Got a real serious question for white folk....honestly

I'd be sick of darkies too if they were taking all my white mops to bed...have a nice day~!! Oh and they are shootin', I just want say what... blink blink...ask Becky!!

I'm betting you don't see the angry, bitter, racist bitch when you look in the mirror but that doesn't mean she's not there. The thing is, you misdirect your disdain for black men who prefer white women, at Whitey. Perhaps, like most men, the bruthaz just don't like dealing with angry, bitter women.
BTW ... you can hate me for pointing out the truth but it won't solve your problem.
Lets get something clear before we go any further, I'm a 10 year Naval Vet, college degreed currently working for the last 20 plus years finance officer. However, I agree with all you you get productive and stop hating on black people....find a rabbit or a roach to torture.

You're a lying sack of said a couple weeks ago that thanks to Obozo you've got a job. Further, you say you want a colorblind society and then try to mock white guys when white girls act out their fantasies by having sex with an ape. We don't care if those girls don't care....they're in for getting knocked up, sodomized, and beaten...How that gives you bragging rights is beyond me....your youth are idiots, your race is getting nowhere.
Lib problem solving is always the same: "throw more (of someone else's) money at it!"
All of your responsible, finite resource type thinking is definitely conservative. You may also harbor the unusual belief that teaching people to fish rather than giving them one is the better option. If so you have clearly crossed over to the "dark side."
Umm ... see, "I just think they should spend even more money," in my post.
Whew! :cool-45:

Clearly you do not share that fundamental lib tenet which simply reinforces my contention that you may have crossed over to the "dark (conservative) side." Welcome!
Look at oldstyle running away from me. :lmao: I challenged him several times now to show he's not a retard by demonstrating that the U-3 unemployment rate is lower because of the changes established in 1994 when factoring in the changes to the age range, and he can't answer.

That you run away from me convinces me you would also run away from ClosedCaption, despite your vapid denials.

As far as your question, I don't know that anyone has produced numbers indicating how many jobs were saved without also factoring in jobs created. There were numbers estimated based on jobs saved and created which I'd be more than happy to share.

Just a little side note....if you do the math, clearly democrats outnumber conservatives when it comes to job creations:

LOL...So what happens when business bails out because of the punitive taxes we can expect from the hildebeast?
You truly dont understand where this country is headed do you?
Look at the vast majority of jobs created and who they are going's a hint. It aint blacks or whites.
Personally the destruction wont effect me one way or another but people like you are gonna be fucked.
Many on the right made the same exact predictions s about Obama. Before we worry about the effect of Hillary's tax policies on the economy, how much longer do we have to wait until Obama crashes the economy? And if he doesn't, why should anyone believe you about Hillary since you were wrong about Obama? And like you (that's collectively of the right) were wrong about Bill after making the same prediction then?

You obviously havent been paying attention. Or you've been listening to obama tell you good things are.

You cowardly fucks have been waiting on the sky to fall since the man took office. You thrive on the what if factor....tell you what, what if, grandma had balls? We'd call her grandpa, yes? The only concern this tax payer is concerned about today, is my valuable fucking tax dollars being spent every single second of every single day, hunting down Muslims....I'm sick of this war, the people involved and I wish Obama had the balls to withdraw our troops and focus on intelligence here at home to weed out the homegrown terrorist that are now US citizens.

Sorry,your thread has fallen into obscurity since you've taken so long to respond....
Just a little side note....if you do the math, clearly democrats outnumber conservatives when it comes to job creations:

LOL...So what happens when business bails out because of the punitive taxes we can expect from the hildebeast?
You truly dont understand where this country is headed do you?
Look at the vast majority of jobs created and who they are going's a hint. It aint blacks or whites.
Personally the destruction wont effect me one way or another but people like you are gonna be fucked.
Many on the right made the same exact predictions s about Obama. Before we worry about the effect of Hillary's tax policies on the economy, how much longer do we have to wait until Obama crashes the economy? And if he doesn't, why should anyone believe you about Hillary since you were wrong about Obama? And like you (that's collectively of the right) were wrong about Bill after making the same prediction then?

You obviously havent been paying attention. Or you've been listening to obama tell you good things are.
In terms of Obama, I consider where he started and where he got us. He started in one of the worst recessions in our history and got us to full employment and a record high stock market. While things can still better, that's pretty damn good given where we were.

