Gas tax and road repairs

It doesn't solve much given it still takes fossils to make the electricity. Before anything we would have to spend trillions to upgrade the grid.

If you buy a standard vehicle today it holds it's value minus mileage. Not so with an electric car. Who's going to buy a used electric car when they know they'll have to get a battery replacement in the next couple of years? Even with the government subsidies, you're still paying more for an electric vehicle than a similar gasoline model and it's not going to hold any value.

It's just a bad idea to force people into this. Given the average EV cost is 63K, that means only the well-to-do will be able to afford them. As for the rest, they'll be forced to use public transportation which is the ultimate goal of these enviro-freaks.
The engine is currently breaking 50% thermal efficiency and it doesn't run 100% of the time. It only runs to keep the battery charged or to meet power demands

These cars are already in service overseas and have some good reviews
These are questions that need to be answered don't you think?

Unlike you I'm not built to just believe everything I read
Synthetic fossil fuel doesn't take up farm land it's produced from carbon emissions
How much farmland will have to be dedicated to producing enough biomass to produce fuel for the entire country or the world for that matter?
The engine is currently breaking 50% thermal efficiency and it doesn't run 100% of the time. It only runs to keep the battery charged or to meet power demands

These cars are already in service overseas and have some good reviews

Something is wrong somewhere if private industry is not jumping all over it. The only thing government subsidizes is garbage most people don't want. They didn't have to subsidize computers, the internet, big screen televisions or cell phones. People couldn't wait to get their hands on these things because of the obvious advantages it would bring to their lives.

I don't see any of that with electric cars.
Something is wrong somewhere if private industry is not jumping all over it. The only thing government subsidizes is garbage most people don't want. They didn't have to subsidize computers, the internet, big screen televisions or cell phones. People couldn't wait to get their hands on these things because of the obvious advantages it would bring to their lives.

I don't see any of that with electric cars.
These cars are already in service overseas.
In the article you linked to the very first example is biomass
Hydrocarbons such as petrol, diesel, and kerosene can be made synthetically using waste carbon–containing feedstock, which reduces fossil-carbon consumption. CO2 is still produced, but this is now second-life carbon (Styring et al. 2021). However, synthetic hydrocarbons still produce particulate emissions and NOx due to their combustion chemistry.
Hydrocarbons such as petrol, diesel, and kerosene can be made synthetically using waste carbon–containing feedstock, which reduces fossil-carbon consumption. CO2 is still produced, but this is now second-life carbon (Styring et al. 2021). However, synthetic hydrocarbons still produce particulate emissions and NOx due to their combustion chemistry.
Can be could be.....

What does it cost and how scalable is the manufacturing process?
Less than an ev
This has nothing to do with an EV and everything to do about your claims that we can produce synthetic fuel in an amount equivalent to the gasoline and other fossil fuels we use.

But you obviously didn't bother to do any actual research on the technology did you? If you did you'd be able to answer the very simple questions I have asked.
The filthy Federal government spends about $5 trillion a year and State and Locals about the same amount.

But yet these butt pirates tell you that if you want a basic service then you need to shell out more money.
This has nothing to do with an EV and everything to do about your claims that we can produce synthetic fuel in an amount equivalent to the gasoline and other fossil fuels we use.

But you obviously didn't bother to do any actual research on the technology did you? If you did you'd be able to answer the very simple questions I have asked.
It has everything to do with EVs
No it really doesn't

And you haven't answered any of my questions on cost and production capacity
Your agreement is not needed
It has everything to do with EVs
Synthetic fuel technology has been in existence longer than evs have. And will be cheaper than evs
Hey YOU made a claim all I did was ask you some questions and you got all pissy like a fucking 5 year old.

If you make a claim prove it.
How much is ev costing to build maintain and replacement of the batteries and how much resources does it take to make a battery and how long do they last?
How much is ev costing to build maintain and replacement of the batteries and how much resources does it take to make a battery and how long do they last?
I never aid anything about that and mode no claims as to what they cost.

YOU said we can easily replace all the gasoline and other fossil fuels with synthetic fuels

So prove you fucking claims

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