How did you become a US citizen?

And where in any of this is the discussion of the corrupt Mexican goverment accepting American aid while balancing its own budget, all the
while neglecting its own citizens?
Mexico's failures as a nation are not our problem. Only Mexico is more than happy to keep the status quo. A country rich in resources fails to meet the needs of its citizens then feel the need to berate America for wanting to limit immigration, which is every nations right. Screw Mexico and screw the notion we are somehow responsible for their neglected citizens.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

No, not really. I was borne in the U.S. and an automatic citizen I was not. As a matter of fact, and may have been a wet back for the first year or three of my life.

And no, I wouldn't just move to Canada. I couldn't because Canada puts requirements on their immigrants, so for them "no" means "No". They even deport you if you are illegal as my dear old Da found out in 1981. Canada has a whole website on how they deal with illegals. Matter of fact, so does Mexico. You should check it out.
Last edited:
And where in any of this is the discussion of the corrupt Mexican goverment accepting American aid while balancing its own budget, all the
while neglecting its own citizens?
Mexico's failures as a nation are not our problem. Only Mexico is more than happy to keep the status quo. A country rich in resources fails to meet the needs of its citizens then feel the need to berate America for wanting to limit immigration, which is every nations right. Screw Mexico and screw the notion we are somehow responsible for their neglected citizens.
Dear petro
If we want to return jobs to America, we can start with creating safe secure factories and campus housing jobs and services next door along the Mexican border.

This will help stop illegal immigration, trafficking and sweatshops that has spilled gang and drug related crime into Houston and other states, even as far up north as NY where crime houses were busted that started from illegal immigration across the southern border.

The problem of Mexican drug cartels and corruption already affect our citizens and country.

The solution is to work with Mexico and their nationals who are living and working in the US, claim land for 4-5 cities on the Mexican side of the border, and authorize those working families to be legal residents there. Once they are registered legally, they can apply for earning amnesty and dual citizenship or guest worker visas by working to pay back for any violations of laws while investing their money taxes and labor into developing their own cities so they are not exploited. The credit for their work should go into cities they own shares in
To help themselves and other families, so Nobody has to cross illegally and Nobody gets exploited by traffickers and gangs.

Mexico can develop its own stable resources to solve problems crossing our borders, by assessing restitution for violations and trafficking, and investing that into building sustainable communities schools jobs and services to stabilize the economy.

We have equal if not more interest in pursuing such development along the border because (1) crime affects our citizens and is filling state prisons with billions spent detaining Mexican nationals alone (2) we have more ability to organize such solutions that will help both countries, US and Mexico, both fighting drug related trafficking coming from South America and crossing illegally through Mexico borders and into ours.
Last edited:
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
The legal way. And YOU didn't supplement my arrival with welfare or social programs so kindly get bent.
Can you read? How do illegals get welfare?

Are you claiming illegals don't get welfare?
Illegals are not eligible for federal welfare.
Most aren't but some actually are. It is apparent that the fact that they do caught you off guard so perhaps you should look into it.
It is so funny that Americans hate immigrants. Because that country completely has been built by immigrants. Remember, in the 1602 Pilgrim Fathers came to the USA as an illegal. I don't support illegal immigrants, I just support people who want to contribute that society.

That's a major misconception… Americans don't "hate immigrants"
We hate low grade filthy humans that degrade our society and require spoon feeding from taxpayers. We're up to our ears in human cockroaches. Specifically, we're fed up with one here gives two shits about immigrants coming in from almost anywhere but Mexico, Central and South America.

So Mexicans are cockroaches now? Let me guess. You're not a racist right?

I'm not a racist at all...I like and respect anyone of any color who is productive, law abiding, respectful and self supporting.
I despise anybody of any color who is the opposite. Your cockroaches tend to be "the opposite".
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
The legal way. And YOU didn't supplement my arrival with welfare or social programs so kindly get bent.
Can you read? How do illegals get welfare?

Are you claiming illegals don't get welfare?
Illegals are not eligible for federal welfare.

