Here we go again! Various states/cities threatening another shutdown

How we Hoaxin’???

Here’s some stats you won’t hear about so liberals get under the bed if too scared or let your feelings spittle fly
Still about 1 out of every 13.5 tested people is positive. That’s same as 100 out of 1350. Of that 1350 tested with 100 positives, ONE person will likely die. In essence, this country is in a needless lockdown because less than one out of every 100 positives results in death. The overwhelming majority don’t even know they have it and their rate of passing it on is likely also proportionally quite low and the “super speaker” fakery was made up to cover for the paltry overall numbers
You are in my thread.

Deal with it, Sally...

Your first post was a whine.

I see.

So you're one of those perpetually butthurt little pissants who believe if someone points out something about one of your stupid posts you call it "whining".

The irrefutable fact (well, irrefutable to intelligent people) is that your thread title was not supported by the post content.

Suck it up and lick your wounds, pinhead...

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
You're correct. If you deniers would have learned to wear your masks and social distance we wouldn't be facing this again.
If we weren't so fat then COVID would be just another cold.

If you had universal, government funded health care, people wouldn't be so fat, and there wouldn't be so many underlying conditions. People would have their health routinely monitored. Working Americans with or without health insurance coverage, don't go to the doctor before things get serious because of co-pays, and out of pocket expenses.

We have none. So we get treatment earlier, before it gets too serious, and there are other complications there's no coming back from. After my heart attack, they sent me to a nutritional counsellor to review my diet, and a personal trainer for an exercise regimen, for my post heart attack life. While in hospital, they sent me by ambulance to a big centre heart centre for an angiogram, and if necessary, stents, and then back to my small town hospital. My total bill for all of care, including a week in the ICU, was $0, zip, nada.
its diet not healthcare. I know many with great healthcare who are fatties.

Who monitors their health? My friends who have been advised to lose weight are sent to nutritionists, to learn how to eat. When I had my heart attack, a nutritionist reviewed my diet. Many people have no concept of what constitutes healthy eating.

North Americans need to learn to cook and to eat at home. We eat 1/3 of our meals, out of the house. Everyone I know lost weight during lock down myself included - because we weren't going out to eat, and we were cooking at home. We saved money too. Even pre-prepared "convenience food" that you heat and serve is full of fat, salt and sugar, that you'll get fat from, even in small portions.
People know what is good to eat and what is bad to eat. Don’t need a doctor or a nutritionist. Avoid fast foods and sugary drinks. The problem is fast food culture is prevalent in the US. The doctor can tell me 100x to avoid Italian subs but if I don’t listen then what? We solve our dietary issues through prescriptions of meds. Another stupid way of living. Gym memberships are cheap and readily available but few of us use them consistently. We have approx 160 mil on private insurance and 60% remain fat. It’s not healthcare it’s poor eating habits. Let’s face it, eating bad food is fun but also deadly.
You've got a lame excuse for everything.
How we Hoaxin’???

Here’s some stats you won’t hear about so liberals get under the bed if too scared or let your feelings spittle fly
Still about 1 out of every 13.5 tested people is positive. That’s same as 100 out of 1350. Of that 1350 tested with 100 positives, ONE person will likely die. In essence, this country is in a needless lockdown because less than one out of every 100 positives results in death. The overwhelming majority don’t even know they have it and their rate of passing it on is likely also proportionally quite low and the “super speaker” fakery was made up to cover for the paltry overall numbers
Have some more koolaide, kid.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
You're correct. If you deniers would have learned to wear your masks and social distance we wouldn't be facing this again.
If we weren't so fat then COVID would be just another cold.

If you had universal, government funded health care, people wouldn't be so fat, and there wouldn't be so many underlying conditions. People would have their health routinely monitored. Working Americans with or without health insurance coverage, don't go to the doctor before things get serious because of co-pays, and out of pocket expenses.

We have none. So we get treatment earlier, before it gets too serious, and there are other complications there's no coming back from. After my heart attack, they sent me to a nutritional counsellor to review my diet, and a personal trainer for an exercise regimen, for my post heart attack life. While in hospital, they sent me by ambulance to a big centre heart centre for an angiogram, and if necessary, stents, and then back to my small town hospital. My total bill for all of care, including a week in the ICU, was $0, zip, nada.
its diet not healthcare. I know many with great healthcare who are fatties.

Who monitors their health? My friends who have been advised to lose weight are sent to nutritionists, to learn how to eat. When I had my heart attack, a nutritionist reviewed my diet. Many people have no concept of what constitutes healthy eating.

