Hannity says something big is coming that will blow Russia hoax out of the water

Hannity submitted to a 4-page interview in the New York Times last year.
In the middle of the article, buried on the third page, he admitted he was an entertainer and not a journalist.

You didn't know that? Of course, he's not a journalist. He's a political commentator, just like Laura Ingraham, Rachel Maddow, Trevor Noah, etc.
Don’t even put Laura Ingraham and Hannity in the same category as Rachel Maddow. Rachel is a Rhodes Scholar.... not that would mean anything to the illiterate deplorables.

Ingraham would chew her up and spit her out.
Your record of always being wrong is still intact.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what it takes to become a Rhodes Scholar.

Your fuhrer: “ I love my uneducated base. “

Again, how is her being a Rhodes Scholar relevant to my comment?
Are you doc? Do you even know who you are?
Rachel Maddow is more than a couple steps above any cable talking head based on her superior intellect.
Look up “ Rhodes Scholar”
I have no doubt info has been provided which will be revealed more and more as the midterms get closer.
Hannity submitted to a 4-page interview in the New York Times last year.
In the middle of the article, buried on the third page, he admitted he was an entertainer and not a journalist.

You didn't know that? Of course, he's not a journalist. He's a political commentator, just like Laura Ingraham, Rachel Maddow, Trevor Noah, etc.
Don’t even put Laura Ingraham and Hannity in the same category as Rachel Maddow. Rachel is a Rhodes Scholar.... not that would mean anything to the illiterate deplorables.

Ingraham would chew her up and spit her out.
Your record of always being wrong is still intact.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what it takes to become a Rhodes Scholar.

Your fuhrer: “ I love my uneducated base. “

You're an idiot son. Maddow is a hack, if she were any good she wouldn't be at MSNBC.
Rachel Maddow is more than a couple steps above any cable talking head based on her superior intellect.
Look up “ Rhodes Scholar”

Cecil Rhodes profited off of African labor in his mines. Shame.

"I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. I contend that every acre added to our territory means the birth of more of the English race who otherwise would not be brought into existence." - Cecil Rhodes
You didn't know that? Of course, he's not a journalist. He's a political commentator, just like Laura Ingraham, Rachel Maddow, Trevor Noah, etc.
Don’t even put Laura Ingraham and Hannity in the same category as Rachel Maddow. Rachel is a Rhodes Scholar.... not that would mean anything to the illiterate deplorables.

Ingraham would chew her up and spit her out.
Your record of always being wrong is still intact.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what it takes to become a Rhodes Scholar.

Your fuhrer: “ I love my uneducated base. “

Again, how is her being a Rhodes Scholar relevant to my comment?
Are you doc? Do you even know who you are?

Son you aren't fit to smell Taz or my shorts. You're are an imbecile.
How long before Hannity starts to push fat boy’s most recent lie?
“ Russia was upset that I won.”

Even though the whole world heard in Helsinki Putin say he’s glad Trump won.

Yet the deplorables hear this lie and say nothing.
That’s because they’re cowards.

Yes just repeat the talking points. Don’t bother thinking for yourself. Because clearly Putin would never lie to create divisions in our country. No sir, he only tells the truth
The impression I'm getting is that not only is a key witness going to come forward, but all of the FISA documents are going to be declassified and taken out of the FBI and Department Of Justice hands.
Trump is about to declassify everything.
Watch these motherfucker scramble when that happens, because the gig will be up.
Great. Except the investigation started in july and the warrant was issued in oct , dope.
Pay no attention to the line of intelligence officials who all declared Russia is actively attacking the United States electoral system as we speak. Hannity says it is a hoax, and so it is a hoax. Hannity will have Trump declaring Bigfoot hacked the DNC, not the Russians.

And the Rube Herd will eat very morsel of their bullshit.
Big Foot hummm who really knows.?
Actual video of Trump chowing down on Russian sausage.
What I haven't seen mentioned here seems obvious to me.

Whenever an entertainer wants to have people watch him, he has to gin up support. Personally I think it's as simple as that. Hannity says stuff to get more viewers.
Sean Hannity: Tic-Toc Something Big Is Coming That Will Blow the Russia Hoax OUT OF THE WATER (Video) – Right Journalism

Anyone got some ideas on what it is? I don't pay as much attention to the Russia Hoax as I once did...its boring to me personally...Levin thinks its one thing....
I think it's going to be evidence that shows Russia tried to hack Donald Trump like they did Hillary and the DNC.

This SHOULD come as no surprise. Two Russians were engaged in a counterintelligence program designed to create chaos, he did not care about backing one opponent over the other, and wanted to get access to their accounts equally.

Despite what the snowflakes and liberals say, the Russian spy story is not about illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians. It is about what Barack Obama learned in 2014 which was the fact that the Russians or attempting to hack and interfere in the United States, running a counterintelligence program designed to create chaos and Division.

The Democrats just decided to hijack the truth in defense of Barack Obama and as an excuse to explain why Hillary lost the election and to attack Donald Trump.

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