Got a real serious question for white folk....honestly

What would you call inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs created or hide how few jobs your 870 Billion dollar stimulus actually created? Playing fast and loose with the numbers works for me...
Unlike you, they made nothing up. A job created is a new job added. A job saved is an existing job which does not get cut where it would have been. Just because you struggle with words doesn't mean others do.

And I'm still waiting for you to demonstrate the U-3 rate prior to 1994 would have been lower using the changes the BLS applied given the change in the age range.

Whassamatter? Defending your hallucinations too difficult for ya?

How about you show me how you arrive at a credible number for how many jobs you "saved", Faun? The entire reason for using THAT statistic is that it was absolutely impossible to verify a number...which meant the Obama Administration could simply make one up that they thought sounded good. It's the very EPITOME of playing fast and loose with numbers!

Then you can take a crack at explaining how Barry got it SO wrong on his pledge that the average Middle Class family would save $2,500 a year in healthcare costs if the ACA was passed.
Look at oldstyle running away from me. :lmao: I challenged him several times now to show he's not a retard by demonstrating that the U-3 unemployment rate is lower because of the changes established in 1994 when factoring in the changes to the age range, and he can't answer.

That you run away from me convinces me you would also run away from ClosedCaption, despite your vapid denials.

As far as your question, I don't know that anyone has produced numbers indicating how many jobs were saved without also factoring in jobs created. There were numbers estimated based on jobs saved and created which I'd be more than happy to share.

Just a little side note....if you do the math, clearly democrats outnumber conservatives when it comes to job creations:

LOL...So what happens when business bails out because of the punitive taxes we can expect from the hildebeast?
You truly dont understand where this country is headed do you?
Look at the vast majority of jobs created and who they are going's a hint. It aint blacks or whites.
Personally the destruction wont effect me one way or another but people like you are gonna be fucked.

These jobs that are being created are low wage jobs and the majority of those getting them are hispanic illegals, we all know that.....but lets get something off the table once and for all......small business owners, the apple pie of every election, the biggest whiners of every policy put forth by the Obama adm., who by the way is Obama's number one priority.....all guilty of hiring illegals, all of them. Just as corporate America hires illegals for their homes, thier everything......but blaming Obama? seriously???????????
Race relations were not good because of the race baiters such as Jackson and Sharpton. The problem with Obama is that he is the first clean, articulate black man to come around. WE thought he would make things better. WE thought he had the best chance of anyone considering he grew up "white." We thought that the election of a black president would ease race relations but exactly the opposite has happened. As it is always with liberals.
You sir, are a Bigot.

nothing I posted even approaches bigotry, what is wrong with you?

It's the answer when they don't have one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If no one is responding its because they like you and don't want to see you melt from them providing you with facts....after all, facts to ingrate conservative is like water to the wicked witch of the North, just ask ToTo

When you provide a fact let me know. So far all you are is another shootspeeders and Steve McGarrett. You hate someone because of the color of their skin, not the content of their character. Because of your mindset you believe everyone else does the same. I like Obama, I'd have a beer with him, I don't like his policies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look, don't go there with the bs policy crap.....President Obama is no more responsible for white people's anger than Bush is responsible for reading a book. The only thing he did was be black in nation that is use to having white people in the white house...end of story

Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

^^^ Racist Moron who deserves to be shunned ^^^

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the Imbecilic OP fails to grok is that Racist-Race Baiters such as her (self-admitted OBESE) self have cried wolf far too many times.

Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

^^^ Racist Moron who deserves to be shunned ^^^

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the Imbecilic OP fails to grok is that Racist-Race Baiters such as her (self-admitted OBESE) self have cried wolf far too many times.

View attachment 41588

I challenge you to find one post of mine on this board where I judge someone by the color of his skin or ethnicity.

Given that I've been her since 2007, have fun reading my 35K plus posts.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

^^^ Racist Moron who deserves to be shunned ^^^

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the Imbecilic OP fails to grok is that Racist-Race Baiters such as her (self-admitted OBESE) self have cried wolf far too many times.

View attachment 41588

I challenge you to find one post of mine on this board where I judge someone by the color of his skin or ethnicity.

Given that I've been her since 2007, have fun reading my 35K plus posts.

Seriously, I stand by my comments and you sir aren't a racist, you're an idiot....feel better
Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

^^^ Racist Moron who deserves to be shunned ^^^

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the Imbecilic OP fails to grok is that Racist-Race Baiters such as her (self-admitted OBESE) self have cried wolf far too many times.