North Americans need to learn to cook and to eat at home. We eat 1/3 of our meals, out of the house. Everyone I know lost weight during lock down myself included - because we weren't going out to eat, and we were cooking at home. We saved money too. Even pre-prepared "convenience food" that you heat and serve is full of fat, salt and sugar, that you'll get fat from, even in small portions.
People know what is good to eat and what is bad to eat. Don’t need a doctor or a nutritionist. Avoid fast foods and sugary drinks. The problem is fast food culture is prevalent in the US. The doctor can tell me 100x to avoid Italian subs but if I don’t listen then what? We solve our dietary issues through prescriptions of meds. Another stupid way of living. Gym memberships are cheap and readily available but few of us use them consistently. We have approx 160 mil on private insurance and 60% remain fat. It’s not healthcare it’s poor eating habits. Let’s face it, eating bad food is fun but also deadly.
You've got a lame excuse for everything.
Feel free to present a cogent argument to counter my statement. Only thing lame, Crep, is you. With all due respect you are the epitome of what is wrong with America today.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

A depression like economy will kill more people than this virus. There has to be a balance.

You are kidding yourself if you don't think election year politics isn't playing a role in the decisions made regarding this virus...on both sides.
No, we are on a trajectory (1300 deaths a day) that will lead to over 300,000 dead by the end of year and over a half million in a year unless we do something.. We can recovery from recessions and depressions but we can't recover the dead.

I can guarantee you that if Biden wins the election, the tone of the left will change. Right now, it is 90% about hurting the economy and Trump's election chances and 10% public health.
What happens to the economy has become inseparably linked to the spread of the virus. Governors, mayor, school superintendents, and businesses, large or small will take steps to mitigate the spread of the virus in their communities and those steps will hurt the economy.

It is within the power of the American people to rid the country of this virus. If everyone worked together it would be gone in 10 to 12 weeks because the virus can not survive without a host. That of course will not happen because we promote and take pride in our individual freedom which allows people to make individual choices in following the steps to defeat the virus. Wonderful as they are those freedoms will cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans and will prolong the economic pain and suffering for many months if not years. It's just part of the cost of our freedoms.
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This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

That's right. You watched what happened in New York, and you didn't prepare, and you didn't get ready to test, or PPE's, you just mocked what was happening in "blue states", home of crime and disease, and said "let em die". Now that it's happening in red states, where they don't have big city resources, and still people are getting sick and dying with no testing, and no resources from the federal government.

Other countries shut down the virus and we're JUST NOW getting back to business. States which re-opened in May are awash in disease and death.
We did watch what happened in NY. Highest death rate in the entire country. You wacko leftists think NY is a huge success.

NY is re-opening

Yes it is. Any comment on the highest death count in the nation?

Yes. New York was the second state to be hit. There was no testing, no treatments, and no PPE, thanks to the Trump Administration. There was little to no accurate information on how to find covid19, how it spread, or how to stop it.

The whole Tri-State Area was utterly overwhelmed with cases, and shortages of testing supplies, contract tracing, PPE's and a President who pushes wrong headed treatments, which were stopped because they were killing 25% more people than those who weren't given the treatment.

Instead of looking at what was happening in New York, and getting prepared for the waves of disease to hit their states, high population Republican states, like Texsas, Florida and Arizona mocked what was happening in New York and did NOTHING to prepare. No testing supplies, no PPE's , no hospital expansion plans. Nothing.

The just gleefully re-opened their states and said "neener, neener, neener" to the suffering in the Blue States, and laughed, and fully re-opened in defiance of CDC Guidelines, just like Trump told them to. And now they're resisting shutting down again, and fighting mask ordinances, as hospitals are sending patients home to die.
Actually we do know how to stop the virus. Deny the virus a host and it disintegrates. It can't survive in the air very long at concentration levels needed to spread the virus. If you keep people apart or put barriers between them, the virus dies. When there were only a few cases earlier this years, the spread of virus could have been stopped and controlled with testing, quarantining, and contact tracing, but we had to be prepared to act immediately which we weren't. However when the number cases are in hundreds of thousands spread all over the country, the virus can not be irradiated. All that can be done is mitigate the effects, reducing the deaths and overcrowding in hospitals until such time that enough people are vaccinated against the virus or we have an effective treatments to reduce the seriousness of the it. IMHO, we have at least a year, maybe two to go.
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This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

That's right. You watched what happened in New York, and you didn't prepare, and you didn't get ready to test, or PPE's, you just mocked what was happening in "blue states", home of crime and disease, and said "let em die". Now that it's happening in red states, where they don't have big city resources, and still people are getting sick and dying with no testing, and no resources from the federal government.

Other countries shut down the virus and we're JUST NOW getting back to business. States which re-opened in May are awash in disease and death.
We did watch what happened in NY. Highest death rate in the entire country. You wacko leftists think NY is a huge success.

