How many of you had covid 19 like my entire family did

I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

Yup I had it and can tell you that the common cold effected me worse. So is everything on tv real?

Lol, the people who died were killed by fools misusing ventilators
Tell that to the relatives of the 120,000 dead Americans. All could have been prevented by your skidmark. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove that.
I haven’t had it but I know people who died from it. A acquaintance of mines brother died. My Godson died and a friends father died.
Were they put on ventilators? I bet they were

They were murdered and new laws restricting liability will forbid malpractice suits

So please continue

I know my acquaintances brother was because she was angry when reports came out about the ventilators. I didn’t ask about the other two. I didn’t want to cause them anymore pain by asking for details. Usually you get info like that at the funeral but of course there wasn’t any funeral.

You experienced government run healthcare or better called death panels.

What I’m experiencing is a good old fashioned pandemic. I have OCD for germs so I have no illusions that anything will stop COVID 19. I’ve spent the better part of the last 25 years thinking on a microscopic level. Barring a cure it will run through the earth just like Spanish flu did from 1918-1920. We will have COVID 19 with us until 2021-22. That said the masks seem to help stop some of the aerosols from hanging out in the air by landing on the inside of your mask. For me the less the better for the limited time I’m in public.

Info from tv is worthless. There is no pandemic, covid is far less dangerous than the flu. People were killed by respirators not saved

Wow that’s weird! All those bodies of people stacked like cordwood from absolutely nothing. :rolleyes: I guess the NYC tri-state area (where I live) had an unusually high amount of people dropping dead was just an odd coincidence.

Give me a break. I lost three people including my healthy 37 year old Godson so don’t insult his memory or my intelligence saying there’s no pandemic. He didn’t land in the hospital when he had the flu or the common cold. He landed in the hospital with Covid19. My friends brother was a healthy 40 year old. He didn’t land in the hospital from cold or flu either; even if the respirator contributed to his death. The hospital doesn’t put you on a respirator for just a little trouble breathing. A respirator is not like a breathing treatment or oxygen up your nose, it’s a much more serious thing for serious situations. My friends brother might have died even if he’d never been put on a respirator. Nobody is ever going to know for sure if the respirator helped kill him or not. Some people just seem to get this worse than others.

You can’t fault the medical community for not knowing about the adverse effects of a respirator for a disease they learned about on the fly. Those you can blame are the WHO and China. China withheld information. The west didn’t get a good look at Covid19 until it hit Italy. The WHO dropped the ball by ignoring SARS and MERS and not warning the world a Coronavirus pandemic was inevitable. We could have been more prepared but because we put our faith in the WHO we got caught with our pants down.

The ventilators killed every person on one that should not have been on the ventilator. The hospitals also put non covid patients next to the covid patients murdering them

Get educated kid, watch the following if you want the truth or you can believe the babble on TV. Again covid is no more dangerous than the common cold

I’m just letting you know this conspiracy bull shit you’ve swallowed is hurting people who have had loved ones die. I’ve got an acquaintance grieving the second brother she’s lost in a decade. I’ve got a woman I’ve been friends with since 1974 crushed from losing her oldest child who happens to be my Godson. I’ve got another friend who had to say goodbye to her dying father over FaceTime. That’s just the people who died. I also had a bunch of friends get sick and recover, some were hospitalized. The local obituaries went from three pages to 30 pages. That my dear isn’t a harmless cold. The fact that you don’t seem to give a flying fuck who you are hurting speaks to your character or the lack there of. I live an hour outside NYC. We got hit hard. But hey, you just keep swallowing the kool-aid and pray you don’t lose someone precious to you.

FYI They think that the virus was in the NYC area as early as November. This means this corner of the country isn’t weeks ahead of the rest of the country, we are months ahead of the rest of the country. So for all the idiots who think this is bull shit, wait for it, it’s coming. Have a nice day.
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer
Yup I had it and can tell you that the common cold effected me worse. So is everything on tv real?

