Zone1 have you been baptized?

i have been baptized

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All religions are based on the idea that you a mere human is so flawed that you must repent because you will never live up to the ideals set forth in religious laws and if you only do what you are told will you reap divine rewards and if you don't you will receive divine retribution
I have followed the Catholic faith for, well, in a way, all my life (baptized as an infant, not so devout until I "grew up") and the more I follow it, the more it makes sense to me, like a big puzzle being put together one pc at a time.

If life is not like that for you, then maybe you've never been Catholic?
I like to think it was both.

I've read the bible and i have read works of bible scholars. And right along side that I read the Tao and other Eastern philosophies as well as the classic Greek and Stoic philosophers and right along side of those i read ancient histories and anthropology, sociology and psychology and tried to reconcile them.

And Of course i have talked to clergy and parishioners of different churches.
That is all intellectual endeavors.

Until you have an actual experience with Christ, you will never fully understand Him
The meaning of life? I can't imagine having to search for that. Did you ever find it? From a very young age, before I could even read, I learned these:

1. To know God, to love God, to serve God...
2. The purpose of life is to learn and to have fun. Think of everything you do, everything you have ever done. You've done it to either learn or to have fun.

Take the first philosophy...To know God... As a toddler, I couldn't very well start reading the Bible. first search was not for meaning, or search religions, or to search the Bible. Have you ever thought about leaving all that behind and searching for God?
The purpose of life is to have fun??


Tell Jesus that. He says just the opposite. He said that following Him is a NARROW way, that we will be "hated by all" and that it is the way FEW go on Earth (Mt 7:14, 21). He said that FEW make it to Heaven and the reason is this same kind of thing: thinking that life is supposed to be enjoyable.

And what happens when a Christian finds out that life as a Christian is not always enjoyable (far from it) or even endurable?

time to ditch Jesus

And as we can see from looking @ society these days (drag shows for children, hating your own gender to the point of mutilation, murdering the unborn), most people have done exactly that.
The purpose of life is to have fun??
What is your definition of fun?

Mine is being with friends and loved ones, doing things not only for them, but with them. Is your job fun? Mine certainly is because they have all been such great opportunities to serve those around us often do not fall into the first category of friends and loved ones. The reason I have fun driving is because I see opportunities to to be helpful/courteous to other drivers.

Think about Genesis and what God planned for us. First, labor. Second, rest/leisure. Third, love. If there is no fun in living your life, perhaps something else (leisure and/or love) is missing as well?
I never shot an animal in my life. But claiming we arent meat eaters is ignorant and stupid.

that's a different answer ...

God gave the animals to man to do as he pleases with them, through out the bible God shows man eating and sacrificing animals.

no one claimed as above ...

christians, the desert religions are the most ungrateful people on planet earth - for what they truly were given along with all other living beings created similarly by the heavens.

if anything a carnivorous planet is suspect if purposely made that way. with few plausible excuses for the heavens and their decisions.
What is your definition of fun?

Mine is being with friends and loved ones, doing things not only for them, but with them. Is your job fun? Mine certainly is because they have all been such great opportunities to serve those around us often do not fall into the first category of friends and loved ones. The reason I have fun driving is because I see opportunities to to be helpful/courteous to other drivers.

Think about Genesis and what God planned for us. First, labor. Second, rest/leisure. Third, love. If there is no fun in living your life, perhaps something else (leisure and/or love) is missing as well?
Well, if you are going to judge me, I'll just mosey along. I quoted Jesus but

Hey, that reminds me. There is no mention of Jesus in YOUR post. All you have talked about is having fun w/ friends. I suppose Jesus is not included in that category, Friends?

OK, now I am borderline judging, I guess you could say. But I am just fed up with this idiotic notion that following Jesus is supposed to be "fun" and if it is not, well, maybe it's time to find another "church" so called. THAT is what happened at Vatican II. Anti-Catholics infiltrated with the goal of changing the Church. And they did change it. In the 70s we began to be told (in so many words/ways) to accept every religion and other such BS.

To accept all other religions and say they are equal (even when they blatantly disagree with one another) is to DENY the True Religion established by Jesus Christ Himself.

