Housing is not a right

We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Not "we" have chosen, the left has chosen.

By Clintonizing words like rights, they are able to draw a little more attention and sympathy to their cause. They often use the term Human Rights because they know their so-called made-up rights are not constitutional ones.
Both ends of the spectrum toss important words around like they're nothing.

The Left tosses out "rights", "racism", "homophobia" and "Nazi".

The Right tosses out "socialist", "communism" and (of course) "Nazi".

WE are to blame for that behavior.

You and I do not always agree.

But this part of your argument I FULLY concur with.

ALL Americans are to blame for America's problems...especially for the ridiculous level of partisanship that has fallen over U.S. politics. And it helps America not one bit.
In fact, I think partisan politics is slowly destroying America.

That is largely why I am Independent (plus I think both major parties are so corrupt as to be beyond useless).
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Not "we" have chosen, the left has chosen.

By Clintonizing words like rights, they are able to draw a little more attention and sympathy to their cause. They often use the term Human Rights because they know their so-called made-up rights are not constitutional ones.
Both ends of the spectrum toss important words around like they're nothing.

The Left tosses out "rights", "racism", "homophobia" and "Nazi".

The Right tosses out "socialist", "communism" and (of course) "Nazi".

WE are to blame for that behavior.

You and I do not always agree.

But this part of your argument I FULLY concur with.

ALL Americans are to blame for America's problems...especially for the ridiculous level of partisanship that has fallen over U.S. politics. And it helps America not one bit.
In fact, I think partisan politics is slowly destroying America.

That is largely why I am Independent (plus I think both major parties are so corrupt as to be beyond useless).

Well, considering most of your posts, some of us are fricken shocked you would consider yourself an independent.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

No, you have a right to access those things, but not a right to be provided those things. Big difference.

Your rights end where mine begin.

These people want me to provide them with housing?

Why don’t liberals just sponsor homeless people to live in their spare bedrooms? Problem solved,

I unfortunately live next door to HUD people. Nice and quiet here until they moved in. Now they wake me at night because these lowlifes don't work or only work a few hours. They have BBQ parties for their friends; likely food bought with food stamps, and they are in the suburbs.

So where does this right exist that I work at least 40 a week to live here, and they get to move in virtually free and not work? As for the adults, all they'd have to do is lose about 200 lbs each and they could easily work. They have the energy to setup these parties of theirs all the time, I'm sure they have enough energy to support themselves.
They BBQ?
OMG! Where does the depravity end?
Well it's like my friends that me and the wife knows, and yep they confirmed the same story Ray has... LOL.... They said they ain't got a problem with people BBQing but when it goes on for 4 days straight like they experienced recently it was like Come onnnnnn really.
I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

I called HUD to complain about my HUD neighbors and to move them out if possible. They told me it's none of their business how lousy their clients are; that's between me, the landlord, and perhaps the police.

They kept transferring me over and over to different people in different departments. Finally my quest stopped at one phone where nobody answered. I left a message, but as expected, they didn't return my call.

The house the lowlifes are renting is $950 a month, and well overpriced for what it is. I don't know how much HUD gives them for the house, but whatever it is, it's too much.

It's bad enough we taxpayers have to fund social programs, but now social engineering as well. Lowlifes should stay in the ghetto where they came from.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Not quite sure if they give it that much thought. My concern is how responsible these case workers would be with money that's not theirs.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Ran into a similar situation when my kids were in grade school. My son's teacher knew we weren't well off and kept pushing me to sign up for the school's free lunch program for lower income students. At one point, after me repeatedly refusing to sign up (I wasn't rich, but I could afford to feed my kids), she confessed why it was important to the school that I sign up: the school was very near a threshold - if they had enough low-income students they qualified for special benefits from the state government. Yep. Anyway ...
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Ran into a similar situation when my kids were in grade school. My son's teacher knew we weren't well off and kept pushing me to sign up for the school's free lunch program for lower income students. At one point, after me repeatedly refusing to sign up (I wasn't rich, but I could afford to feed my kids), she confessed why it was important to the school that I sign up: the school was very near a threshold - if they had enough low-income students they qualified for special benefits from the state government. Yep. Anyway ...

Yup, I'm sure they told you they were just trying to help. Without them saying they were just trying to help themselves.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Ran into a similar situation when my kids were in grade school. My son's teacher knew we weren't well off and kept pushing me to sign up for the school's free lunch program for lower income students. At one point, after me repeatedly refusing to sign up (I wasn't rich, but I could afford to feed my kids), she confessed why it was important to the school that I sign up: the school was very near a threshold - if they had enough low-income students they qualified for special benefits from the state government. Yep. Anyway ...

Yup, I'm sure they told you they were just trying to help. Without saying who they were trying to help.

Actually, in the end, she was quite up front about it, suggesting that I was being 'selfish' because I wouldn't help them achieve their goal. Irony abounds ....
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?
Ok, now what was unappealing to you concerning the plan offered when applied for it or inquired about it ?? I remember applying for temporary unemployment benefits once during the crash in which caused me to lose a job due the crisis. It was either that I was the wrong candidate in their eyes or something, because they treated me like crap when I went to check it out. Yep I also left thinking screw that mess, and when got home a job interview was on the answering machine. Never looked back, but it did make me wonder why they treated me like that in that hell hole ?
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Ran into a similar situation when my kids were in grade school. My son's teacher knew we weren't well off and kept pushing me to sign up for the school's free lunch program for lower income students. At one point, after me repeatedly refusing to sign up (I wasn't rich, but I could afford to feed my kids), she confessed why it was important to the school that I sign up: the school was very near a threshold - if they had enough low-income students they qualified for special benefits from the state government. Yep. Anyway ...

I've heard of that before, but an additional problem is once your school is federally funded, they are able to create the curriculum for the school.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?
Ok, now what was unappealing to you concerning the plan offered when applied for it or inquired about it ?? I remember applying for temporary unemployment benefits once during the crash in which caused me to lose a job due the crisis. It was either that I was the wrong candidate in their eyes or something, because they treated me like crap when I went to check it out. Yep I also left thinking screw that mess, and when got home a job interview was on the answering machine. Never looked back, but it did make me wonder why they treated me like that in that hell hole ?

If you remember at the time, working people were applying for welfare. So they created a criteria for new applicants which required you do do work for the government like clean up roads and abandoned properties and things like that. I was more than happy to do it, but the problem was I didn't want to work Monday's because that's when all the new job postings came out, and I wanted to spend the day applying for jobs.

The welfare worker told me no deal. It was work on the days they schedule you or not at all.

As a young person I didn't quite understand the politics behind our social programs. I thought they would be delighted to have an applicant that actually wanted to get a job and not be on welfare. Boy was I wrong. I got the impression the social worker was offended that's what I wanted to do. That's when I told her to shove it.

Instead I applied for every temp service in the area. ManPower called me and after the first job where they get feedback of their workers, they had me working everyday since. They even wanted me to work two shifts at different companies.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Ran into a similar situation when my kids were in grade school. My son's teacher knew we weren't well off and kept pushing me to sign up for the school's free lunch program for lower income students. At one point, after me repeatedly refusing to sign up (I wasn't rich, but I could afford to feed my kids), she confessed why it was important to the school that I sign up: the school was very near a threshold - if they had enough low-income students they qualified for special benefits from the state government. Yep. Anyway ...

Yup, I'm sure they told you they were just trying to help. Without saying who they were trying to help.

Actually, in the end, she was quite up front about it, suggesting that I was being 'selfish' because I wouldn't help them achieve their goal. Irony abounds ....
As a child I had a terrible experience with the free lunch program.. The school would out you in front of the whole class in the way it was administered, and it caused shame to come upon you when the more affluent children would laugh or look at you like some kind of ameba in the situation. It was like that school I heard would give the free lunch kids a bagged cold lunch instead of a hot meal if had free lunch. How sad was that dammed situation ??
The far right suggestions and comments are right out of a white ethno-supremacist mind set.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.

Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Not quite sure if they give it that much thought. My concern is how responsible these case workers would be with money that's not theirs.

Why would they care? It's not their money.
Agree 100%, although the case workers may be just as bad, if not worse, then the people they're supposed to help.

When I was young during the Reagan recession when there were no jobs, I applied for welfare. Unhappy with what they told me, I got up and told the lady to shove her welfare and she'll never see me back there unless I become physically or mentally disabled.

They bothered me for over a year to come back and accept benefits. I repeatedly told them to leave me alone the entire time. Why would these government workers want to see people off of a program that provides them a decent job?

Ran into a similar situation when my kids were in grade school. My son's teacher knew we weren't well off and kept pushing me to sign up for the school's free lunch program for lower income students. At one point, after me repeatedly refusing to sign up (I wasn't rich, but I could afford to feed my kids), she confessed why it was important to the school that I sign up: the school was very near a threshold - if they had enough low-income students they qualified for special benefits from the state government. Yep. Anyway ...

Yup, I'm sure they told you they were just trying to help. Without saying who they were trying to help.

Actually, in the end, she was quite up front about it, suggesting that I was being 'selfish' because I wouldn't help them achieve their goal. Irony abounds ....
As a child I had a terrible experience with the free lunch program.. The school would out you in front of the whole class in the way it was administered, and it caused shame to come upon you when the more affluent children would laugh or look at you like some kind of ameba in the situation. It was like that school I heard would give the free lunch kids a bagged cold lunch instead of a hot meal if had free lunch. How sad was that dammed situation ??

When I was in school we had kids that got the free lunch and others that paid for it in cash. The kids with the free lunch sold it to the kids with money for half price. The kid that sold the lunch had enough for a pack of cigarettes and the kid that bought the lunch the same. Both would run to the store after school and purchase their tobacco products with their scheme.
We've chosen to conflate "rights" with "wants", just as we've chosen to conflate fact with opinion.

I hope there is a way to back to critical thinking from here, but I just don't see it.

Not "we" have chosen, the left has chosen.

By Clintonizing words like rights, they are able to draw a little more attention and sympathy to their cause. They often use the term Human Rights because they know their so-called made-up rights are not constitutional ones.
Both ends of the spectrum toss important words around like they're nothing.

The Left tosses out "rights", "racism", "homophobia" and "Nazi".

The Right tosses out "socialist", "communism" and (of course) "Nazi".

WE are to blame for that behavior.

You and I do not always agree.

But this part of your argument I FULLY concur with.

ALL Americans are to blame for America's problems...especially for the ridiculous level of partisanship that has fallen over U.S. politics. And it helps America not one bit.
In fact, I think partisan politics is slowly destroying America.

That is largely why I am Independent (plus I think both major parties are so corrupt as to be beyond useless).

Well, considering most of your posts, some of us are fricken shocked you would consider yourself an independent.

Well Mcrocket, then you ARE THE PROBLEM; or rather, people like you. You have to change minds, and you can't do that being an independent. Now that doesn't mean you have to vote ONLY for the side you join, but it does mean that you should try to educate the people you are with.

And now for little enlightenment------------->

Most of us are independent, we just go with one side or the other.


Because no matter what anyone tells you, the LEFT is in control of the levers of this country, and have been since before Reagan. That is why while we do not claim to be GOP, we vote with them, because to vote Libertarian or some other faction, allows the Left to control everything.

Now, pay attention to what I am telling you---------> Since Eisenhower, has the country moved LEFT, or RIGHT, both socially, and economically?

Now then, anyone who tells you it has moved right, is trying to lie through their teeth! Look how much money we have spent on social programs, and look at our borders, marriage, Holidays, etc. The Left uses government when it wins, and uses the courts when it loses. They also control the deep state.

CONSIDER-------------> Trump has been stymied at every turn, and the GOP controls all 3 branches of government. Logically, how can that be?

And yet, whenever Obama was stymied, he just signed an EO...……...which Trump overturned I concede, but that is how the left governs when they can not get what they want, courts or EOs.

And so, to stand for anything but the GOP, is to give power away totally to the Left. It is not that other political ideas are bad, but to pursue them instantly cedes power to the Left, in total. Nope, the only choice is to try and change minds in the GOP to a stance that closer fits you.

Now notice, I didn't say join the Democrats! Why didn't I say that? Because they will run you out of town, and hit you in the head with a steel bar. Look at how violent they are! And you would try and stand in their caucus and try and change their minds, lol. You are kidding, correct! You are trying to change minds, not get yourself killed!

In closing, let me put it as coherent as I can------------->

We in the GOP like freedom, our personal freedom. You may see that one way, I may see it another way, but we support our own vision of it together, loosely. Our stuff is our stuff, our money belongs to us and our family, we like traditions in the country, and support the flag.

Now the Left is like the Borg in Star Trek. They all believe one way, if you don't agree with them they wanna kick your ass, and in the end, they just want to assimilate you into their hive mentality. To keep you quiet, they call you every name in the book, which also...…...in their opinion......discredits anything you say.

So if you have a hive mentality, be a Leftist, have a freedom mentality, be GOP. But whatever you do, do NOT join some political group that can't win anything, or you will instantly cede control to the Leftists. Since they have the hive mentality, they are the ones who will win if others don't try and change the GOP!

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