Have you guys survived the Great Government shutdown of 2018?

And I'm fine.

But 800,000 folks are not getting checks. Christmas is pretty much ruined for them

As for me?

No bonus again this year and the standard 3% raise I have been getting for years

That tax cut sure hasn't helped me any but whatever. I make good money so I'll be fine. Others not so much

No one will really know if the tax cut helped t
Just wanted to pop in to do a welfare check. Are you all ok?

I think building a wall is necessary, the number of illegal immigrants was the most startling statistics of many when I heard it first announced in the GOP Primaries. I honestly had no idea how much it impacted the U.S.
It was the first stat, along with the number of factories stolen by China, that really had me listening more closely to Trump during those debate.

He went from a novelty, maybe even suspicions of him being a gimmick; to a guy who was calling out and confronting serious American issues. The Wall addresses this in a permanent manner, this is why I believe some are so adamantly against it.

Which one?

Oh yeah you might be right, the first shutdown might have been in 2018 as well. I suppose the title should be "The Greatest Government shutdown of 2018!"

I suppose I will survive this one just as long as the VA keeps my notice of disagreement on my VA disability in the stack it's been sitting in for the past couple of years alone. I'd hate to start over because it's been a hassle.

We could all write letters for you testifying that you are a libtard and thus mentally disabled! Would that help?
And I'm fine.

But 800,000 folks are not getting checks. Christmas is pretty much ruined for them

As for me?

No bonus again this year and the standard 3% raise I have been getting for years

That tax cut sure hasn't helped me any but whatever. I make good money so I'll be fine. Others not so much

No one will really know if the tax cut helped t
Just wanted to pop in to do a welfare check. Are you all ok?

I think building a wall is necessary, the number of illegal immigrants was the most startling statistics of many when I heard it first announced in the GOP Primaries. I honestly had no idea how much it impacted the U.S.
It was the first stat, along with the number of factories stolen by China, that really had me listening more closely to Trump during those debate.

He went from a novelty, maybe even suspicions of him being a gimmick; to a guy who was calling out and confronting serious American issues. The Wall addresses this in a permanent manner, this is why I believe some are so adamantly against it.

Which one?

Oh yeah you might be right, the first shutdown might have been in 2018 as well. I suppose the title should be "The Greatest Government shutdown of 2018!"

I suppose I will survive this one just as long as the VA keeps my notice of disagreement on my VA disability in the stack it's been sitting in for the past couple of years alone. I'd hate to start over because it's been a hassle.

We could all write letters for you testifying that you are a libtard and thus mentally disabled! Would that help?

How would any letter help if they are tabling new applications and pending apps during the shutdown?

Such as you claim to be a teacher with very proper grammar and your OCD must be nice to use the word libtard indicating one is mentally retarded. You are a great human and your shit don't stink. I bet you laugh at the disable daily.

Because you ARE a libtard too! The VA is open for business, dumbass! The shutdown has absolutely no effect on their operations. I read a statement from the director of the VA myself, so go back to your closet and play with yourself! Leave the conversation to those with an IQ above room temperature!

BTW, I retired! I finally realized that despite my best efforts, some of you people were doomed to liberalism by your lack of intellect.

I work as a contractor for the US Army now!
Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

A good secure wall will not stop 100% of the shitheads from coming here and signing up for welfare and voting Democrats but it will stop a lot of them and make it more difficult and that is a good thing. It will also make it easier for the Border Patrol to do its job than the almost nothing that we have now. That is also a good thing.

Only an asshole or a filthy Democrat looking to get Illegals to provide a welfare queen voting base to would be against securing our border.

Define a good secure border? At a bargain price of call it 50 Billion not including maintenance, you would have a barrier, breachable by the simple expediency of putting up a ladder. It takes an army to completely secure 2000 miles of border that is also not included in the cost. Again what is the point? I've yet to see even a definitive study that illegal immigration in itself is detrimental to the economy. By all means try to secure a border. But a physical barrier is nothing more then a big symbol of ineptitude not to say stupidity.

Displaced low wage earners---which is exactly what we saw in Florida during the 90s and in Chicago and in many places in the South. So, basically what you are advocating for is lowering wages.

