Hillary: Guns Don't Make You Safer

Limousine Liberals like Hillary Clinton think that they are entitled to protection with firearms because of their wealth and status but that we peons aren't, even thought the Bill of Rights says we have the right to keep and bear arms.

I wonder if that hypocrisy is because of elitism, stupidity or simply confusion caused by some form of mental illness.
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.

"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.

You're dumber than a bag of hammers.

So ---- you read it TWICE and still didn't get it?

Did I use too-big words? :itsok:
You're an idiot.

There is nothing to get.

So you think guns are animate objects, do you? That's so cute.
Have a GI Joe doll too? Maybe you should go play with him and leave this to the adults.
Again, you are an idiot.

A gun is a tool and a weapon. People can't do shit to protect themselves against armed and/or physically overpowering criminals without weapons, and a gun is the most effective weapon the general populace can use in such a situation with the least chance of death and injury.

The only way your counterpoint works is if you were talking about the people specifically who made the guns, and/or the gun safety instructors, and even then your counterpoint would be entirely counterintuitive to your overall argument.
Limousine Liberals like Hillary Clinton think that they are entitled to protection with firearms because of their wealth and status but that we peons aren't, even thought the Bill of Rights says we have the right to keep and bear arms.

I wonder if that hypocrisy is because of elitism, stupidity or simply confusion caused by some form of mental illness.

They are total elitist thinkers. They are the ruling class so the laws don't apply to them.
Only to us peons. And as soon as they can disarm everyone the better. Peons with guns are citizens. Peons without guns are slaves.
The president has the most dangerous job in the country

A nutjob or a criminal is a threat to the President the same as he is a threat to anybody else.

If the President of the US has to have firearms to protect his family from nutjobs why isn't my family afforded the same protection?

What makes him so special and my family has to be at the mercy of the nutjob or criminal or whoever it is that wants to do my family harm?

If the President needs firearms to protect him so does my family.

The only difference being that in his case the American people will provide the firearms and the men to carry them for the President but in my case I have to provide them myself and have to learn to use them.

Screw elitism. My family is just as important as the President's family.
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.


Good Lord, fascinating liberal logic on display right here. And to think he called "/thread" and some people actually thanked him. Stunning. smh LOL God this forum is entertaining!
This is literally the extent of the gun control advocates. Gun control advocates are idiots or ignorant Europeans who have never seen a gun in their life.

The only argument for gun control is absolute, global eradication of guns, and that would literally lead to "Into the Badlands"...
The president has the most dangerous job in the country

A nutjob or a criminal is a threat to the President the same as he is a threat to anybody else.

If the President of the US has to have firearms to protect his family from nutjobs why isn't my family afforded the same protection?

What makes him so special and my family has to be at the mercy of the nutjob or criminal or whoever it is that wants to do my family harm?

If the President needs firearms to protect him so does my family.

The only difference being that in his case the American people will provide the firearms and the men to carry them for the President but in my case I have to provide them myself and have to learn to use them.

Screw elitism. My family is just as important as the President's family.

10% of our Presidents have been killed, 20% have been shot at

Do you have the same level of risk?
The president has the most dangerous job in the country

A nutjob or a criminal is a threat to the President the same as he is a threat to anybody else.

If the President of the US has to have firearms to protect his family from nutjobs why isn't my family afforded the same protection?

What makes him so special and my family has to be at the mercy of the nutjob or criminal or whoever it is that wants to do my family harm?

If the President needs firearms to protect him so does my family.

The only difference being that in his case the American people will provide the firearms and the men to carry them for the President but in my case I have to provide them myself and have to learn to use them.

Screw elitism. My family is just as important as the President's family.

10% of our Presidents have been killed, 20% have been shot at

Do you have the same level of risk?

A person gets killed every day in Chicago, sometimes two a day. Crime is all over this country.

If the President feels he needs protection with firearms then so do other Americans.

However, President Shit for Brains wants to keep his protection with firearms and take the right to keep and bear arms away from all other Americans even though there is a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Hypocritical as hell.
The president has the most dangerous job in the country

A nutjob or a criminal is a threat to the President the same as he is a threat to anybody else.

If the President of the US has to have firearms to protect his family from nutjobs why isn't my family afforded the same protection?

What makes him so special and my family has to be at the mercy of the nutjob or criminal or whoever it is that wants to do my family harm?

If the President needs firearms to protect him so does my family.

The only difference being that in his case the American people will provide the firearms and the men to carry them for the President but in my case I have to provide them myself and have to learn to use them.

Screw elitism. My family is just as important as the President's family.

10% of our Presidents have been killed, 20% have been shot at

Do you have the same level of risk?

A person gets killed every day in Chicago, sometimes two a day. Crime is all over this country.

If the President feels he needs protection with firearms then so do other Americans.

However, President Shit for Brains wants to keep his protection with firearms and take the right to keep and bear arms away from all other Americans even though there is a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Hypocritical as hell.
There are plenty of guns in Chicago...that's the problem
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.


So you think a woman should fight off a single or multiple attackers with awesome kung fu skills?
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.

"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.

You're dumber than a bag of hammers.

A person with gun and training on how to use it can provide security

Hence, the op photo!

Would you feel safe around Hillary if she had a gun? I would not!
The president has the most dangerous job in the country

A nutjob or a criminal is a threat to the President the same as he is a threat to anybody else.

If the President of the US has to have firearms to protect his family from nutjobs why isn't my family afforded the same protection?

What makes him so special and my family has to be at the mercy of the nutjob or criminal or whoever it is that wants to do my family harm?

If the President needs firearms to protect him so does my family.

The only difference being that in his case the American people will provide the firearms and the men to carry them for the President but in my case I have to provide them myself and have to learn to use them.

Screw elitism. My family is just as important as the President's family.

10% of our Presidents have been killed, 20% have been shot at

Do you have the same level of risk?

A person gets killed every day in Chicago, sometimes two a day. Crime is all over this country.

If the President feels he needs protection with firearms then so do other Americans.

However, President Shit for Brains wants to keep his protection with firearms and take the right to keep and bear arms away from all other Americans even though there is a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Hypocritical as hell.
There are plenty of guns in Chicago...that's the problem

There are plenty of criminals with illegal guns

THAT"S the problem
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.


So you think a woman should fight off a single or multiple attackers with awesome kung fu skills?
There is a YouTube video that has a young girl beating the crap out of two boys trying to steal bike!

Teach you kids kung fu. It helps keep them safe!
"Guns don't kill people; people kill people"...

"Guns don't make one safer; people make one safer".

Think about it.


That will only be true when we live in a world where people don't want to harm other people. I know Jesus promised the resurection and utopia but, until then, the world is as it is for now so we have to deal with people who don't care if we live or die.

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