Gun owners need to understand:We're at war.

you will exile your political enemies?

sounds like Fascism. sound like Adolf Hitler.

Nope, it does not. Neither nazis, nor commies exiled their enemies.
They annihilated them

Exiling the enemies is a civilized manner of dealing with them - does not happen in totalitarian left-wing regimes.

I'm all upf or exile, AFTER the revolution has been won.

But in in the midst of a revolution, sorry, you're dead.

And in the middle of a revolution, the Yottabyte data center in Utah would be my first target.

HAHA!! Yeah right. You're gonna keep sitting on your fat ass pounding pork rinds and cuddling with your rifle.

The data center in Utah, your first? Yeah right. You probably couldnt jog 2 miles to the gas station. In a revolution, you wouldn't make it past the local cops.

Keep dreaming loser. Meanwhile, how about leave the rest of civil society alone?:cuckoo:
WOW the gun nuts are getting looney.

There isnt going to be a war. For one, the government is NOT going to begin an assault on it's own people.

BY WHO? The military? I dont think OUR military would do that to our own people. Maybe you far right radicals think that badly of our troops, but I dont. Our cops HA!!!! They'd demand overtime first, and we're broke, so fat chance of them coming after you.

And second, all you big talkin' gun nuts are just that. The brave guy at the bar being "held back" by his friends.

We are a nation of porn, fried food, millionaire athletes, fast cars, filth TV, you name it, we have the most wonderful, free society full of opportunity man has ever known!

And to think these right wing idiots want to go to WAR against it? Disgusting.


Your porn, FOOD, cars, gas, entertainment and water will all become very scarce when the dollar crashes, which will happen when the Federal Reserve wants it to happen.
WOW the gun nuts are getting looney.

You know what's "looney" you Libtard?

The fact that the Fourth Amendment has been nullified through the NSA.

The fact that the First Amendment has been nullifid through blackmail, by the data gaterhing of the NSA.

The fact that the Third Amendment has been nullified by Modern Soldiers - aka drones being quartered over our skies without our Consent.

The Fact the the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments have been nullified by the NDAA and Gitmo-style Article II courts/prisons.

The Fact that the Ninth Amendment has been nullified by the federal courts declaring that the "Declaration of Independence is not a legal document."

The Fact that the Tenth Amendment has been dead since 1913.

The fact that we TRILLIONS in debt.

The fact that our military is deployed AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE HOMELAND.

The fact that we have GMO food poisoning.

The fact that more than 50% of black babies are aborted.

The fact the dollar has inflated more than 2000% since 1913.

The fact that...

Yeah go fuck yourself.
Are extremist gun nuts and racists pretty much one and the same? I seem to notice a big overlap.

You're being diplomatic and kind, Lakhota.

Extremist gun nuts have become so since 2009 when a black man entered the White House who was there to neither cook, clean nor mow the lawn.

And they just can't handle it.

They think Obama is channeling all blacks everywhere to rise up and revolt against the whites. And by god they are going to be ready!

But the irony is that it's the death of a 17-year-old black kid who has rallied them, something closer to home and so far these protests and rallies pale in comparison to the Rodney King riots of 20 years ago.
The imaginary war on gun owners exists only in the skulls of the NRA right-wing fringe nuts. These fringe nuts are the greatest threat to our future gun rights.

You and the truth are far apart! :razz:

Wow, you make a powerful argument....

Lakhota is right, obviously.

Where did the Sandy Hook parents get with Congress?

Was Zimmerman found guilty of 2nd degree murder?

Where else in the world can you walk into the same store and buy groceries, baby clothes and a gun? Answer: Walmart
Are extremist gun nuts and racists pretty much one and the same? I seem to notice a big overlap.

You're being diplomatic and kind, Lakhota.

Extremist gun nuts have become so since 2009 when a black man entered the White House who was there to neither cook, clean nor mow the lawn.

And they just can't handle it.

They think Obama is channeling all blacks everywhere to rise up and revolt against the whites. And by god they are going to be ready!