Obama is and will always be considered a damned good president despite the visceral hatred from whites and the far right and black folk too. ESPECIALLY GIVEN THE FACT, THE CONSERVATIVE CONGRESS HAS FOUGHT THIS MAN EVERY SINGLE STEP OF THE WAY....JUST INCREDIBLE. Is my life better? Not really, but I'm 57 years old and no president, even Clinton has made anyone's life better. That's not the job of the president, that's a job for me and my family to contend with

Dude, I hate to point out the awkwardly obvious but Barack Obama took office with Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate. Congress didn't become "conservative" until the American people voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms!
Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Every president gets criticism.

That you expect him to get a pass is you wanting special treatment for the Black guy.

Your expectation is the problem here, not white behavior.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.

The facts are that you lefties always do this.

You spend more time finding reasons to dismiss others than engaging in substantial debate about the issues.

You think that my issue with Obama is his skin color.

IN the past when I complained about HIllary, lefties said I had a problem with strong women.

When I criticized Bill Clinton I was anti-sex.

Hell, I've had lefties accuse me of being EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS!

And racism? Christ, you've been beating that dead horse all day every day for my entire life.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.

The facts are that you lefties always do this.

You spend more time finding reasons to dismiss others than engaging in substantial debate about the issues.

You think that my issue with Obama is his skin color.

IN the past when I complained about HIllary, lefties said I had a problem with strong women.

When I criticized Bill Clinton I was anti-sex.

Hell, I've had lefties accuse me of being EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS!

And racism? Christ, you've been beating that dead horse all day every day for my entire life.
You do know that fossil fuels can be emotionally taxiing, right?
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.

The facts are that you lefties always do this.

You spend more time finding reasons to dismiss others than engaging in substantial debate about the issues.

You think that my issue with Obama is his skin color.

IN the past when I complained about HIllary, lefties said I had a problem with strong women.

When I criticized Bill Clinton I was anti-sex.

Hell, I've had lefties accuse me of being EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS!

And racism? Christ, you've been beating that dead horse all day every day for my entire life.
Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Personally, I don't care about the criticism. I don't even care about the blatant hypocrisy of criticizing him for the very same things righties give Republicans a pass on.

What I do care about is when people lie to criticize the president. I don't care what party you belong to. Like oldstyle lying about how Obama didn't declare his objectives of ARRA included "saving" jobs until after it passed as an attempt at damage control.

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.

The facts are that you lefties always do this.

You spend more time finding reasons to dismiss others than engaging in substantial debate about the issues.

You think that my issue with Obama is his skin color.

IN the past when I complained about HIllary, lefties said I had a problem with strong women.

When I criticized Bill Clinton I was anti-sex.

Hell, I've had lefties accuse me of being EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS!

And racism? Christ, you've been beating that dead horse all day every day for my entire life.

Both Hillary and Bill are liars, cheats and dishonest political croonies, both deserve all the ridicule life has to offer and then some.....if you focus on the topic and stay with it, you'd realize the accuse President Obama of hightening racism in this country begs for someone to ask, when was race relations ever good in this country? What people like you aren't doing is pondering the question, your simply reacting to me and my thread.
Dude, I hate to point out the awkwardly obvious but Barack Obama took office with Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate. Congress didn't become "conservative" until the American people voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms![/QUOTE]

You will never ever ever ever ever get me to co sign onto congressional democrats as being nothing more than a bunch of highly paid welfare cowards who stay on the hill for a check. They along with the nuts on the right made Obama's first few years a living hell and yes we voted every single one of those bastards out and replaced them with more nuts....however although they had a majority, they still relied foolishly on the 60 vote concept, thus failing to enact a lot of key legislation that could have been passed.
Just a little side note....if you do the math, clearly democrats outnumber conservatives when it comes to job creations:

LOL...So what happens when business bails out because of the punitive taxes we can expect from the hildebeast?
You truly dont understand where this country is headed do you?
Look at the vast majority of jobs created and who they are going's a hint. It aint blacks or whites.
Personally the destruction wont effect me one way or another but people like you are gonna be fucked.
Many on the right made the same exact predictions s about Obama. Before we worry about the effect of Hillary's tax policies on the economy, how much longer do we have to wait until Obama crashes the economy? And if he doesn't, why should anyone believe you about Hillary since you were wrong about Obama? And like you (that's collectively of the right) were wrong about Bill after making the same prediction then?

You obviously havent been paying attention. Or you've been listening to obama tell you good things are.