View attachment 41588

I challenge you to find one post of mine on this board where I judge someone by the color of his skin or ethnicity.

Given that I've been her since 2007, have fun reading my 35K plus posts.

Seriously, I stand by my comments and you sir aren't a racist, you're an idiot....feel better

You're a racist moron.

Race relations were not good because of the race baiters such as Jackson and Sharpton. The problem with Obama is that he is the first clean, articulate black man to come around. WE thought he would make things better. WE thought he had the best chance of anyone considering he grew up "white." We thought that the election of a black president would ease race relations but exactly the opposite has happened. As it is always with liberals.
You sir, are a Bigot.

nothing I posted even approaches bigotry, what is wrong with you?

It's the answer when they don't have one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If no one is responding its because they like you and don't want to see you melt from them providing you with facts....after all, facts to ingrate conservative is like water to the wicked witch of the North, just ask ToTo

When you provide a fact let me know. So far all you are is another shootspeeders and Steve McGarrett. You hate someone because of the color of their skin, not the content of their character. Because of your mindset you believe everyone else does the same. I like Obama, I'd have a beer with him, I don't like his policies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okay, okay, okay....listen, I get it. I don't like his war policies, I don't like the way he caters to the right, there's a lot of things I don't like about Obama.....but respect him, yes? I hated every single second that Bush was in office, but I never ever degraded the man, like everyone seems to do with OBama, just sayin
Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

^^^ Racist Moron who deserves to be shunned ^^^

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the Imbecilic OP fails to grok is that Racist-Race Baiters such as her (self-admitted OBESE) self have cried wolf far too many times.

View attachment 41588

I challenge you to find one post of mine on this board where I judge someone by the color of his skin or ethnicity.

Given that I've been her since 2007, have fun reading my 35K plus posts.

Seriously, I stand by my comments and you sir aren't a racist, you're an idiot....feel better

You're a racist moron.


Coming from a white idiot, NEXT? Since when does anything coming from the likes of you bother me? GTFOOH
Look, don't go there with the bs policy crap.....President Obama is no more responsible for white people's anger than Bush is responsible for reading a book. The only thing he did was be black in nation that is use to having white people in the white house...end of story

Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Look, don't go there with the bs policy crap.....President Obama is no more responsible for white people's anger than Bush is responsible for reading a book. The only thing he did was be black in nation that is use to having white people in the white house...end of story

Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.
Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

^^^ Racist Moron who deserves to be shunned ^^^

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What the Imbecilic OP fails to grok is that Racist-Race Baiters such as her (self-admitted OBESE) self have cried wolf far too many times.

View attachment 41588

I challenge you to find one post of mine on this board where I judge someone by the color of his skin or ethnicity.

Given that I've been her since 2007, have fun reading my 35K plus posts.

Seriously, I stand by my comments and you sir aren't a racist, you're an idiot....feel better

You're a racist moron.

I agree, now go smoke your meth!!
I'm way past sick of this darkies want a fucking race war START IT!

C'mon ahead, see what happens....otherwise, STFU and clean up your own mess...we're done with it...burn down your own neighborhoods and live in the debris....doesn't mean shit to any of us....$20T spent on poverty since 1964....we're $20T in the's either shut up or start shooting.
You sir, are a Bigot.

nothing I posted even approaches bigotry, what is wrong with you?

It's the answer when they don't have one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If no one is responding its because they like you and don't want to see you melt from them providing you with facts....after all, facts to ingrate conservative is like water to the wicked witch of the North, just ask ToTo

When you provide a fact let me know. So far all you are is another shootspeeders and Steve McGarrett. You hate someone because of the color of their skin, not the content of their character. Because of your mindset you believe everyone else does the same. I like Obama, I'd have a beer with him, I don't like his policies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okay, okay, okay....listen, I get it. I don't like his war policies, I don't like the way he caters to the right, there's a lot of things I don't like about Obama.....but respect him, yes? I hated every single second that Bush was in office, but I never ever degraded the man, like everyone seems to do with OBama, just sayin
I don't degrade Obama, he is the President. He is our elected leader. I don't agree with his policies.

Many degraded Bush, someone had his likeness hanging from a tree. He was called Hitler and on and on. The next President will face even worse.

It is the nature of politics. I do think that the rightwing nutters are a lot tougher on Michelle than any other First Lady. They attack her no matter what. That is wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First of all, we have more people on public assistance because it's free money and the government made it easier to collect...

