Here are the key statistics to know about the 1/6 insurrection. It’s probably worse than you remember


The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again

The Atlantic did a great breakdown of all of the insurrectionists who were arrested:

Here are some snippets:




Probably the most telling (and you see it here from the right wing loons who moderate and post here)....


These folks see their grip on power eroding and they are lashing out.
Not democrats. People upset about police brutality. Go ahead and post those statistics. I guarantee you they don’t compare to the shit I posted. Specifically, how many people died?
Looking beyond the FEELZ and at the real data…why do you suppose a WLM (White Lives Matter) organization was never formed?

"A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

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Stormed the Capitol? Most were waved in.

Blacks commit ~50% of murders and at least 33% of violent crimes at 12% of the population. Their propensity for violence causes a lot of problems in interactions with police.
Lol most were waved in? You people are such idiots.

Not sure what you’re point is with these statistics. They don’t run counter with anything I said.
OK. Let's talk.
Why do you claim "Democrats"?
Were they wearing Biden gear?
Democratic gear?
Name tags?
Was there a sign-up table for Democrats? For Republicans?

Rather, should we consider that all of those police brutality/social injustice protests were actually conducted by Proud Boys?
Oathkeepers? (even gay ones?).
If you cannot prove they were "Democrats" (your words, not mine).....well then, they weren't "Democrats".

You just made it up out of thin air in order to present an image of being informed and knowledgeable. With unfortunate results. IMHO


Still whippin on that poor chicken, eh?
Look, as I've read on this very venue.....and it seems applicable to your hand-wringing over the word "insurrection"......well, what I read was:
The U.S. government did not charge Sirhan Sirhan with assassination of RFK, (they charged him with murder)
So good posters Please Quit and I've seen asked on this site previously........IF.... in your MAGAHat-world out beyond the warning track in RightField....well, is Bobby still alive?

Or alternatively, does he live in your Cloud Cuckoo Land fantasies?

Jus' askin'.
Folks, it's time to award Chilli the USMB prize for Poster Who Most Loves To Hear Itself Talk.
How many on the left now recognize they were had, yet again? Generally their conscious never quite meets their spines, unfortunately.

With the anniversary of 01/06/2021 erection things are heating up well cooked up by the global elite. This is big news. I saw a report just yesterday how the anniversary is the biggest news for 2022, as spoken by a left-informational source.

Here's how the story goes, with facts too.

Some crazies, and others who call themselves patriots rioted with great timing for the Democrats, reminds me of the Russia scandal, and COVID that ensued immediately after the left's first attempt to remove Trump. They figure a whole 800 people entered that capitol and they're charging all of them, even the 80% or so who participated by just walking in. God help us, perhaps a few hundred threw some muscle at it , yet by some miracle those responsible for the Capitol never saw that one coming, except for they did.

The theme being the rioters struck the Capitol under what's supposed to be by Trump's command, which of course wasn't, but that's an important element. Apparently, perhaps a few hundred got Trump's message to attack. Who knew the left would sell a second straight "attacked our democracy"?

While Trump was speaking to an audience, perhaps a few thousand? marched to the Capitol. The left likes the idea they were all rioters, but of course that's wishful thinking sponsored by Carl's Jr. and those controlling Pelosi types.

So sometime later Trump Tweets knock that shit off. Nobody listened of course. I guess they figure everyone is like common leftists stuck on their smart phones. Since when are conservatives such followers anyway? After all, Trump says take the COVID shot and you know, COVID is now the Republicans fault because they're unvaccinated.

Sometime after that Trump goes on TV and says knock it off. By then it would seem the riot was already under control or close however, and after all, the mission had been accomplished.

Now the story goes how Ivanka PLEADED with her dad to go on TV or some shit, which could be why he did, eventually. What's relevant are three things.

1. You have to assume it was Trump's fault to begin with. In other terms, the guy who called it on is the same guy who calls it off. Then you have to assume the rioters would give a shit.

2. And here's the kicker, Biden was more than President elect at the time, he was being certified, did he call it off? Let's say he did, how'd that work out? Ha, I can see the blank look on left faces now, "ah, never thought of that one."