That's an answer to a question I didn't ask.

They aren't eligible to be here either. Are you saying that means they really aren't here?
My people..From Ireland, Germany ...came here legally...I was born here by two people also born here.....

I am 100% Native American.
And you bitched about Elizabeth Warren.

And I bet you are proud of the work & sacrifices you made to become a US citizen.

Elizabeth Warren lied about her heritage, claiming she was something she isn't, in order to gain an advantage. As a Liberal, you must be proud of her actions.
Did she? Prove it. Warren did not use it for career advancement.

Like most people, people know their heritage based on what their parents told them.

Your butt buddy claimed to be a Native American when clearly he is not. Bitch at him.

So your excuse for her lying about it is that she was told a lie? That's understandable if you're 6 years old in the first grade. As a supposed educated adult, shouldn't she have known better.

My family has passed down our heritage. They didn't lie about it lie her family.
Beaners are criminals, they bring drugs, they are rapists, dontcha know.

Hey, I'm not being racist. I love taco bowls!

Coming here without permission automatically makes "beaners" criminals. You want to make this about race because it's the only card in your wallet. :lol:

It's funny when the supporters of illegals say they haven't committed a crime. Every day they're here they're committing a crime.

Wow, such logic.

If I rob a bank today, I rob a bank every day?

Wow, such logic.

If you're illegal on the day you cross the border, you're not illegal the days after doing so?

If you rob a bank, aren't you a bank robber every day?

There was one crime. Robbing that bank or illegally crossing the border.

Trumpettes have no logic, just ignoramnce & hate.

As long as they remain here, they're committing a crime, TRAITOR.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
:boohoo:_-_-------------- :fu:
And where in any of this is the discussion of the corrupt Mexican goverment accepting American aid while balancing its own budget, all the
while neglecting its own citizens?
Mexico's failures as a nation are not our problem. Only Mexico is more than happy to keep the status quo. A country rich in resources fails to meet the needs of its citizens then feel the need to berate America for wanting to limit immigration, which is every nations right. Screw Mexico and screw the notion we are somehow responsible for their neglected citizens.
Dear petro
If we want to return jobs to America, we can start with creating safe secure factories and campus housing jobs and services next door along the Mexican border.

This will help stop illegal immigration, trafficking and sweatshops that has spilled gang and drug related crime into Houston and other states, even as far up north as NY where crime houses were busted that started from illegal immigration across the southern border.

The problem of Mexican drug cartels and corruption already affect our citizens and country.

The solution is to work with Mexico and their nationals who are living and working in the US, claim land for 4-5 cities on the Mexican side of the border, and authorize those working families to be legal residents there. Once they are registered legally, they can apply for earning amnesty and dual citizenship or guest worker visas by working to pay back for any violations of laws while investing their money taxes and labor into developing their own cities so they are not exploited. The credit for their work should go into cities they own shares in
To help themselves and other families, so Nobody has to cross illegally and Nobody gets exploited by traffickers and gangs.

Mexico can develop its own stable resources to solve problems crossing our borders, by assessing restitution for violations and trafficking, and investing that into building sustainable communities schools jobs and services to stabilize the economy.

We have equal if not more interest in pursuing such development along the border because (1) crime affects our citizens and is filling state prisons with billions spent detaining Mexican nationals alone (2) we have more ability to organize such solutions that will help both countries, US and Mexico, both fighting drug related trafficking coming from South America and crossing illegally through Mexico borders and into ours.
Actually seems a common sense approach.
Problem is many in this country are for spiritual freedom rather than political. A whole segment of society wishes to erase borders with the concept of global citizenship.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.
If your accomplishment is invading the US you should be shot on site.
And where in any of this is the discussion of the corrupt Mexican goverment accepting American aid while balancing its own budget, all the
while neglecting its own citizens?
Mexico's failures as a nation are not our problem. Only Mexico is more than happy to keep the status quo. A country rich in resources fails to meet the needs of its citizens then feel the need to berate America for wanting to limit immigration, which is every nations right. Screw Mexico and screw the notion we are somehow responsible for their neglected citizens.
Dear petro
If we want to return jobs to America, we can start with creating safe secure factories and campus housing jobs and services next door along the Mexican border.