You cowardly fucks have been waiting on the sky to fall since the man took office. You thrive on the what if factor....tell you what, what if, grandma had balls? We'd call her grandpa, yes? The only concern this tax payer is concerned about today, is my valuable fucking tax dollars being spent every single second of every single day, hunting down Muslims....I'm sick of this war, the people involved and I wish Obama had the balls to withdraw our troops and focus on intelligence here at home to weed out the homegrown terrorist that are now US citizens.

Sorry,your thread has fallen into obscurity since you've taken so long to respond....

Contrary to popular beliefs, it has not fallen into obscruity, however I must remind people I do have a life outside of the web, its called a JOB and family
LOL...So what happens when business bails out because of the punitive taxes we can expect from the hildebeast?
You truly dont understand where this country is headed do you?
Look at the vast majority of jobs created and who they are going's a hint. It aint blacks or whites.
Personally the destruction wont effect me one way or another but people like you are gonna be fucked.
Many on the right made the same exact predictions s about Obama. Before we worry about the effect of Hillary's tax policies on the economy, how much longer do we have to wait until Obama crashes the economy? And if he doesn't, why should anyone believe you about Hillary since you were wrong about Obama? And like you (that's collectively of the right) were wrong about Bill after making the same prediction then?

You obviously havent been paying attention. Or you've been listening to obama tell you good things are.

You cowardly fucks have been waiting on the sky to fall since the man took office. You thrive on the what if factor....tell you what, what if, grandma had balls? We'd call her grandpa, yes? The only concern this tax payer is concerned about today, is my valuable fucking tax dollars being spent every single second of every single day, hunting down Muslims....I'm sick of this war, the people involved and I wish Obama had the balls to withdraw our troops and focus on intelligence here at home to weed out the homegrown terrorist that are now US citizens.

Sorry,your thread has fallen into obscurity since you've taken so long to respond....

Contrary to popular beliefs, it has not fallen into obscruity, however I must remind people I do have a life outside of the web, its called a JOB and family

You should strive to be like me.
Younger than you and retired.
Lets get something clear before we go any further, I'm a 10 year Naval Vet, college degreed currently working for the last 20 plus years finance officer. However, I agree with all you you get productive and stop hating on black people....find a rabbit or a roach to torture.

You're a lying sack of said a couple weeks ago that thanks to Obozo you've got a job. Further, you say you want a colorblind society and then try to mock white guys when white girls act out their fantasies by having sex with an ape. We don't care if those girls don't care....they're in for getting knocked up, sodomized, and beaten...How that gives you bragging rights is beyond me....your youth are idiots, your race is getting nowhere.

And greetings to you too....if I thanked Obama, I meant it. Shortly after Obama took office that bailout to the banks, although imposed by Bush, but acted on by Obama saved my bank from folding. Secondly, hating on me because Becky and Suzzy is into choking on dark meat is not gonna aide you in keeping their panties on when around as you call it "apes" and if you want to call it a "fantasy", and that helps you sleep well at night with your blow up dolls and sheeps, than have at it. My "youths" are all highly paid college Mastered degreed" idiots and happy and my race, my family has gone extremely far in this life...sorry!!

As for a color blind society, something I don't ever ever recall saying...and I'd like for you to find a thread where I said that.....Only when white people, the old and ignorant give up the dreams of yesterday and embrace the future, only then when this so called society be able to breath again
I'd be sick of darkies too if they were taking all my white mops to bed...have a nice day~!! Oh and they are shootin', I just want say what... blink blink...ask Becky!!

I'm betting you don't see the angry, bitter, racist bitch when you look in the mirror but that doesn't mean she's not there. The thing is, you misdirect your disdain for black men who prefer white women, at Whitey. Perhaps, like most men, the bruthaz just don't like dealing with angry, bitter women.
BTW ... you can hate me for pointing out the truth but it won't solve your problem.

My bitterness comes from a good place...when I see white folk fkkkk over black men all the time and these sell out brainwashed losers still can't get enough of their white women, yeah it pisses me off. Because its black women and mothers who are showing up at these rallies demanding equality in law enforcement when it comes to our men and for our efforts, as Kanye, another sell out put it, "as soon as he gets it on, he leaves yo ass for a white woman". I can assure you, if the pickings were slim to any other race, the same ire and bitterness would be there also...thus we never would have had segregation, okay
I'd be sick of darkies too if they were taking all my white mops to bed...have a nice day~!! Oh and they are shootin', I just want say what... blink blink...ask Becky!!