Exactly! The current system rewards non-productivity while punishing those who make the effort to get ahead.

Of course baby boomers retiring are contributing to the drop in the labor force participation rate...

Bingo! The unemployment numbers look better in large part because the demographic bulge is leaving the workforce only to be replaced by fewer young workers. Today there are 5 workers for every Social Security recipient. In 15 years there will be only 2.5. Needless to say they will not be able to carry the load.

I know you tend to be liberal but you are sounding surprisingly like a conservative.
Just a friendly warning.
Fuck you. :wink_2:

Just kidding. But in all seriousness ... I am in favor of [short term] welfare, unemployment benefits, disability benefits ... for those who truly need them. I just think they should spend even more money to crack down on the ones taking advantage of the system, which would in turn, save money.

I'm pretty certain that position keeps me firmly on the Liberal side of the aisle. :thup:

Nope. Lib problem solving is always the same: "throw more (of someone else's) money at it!"
All of your responsible, finite resource type thinking is definitely conservative. You may also harbor the unusual belief that teaching people to fish rather than giving them one is the better option. If so you have clearly crossed over to the "dark side."
Umm ... see, "I just think they should spend even more money," in my post.

Whew! :cool-45:
The complaints being directed at Obama, are because he is President and a

Is it because he is a democrat? Or because he is black?

You keep jumping back and forth on that one.

Could it be because some people aren't happy with his policies?

Look, don't go there with the bs policy crap.....President Obama is no more responsible for white people's anger than Bush is responsible for reading a book. The only thing he did was be black in nation that is use to having white people in the white house...end of story

Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong
You could say much of that about Bush.

Although, now that I intoned the name, 'Bush', I should expect some righties to cry about me doing that ....

"Boooooooooooooosh!!!" :scared1:
I'm way past sick of this darkies want a fucking race war START IT!

C'mon ahead, see what happens....otherwise, STFU and clean up your own mess...we're done with it...burn down your own neighborhoods and live in the debris....doesn't mean shit to any of us....$20T spent on poverty since 1964....we're $20T in the's either shut up or start shooting.

I'd be sick of darkies too if they were taking all my white mops to bed...have a nice day~!! Oh and they are shootin', I just want say what... blink blink...ask Becky!!
These jobs that are being created are low wage jobs and the majority of those getting them are hispanic illegals, we all know that...

Yanno, using real facts instead of that which you learn at would not only make you seem less stupid, it would make you less bitter and angry all the time. There is more demand for skilled workers - those actually capable of doing something productive in exchange for a paycheck - than there are skilled workers to fill the jobs. Wanna good job? Learn to be productive.
These jobs that are being created are low wage jobs and the majority of those getting them are hispanic illegals, we all know that...

Yanno, using real facts instead of that which you learn at would not only make you seem less stupid, it would make you less bitter and angry all the time. There is more demand for skilled workers - those actually capable of doing something productive in exchange for a paycheck - than there are skilled workers to fill the jobs. Wanna good job? Learn to be productive.

Lets get something clear before we go any further, I'm a 10 year Naval Vet, college degreed currently working for the last 20 plus years finance officer. However, I agree with all you you get productive and stop hating on black people....find a rabbit or a roach to torture.
I challenge you to find one post of mine on this board where I judge someone by the color of his skin or ethnicity. Given that I've been her since 2007, have fun reading my 35K plus posts.

Tigger seems to judge everyone by their love (or lack of same) for our Prez. If you don't share her POV or you're white or you're conservative you must be a racist. Convenient, eh?
Yanno, using real facts instead of that which you learn at would not only make you seem less stupid, it would make you less bitter and angry all the time. There is more demand for skilled workers - those actually capable of doing something productive in exchange for a paycheck - than there are skilled workers to fill the jobs. Wanna good job? Learn to be productive.

Lets get something clear before we go any further, I'm a 10 year Naval Vet, college degreed currently working for the last 20 plus years finance officer. However, I agree with all you you get productive and stop hating on black people....find a rabbit or a roach to torture.

Thank you for your service to our country and congrats on what seems to having been a life worth living. My "Wanna good job? Learn to be productive" wasn't aimed at you but rather at the millions of Americans who just don't get it. My point however, remains: There is more demand for skilled workers - those actually capable of doing something productive in exchange for a paycheck - than there are skilled workers to fill the jobs which renders your "These jobs that are being created are low wage jobs and the majority of those getting them are hispanic illegals, we all know that..." comment the racist BS it was.
Congrats ... you are the racist here.

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