How Is This Different Than What You Hear Every Democrat Say?

I don't think anyone denied that it's a learned trait, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? It's a learned trait in all races, not just whites.

The poster above said it was part of our DNA. Do try and keep up

And of course it is a learned trait in all races, not just whites.
So I guess goofygator doesn't think that there's an effort by the left in this country to paint all white conservatives as racist, and all white 'liberals' as repressively racist, i.e. not really knowing they are? And that there's a reason for this that benefits them and their political aspirations behind it. And only against blacks of course, they're somehow special and placed number one in the minds of white conservatives. :rolleyes: You know GG, that makes you a racist as well, given that you have 'white' skin, you don't get a pass, the left has already labeled you. But I'm sure you wear it with a badge of honor and bow down to accepting how flawed and hateful you are like a good little lemming.

There is an effort by both sides to paint the other side as racist and evil, it is at the very heart of US politics today. If your party can make you hate and fear the "other side" they know that you will vote for them no matter how many times they lie to you, no matter how many times they fuck things ups.

What this guy said in his videos is no worse than what people like BrokeLoser are saying on this very forum and nobody on the right ever says a word about it.

I am given lots of labels, I do not give a flying fuck about any of them.

When my kids were small we used to read them this book by Christian author and minister Max Lucado. Teaches kids not to care about the labels other put on them. Seems to be a lesson you could use.
There is an effort by both sides to paint the other side as racist and evil, it is at the very heart of US politics today. If your party can make you hate and fear the "other side" they know that you will vote for them no matter how many times they lie to you, no matter how many times they fuck things ups.

What this guy said in his videos is no worse than what people like BrokeLoser are saying on this very forum and nobody on the right ever says a word about it.

I am given lots of labels, I do not give a flying fuck about any of them.

When my kids were small we used to read them this book by Christian author and minister Max Lucado. Teaches kids not to care about the labels other put on them. Seems to be a lesson you could use.
Your ‘both sides are equally bad’ bullshit is old and exposed.
Every agenda of you Leftards is pure evil. No generalization, every.
There is an effort by both sides to paint the other side as racist and evil, it is at the very heart of US politics today. If your party can make you hate and fear the "other side" they know that you will vote for them no matter how many times they lie to you, no matter how many times they fuck things ups.

What this guy said in his videos is no worse than what people like BrokeLoser are saying on this very forum and nobody on the right ever says a word about it.

I am given lots of labels, I do not give a flying fuck about any of them.

When my kids were small we used to read them this book by Christian author and minister Max Lucado. Teaches kids not to care about the labels other put on them. Seems to be a lesson you could use.

What I bolded is simply not true, you're either a liar or you don't have a shred of awareness as to what's going on in our culture today.

Conservatives have to defend against being labeled a racist every day on every social media or news media platform, the left does not.
Says Dufus who has a problem with the pure evil being pushed by the Left having light shined upon it.

I am against the pure evil being pushed by both sides.

You on the other hand are happy as a pig in shit pushing it for your side
I am against the pure evil being pushed by both sides.

You on the other hand are happy as a pig in shit pushing it for your side
Bullshit. Not once have I seen you post anything negative about the evil being pushed by the swamp. Your head is too far up Biden’s ass to react to anything except defending that minion of Satan.
They do the very same thing you accuse the Dems of doing.

No, they don't do that at all, I'm countering your bs arguments claiming that what is right before your eyes isn't happening. You're totally clueless, or devoted to promoting leftist cult propaganda that all conservatives are racist. I'm guessing it's the latter, you're very poor at pretending to be a 'centrist', you're no such thing.
No, they don't do that at all, I'm countering your bs arguments claiming that what is right before your eyes isn't happening. You're totally clueless, or devoted to promoting leftist cult propaganda that all conservatives are racist. I'm guessing it's the latter, you're very poor at pretending to be a 'centrist', you're no such thing.

I have not claimed anything was not happening, I agree that some the left is doing what you claim they are. You just think that your chosen side is pure and innocent, yet they are just as bad as the left. But to admit that would be to have to face the wrath of your tribe, and you would never do that

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