Displaced low wage earners were a result of illegal immigrants? You have studies to support that? It had nothing to do with for instance, increased pressure from low wage countries? Increased automation of production? And no I don't advocate lowering wages. I advocate upping the minimum wage. The Trump administration is touting employment figures that come down to full employment. Full employment means that there are jobs that are not getting filled. Jobs that aren't getting filled are detrimental to the economy. Do you know what the interaction of those forces mean on the cost of immigration? Neither do I. The point is, that it's not as straightforward as you might think. A wall sounds like a good idea because it's decisive. Common sense though says that if a person is willing to leave the place they grew up. Walk, in some cases thousands of miles to an uncertain future in a country that especially under Trump makes abundantly clear that they are not welcome. A wall will not deter them either.

hospitals put out of business by illegal immigrants - Yahoo Search Results
Just wanted to pop in to do a welfare check. Are you all ok?

I think building a wall is necessary, the number of illegal immigrants was the most startling statistics of many when I heard it first announced in the GOP Primaries. I honestly had no idea how much it impacted the U.S.
It was the first stat, along with the number of factories stolen by China, that really had me listening more closely to Trump during those debate.

He went from a novelty, maybe even suspicions of him being a gimmick; to a guy who was calling out and confronting serious American issues. The Wall addresses this in a permanent manner, this is why I believe some are so adamantly against it.

Policy can be changed. Border enforcement can be changed. Technology can be removed. But a wall isn't going anywhere. That's what scares the hell out of the anti-white party.
Hey Jose, can I borrow your ladder for a minute? Wall foiled. But you’re right, until it’s torn down in a few years, it’s not going anywhere.
/——/ Jose’s ladder will get you to the top then what? Jump and break your neck? Hey I like that option.
The dems know the wall is, as you say, useless when it comes to stopping illegal aliens. The Cheeto is the one holding up the show

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad
The dems know the wall is, as you say, useless when it comes to stopping illegal aliens. The Cheeto is the one holding up the show

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

A good secure wall will not stop 100% of the shitheads from coming here and signing up for welfare and voting Democrats but it will stop a lot of them and make it more difficult and that is a good thing. It will also make it easier for the Border Patrol to do its job than the almost nothing that we have now. That is also a good thing.

Only an asshole or a filthy Democrat looking to get Illegals to provide a welfare queen voting base to would be against securing our border.

Define a good secure border? At a bargain price of call it 50 Billion not including maintenance, you would have a barrier, breachable by the simple expediency of putting up a ladder. It takes an army to completely secure 2000 miles of border that is also not included in the cost. Again what is the point? I've yet to see even a definitive study that illegal immigration in itself is detrimental to the economy. By all means try to secure a border. But a physical barrier is nothing more then a big symbol of ineptitude not to say stupidity.

Displaced low wage earners---which is exactly what we saw in Florida during the 90s and in Chicago and in many places in the South. So, basically what you are advocating for is lowering wages.

Displaced low wage earners were a result of illegal immigrants? You have studies to support that? It had nothing to do with for instance, increased pressure from low wage countries? Increased automation of production? And no I don't advocate lowering wages. I advocate upping the minimum wage. The Trump administration is touting employment figures that come down to full employment. Full employment means that there are jobs that are not getting filled. Jobs that aren't getting filled are detrimental to the economy. Do you know what the interaction of those forces mean on the cost of immigration? Neither do I. The point is, that it's not as straightforward as you might think. A wall sounds like a good idea because it's decisive. Common sense though says that if a person is willing to leave the place they grew up. Walk, in some cases thousands of miles to an uncertain future in a country that especially under Trump makes abundantly clear that they are not welcome. A wall will not deter them either.

hospitals put out of business by illegal immigrants - Yahoo Search Results

First result, first paragraph.
The INS crackdown along the Mexico-US border is driving thousands of would-be illegal immigrants to cross in remote desert areas, where the harsh conditions send many to nearby US hospitals. But the government won’t pay for their care, saddling already strapped rural hospitals with billions of dollars in unpaid bills.
They blame the consequences of the crackdown. And the lack of taking responsibility of the federal government.

