. its appropriate because thats all their version is is a conspiracy THEROY.Griffin unlike the commission,didnt have ommissions or distortions in his book or ignore evidence,facts and witness testimonys,he actually interviewed demoltion experts who said those towers came down from explosives.the commissions didnt do ANY of that.
9/11 Rimjob cannot keep track of all of his inconsistent loopy conspiracy theories.

It's one thing to harbor a conspiracy theory. Some people do engage in conspiracies, after all.

It's another thing to jump on any and all conceivable conspiracy theories in order to attack the official account of an event like the 9/11/2001 attacks.
9/11 Rimjob cannot keep track of all of his inconsistent loopy conspiracy theories.

It's one thing to harbor a conspiracy theory. Some people do engage in conspiracies, after all.

It's another thing to jump on any and all conceivable conspiracy theories in order to attack the official account of an event like the 9/11/2001 attacks.

Have you ever seen rimjob post a coherent theory? I will state for the record I have not. I have only seen his posts where he( ridicules someone, or the other variety, where he applauds the most hairbrained poorly presented bull shit.

Both examples of his talent can be seen in this very thread!

Hows it been going Liability?
so he specifically sought out the security position at the WTC because he wanted to be there to defend it? that's a brave guy.

do you believe the government knew about it and just did nothing to stop it? how far up did it go?

was it a plane or a missle that struck the pentagon?

what happened to the plane that was "brought down" by the passengers?

i'm not trying to be a douche here, i think this is fascinating and would really enjoy getting responses from someone who has a different perspective than mine. if you don't mind indulging me a bit...
There is a ton of information on the counter view of what happened on 9-11. If you are serious about learning what those views and opinions are you have to start looking it up and watching the videos and reading the links. You gotta do your own research.

very true.a great place to start would be to read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING with the appropriate subtitle-an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. its appropriate because thats all their version is is a conspiracy THEROY.Griffin unlike the commission,didnt have ommissions or distortions in his book or ignore evidence,facts and witness testimonys,he actually interviewed demoltion experts who said those towers came down from explosives.the commissions didnt do ANY of that.
YOU WIN, you stupid fuck for running more letters together than ANY OTHER AMERICAN, you uneducated shit stain.:lol::lol:
There is a ton of information on the counter view of what happened on 9-11. If you are serious about learning what those views and opinions are you have to start looking it up and watching the videos and reading the links. You gotta do your own research.

very true.a great place to start would be to read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING with the appropriate subtitle-an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. its appropriate because thats all their version is is a conspiracy THEROY.Griffin unlike the commission,didnt have ommissions or distortions in his book or ignore evidence,facts and witness testimonys,he actually interviewed demoltion experts who said those towers came down from explosives.the commissions didnt do ANY of that.
YOU WIN, you stupid fuck for running more letters together than ANY OTHER AMERICAN, you uneducated shit stain.:lol::lol:

This coming from someone who uses smiley's , all caps and profanity all in one sentence and does not even know the basics of the official theory he claims to support
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very true.a great place to start would be to read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING with the appropriate subtitle-an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. its appropriate because thats all their version is is a conspiracy THEROY.Griffin unlike the commission,didnt have ommissions or distortions in his book or ignore evidence,facts and witness testimonys,he actually interviewed demoltion experts who said those towers came down from explosives.the commissions didnt do ANY of that.
YOU WIN, you stupid fuck for running more letters together than ANY OTHER AMERICAN, you uneducated shit stain.:lol::lol:

This coming from someone who uses smiley's , all caps and profanity all in one sentence and does not even know the basics of the official theory he claims to support

the five year kid does more damage to the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists with his posts than anything else.He makes Ditzcon look like a mature poster and thats saying an awful lot..:lol::lol:
9/11 Rimjob cannot keep track of all of his inconsistent loopy conspiracy theories.

It's one thing to harbor a conspiracy theory. Some people do engage in conspiracies, after all.

It's another thing to jump on any and all conceivable conspiracy theories in order to attack the official account of an event like the 9/11/2001 attacks.

Have you ever seen rimjob post a coherent theory? I will state for the record I have not. I have only seen his posts where he( ridicules someone, or the other variety, where he applauds the most hairbrained poorly presented bull shit.

Both examples of his talent can be seen in this very thread!

Hows it been going Liability?

as always slackass,you two disinformation agents can only make pathetic personal attacks when you cant refute the evidence or facts as this video of jones lays always,you run away with your tail between your legs making personal attacks instead of trying to refute the evidence in this video.typical ploy from a psyche op agent. LIARABILTY is having fun making an idiot out of himself as well as you are slackass.
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9/11 Rimjob cannot keep track of all of his inconsistent loopy conspiracy theories.

It's one thing to harbor a conspiracy theory. Some people do engage in conspiracies, after all.

It's another thing to jump on any and all conceivable conspiracy theories in order to attack the official account of an event like the 9/11/2001 attacks.

Have you ever seen rimjob post a coherent theory? I will state for the record I have not. I have only seen his posts where he( ridicules someone, or the other variety, where he applauds the most hairbrained poorly presented bull shit.

Both examples of his talent can be seen in this very thread!

Hows it been going Liability?

as always slackass,you two disinformation agents can only make pathetic personal attacks when you cant refute the evidence or facts as this video of jones lays always,you run away with your tail between your legs making personal attacks instead of trying to refute the evidence in this video.typical ploy from a psyche op agent. LIARABILTY is having fun making an idiot out of himself as well as you are slackass.
You know I'm starting to think this disinfo agent stuff is true? How else to explain the remarks and stupid replies in the face of obvious facts that are garnered from credible sources, links and respected scholars etc ? But if they are disinfo people, what a lowlife job they have, but their eyes it's better then taking donations in exchange for pencils at a freeway entrance, or selling blowjobs on a corner. But what they don't realize is that even those occupations are more respectful then being treasonous scumbags to your country.

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