I'm betting you don't see the angry, bitter, racist bitch when you look in the mirror but that doesn't mean she's not there. The thing is, you misdirect your disdain for black men who prefer white women, at Whitey. Perhaps, like most men, the bruthaz just don't like dealing with angry, bitter women.
BTW ... you can hate me for pointing out the truth but it won't solve your problem.

My bitterness comes from a good place...when I see white folk fkkkk over black men all the time and these sell out brainwashed losers still can't get enough of their white women, yeah it pisses me off. Because its black women and mothers who are showing up at these rallies demanding equality in law enforcement when it comes to our men and for our efforts, as Kanye, another sell out put it, "as soon as he gets it on, he leaves yo ass for a white woman". I can assure you, if the pickings were slim to any other race, the same ire and bitterness would be there also...thus we never would have had segregation, okay

No where did I say that your anger and bitterness were unjustified but rather that carrying it - as you note - is often a thankless burden that can easily diminish the quality of your life. Given what you have shared about yourself you have paid your dues, enjoyed the opportunities America has to offer, and have been rewarded by having your kids enjoy a measure of success. All good stuff. I sincerely hope you find your most gratifying and satisfying years to be ahead of you.
Dude, I hate to point out the awkwardly obvious but Barack Obama took office with Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate. Congress didn't become "conservative" until the American people voted Democrats out of office in the 2010 mid-terms!

You will never ever ever ever ever get me to co sign onto congressional democrats as being nothing more than a bunch of highly paid welfare cowards who stay on the hill for a check. They along with the nuts on the right made Obama's first few years a living hell and yes we voted every single one of those bastards out and replaced them with more nuts....however although they had a majority, they still relied foolishly on the 60 vote concept, thus failing to enact a lot of key legislation that could have been passed.[/QUOTE]

What did that nonsense even mean? Barack Obama took office with large Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate to work with. What he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid gave the American people was the Obama stimulus debacle and ObamaCare both of which prompted the voters to take away Barry's majorities so that he couldn't do more damage.
Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.

The facts are that you lefties always do this.

You spend more time finding reasons to dismiss others than engaging in substantial debate about the issues.

You think that my issue with Obama is his skin color.

IN the past when I complained about HIllary, lefties said I had a problem with strong women.

When I criticized Bill Clinton I was anti-sex.

Hell, I've had lefties accuse me of being EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS!

And racism? Christ, you've been beating that dead horse all day every day for my entire life.
Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Trigger does care about the criticism.

Since he thinks that Obama has done nothing to deserve ridicule, as BIll did, that those who do ridicule him anyways must be racist.

So, want to help me out here?

Trigger, speaking here.....listen, you idiot. Comparing Obama's criticism to every white president on both sides is an unfair comparison and you racist whites know this. This man, has been called every negative name in the book, has been compared to Hitler, is constantly being ridiculed for every word spoken to the suit he wears. His wife has been humiliated and embarrased on a continual bases, his daughters, I mean what conservative white american has done to this particular president is unpresidented in US history and for morons like yourself to deny this and label it as political fodda? Give me a f*** break!! This man couldn't even give a damned speech to school kids welcoming them back to school before white mf's start having issues and this was way before the man even had a full day in office, so take your denying white as to dark planet, where you saps belong

Not a racist.

Bush was compared to Hitler a thousand times.

It only seems like more to you because you care about this President more.

LOLOLOL...Bush was acting like Hitler....listen, if you people do anything in life, anything and I mean anything.....get with the facts. The ridicule that most presidents received, was earned!!!! Being humilated for a fist bump, told not to speak at a kindegarten class, your birth still an issue to this day, daily security breaches, you and your wife featured on a prominant magazine with bones in your noses...I mean the list is endless, all racially based and we all know it.

The facts are that you lefties always do this.

You spend more time finding reasons to dismiss others than engaging in substantial debate about the issues.

You think that my issue with Obama is his skin color.

IN the past when I complained about HIllary, lefties said I had a problem with strong women.

When I criticized Bill Clinton I was anti-sex.

Hell, I've had lefties accuse me of being EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS!

And racism? Christ, you've been beating that dead horse all day every day for my entire life.

