Have you guys survived the Great Government shutdown of 2018?

Just when in hell have the big spending Democrats assholes ever been concerned about spending money?

Since it's money spent against their agenda.

They had no problem with DumBama spending 3 billion dollars on Cash for Clunkers, a program that was designed for nothing more than lowering carbon emissions, but have a problem spending 5.8 billion to keep drugs out of this country, diseased and uneducated people and possibly terrorists. Now they are concerned about money.
Let these elected egotist live at our level of existence, where money has to be budgeted and eeking out a living is the norm, where compromise is learning to do without.
Since the Democrats are the ones that refuses to fund some of the useless parts of the government then I am a Democrat now. Solidarity Brother! Lets show that mean ole Orange Man that we really don't need such a bloated government. Right on!

The dems know the wall is, as you say, useless when it comes to stopping illegal aliens. The Cheeto is the one holding up the show

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

Exception to every rule, Can you tell me what it would have been like if there was no wall?

Hard to tell actually. Emigration from the Eastern bloc would have gone up. On the other hand it might have caused the Soviets and Warschau pact to be a more lenient with its citizens. The point is, that barrier was more severe than even Trump suggests. It was an immense drain of resources for the Eastern Bloc. And caused a very visual reminder of how fucked up those countries were. A wall as suggested by Trump will at BEST have marginal effect on illegal immigration and harms the image of the US abroad. Unless of course you suggest to order border guards to shoot on sight, mine and electrify the border etc.? At which point of course ,"The Land Of the Free and Home of the braves" will ring hollow indeed.
Didn’t Pelosi say that a bill wouldn’t get passed in the house?

Let me see the exact quote:

“PELOSI: Well, again, let us have our conversation then we can meet with the press again. But the fact is that legislating, which is what we do, you begin, you make your point, you state your case. That's what the House Republicans could do if they had the votes. But there are no votes in the House, a majority of votes, for a wall, no matter where you...“

Hmmmmm. So the vote must not have passed in the house, right?
And I'm fine.

But 800,000 folks are not getting checks. Christmas is pretty much ruined for them

As for me?

No bonus again this year and the standard 3% raise I have been getting for years

That tax cut sure hasn't helped me any but whatever. I make good money so I'll be fine. Others not so much
they've been leeching off America anyway
we not only need a shutdown, but LAY OFFS
we are in HUGE debt..did you know that???
people get laid off this time of year and all year long!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--we just had layoffs at our work--and we are NOT in debt
--they just laid off people at another business in our city
GM!!!! etc
FK them!!!! jesus christ they are not Angels of God/PERFECT/
you make it seem like they are the Jews of WW2/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...they are getting better benefits/etc than many in the private sector

they are NOT losing their jobs!! they should thank their lucky stars for that--they are in HUGE debt
Since the Democrats are the ones that refuses to fund some of the useless parts of the government then I am a Democrat now. Solidarity Brother! Lets show that mean ole Orange Man that we really don't need such a bloated government. Right on!

The dems know the wall is, as you say, useless when it comes to stopping illegal aliens. The Cheeto is the one holding up the show

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

A good secure wall will not stop 100% of the shitheads from coming here and signing up for welfare and voting Democrats but it will stop a lot of them and make it more difficult and that is a good thing. It will also make it easier for the Border Patrol to do its job than the almost nothing that we have now. That is also a good thing.

Only an asshole or a filthy Democrat looking to get Illegals to provide a welfare queen voting base to would be against securing our border.

Define a good secure border? At a bargain price of call it 50 Billion not including maintenance, you would have a barrier, breachable by the simple expediency of putting up a ladder. It takes an army to completely secure 2000 miles of border that is also not included in the cost. Again what is the point? I've yet to see even a definitive study that illegal immigration in itself is detrimental to the economy. By all means try to secure a border. But a physical barrier is nothing more then a big symbol of ineptitude not to say stupidity.
Didn’t realize we were shutdown, of course I never realize it as for most Americans it has no impact, just the government workers who once it is settled get their back pay.
Some do. Others don't/ But it all gets delayed. What happens when you don't have your mortgage/rent check out on time or a month late?

My wife rarely gets her paycheck on the day she is supposed too. It’s called life, you deal with it.
Since the Democrats are the ones that refuses to fund some of the useless parts of the government then I am a Democrat now. Solidarity Brother! Lets show that mean ole Orange Man that we really don't need such a bloated government. Right on!

The dems know the wall is, as you say, useless when it comes to stopping illegal aliens. The Cheeto is the one holding up the show

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

A good secure wall will not stop 100% of the shitheads from coming here and signing up for welfare and voting Democrats but it will stop a lot of them and make it more difficult and that is a good thing. It will also make it easier for the Border Patrol to do its job than the almost nothing that we have now. That is also a good thing.

Only an asshole or a filthy Democrat looking to get Illegals to provide a welfare queen voting base to would be against securing our border.

Define a good secure border? At a bargain price of call it 50 Billion not including maintenance, you would have a barrier, breachable by the simple expediency of putting up a ladder. It takes an army to completely secure 2000 miles of border that is also not included in the cost. Again what is the point? I've yet to see even a definitive study that illegal immigration in itself is detrimental to the economy. By all means try to secure a border. But a physical barrier is nothing more then a big symbol of ineptitude not to say stupidity.

Displaced low wage earners---which is exactly what we saw in Florida during the 90s and in Chicago and in many places in the South. So, basically what you are advocating for is lowering wages.
Since the Democrats are the ones that refuses to fund some of the useless parts of the government then I am a Democrat now. Solidarity Brother! Lets show that mean ole Orange Man that we really don't need such a bloated government. Right on!

The dems know the wall is, as you say, useless when it comes to stopping illegal aliens. The Cheeto is the one holding up the show

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

Exception to every rule, Can you tell me what it would have been like if there was no wall?

Hard to tell actually. Emigration from the Eastern bloc would have gone up. On the other hand it might have caused the Soviets and Warschau pact to be a more lenient with its citizens. The point is, that barrier was more severe than even Trump suggests. It was an immense drain of resources for the Eastern Bloc. And caused a very visual reminder of how fucked up those countries were. A wall as suggested by Trump will at BEST have marginal effect on illegal immigration and harms the image of the US abroad. Unless of course you suggest to order border guards to shoot on sight, mine and electrify the border etc.? At which point of course ,"The Land Of the Free and Home of the braves" will ring hollow indeed.

You are trying to justify not securing the border. There are many people that disagrees with your assessment that the wall would minimal effect, including the people that guard the border.

We will not have a country of The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave if we allow every Third World asshole to flood into the country and rob us of our wealth. Because that is exactly what massive Illegal Immigration is doing.

The cost of the wall is minuscule to the cost of welfare of the tens of millions of Illegals. Not to mention the crime.

The Wall is the right thing to do along with other initiatives to curtail illegal immigration.

The Democrats are assholes shutting the government to prevent the protection of the sovereignty of this country.
What is sad is Congress and the govt. employees will all get paid to not do their job...

It's just theatre :(
I say they should get only bread and water for thirty days.

I am almost there. I say hit them with super foods so that they can read the shit they pass........in Congress
So in essence you want all terlits clogged and unfit for "duty"..

If not one way then the other.
There are those that take reading material in there.

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