Lol, the people who died were killed by fools misusing ventilators
Tell that to the relatives of the 120,000 dead Americans. All could have been prevented by your skidmark. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove that.
Zero Americans were killed by covid, and no American should have been on a ventilator as they are one of the sources of death
I haven’t had it but I know people who died from it. A acquaintance of mines brother died. My Godson died and a friends father died.
Were they put on ventilators? I bet they were

They were murdered and new laws restricting liability will forbid malpractice suits

So please continue

I know my acquaintances brother was because she was angry when reports came out about the ventilators. I didn’t ask about the other two. I didn’t want to cause them anymore pain by asking for details. Usually you get info like that at the funeral but of course there wasn’t any funeral.

You experienced government run healthcare or better called death panels.

What I’m experiencing is a good old fashioned pandemic. I have OCD for germs so I have no illusions that anything will stop COVID 19. I’ve spent the better part of the last 25 years thinking on a microscopic level. Barring a cure it will run through the earth just like Spanish flu did from 1918-1920. We will have COVID 19 with us until 2021-22. That said the masks seem to help stop some of the aerosols from hanging out in the air by landing on the inside of your mask. For me the less the better for the limited time I’m in public.

Info from tv is worthless. There is no pandemic, covid is far less dangerous than the flu. People were killed by respirators not saved

Wow that’s weird! All those bodies of people stacked like cordwood from absolutely nothing. :rolleyes: I guess the NYC tri-state area (where I live) had an unusually high amount of people dropping dead was just an odd coincidence.

Give me a break. I lost three people including my healthy 37 year old Godson so don’t insult his memory or my intelligence saying there’s no pandemic. He didn’t land in the hospital when he had the flu or the common cold. He landed in the hospital with Covid19. My friends brother was a healthy 40 year old. He didn’t land in the hospital from cold or flu either; even if the respirator contributed to his death. The hospital doesn’t put you on a respirator for just a little trouble breathing. A respirator is not like a breathing treatment or oxygen up your nose, it’s a much more serious thing for serious situations. My friends brother might have died even if he’d never been put on a respirator. Nobody is ever going to know for sure if the respirator helped kill him or not. Some people just seem to get this worse than others.

You can’t fault the medical community for not knowing about the adverse effects of a respirator for a disease they learned about on the fly. Those you can blame are the WHO and China. China withheld information. The west didn’t get a good look at Covid19 until it hit Italy. The WHO dropped the ball by ignoring SARS and MERS and not warning the world a Coronavirus pandemic was inevitable. We could have been more prepared but because we put our faith in the WHO we got caught with our pants down.

The ventilators killed every person on one that should not have been on the ventilator. The hospitals also put non covid patients next to the covid patients murdering them

Get educated kid, watch the following if you want the truth or you can believe the babble on TV. Again covid is no more dangerous than the common cold

I’m just letting you know this conspiracy bull shit you’ve swallowed is hurting people who have had loved ones die. I’ve got an acquaintance grieving the second brother she’s lost in a decade. I’ve got a woman I’ve been friends with since 1974 crushed from losing her oldest child who happens to be my Godson. I’ve got another friend who had to say goodbye to her dying father over FaceTime. That’s just the people who died. I also had a bunch of friends get sick and recover, some were hospitalized. The local obituaries went from three pages to 30 pages. That my dear isn’t a harmless cold. The fact that you don’t seem to give a flying fuck who you are hurting speaks to your character or the lack there of. I live an hour outside NYC. We got hit hard. But hey, you just keep swallowing the kool-aid and pray you don’t lose someone precious to you.

FYI They think that the virus was in the NYC area as early as November. This means this corner of the country isn’t weeks ahead of the rest of the country, we are months ahead of the rest of the country. So for all the idiots who think this is bull shit, wait for it, it’s coming. Have a nice day.

Can you document a single instance when the government told the public the whole truth?

