Gun owner...first shot kills homem invader...literally, his first shot...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This story is why guns are so important as a defensive tool....this is a 70 year old man who never fired a gun before...ever....a home invader breaks into this couples house, points the shotgun and orders the 70 year old man to get on the ground....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day OK Gun Owner s First Ever Shot Takes Down Shotgun Burglar Edition - The Truth About Guns

Cardell says he did not have any experience using a firearm.

“No! That’s my first time shooting a gun,” he said.

Frances said they bought the gun hoping to never need it, but now she’s glad it was there.

“This is something we never dreamed would have happened in our lifetime,” Frances said.

the anti gunners don't understand...firearms are not that hard to use...sure...more training is better than no training....but very little training is no bar from deploying a gun most self defense cases, you aren't going to find people who train like navy seals....they tend to be average people with little to no training, and they use the guns to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks....that is why the gun replaced the sword, and spear and why they are so important for the weak, the old, the injured, the ambushed and the individual facing multiple other weapon makes people equal the way a gun does....
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I'm glad things worked out of that old couple, I really am, but anyone who has a gun for self defense purposes and doesn't train with it is an idiot.

This one story doesn't change that.
This story is why guns are so important as a defensive tool....this is a 70 year old man who never fired a gun before...ever....a home invader breaks into this couples house, points the shotgun and orders the 70 year old man to get on the ground....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day OK Gun Owner s First Ever Shot Takes Down Shotgun Burglar Edition - The Truth About Guns

Cardell says he did not have any experience using a firearm.

“No! That’s my first time shooting a gun,” he said.

Frances said they bought the gun hoping to never need it, but now she’s glad it was there.

“This is something we never dreamed would have happened in our lifetime,” Frances said.

the anti gunners don't understand...firearms are not that hard to use...sure...more training is better than no training....but very little training is no bar from deploying a gun most self defense cases, you aren't going to find people who train like navy seals....they tend to be average people with little to no training, and they use the guns to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks....that is why the gun replaced the sword, and spear and why they are so important for the weak, the old, the injured, the ambushed and the individual facing multiple other weapon makes people equal the way a gun does....

And he didn't need a hi cap magazine.
never would say that...I support training as often as possible....but guns are not a magical tool is a fairly simple mechanical device, especially let's not pretend only highly trained navy seals and police swat teams can use them for self,defense...
You know what Brain 357, you could give this guy all the 30 round magazines he wanted....and not one of them would be used to commit a crime....

it is still amazing that you think that gang members who are prevented by law from owning, carrying and shooting guns of any make or model, and yet still use guns to murder people...will be unable to get 30 round magazines....

In your mind how,does that work....even in Australia and Britain, their Ganga and criminals have guns...and in Britain they also use grenades...
You know what Brain 357, you could give this guy all the 30 round magazines he wanted....and not one of them would be used to commit a crime....

it is still amazing that you think that gang members who are prevented by law from owning, carrying and shooting guns of any make or model, and yet still use guns to murder people...will be unable to get 30 round magazines....

In your mind how,does that work....even in Australia and Britain, their Ganga and criminals have guns...and in Britain they also use grenades...

It's not about unable. They would have no reason to get 30 rd magazines. If hi cap magazines were illegal it would be much easier to get guns with 10 rd magazines. Why bother putting the extra effort into getting 30 rd magazines when you can rob a store with 10 just as well? Criminals don't use machine guns now because they don't need them and they are hard to get. It's the same thing.
Brain357, you don't understand...most of the violence is from criminal gangs, they are the ones spraying democrat cities with bullets...they are the ones who will get the guns and magazines they want...only the people who won't use those magazines to break the law won't be able to get in all things related to guns....laws only prevent law abiding people....arrests stop the law breakers...

Criminals don't use automatic weapons because they are harder to conceal than hand guns...
Brain357, you don't understand...most of the violence is from criminal gangs, they are the ones spraying democrat cities with bullets...they are the ones who will get the guns and magazines they want...only the people who won't use those magazines to break the law won't be able to get in all things related to guns....laws only prevent law abiding people....arrests stop the law breakers...

You don't understand. They are using hi cap magazines because they are the norm. If they become difficult to get they will continue to use the norm as they don't need hi cap magazines. Again it's the same as machine guns.
Brain357, you don't understand...most of the violence is from criminal gangs, they are the ones spraying democrat cities with bullets...they are the ones who will get the guns and magazines they want...only the people who won't use those magazines to break the law won't be able to get in all things related to guns....laws only prevent law abiding people....arrests stop the law breakers...

Criminals don't use automatic weapons because they are harder to conceal than hand guns...