(not to mention that that is nonsensical/illogical)
Well, if you are going to judge me, I'll just mosey along. I quoted Jesus but
Where in my post do you feel I judged you? I was responding to your post where you said:

The purpose of life is to have fun??


Hey, that reminds me. There is no mention of Jesus in YOUR post. All you have talked about is having fun w/ friends. I suppose Jesus is not included in that category, Friends?
Do you recall my first post where I noted two things I learned early on? That the purpose of life was to know God, love God, and serve God....

I also said another meaning of living our lives is to learn and to have fun. I know nothing about your life, but with me Jesus is first and foremost in the 'learning' I do in this life. He is my Lord; he is my teacher. I don't go around thinking of him as my pal. I am not at his level, not by a long shot. From him, I learn.
Where in my post do you feel I judged you? I was responding to your post where you said:

Do you recall my first post where I noted two things I learned early on? That the purpose of life was to know God, love God, and serve God....

I also said another meaning of living our lives is to learn and to have fun. I know nothing about your life, but with me Jesus is first and foremost in the 'learning' I do in this life. He is my Lord; he is my teacher. I don't go around thinking of him as my pal. I am not at his level, not by a long shot. From him, I learn.

According to Jesus, even the least of His people is (apparently) "on his level."

He said that whatever someone does to the least of His people, he/she does to Him. Mt 25:31-46.

So it is like we are equal to Jesus. Someone stealing from you is stealing from Jesus. Someone calling you names is calling Jesus names. So I don't think you should say you are not on his level, even though in a way we are not since we are sinners and He never sinned. Plus, He came from Heaven and was/is God.

However, Jesus identified with us, despite us being sinners--- while He walked on the Earth. He knew we could not save ourselves, which is why He came here. He forgave us all (if we repent).
that's a different answer ...

no one claimed as above ...

christians, the desert religions are the most ungrateful people on planet earth - for what they truly were given along with all other living beings created similarly by the heavens.

if anything a carnivorous planet is suspect if purposely made that way. with few plausible excuses for the heavens and their decisions.
we are Omnivores designed to eat meat and vegetables. Claiming otherwise is simply a lie.
we are Omnivores designed to eat meat and vegetables. Claiming otherwise is simply a lie.

get a clue, christian ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

again no one has claimed whatever you keep trying to claim they claimed ...

christians, the desert religions are the most ungrateful people on planet earth - for what they truly were given along with all other living beings created similarly by the heavens.

not everyone is drunk on the liar and murderer moses, just rednecks that think the heavens made everything for their own personal pleasure - christianity.
Correct but you can understand what God wants you to do which is to exist perfectly which does not mean doing perfect things.

No you can't.

People can't because if they did there would be a consensus on what everyone who believes in your god should do and we all know that isn;t the case.
No you can't.

People can't because if they did there would be a consensus on what everyone who believes in your god should do and we all know that isn;t the case.
Yes, I can. It requires reflection and listening.

There is only one. There are no others. He has many names. Not everyone tries, not everyone who tries succeeds. So not everyone not doing it, doesn't mean some can't. Your logic is flawed.
Yes, I can. It requires reflection and listening.

There is only one. There are no others. He has many names. Not everyone tries, not everyone who tries succeeds. So not everyone not doing it, doesn't mean some can't. Your logic is flawed.

Sure you can.

Then why all the differences between religions that all supposedly worship the same god? Why can't they all know what your god wants them to do?

Oh wait I forgot who I was talking to of course YOU know how to do it it's everyone else that doesn't know.

Maybe you should work on enlightening everyone else in the world since you have the answer. Surely that would be a better use of you time than quibbling with me.
Sure you can.

Then why all the differences between religions that all supposedly worship the same god? Why can't they all know what your god wants them to do?

Oh wait I forgot who I was talking to of course YOU know how to do it it's everyone else that doesn't know.

Maybe you should work on enlightening everyone else in the world since you have the answer. Surely that would be a better use of you time than quibbling with me.
Different men have different perceptions of God.
Different men have different perceptions of God.

That makes no sense

you said you know the way to understand what your god wants you to do so why not enlighten the rest of the people who don't know?

After all they must be doing it wrong if they don;t hear what you hear

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