Gutierrez is a racist and misogynist, wow. Look at his misogynistic actions on display.

Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad
Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

You cant deny that $138 billion dollars leaves our shores.
Add all the other free shit they recieve and it's even worse.
Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad
Not according to the border patrol asshole.
Or according to the people who live on the border.


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

To be a conservative, the first thing you learn is intellectual dishonesty. This is a great example of it. If there are 20,000,000 illegal aliens, they are providing sales tax receipts on the order of NYC; much larger than most states. If Politics were not a consideration, any governor in their right mind would gladly take the additional persons paying sales taxes for clothing, tools, tires, etc…

But in Trumpworld where “alternative facts” rule the day, they have to try to make the argument that the money we would spend anyway on schools, hospitals, roads, etc… is because of illegal immigration.

The only larger misnomer is that a wall would take care of the problem.
And I'm fine.

But 800,000 folks are not getting checks. Christmas is pretty much ruined for them

As for me?

No bonus again this year and the standard 3% raise I have been getting for years

That tax cut sure hasn't helped me any but whatever. I make good money so I'll be fine. Others not so much
/—-/ So you think people can’t budget their money and live paycheck to paycheck?
Conservatives sure are spending a lot of time on something that supposedly doesn’t matter….:eusa_whistle:

I guess in the next 3-4 pages, they’ll demonstrate how much it doesn’t matter. LOL:eusa_clap:
A good secure wall will not stop 100% of the shitheads from coming here and signing up for welfare and voting Democrats but it will stop a lot of them and make it more difficult and that is a good thing. It will also make it easier for the Border Patrol to do its job than the almost nothing that we have now. That is also a good thing.

Only an asshole or a filthy Democrat looking to get Illegals to provide a welfare queen voting base to would be against securing our border.
Define a good secure border? At a bargain price of call it 50 Billion not including maintenance, you would have a barrier, breachable by the simple expediency of putting up a ladder. It takes an army to completely secure 2000 miles of border that is also not included in the cost. Again what is the point? I've yet to see even a definitive study that illegal immigration in itself is detrimental to the economy. By all means try to secure a border. But a physical barrier is nothing more then a big symbol of ineptitude not to say stupidity.

Displaced low wage earners---which is exactly what we saw in Florida during the 90s and in Chicago and in many places in the South. So, basically what you are advocating for is lowering wages.
Displaced low wage earners were a result of illegal immigrants? You have studies to support that? It had nothing to do with for instance, increased pressure from low wage countries? Increased automation of production? And no I don't advocate lowering wages. I advocate upping the minimum wage. The Trump administration is touting employment figures that come down to full employment. Full employment means that there are jobs that are not getting filled. Jobs that aren't getting filled are detrimental to the economy. Do you know what the interaction of those forces mean on the cost of immigration? Neither do I. The point is, that it's not as straightforward as you might think. A wall sounds like a good idea because it's decisive. Common sense though says that if a person is willing to leave the place they grew up. Walk, in some cases thousands of miles to an uncertain future in a country that especially under Trump makes abundantly clear that they are not welcome. A wall will not deter them either.

hospitals put out of business by illegal immigrants - Yahoo Search Results
First result, first paragraph.
The INS crackdown along the Mexico-US border is driving thousands of would-be illegal immigrants to cross in remote desert areas, where the harsh conditions send many to nearby US hospitals. But the government won’t pay for their care, saddling already strapped rural hospitals with billions of dollars in unpaid bills.
They blame the consequences of the crackdown. And the lack of taking responsibility of the federal government.

I checked that article ........it's from 2000


This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

To be a conservative, the first thing you learn is intellectual dishonesty. This is a great example of it. If there are 20,000,000 illegal aliens, they are providing sales tax receipts on the order of NYC; much larger than most states. If Politics were not a consideration, any governor in their right mind would gladly take the additional persons paying sales taxes for clothing, tools, tires, etc…

But in Trumpworld where “alternative facts” rule the day, they have to try to make the argument that the money we would spend anyway on schools, hospitals, roads, etc… is because of illegal immigration.

The only larger misnomer is that a wall would take care of the problem.

