Gas tax and road repairs


Okay, tard, I'll clue you in.

The next time you are at the DMV renewing your vehicle registration, ask your idiot self, "Gee, I wonder how these fascists would know how much mileage I put on my Tardmobile in the past year without tracking my movements?"

Wow, you are unbelievably stupid! :lol:
The state I live in doesn’t ask for mileage when renewing vehicle registration. I send them the fee and they send me a new sticker to put on my plate. That’s it.

Vehicle registration is just a money racket anyway.
Oh, wait. Yes you are. You can't figure out how the government would track how much mileage you put on your car.

No problem, I have a hack ...

If more states push to end all fossil fuel powered vehicles where will those states get the money to fix their roads? After all gas tax goes towards road repairs.
Usage tax is what has been proposed in the past. It is a good question though. One that will have to be figured out. No matter how you do it some one will bitch. Suppose tack it to the electric tax or to a usage tax. Miles and weight of vehicle would have to be figured in.
Usage tax is what has been proposed in the past. It is a good question though. One that will have to be figured out. No matter how you do it some one will bitch. Suppose tack it to the electric tax or to a usage tax. Miles and weight of vehicle would have to be figured in.
When I was stationed there, Virginia had a car tax. A kind of property tax.

Then some guy campaigned for governor on the single issue of eliminating the car tax and serving one term.

He won and lived up to his promise! The most. Honest. Politician. Evah!
Oh, shit. I was just trying to find the guy who eliminated the Virginia car tax and see that the tax is back!

When I was stationed there, Virginia had a car tax. A kind of property tax.

Then some guy campaigned for governor on the single issue of eliminating the car tax and serving one term.

He won and lived up to his promise! The most. Honest. Politician. Evah!
Roads bridges and sewer was my profession at one time. I do worry about how to fund it. It is easy to elect someone who promises something for free but try driving on a a crappie road or across a river with no bridge. Gotta rake care of that stuff. It will be interesting to see how it is done in the future. Glad I no longer am responsible for that particular infrastructure. Also glad I am old. This shit won't matter to me when I am dead. Sure do like my kids and grandchildren though! Hope they figure it out. For my kids and grandchildren sake. I flew my mission though some one else's problem now.
Roads bridges and sewer was my profession at one time. I do worry about how to fund it. It is easy to elect someone who promises something for free but try driving on a a crappie road or across a river with no bridge. Gotta rake care of that stuff. It will be interesting to see how it is done in the future. Glad I no longer am responsible for that particular infrastructure. Also glad I am old. This shit won't matter to me when I am dead. Sure do like my kids and grandchildren though! Hope they figure it out. For my kids and grandchildren sake. I flew my mission though some one else's problem now.
The infrastructure can was kicked down the road by both parties for way too long.

The piper has to be paid now, and he won't be cheap.
The infrastructure can was kicked down the road by both parties for way too long.

The piper has to be paid now, and he won't be cheap.
The longer the can gers kicked down the road the more expensive it gets. Glad I am no longer responsible for it. Lol. Good luck to the future.
Usage tax is what has been proposed in the past. It is a good question though. One that will have to be figured out. No matter how you do it some one will bitch. Suppose tack it to the electric tax or to a usage tax. Miles and weight of vehicle would have to be figured in.
It doesn't seem to add up for people who live in one state but work in another. Unless they start tracking.
Usage tax is what has been proposed in the past. It is a good question though. One that will have to be figured out. No matter how you do it some one will bitch. Suppose tack it to the electric tax or to a usage tax. Miles and weight of vehicle would have to be figured in.

This was a few years ago but California ran into that problem. So they came up with an idea of a government GPS being installed on every car. They charge you by how many miles you drive.

I don't know if they ever did it or not, but if they didn't, somebody will IF EVs start to gain ground.

My tenant has a Hybrid vehicle and was socked $80.00 additional taxes when she went to renew her annual license plate tag this year. She was furious. She said once she gets rid of it, she's never going back. She's buying an all gasoline engine car. She doesn't want this one anymore, but apparently nobody else does either. She couldn't get shit for it as a trade in and can't sell the damn thing on her own.
EV's are heavier than gas powered ones causing more wear and tear on roads. Which means we will be taxed more for them and of course the money will go in the general fund to pay for more social programs.

You know how Democrats are, they love to tax you into submission. So look for liberal states to increase state gasoline taxes to make up for the money they don't get from EVs.
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If more states push to end all fossil fuel powered vehicles where will those states get the money to fix their roads? After all gas tax goes towards road repairs.
Some states are doubling the annual fee to register EVs.

Whether that's enough to make up for it, who knows? It depends on how much they get driven.

Another thing to note is that because of the weight of the batteries, the average electric car weighs ~750 pounds more than an ICE powered car. So an electric car causes significantly more wear and tear to the road.
Are you really this stupid?

Oh, wait. Yes you are. You can't figure out how the government would track how much mileage you put on your car.

It's not difficult.

Most states require some sort of vehicle inspection so it's quite an easy thing to tack the mileage of every car that is registered.

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