NY is re-opening

Yes it is. Any comment on the highest death count in the nation?

Yes. New York was the second state to be hit. There was no testing, no treatments, and no PPE, thanks to the Trump Administration. There was little to no accurate information on how to find covid19, how it spread, or how to stop it.

The whole Tri-State Area was utterly overwhelmed with cases, and shortages of testing supplies, contract tracing, PPE's and a President who pushes wrong headed treatments, which were stopped because they were killing 25% more people than those who weren't given the treatment.

Instead of looking at what was happening in New York, and getting prepared for the waves of disease to hit their states, high population Republican states, like Texsas, Florida and Arizona mocked what was happening in New York and did NOTHING to prepare. No testing supplies, no PPE's , no hospital expansion plans. Nothing.

The just gleefully re-opened their states and said "neener, neener, neener" to the suffering in the Blue States, and laughed, and fully re-opened in defiance of CDC Guidelines, just like Trump told them to. And now they're resisting shutting down again, and fighting mask ordinances, as hospitals are sending patients home to die.
Actually we do know how to stop the virus. Deny the virus a host and it disintegrates. It can't survive in the air very long at concentration levels needed to spread the virus. If you keep people apart or put barriers between them, the virus dies. When there were only a few cases earlier this years, the spread of virus could have been stopped and controlled with testing, quarantining, and contact tracing, but we had to be prepared to act immediately which we weren't. However when the number cases are in hundreds of thousands spread all over the country, the virus can not be irradiated. All that can be done is mitigate the effects, reducing the deaths and overcrowding in hospitals until such time that enough people are vaccinated against the virus or we have an effective treatments to reduce the seriousness of the it. IMHO, we have at least a year, maybe two to go.

At the end of this time, you won't have a country. Those who are being forced back to work to get sick and die, will revolt, and quite deservedly so.

Furthermore, this isn't happening in any other first world country. With the wealth and resources at your disposal, it shouldn't have happened in the USA either. Letting the virus run free is enriching the wealthy, and killing the poor.
How we Hoaxin’???

Here’s some stats you won’t hear about so liberals get under the bed if too scared or let your feelings spittle fly
Still about 1 out of every 13.5 tested people is positive. That’s same as 100 out of 1350. Of that 1350 tested with 100 positives, ONE person will likely die. In essence, this country is in a needless lockdown because less than one out of every 100 positives results in death. The overwhelming majority don’t even know they have it and their rate of passing it on is likely also proportionally quite low and the “super speaker” fakery was made up to cover for the paltry overall numbers
If 1 out every 100 positive cases die and assuming everyone will eventually test positive up to the herd immunity rate of 70%, the number of deaths would reach 2.3 million without a vaccine.

However, this is theoretical. So let's project the current average number of deaths per day averaged over the last 10 days which is 1175/day. Most health authorities believe these number will rise in the fall with school openings and more people people being indoors but let's just stay with 1175. The number of deaths a year from now would be 1175 x 365 + 160,000 or 588,,875 deaths. So in your mind over half million deaths which exceed the number of US combat loses in every war since and include WWII is just trivial. So throw away the masks open the schools and all businesses and see how many deaths we can rack up out of pure of stupidly.
How we Hoaxin’???

Here’s some stats you won’t hear about so liberals get under the bed if too scared or let your feelings spittle fly
Still about 1 out of every 13.5 tested people is positive. That’s same as 100 out of 1350. Of that 1350 tested with 100 positives, ONE person will likely die. In essence, this country is in a needless lockdown because less than one out of every 100 positives results in death. The overwhelming majority don’t even know they have it and their rate of passing it on is likely also proportionally quite low and the “super speaker” fakery was made up to cover for the paltry overall numbers
If 1 out every 100 positive cases die and assuming everyone will eventually test positive up to the herd immunity rate of 70%, the number of deaths would reach 2.3 million without a vaccine.

However, this is theoretical. So let's project the current average number of deaths per day averaged over the last 10 days which is 1175/day. Most health authorities believe these number will rise in the fall with school openings and more people people being indoors but let's just stay with 1175. The number of deaths a year from now would be 1175 x 365 + 160,000 or 588,,875 deaths. So in your mind over half million deaths which exceed the number of US combat loses in every war since and include WWII is just trivial. So throw away the masks open the schools and all businesses and see how many deaths we rack up out pure of stupidly.
But it's going to go away. (-:

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

That's right. You watched what happened in New York, and you didn't prepare, and you didn't get ready to test, or PPE's, you just mocked what was happening in "blue states", home of crime and disease, and said "let em die". Now that it's happening in red states, where they don't have big city resources, and still people are getting sick and dying with no testing, and no resources from the federal government.