And to be a liberal, the first thing you learn is intellectual stupidity. 20,000,000 illegal aliens are not living in NYC paying NYC sales taxes. Nevertheless, many working American citizens are paying Federal income taxes, State income taxes, property taxes AND sales taxes, much of which is pissed away to support many of the 20,000,000 illegal aliens...dumbass.
Once again the Democrats have proven to the world that they DO NOT represent best interests of Americans.
Chuck Schumer is now the new spokesman for the Mexican Drug Cartels. Pelosi is the new spokeswomen for the Human Trafficking industry.

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

You cant deny that $138 billion dollars leaves our shores.
Add all the other free shit they recieve and it's even worse.

What free shit? Their illegal. The qualify for education for their kids and EMERGENCY care. If they receive more then that's because they have a fake social security number which means they pay taxes. And yes they send money abroad I never tried to deny it. Do you deny that they also contribute to the economy, both in terms of taxes and production?

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

To be a conservative, the first thing you learn is intellectual dishonesty. This is a great example of it. If there are 20,000,000 illegal aliens, they are providing sales tax receipts on the order of NYC; much larger than most states. If Politics were not a consideration, any governor in their right mind would gladly take the additional persons paying sales taxes for clothing, tools, tires, etc…

But in Trumpworld where “alternative facts” rule the day, they have to try to make the argument that the money we would spend anyway on schools, hospitals, roads, etc… is because of illegal immigration.

The only larger misnomer is that a wall would take care of the problem.

What a load of horseshit.
Lets say I believe your article...
They even stated mexican immigrants are a net loss of $54 billion and that doesn't include the $26 billion in remittance monies.
Your article also stated there is really no sure way to calculate the actual cost.

....oh,and your guy was using six year old data.

"Rector said his 2013 estimate pegged the cost of undocumented immigrants — the cost of services received minus their tax contributions — was about $54 billion a year."
Last edited:

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.

That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad

This wall was mined , electrified in places, patrolled by dogs and military style units in the hundreds of thousands, had guard towers and was continuous. Guess what, people still found a way through. What do you think to accomplish here? And more importantly why. Do you know ANYBODY who is ever been fired and replaced by an illegal immigrant?

I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?

You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com

They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

To be a conservative, the first thing you learn is intellectual dishonesty. This is a great example of it. If there are 20,000,000 illegal aliens, they are providing sales tax receipts on the order of NYC; much larger than most states. If Politics were not a consideration, any governor in their right mind would gladly take the additional persons paying sales taxes for clothing, tools, tires, etc…

But in Trumpworld where “alternative facts” rule the day, they have to try to make the argument that the money we would spend anyway on schools, hospitals, roads, etc… is because of illegal immigration.

The only larger misnomer is that a wall would take care of the problem.

Who da fuck said the wall would cure it all...........it's purpose is a deterrent......to make it harder to get into the country instead of leaving it wide open.........

Gives time for Border Security to catch them........just as video camera's with infared and motion detectors alert them to someone trying to get across ILLEGALLY............It is a tool to deter those refusing to cross at LEGAL BORDER CROSSINGS................

Nothing wrong with that...........via Homeland Security we are installing these types of Cameras right now...........They work............and it's just a requirement for industry.............but I guess the Feds don't have to do the same requirement that they FORCE BUSINESS TO DO NOW.........Hmmmm.
Define a good secure border? At a bargain price of call it 50 Billion not including maintenance, you would have a barrier, breachable by the simple expediency of putting up a ladder. It takes an army to completely secure 2000 miles of border that is also not included in the cost. Again what is the point? I've yet to see even a definitive study that illegal immigration in itself is detrimental to the economy. By all means try to secure a border. But a physical barrier is nothing more then a big symbol of ineptitude not to say stupidity.