This will help stop illegal immigration, trafficking and sweatshops that has spilled gang and drug related crime into Houston and other states, even as far up north as NY where crime houses were busted that started from illegal immigration across the southern border.

The problem of Mexican drug cartels and corruption already affect our citizens and country.

The solution is to work with Mexico and their nationals who are living and working in the US, claim land for 4-5 cities on the Mexican side of the border, and authorize those working families to be legal residents there. Once they are registered legally, they can apply for earning amnesty and dual citizenship or guest worker visas by working to pay back for any violations of laws while investing their money taxes and labor into developing their own cities so they are not exploited. The credit for their work should go into cities they own shares in
To help themselves and other families, so Nobody has to cross illegally and Nobody gets exploited by traffickers and gangs.

Mexico can develop its own stable resources to solve problems crossing our borders, by assessing restitution for violations and trafficking, and investing that into building sustainable communities schools jobs and services to stabilize the economy.

We have equal if not more interest in pursuing such development along the border because (1) crime affects our citizens and is filling state prisons with billions spent detaining Mexican nationals alone (2) we have more ability to organize such solutions that will help both countries, US and Mexico, both fighting drug related trafficking coming from South America and crossing illegally through Mexico borders and into ours.
Actually seems a common sense approach.
Problem is many in this country are for spiritual freedom rather than political. A whole segment of society wishes to erase borders with the concept of global citizenship.
Yes petro one of my friends who has solutions to the gangs and trafficking, by curing the criminal illness spiritually so these same ppl want to serve God and help others instead of living in crime, she works on such a high spiritual level it surpasses legal conditions and politics she avoids.

I had to explain to her using her own Bible that we still have to follow and respect civil authorities and laws. Forgiveness on a spiritual level doesn't change the fact we may owe debts and damages on a civil level to our neighbor, especially taxpayers under secular laws.

We render unto Caesar what is Caesars and until God what is God's. If people agree to waive us and give us amnesty, it has to be those ppl who agree to pay the hotel bill for us. But no spiritual law says you can require someone to forgive and pay your costs for you. That violates natural laws against taxation without representation. God made the natural laws also, so you cannot contradict one for the other.

True spiritual peace harmony and justice would fulfill and respect all laws, not violate and neglect some for the convenience of people at the expense of others unless they consent to give.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

what a bunch of bullshit. No one hates illegals. All we want is for our immigration laws to be enforced. the vast majority of immigrants are good, hard working people, the kind of people we want and need in this country. Just enter legally and all will be fine.

As to the 14th amendment "citizens by birth". Something needs to be done so that the ones that are productive in this country are allowed to stay and get some short path to citizenship (legally).

If the left and the dems would stop screaming hate and posting BS, this could easily be resolved.

get the fuckin politics out of it and get it done.
My grandparents came here in the early part of the 20th century.
The only difference between then and now is policy.
Your ancestors disembarked, processed through the facility and were citizens at the end of the line.

Now it take a decade just to get a green card and another to achieve citizenship. Certainly we could do better.
My grandparents came here in the early part of the 20th century.
The only difference between then and now is policy.
Your ancestors disembarked, processed through the facility and were citizens at the end of the line.

Now it take a decade just to get a green card and another to achieve citizenship. Certainly we could do better.

wrong, they were not "citizens at the end of the line". They had to apply, study, and pass a test to become citizens.

unless you want to go back to the 1700s, you are wrong.

the "citizen at birth" came about so that freed slaves would be citizens. It was never intended to confer citizenship to children of those here illegally.