But the irony is that it's the death of a 17-year-old black kid who has rallied them, something closer to home and so far these protests and rallies pale in comparison to the Rodney King riots of 20 years ago.


Barack Obama..aka, the white man when he wants, and the Charlie Manson race war promoter when he can.

Are extremist gun nuts and racists pretty much one and the same? I seem to notice a big overlap.

You're being diplomatic and kind, Lakhota.

Extremist gun nuts have become so since 2009 when a black man entered the White House who was there to neither cook, clean nor mow the lawn.

And they just can't handle it.

They think Obama is channeling all blacks everywhere to rise up and revolt against the whites. And by god they are going to be ready!

But the irony is that it's the death of a 17-year-old black kid who has rallied them, something closer to home and so far these protests and rallies pale in comparison to the Rodney King riots of 20 years ago.


Barack Obama..aka, the white man when he wants, and the Charlie Manson race war promoter when he can.


"In Honor of my Great Grandfather (3x) who served in The 49th Regiment- Tennessee Infantry- 'K' Company "

When someone is still reliving something that was over 150 years ago, especially when they LOST, I know for sure they don't know WTF is going on now.
You're being diplomatic and kind, Lakhota.

Extremist gun nuts have become so since 2009 when a black man entered the White House who was there to neither cook, clean nor mow the lawn.

And they just can't handle it.

They think Obama is channeling all blacks everywhere to rise up and revolt against the whites. And by god they are going to be ready!

But the irony is that it's the death of a 17-year-old black kid who has rallied them, something closer to home and so far these protests and rallies pale in comparison to the Rodney King riots of 20 years ago.


Barack Obama..aka, the white man when he wants, and the Charlie Manson race war promoter when he can.


"In Honor of my Great Grandfather (3x) who served in The 49th Regiment- Tennessee Infantry- 'K' Company "

When someone is still reliving something that was over 150 years ago, especially when they LOST, I know for sure they don't know WTF is going on now.

Oh, I know alright. Just watching what's 'going on'.

Afterthought- The U.S. has not won a war since W-II, so what's your point?

History will prove that far more than the confederacy was lost.

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If you are at war that means you are a combatant and the government has the right to capture you and detain you without charge or trial until hostilities are over.

No 4th, 5th, or 6th amendment rights. Those rights don't count in a war.

Oh, and you also give up your citizenship when you fight in an army against the United States, so the second you take up arms against the United States you cease being an American citizen and lose all the rights and privelages of an American citizen.

So tred wisely, friendo.
Somehow I think as soon as these revolutionaries who take up arms against the USA get arrested they will whine and moan for their 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights.

Well friendo, armed insurgents against the United States lose those rights.
If you are at war that means you are a combatant and the government has the right to capture you and detain you without charge or trial until hostilities are over.

No 4th, 5th, or 6th amendment rights. Those rights don't count in a war.

Oh, and you also give up your citizenship when you fight in an army against the United States, so the second you take up arms against the United States you cease being an American citizen and lose all the rights and privelages of an American citizen.

So tred wisely, friendo.

Our founding fathers took that chance.
If you are at war that means you are a combatant and the government has the right to capture you and detain you without charge or trial until hostilities are over.

No 4th, 5th, or 6th amendment rights. Those rights don't count in a war.

Oh, and you also give up your citizenship when you fight in an army against the United States, so the second you take up arms against the United States you cease being an American citizen and lose all the rights and privelages of an American citizen.

So tred wisely, friendo.


Somehow I think as soon as these revolutionaries who take up arms against the USA get arrested they will whine and moan for their 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights.

Well friendo, armed insurgents against the United States lose those rights.

Thank god there are those willing to take that risk out of respect for those who went before us. We owe it to God & Country to protect this Nation from enemies foreign and domestic.

Thank god there are those willing to take that risk out of respect for those who went before us. We owe it to God & Country to protect this Nation from enemies foreign and domestic.


and none of those brave folks are in this forum.

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