Hannity says something big is coming that will blow Russia hoax out of the water

Pay no attention to the line of intelligence officials who all declared Russia is actively attacking the United States electoral system as we speak. Hannity says it is a hoax, and so it is a hoax. Hannity will have Trump declaring Bigfoot hacked the DNC, not the Russians.

And the Rube Herd will eat very morsel of their bullshit.
/——/ Hannity says the Trump Russian collusion is a hoax, everyone acknowledges Russia tried to interfere.
How long before Hannity starts to push fat boy’s most recent lie?
“ Russia was upset that I won.”

Even though the whole world heard in Helsinki Putin say he’s glad Trump won.

Yet the deplorables hear this lie and say nothing.
That’s because they’re cowards.
What is Putin gonna say with Trump standing right next to him. That he wanted Hillary to win?
But after the skank sold him all the uranium he needed, I'm sure he would rather have the incompetent old hag in there.
Trump is right - again.

I wonder how many times I've had to post this:

Fox News anchor debunks 'Clinton uranium scandal' – and sparks ...
Nov 15, 2017 - Fox News anchor Shepard Smith on Tuesday eveningdebunked what his own network has called the Hillary Clinton uraniumscandal, sparking fury among some Fox viewers. Smith said Donald Trump’s repeated accusations during the election campaign that Hillary Clintonsmoothed a deal ...
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton ...
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia
Nov 17, 2017 - That's because he said he sold his stake in Uranium One three years before this deal — and more than a year before Clinton began serving as ...
The Facts on Uranium One - FactCheck.org
The Facts on Uranium One - FactCheck.org
Oct 26, 2017 - The 2010 deal allowed Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency, ... Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting ...
'scandal,' the Uranium One deal - Business Insider
Nov 15, 2017 - The Fox News anchor Shepard Smith discredited the Hillary Clinton Uranium One "scandal," a theory that his network has promoted.
I don"t see anything coming down the road so far.
Well, will this be along the lines of the H. Clinton Special Counsel we were told was eminent....over a year ago? :71:
The fake news is rehashing the Don Jr meeting, so I imagine they might know what is coming with the FISA warrant being declassified. Their coordinated response most likely will be TRUMP is risking notional security to take the pressure off his son and it's more evidence of obstruction. They will continue to dismiss and deflect from any corruption of the FBI, DOJ, Hillary and the Obama administration.
I’d say it will be an indictment of Lil Donnie and Kushner
Even if there is, why would you hype it up before it comes? If it comes out of nowhere, it has more impact. Except now, you're setting people's expectations high so that what this "something big" is, it won't hit with the same force. It'll make most people go "meh, not that big of a deal" even if it is. It's like telling someone that some movie is unreal spectacular they have to see it their life will be changed. Higher expectations are exponentially harder to reach.
Reminds me of Trump saying he had a “big announcement” about Hillary in anticipation of his big meeting with the Russians

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