I do agree that we need to fix the mess.
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

Are you saying I can go buy a home in Mexico and move my family there if it means a better life for them? Hell with their immigration laws. They were just born there. So what does it really mean to be a Mexican citizen anyways?
What your saying basically is that being a citizen of any country means nothing. What is the problem you have with citizens who come here legally? Why does addressing illegal immigration become equated with Hate and Bigotry? It seems like when any conservative raises their voice or speaks about anything with passion its simply passed off as "An Angry White Male" Go back and look at all the past video clips of Hillary Clinton and Obama saying that Illegal immigration is a serious matter and needs to be dealt with. Well, that was said when it was politically expedient for them.

People can still come here legally from Mexico, it's fine.

Look, dipstick, Americans retire in Mexico all the time. The claim was that Mexico would not allow immigration to their countrtyu.

Try to keep up.

What I am saying, is yes they are illegal but they do not deserve the hate your ilk puts on them every freaking day.

If you can't see the hate in the previous posts then perhaps you are part of that problem.

They have strict can't vote or hold a government job....or run for political office....or get welfare just get to pay taxes...
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

So if bust my ass and break into oprah winfreys mansion you would call me a hero and special if I stayed and lived there dumb ass?

All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

So if bust my ass and break into oprah winfreys mansion you would call me a hero and special if I stayed and lived there dumb ass?

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You people are just too fucking stupid to get it.

Were you all born this fucking dumb or did you practice a lot to get that way?

If your family was in need of food & you had no money and you broke intro that mansion to get food,. you are still guilty of a crime. You would not deserve the hate. You would even be treated in the legal system under a different light than if you broke in to steal money./

Why the fuck are you people too God damn stupid to get that point?
All this hate is being spewed against illegal aliens in this country.

Many of these haters became US citizens not by serving in our military, not by taking some long difficult course of study, not by working for a certain number of years......

They are US citizens because their Mommy spit them out on US soil or mommy or daddy is a US citizen.

Wow, that took a lot of effort.

Many illegals risked their lives, went through an ordeal of some kind to come to America to help their families & in the hopes of their children having a better life. They actually put out far far far far more effort than the haters.

Some live a meager lifestyle while sending money they earned backed to their families in their home country. I once worked for a company in Houston that hired a lot of Hispanics. in their manufacturing facilities. I have no clue as to their legal status but they were workers. They worked hard & when asked to work overtime when needed, they were all in.

We really need to stand back & analyze our thoughts & feelings toward these people.

Especially the young children they brought with them that have lived most of their lives as American ad have no memories of their homeland. This is their homeland.

I am sure most of the responders will have a fit & cry about their legality. How dare these people come here & take what you earned. Earned? Earned by being born here. Wow, ain't that something to be so proud of. When asked: "What was one of your greatest accomplishments?" and you answer "I was born a US citizen.", Really?

Climb down of your high horses & be realistic. There is not need for the hate & bigotry. If you were born in a poor part of Mexico, would you come here to help your family?

If the US economy tanked while Canada's soared, would you sneak into Canada to take a job paying 5 times what your current job pays to support your family?

This bigotry & hate spread by Trump & his followers needs to end.

Are you saying I can go buy a home in Mexico and move my family there if it means a better life for them? Hell with their immigration laws. They were just born there. So what does it really mean to be a Mexican citizen anyways?
What your saying basically is that being a citizen of any country means nothing. What is the problem you have with citizens who come here legally? Why does addressing illegal immigration become equated with Hate and Bigotry? It seems like when any conservative raises their voice or speaks about anything with passion its simply passed off as "An Angry White Male" Go back and look at all the past video clips of Hillary Clinton and Obama saying that Illegal immigration is a serious matter and needs to be dealt with. Well, that was said when it was politically expedient for them.

People can still come here legally from Mexico, it's fine.

Look, dipstick, Americans retire in Mexico all the time. The claim was that Mexico would not allow immigration to their countrtyu.

Try to keep up.

What I am saying, is yes they are illegal but they do not deserve the hate your ilk puts on them every freaking day.

If you can't see the hate in the previous posts then perhaps you are part of that problem.

They have strict can't vote or hold a government job....or run for political office....or get welfare just get to pay taxes...

But you can go there. A legal resident/non citizen here can't vote or get welfare benefits.

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