LOL try kid, the gullible one is you


Watch the video the nurse who was there took and note that no one is saying that she is lying, they just want it to go away

It will not go away
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

happy gilmore 1.gif
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

View attachment 352199

Posted by a gas and oil station attendant
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

View attachment 352199

Posted by a gas and oil station attendant

^ he jealous
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

View attachment 352199

Posted by a gas and oil station attendant

^ he jealous

The photo is you ding dong
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

View attachment 352199

Posted by a gas and oil station attendant

^ he jealous

The photo is you ding dong

^ he mad
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

View attachment 352199

Posted by a gas and oil station attendant

^ he jealous

The photo is you ding dong

^ he mad

Are you out of chlorpromazine?
I have a rental with 4 college age students all of whom got the virus. None were seriously ill but the interesting thing was all 4 of them said they lost their sense of taste and smell for over a month. What about your family?
We are all fine, my son said he threw up in the gym once so he was the sickest. The last symptom I had was to lose my taste, my wife lost much of her hearing for almost a week. I feel almost blessed for having had it because I have no fear of catching what I already had and laugh at morons in mask suffering in the heat and destroying their lungs because the government told them to
I heard her taste was fine.
The voices in your head are not real
That's what she said.
Too bad you never had a woman of your own huh
Yeah, I like borrowing others. Then I can send them home and not worry about them stealing my wallet while I sleep.
Remind me how many companies you own

Seriously have you ever seen a grown woman naked?

Which one is you?

36 year practicing engineer in the oil and gas industry. I do ok. Retiring at the end of the year with a two year package. How you doin? :dance:

View attachment 351969

LOL when you retire you will babble here full time proving genesis or something

Oil and gas industry engineer

View attachment 352199

Posted by a gas and oil station attendant

^ he jealous

The photo is you ding dong

^ he mad

Are you out of chlorpromazine?

I haven’t had it but I know people who died from it. A acquaintance of mines brother died. My Godson died and a friends father died.
Were they put on ventilators? I bet they were

They were murdered and new laws restricting liability will forbid malpractice suits

So please continue

I know my acquaintances brother was because she was angry when reports came out about the ventilators. I didn’t ask about the other two. I didn’t want to cause them anymore pain by asking for details. Usually you get info like that at the funeral but of course there wasn’t any funeral.

You experienced government run healthcare or better called death panels.

What I’m experiencing is a good old fashioned pandemic. I have OCD for germs so I have no illusions that anything will stop COVID 19. I’ve spent the better part of the last 25 years thinking on a microscopic level. Barring a cure it will run through the earth just like Spanish flu did from 1918-1920. We will have COVID 19 with us until 2021-22. That said the masks seem to help stop some of the aerosols from hanging out in the air by landing on the inside of your mask. For me the less the better for the limited time I’m in public.

Info from tv is worthless. There is no pandemic, covid is far less dangerous than the flu. People were killed by respirators not saved

Wow that’s weird! All those bodies of people stacked like cordwood from absolutely nothing. :rolleyes: I guess the NYC tri-state area (where I live) had an unusually high amount of people dropping dead was just an odd coincidence.

Give me a break. I lost three people including my healthy 37 year old Godson so don’t insult his memory or my intelligence saying there’s no pandemic. He didn’t land in the hospital when he had the flu or the common cold. He landed in the hospital with Covid19. My friends brother was a healthy 40 year old. He didn’t land in the hospital from cold or flu either; even if the respirator contributed to his death. The hospital doesn’t put you on a respirator for just a little trouble breathing. A respirator is not like a breathing treatment or oxygen up your nose, it’s a much more serious thing for serious situations. My friends brother might have died even if he’d never been put on a respirator. Nobody is ever going to know for sure if the respirator helped kill him or not. Some people just seem to get this worse than others.

You can’t fault the medical community for not knowing about the adverse effects of a respirator for a disease they learned about on the fly. Those you can blame are the WHO and China. China withheld information. The west didn’t get a good look at Covid19 until it hit Italy. The WHO dropped the ball by ignoring SARS and MERS and not warning the world a Coronavirus pandemic was inevitable. We could have been more prepared but because we put our faith in the WHO we got caught with our pants down.