Other countries shut down the virus and we're JUST NOW getting back to business. States which re-opened in May are awash in disease and death.
We did watch what happened in NY. Highest death rate in the entire country. You wacko leftists think NY is a huge success.

NY is re-opening

Yes it is. Any comment on the highest death count in the nation?

Yes. New York was the second state to be hit. There was no testing, no treatments, and no PPE, thanks to the Trump Administration. There was little to no accurate information on how to find covid19, how it spread, or how to stop it.

The whole Tri-State Area was utterly overwhelmed with cases, and shortages of testing supplies, contract tracing, PPE's and a President who pushes wrong headed treatments, which were stopped because they were killing 25% more people than those who weren't given the treatment.

Instead of looking at what was happening in New York, and getting prepared for the waves of disease to hit their states, high population Republican states, like Texsas, Florida and Arizona mocked what was happening in New York and did NOTHING to prepare. No testing supplies, no PPE's , no hospital expansion plans. Nothing.

The just gleefully re-opened their states and said "neener, neener, neener" to the suffering in the Blue States, and laughed, and fully re-opened in defiance of CDC Guidelines, just like Trump told them to. And now they're resisting shutting down again, and fighting mask ordinances, as hospitals are sending patients home to die.
Actually we do know how to stop the virus. Deny the virus a host and it disintegrates. It can't survive in the air very long at concentration levels needed to spread the virus. If you keep people apart or put barriers between them, the virus dies. When there were only a few cases earlier this years, the spread of virus could have been stopped and controlled with testing, quarantining, and contact tracing, but we had to be prepared to act immediately which we weren't. However when the number cases are in hundreds of thousands spread all over the country, the virus can not be irradiated. All that can be done is mitigate the effects, reducing the deaths and overcrowding in hospitals until such time that enough people are vaccinated against the virus or we have an effective treatments to reduce the seriousness of the it. IMHO, we have at least a year, maybe two to go.

At the end of this time, you won't have a country. Those who are being forced back to work to get sick and die, will revolt, and quite deservedly so.

Furthermore, this isn't happening in any other first world country. With the wealth and resources at your disposal, it shouldn't have happened in the USA either. Letting the virus run free is enriching the wealthy, and killing the poor.

You're right about one thing, we have the wealth and resources. That's because of capitalism and the hard work of the American people for generations. The leftist have shut down the means to achieve and maintain both.
Deplorable still not getting it that COVID masking is to protect others.
There are still schools refusing to have in person classes. It's time for Trump to cut the funding off.
How we Hoaxin’???

Here’s some stats you won’t hear about so liberals get under the bed if too scared or let your feelings spittle fly
Still about 1 out of every 13.5 tested people is positive. That’s same as 100 out of 1350. Of that 1350 tested with 100 positives, ONE person will likely die. In essence, this country is in a needless lockdown because less than one out of every 100 positives results in death. The overwhelming majority don’t even know they have it and their rate of passing it on is likely also proportionally quite low and the “super speaker” fakery was made up to cover for the paltry overall numbers
If 1 out every 100 positive cases die and assuming everyone will eventually test positive up to the herd immunity rate of 70%, the number of deaths would reach 2.3 million without a vaccine.

However, this is theoretical. So let's project the current average number of deaths per day averaged over the last 10 days which is 1175/day. Most health authorities believe these number will rise in the fall with school openings and more people people being indoors but let's just stay with 1175. The number of deaths a year from now would be 1175 x 365 + 160,000 or 588,,875 deaths. So in your mind over half million deaths which exceed the number of US combat loses in every war since and include WWII is just trivial. So throw away the masks open the schools and all businesses and see how many deaths we rack up out pure of stupidly.
But it's going to go away. (-:
Yep, about the summer of 2022 or maybe 2023
At the end of this time, you won't have a country. Those who are being forced back to work to get sick and die, will revolt, and quite deservedly so.

Furthermore, this isn't happening in any other first world country. With the wealth and resources at your disposal, it shouldn't have happened in the USA either. Letting the virus run free is enriching the wealthy, and killing the poor.
Actually we will be better off. Many of those leaching off SS ain't cashing checks from Uncle Sam anymore. We will be in better financial shape.
Weird. It almost seems like opening up too soon has caused some rollbacks that will continue to damage our economy.

Who could have possibly seen that coming?
What happens to the economy has become inseparably linked to the spread of the virus.
What happened to the economy became inseparably linked to the politics of the virus.

Fixed it for you......your welcome.
Deplorable still not getting it that COVID masking is to protect others.
sure it shit hole states enforced the hell out of it........didn't stop jack squat...........

but it's good for OBEY CULTURE........and SOCIAL WARRIORS who love to be able to tell others what to do all the dang time..........Why don't YUZ PEOPLE whatever it is that YUZ PEOPLE DO


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