Did the Santa Barbara mass shooter bother to get hi cap magazines? No he got what was easy to get.
the Santa Barbara killer killed six people....magazine size had nothing to do with it...his choice of target area kept the count to six....he had plenty of ten round just don't get it do you Brain357...he didn't have to change magazines for those 6.?in fact he stabbed his first 3 to he only killed 3 with his gun....magazine size did nothing to limit his killing....
the Santa Barbara killer killed six people....magazine size had nothing to do with it...his choice of target area kept the count to six....he had plenty of ten round just don't get it do you Brain357...he didn't have to change magazines for those 6.?in fact he stabbed his first 3 to he only killed 3 with his gun....magazine size did nothing to limit his killing....

He may have killed more had he had larger mags. But him not getting hi cap magazines proves my point. Criminals won't bother getting them once they are illegal and difficult to get.
he had 3 pistols, a glock and 2 sig sauers...30 rounds no magazine change....and he was in a car with no way to tackle him....magazine size only limits law abiding citizens...Are you serious...ask the 2 bank robbers who converted their banned rifles into fully automatic weapons...criminals will get what they need and since spray and pray is their primary shooting technique, if they want 30 round magazines that is what they will get
we just had 2 deputy sheriffs shot today by a guy with a rifle...according to your logic, since the officers faced one guy....they only needed one bullet between them when they left the station this morning...right...and if they didn't get any shots off, then they didn't need even that bullet...since you believe you know how many bullets people need this is right...right?
he had 3 pistols, a glock and 2 sig sauers...30 rounds no magazine change....and he was in a car with no way to tackle him....magazine size only limits law abiding citizens...Are you serious...ask the 2 bank robbers who converted their banned rifles into fully automatic weapons...criminals will get what they need and since spray and pray is their primary shooting technique, if they want 30 round magazines that is what they will get

And with each empty gun he had to look around and grab the next one. That is an opportunity for people to run away or hide behind something. If spray and pray is their primary shooting technique more would have machine guns. But machines guns are seldom used, so you are wrong.
we just had 2 deputy sheriffs shot today by a guy with a rifle...according to your logic, since the officers faced one guy....they only needed one bullet between them when they left the station this morning...right...and if they didn't get any shots off, then they didn't need even that bullet...since you believe you know how many bullets people need this is right...right?

I am not familiar with stats on how many times police need to shoot. I have seen stats however that citizens defending only use 2 shots. And you still haven't provided an example of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense.
This story is why guns are so important as a defensive tool....this is a 70 year old man who never fired a gun before...ever....a home invader breaks into this couples house, points the shotgun and orders the 70 year old man to get on the ground....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day OK Gun Owner s First Ever Shot Takes Down Shotgun Burglar Edition - The Truth About Guns

Cardell says he did not have any experience using a firearm.

“No! That’s my first time shooting a gun,” he said.

Frances said they bought the gun hoping to never need it, but now she’s glad it was there.

“This is something we never dreamed would have happened in our lifetime,” Frances said.

the anti gunners don't understand...firearms are not that hard to use...sure...more training is better than no training....but very little training is no bar from deploying a gun most self defense cases, you aren't going to find people who train like navy seals....they tend to be average people with little to no training, and they use the guns to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks....that is why the gun replaced the sword, and spear and why they are so important for the weak, the old, the injured, the ambushed and the individual facing multiple other weapon makes people equal the way a gun does....
Good for him.
This story is why guns are so important as a defensive tool....this is a 70 year old man who never fired a gun before...ever....a home invader breaks into this couples house, points the shotgun and orders the 70 year old man to get on the ground....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day OK Gun Owner s First Ever Shot Takes Down Shotgun Burglar Edition - The Truth About Guns

Cardell says he did not have any experience using a firearm.

“No! That’s my first time shooting a gun,” he said.

Frances said they bought the gun hoping to never need it, but now she’s glad it was there.

“This is something we never dreamed would have happened in our lifetime,” Frances said.

the anti gunners don't understand...firearms are not that hard to use...sure...more training is better than no training....but very little training is no bar from deploying a gun most self defense cases, you aren't going to find people who train like navy seals....they tend to be average people with little to no training, and they use the guns to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks....that is why the gun replaced the sword, and spear and why they are so important for the weak, the old, the injured, the ambushed and the individual facing multiple other weapon makes people equal the way a gun does....

And he didn't need a hi cap magazine.

No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?
If spray and pray is their primary shooting technique more would have machine guns. But machines guns are seldom used, so you are wrong.

Your ignorance of gun fights is amazing since you try to speak with such authority on the topic...spray and pray means you don't aim, you simply start pulling the trigger ...and it is done with pistols as well as rifles...the point is they don't take time to aim their shots...and again...they don't use fully auto rifle because it is harder to use in a car and the and carry under clothing...

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