High Holy days at the White House

This is not a joke. Sexual perversion IS the state religion.


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This is not a joke. Sexual perversion IS the state religion.

Why do they get such giggles from trying to disgrace the followers of a God that, as far as they are concerned, doesn't exist?

The like USING God's faithful in order to justify their perversion. Just look at how frequently, when a pervert gets busted in this forum, they immediately whip out the shame brought on the church by a few bad apple clergy, as if to say "You let THEM get away with it, now you must let US get away with it, flat out admitting that they know what they're doing is morally wrong.

Did you see the size of the crowd there for that event?
Nations that compete with us have warned us what we are doing. The destabilization of the Western World is the great reset. And voids happen with elites taking risks on human survival. If Putin was a monster the world would be a cinder right now because of these insane power-hungry evil cretins poking the bear. Putin is pushed now firmly with Xi and China as allies.
Hmm. unusually quiet now that the White House has condemned this behavior.

Damn, now you are posting your sexual fantasies about me?

What is it with you people and your incessant need to post sexual fantasies on this forum?

So, make up your mind, are you for open sexual dialogue and actions or not?? On other threads you're making fun of people upset by bare breasts on the WH lawn, and in here you're scolding people for posting their sexual fantasies. Prude.
So, make up your mind, are you for open sexual dialogue and actions or not?? On other threads you're making fun of people upset by bare breasts on the WH lawn, and in here you're scolding people for posting their sexual fantasies. Prude.

They are more than welcome to do so, I just find it odd how many people on this forum do so.
U.S. — The official state religion of the United States entered its High Holy Days today, with worshippers around the nation being called to rededicate themselves in submission and obedience to its holy teachings.

They are more than welcome to do so, I just find it odd how many people on this forum do so.

Maybe cause she was hardly posting about a sexual fantasy at all, let alone with you?

You're the one that labeled her comments as such, so maybe you're the one obsessed?
Maybe cause she was hardly posting about a sexual fantasy at all, let alone with you?

You're the one that labeled her comments as such, so maybe you're the one obsessed?

I am not sure what you would call it then when someone is talking about someone having their underwear down around their ankles

Perhaps you just cannot admit the truth out of fear of being in trouble with your tribe
I am not sure what you would call it then when someone is talking about someone having their underwear down around their ankles

Perhaps you just cannot admit the truth out of fear of being in trouble with your tribe

:laughing0301: It was an insult, not an invitation, good Lord you're dense along with having no sense of humor. I bet you're a blast to spend time with. :rolleyes:
:laughing0301: It was an insult, not an invitation, good Lord you're dense along with having no sense of humor. I bet you're a blast to spend time with. :rolleyes:

I never said it was an invitation.

Do at least try to keep up

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