Both Hillary and Bill are liars, cheats and dishonest political croonies, both deserve all the ridicule life has to offer and then some.....if you focus on the topic and stay with it, you'd realize the accuse President Obama of hightening racism in this country begs for someone to ask, when was race relations ever good in this country? What people like you aren't doing is pondering the question, your simply reacting to me and my thread.

I answered that point back on page 3 and at least once since then.

I will repost.

I like that you included a picture of Katrina flooding, this will make my explanation easy.

See before Obama, incidents like that, where the black community had a hissy fit over something that had nothing to do with race, only intruded into the world of White America every couple of years.

Whites could convince themselves at other times that blacks were happy with the way things were going, what with all the focus and efforts being made on their behalf.

NOw, with any criticism of the President causing that same type of hissy fit, on a constant and daily basis that reasonable assumption has been proven wrong.
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard.
To go back to the original OP: I'm not aware of anyone actually saying that. I would definitely say that his has been an administration of terribly wasted opportunity, and that he has done precious little to take advantage of the fact that no President has ever been better equipped -- not even close -- to begin to heal racial wounds. He has said things more than once that could be construed as taking sides, and that part of his presidency has been damaging.

I don't think anyone, anywhere, would say that "Obama is responsible for the racial tension we have in this country", to quote you. On one end, there is still real racism out there; and on the other, there are people who, for generations now, have exacerbated an environment of division by segregating blacks via lowering standards and making excuses for and enabling bad behaviors.

Both "sides" of this issue have a great deal of self-inspection to do, but Obama himself has chosen to squander a great opportunity.

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Obviously racism was embedded in society long before Obama came in the picture. It seems to still be embedded in individuals.

Hating the president because of his politics, hating violent riots is normal. Its the stereotypical and condescending views that come out in comments that are racist, calling a whole group of people animals? Arrogantly proclaiming you've accepted something about "them".
How is any president REALLY suppose to change all that. Maybe hes tried to hard to stay neutral concerning racial issues...which ends up making both sides angry.
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard.
To go back to the original OP: I'm not aware of anyone actually saying that. I would definitely say that his has been an administration of terribly wasted opportunity, and that he has done precious little to take advantage of the fact that no President has ever been better equipped -- not even close -- to begin to heal racial wounds. He has said things more than once that could be construed as taking sides, and that part of his presidency has been damaging.

I don't think anyone, anywhere, would say that "Obama is responsible for the racial tension we have in this country", to quote you. On one end, there is still real racism out there; and on the other, there are people who, for generations now, have exacerbated an environment of division by segregating blacks via lowering standards and making excuses for and enabling bad behaviors.

Both "sides" of this issue have a great deal of self-inspection to do, but Obama himself has chosen to squander a great opportunity.


First off, every president should take the opportunity to address racism in this country, they all should. Proudly, however its been democrats who have taken this stance and did something about it. Obama, however is at a fork in the road and as a black man, he has to walk a very very thin line. As noted anything that he says has been taken at face value, thus the conflict.....I however have found, as has the AG, that recent incidents in this country begs for radical changes in policies when dealing with law enforcement and black people, something thank God, Obama has tried to address.....however, if change is truly to come about, THAN WHITE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY NEED TO ADDRESS, ESPECIALLY THOSE CARRYING BADGES AND THIS IS OF ALL COLORS, BLACK WHITE GREEN YELLOW...WHEN THOSE ATTITUDES CHANGE, MAYBE OBAMA AND ALL OF US CAN BREATH A SIGH OF RELIEF.....But expecting Obama to change the hearts and minds of people who live in black fear..outside of a'on, they guy ain't GOD!!!
Obviously racism was embedded in society long before Obama came in the picture. It seems to still be embedded in individuals.

Hating the president because of his politics, hating violent riots is normal. Its the stereotypical and condescending views that come out in comments that are racist, calling a whole group of people animals? Arrogantly proclaiming you've accepted something about "them".
How is any president REALLY suppose to change all that. Maybe hes tried to hard to stay neutral concerning racial issues...which ends up making both sides angry.

As a black man, its impossible for our first black president to just sit on the sidelines and watch things happen and not say anything.....because Obama, although president, will someday have to re enter the same country that we're all dealing with, with his skin color. I have issues with people who clearly are the problem, who expect Obama to change their hearts and minds?????? If you hate blacks today, you hated them yesterday and the day before. I understand this thin line he must walk and I applaud anything he does to address it, but blame Obama because we host a country of cowardly cops who devalue black people??? I don't think so!!

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