3. The national guard had already been called in. Shit, Trump probably enjoyed the attention quite honestly, after all, the left had just stolen an election. I'd watch it on TV too.

Nothing will come of this Trump, I promise. It's just another witch hunt to come up dry. It's interesting how deeply the left turns Trump's life inside out yet he still stands tall.

You'd think the left would have learned by now after everything their own have done, especially since Trump’s election.

Pay attention man, everything the left does is for appearances. Know one reason why Hollywood sucks now? They don't care, they've "progressed" to bring their talents

The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again

I stopped reading at the age of the oldest person, which is the second bullet.....

Which Billy calls these key statistics:abgg2q.jpg:

"A key statistic is the oldest person arrested was actually 80 year of age" OMG!

Who knew 725 mostly bystanders tried to steal our DEMOCRACY!? Ooooooooo, Ahhhhhhhhhh

How's that for Pelosi? She can't even control 725 people, mostly bystanders. They were armed with a fire extinguisher too, worst thing since Pearl Harbor.
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Surely the OP can tell us why these statistics are KEY?

You wrote a bed-time story Billy..........OMG!, look, KEY statistics without a key, the little train that could.
Tell me.... did that response of yours sound as stupid in your head before you wrote it as it shows up on the screen?
Ask yourself, how many political parties are there in this Country? We have the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, the Libertarian Party, The Green Party, The American Communist Party. Maybe more but please show US where and how there are 306 political parties?
Ask yourself, how many political parties are there in this Country? We have the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, the Libertarian Party, The Green Party, The American Communist Party. Maybe more but please show US where and how there are 306 political parties?
Ask yourself, "Did Candycorn ever say there were 306 political parties?" The answer will be no. You said that Democrats have nothing to celebrate. A landslide victory over your blob was quite the cause for celebration. That Biden has done a good job also helps.

Have fun thinking about why you're such a miserable failure.
Ask yourself, "Did Candycorn ever say there were 306 political parties?" The answer will be no. You said that Democrats have nothing to celebrate. A landslide victory over your blob was quite the cause for celebration. That Biden has done a good job also helps.

Have fun thinking about why you're such a miserable failure.
Biden has done a good job? If that were the case, January 6th would not need to be relived over and over by Democrats every day. Biden and the Democrats’ egregious spending is only going to send inflation higher. Speaking of higher, how about energy prices? As for less, well that’s what Americans can expect to keep of their paycheck under Biden. Do we need to go to Biden’s handling of the Southern Border? For COVID, his performance is no better than Trump’s.
Biden has done a good job? If that were the case, January 6th would not need to be relived over and over by Democrats every day.
FDR/Truman did a pretty good job rolling up Germany and Japan.... Tell me we still commemorate D-Day, Pearl Harbor Day, etc...?
Biden and the Democrats’ egregious spending is only going to send inflation higher.
Your blob ran up $8T in 4 you're worried about spending?
Speaking of higher, how about energy prices?
Trump's attempted holocaust failed too...but it did drive down demand for motor fuels and the like. Now that our economy is going again...demand has gotten back to where it was before the blob let the virus run rampant through the nation.
Resulting in over 10,000 arrests. Compared to 725 I think you might want to STFU.
They have their orange talking points. And I don't think most of them have seen much of the video. They still think it was just a tour that got a little rowdy.

The walls of the Alternate Universe are thick as hell.
FDR/Truman did a pretty good job rolling up Germany and Japan.... Tell me we still commemorate D-Day, Pearl Harbor Day, etc...?

Your blob ran up $8T in 4 you're worried about spending?

Trump's attempted holocaust failed too...but it did drive down demand for motor fuels and the like. Now that our economy is going again...demand has gotten back to where it was before the blob let the virus run rampant through the nation.

Your mindset equates January 6th with D-Day and Pearl Harbor Day??? Seriously? a riot and and half day of vandalism at the Capitol is on par with D-Day and Pearl Harbor?

You people still blame Trump for the Wuhan Flu. Your boy Xiden said he was going to end COVID. It has exploded in one year under his and Harris’ reign.

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