The ventilators killed every person on one that should not have been on the ventilator. The hospitals also put non covid patients next to the covid patients murdering them

Get educated kid, watch the following if you want the truth or you can believe the babble on TV. Again covid is no more dangerous than the common cold

I’m just letting you know this conspiracy bull shit you’ve swallowed is hurting people who have had loved ones die. I’ve got an acquaintance grieving the second brother she’s lost in a decade. I’ve got a woman I’ve been friends with since 1974 crushed from losing her oldest child who happens to be my Godson. I’ve got another friend who had to say goodbye to her dying father over FaceTime. That’s just the people who died. I also had a bunch of friends get sick and recover, some were hospitalized. The local obituaries went from three pages to 30 pages. That my dear isn’t a harmless cold. The fact that you don’t seem to give a flying fuck who you are hurting speaks to your character or the lack there of. I live an hour outside NYC. We got hit hard. But hey, you just keep swallowing the kool-aid and pray you don’t lose someone precious to you.

FYI They think that the virus was in the NYC area as early as November. This means this corner of the country isn’t weeks ahead of the rest of the country, we are months ahead of the rest of the country. So for all the idiots who think this is bull shit, wait for it, it’s coming. Have a nice day.

Can you document a single instance when the government told the public the whole truth?

LOL try kid, the gullible one is you


Watch the video the nurse who was there took and note that no one is saying that she is lying, they just want it to go away

It will not go away

Truth is subjective dear. Who’s truth? I’m basing my opinion on what I’ve seen and experienced not on some strangers YouTube. So now my question to you is this. I’ve WITNESSED myself Young and healthy people die from a disease being described by doctors as COVID 19. I’ve had friends sick and hospitalized with the symptoms of COVID 19. Equally my 81 year old mother was hospitalized with pneumonia and recovered, the symptoms were similar but not exact to Covid19. So now I’ve witnessed COVID and non COVID. I’ve witnessed the endless obituaries. I live in the hard hit NYC area. I’ve seen coverage that most people in the USA didn’t see because I get the tri-state news. And you present me with what TANGIBLE evidence? You don’t have anything. Grow the fuck up troll.
I haven’t had it but I know people who died from it. A acquaintance of mines brother died. My Godson died and a friends father died.
Were they put on ventilators? I bet they were

They were murdered and new laws restricting liability will forbid malpractice suits

So please continue

I know my acquaintances brother was because she was angry when reports came out about the ventilators. I didn’t ask about the other two. I didn’t want to cause them anymore pain by asking for details. Usually you get info like that at the funeral but of course there wasn’t any funeral.

You experienced government run healthcare or better called death panels.

What I’m experiencing is a good old fashioned pandemic. I have OCD for germs so I have no illusions that anything will stop COVID 19. I’ve spent the better part of the last 25 years thinking on a microscopic level. Barring a cure it will run through the earth just like Spanish flu did from 1918-1920. We will have COVID 19 with us until 2021-22. That said the masks seem to help stop some of the aerosols from hanging out in the air by landing on the inside of your mask. For me the less the better for the limited time I’m in public.

Info from tv is worthless. There is no pandemic, covid is far less dangerous than the flu. People were killed by respirators not saved

Wow that’s weird! All those bodies of people stacked like cordwood from absolutely nothing. :rolleyes: I guess the NYC tri-state area (where I live) had an unusually high amount of people dropping dead was just an odd coincidence.

Give me a break. I lost three people including my healthy 37 year old Godson so don’t insult his memory or my intelligence saying there’s no pandemic. He didn’t land in the hospital when he had the flu or the common cold. He landed in the hospital with Covid19. My friends brother was a healthy 40 year old. He didn’t land in the hospital from cold or flu either; even if the respirator contributed to his death. The hospital doesn’t put you on a respirator for just a little trouble breathing. A respirator is not like a breathing treatment or oxygen up your nose, it’s a much more serious thing for serious situations. My friends brother might have died even if he’d never been put on a respirator. Nobody is ever going to know for sure if the respirator helped kill him or not. