How am I am threat to Democracy?

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.

You're both.
Hey lib. Why don’t you acknowledge that you put me on ignore because you’re weak. Disparate POV and you ran and cried.
Questions and challenges to elections have always existed. But they were done civilly and legally. Trumps movement is based on lie after lie after lie and as those false claims got laughed out of court the narrative shifted to saying the courts are corrupt. The lies persist. It’s an utter embarrassment that so many people are going along with such an unsophisticated and dangerous narrative
The Democrats did not “civilly” call Donald Trump an illegitimate president who stole an election as some sort of Russian agent…

They misled and lied to the public.. so you just teed off on Trump, here’s another golf ball.. what say you about 4 years of “Russian interference” lying?
The Democrats did not “civilly” call Donald Trump an illegitimate president who stole an election as some sort of Russian agent…

They misled and lied to the public.. so you just teed off on Trump, here’s another golf ball.. what say you about 4 years of “Russian interference” lying?
They did everything they could to undermine him and the 2020 election was rigged with media bias. Proven. Especially with the laptop
Your blob has been bitching about a supposedly stolen election for 2 years. About 40 posters here still bitch about a supposedly stolen election.
My “blob?”

You need to start living in the present and be concerned about securing our future. Jan 6 2021 is in the past and completely irrelevant to current and future events.
They did everything they could to undermine him and the 2020 election was rigged with media bias. Proven. Especially with the laptop
1667508949910.png shouldn't take being called a dog personally.... perhaps stop acting like a pooch dying for attention? Or are you not getting any in real life?
You’re posting in my threads. Love dogs. Perro is a term of endearment, lib.
My “blob?”

You need to start living in the present and be concerned about securing our future. Jan 6 2021 is in the past and completely irrelevant to current and future events.
meanwhile back in reality...some of Trump's biggest supporters are on trial for seditious conspiracy. I guess that is why you want to change the topic.
Xiden sounds like Putin…anyone that doesn’t fall in line and support the demafasict are consider threads to the state
Your head in the sand is hilarious. Red wave coming. Stay tuned. You ll likely put me on ignore again.

Possibly... on both counts. Your constant anger gets tiresome after a while and, much like a dog, you have to put the misbehaving mutt outside for a bit until they learn some manners. For right's rather fun to watch your posts; whining about this, bitching about that....crying that I put you on ignore once. Its truly funny.

More please.
Xiden sounds like Putin…anyone that doesn’t fall in line and support the demafasict are consider threads to the state
if they deny elections without any evidence, brainwashed functional moron. A real Nazi move, which many of you would be if you had martial law with trump for example- coming in 2027 if he wins....
No it started with Rush Limbaugh and then Fox News, a plague on the United states thanks Rupert Murdoch you swine
yep, rush really made things more difficult for the demafasict to push their propaganda on the american people
if they deny elections without any evidence, brainwashed functional moron. A real Nazi move, which many of you would be if you had martial law with trump for example- coming in 2027 if he wins....
like the dems did in 2000? 2004? 2016?

haha yeah trump is gonna bring marital law in 2027…haha talk about just making things up

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