Displaced low wage earners---which is exactly what we saw in Florida during the 90s and in Chicago and in many places in the South. So, basically what you are advocating for is lowering wages.
Displaced low wage earners were a result of illegal immigrants? You have studies to support that? It had nothing to do with for instance, increased pressure from low wage countries? Increased automation of production? And no I don't advocate lowering wages. I advocate upping the minimum wage. The Trump administration is touting employment figures that come down to full employment. Full employment means that there are jobs that are not getting filled. Jobs that aren't getting filled are detrimental to the economy. Do you know what the interaction of those forces mean on the cost of immigration? Neither do I. The point is, that it's not as straightforward as you might think. A wall sounds like a good idea because it's decisive. Common sense though says that if a person is willing to leave the place they grew up. Walk, in some cases thousands of miles to an uncertain future in a country that especially under Trump makes abundantly clear that they are not welcome. A wall will not deter them either.

hospitals put out of business by illegal immigrants - Yahoo Search Results
First result, first paragraph.
The INS crackdown along the Mexico-US border is driving thousands of would-be illegal immigrants to cross in remote desert areas, where the harsh conditions send many to nearby US hospitals. But the government won’t pay for their care, saddling already strapped rural hospitals with billions of dollars in unpaid bills.
They blame the consequences of the crackdown. And the lack of taking responsibility of the federal government.

I checked that article ........it's from 2000

The link was provided by someone trying to make a point to me. Blame him for his sourcing.
I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?
You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

The beaners came way before that.
That defeats your arguments it was the beaners that mad
I do.
All of America's youth.
We used to mow lawns for money or work in fast food.
Those jobs also taught our youth the value of a buck and why it's so important to better yourself and aim higher.
Oh well,fuck em eh?
You must have different youth then were I live. The reason most kids nowadays aren't mowing lawns anymore is that it's almost impossible to take them away from their playstation, phone or tablet. Plus most parents let them. Those jobs are still there, kids aren't interested anymore that simple.

Oh....and what about the $26 billion that gets sent back to mehico alone? The total for all countries is $138 billion.
Money that should be spent in the local economy and feed our tax coffers.
Yeah....thats real good for America.
Liberals are fuken dunces.

Find out how much money American immigrants send abroad | finder.com
They do consume in the local economy to don't they? They have to eat, have to get a place to live, etc, etc. Almost half of them have fake social security numbers and they pay taxes. They all pay sale taxes. And then of course you have the fact that they produce goods and services themselves if they are employed.Fact check: How much does illegal immigration cost? Not nearly as much as Trump claims.
Focusing on 1 aspect of it while disregarding all the others is incorrect.

You cant deny that $138 billion dollars leaves our shores.
Add all the other free shit they recieve and it's even worse.
What free shit? Their illegal. The qualify for education for their kids and EMERGENCY care. If they receive more then that's because they have a fake social security number which means they pay taxes. And yes they send money abroad I never tried to deny it. Do you deny that they also contribute to the economy, both in terms of taxes and production?

No they dont contribute to the economy.
They are a net loss.
We could build four walls in a year's worth of remittance monies.
Displaced low wage earners---which is exactly what we saw in Florida during the 90s and in Chicago and in many places in the South. So, basically what you are advocating for is lowering wages.
Displaced low wage earners were a result of illegal immigrants? You have studies to support that? It had nothing to do with for instance, increased pressure from low wage countries? Increased automation of production? And no I don't advocate lowering wages. I advocate upping the minimum wage. The Trump administration is touting employment figures that come down to full employment. Full employment means that there are jobs that are not getting filled. Jobs that aren't getting filled are detrimental to the economy. Do you know what the interaction of those forces mean on the cost of immigration? Neither do I. The point is, that it's not as straightforward as you might think. A wall sounds like a good idea because it's decisive. Common sense though says that if a person is willing to leave the place they grew up. Walk, in some cases thousands of miles to an uncertain future in a country that especially under Trump makes abundantly clear that they are not welcome. A wall will not deter them either.

hospitals put out of business by illegal immigrants - Yahoo Search Results
First result, first paragraph.
The INS crackdown along the Mexico-US border is driving thousands of would-be illegal immigrants to cross in remote desert areas, where the harsh conditions send many to nearby US hospitals. But the government won’t pay for their care, saddling already strapped rural hospitals with billions of dollars in unpaid bills.
They blame the consequences of the crackdown. And the lack of taking responsibility of the federal government.

I checked that article ........it's from 2000

The link was provided by someone trying to make a point to me. Blame him for his sourcing.
Well it's a freaking old link...............doesn't belong here. Unless this is a history forum.......

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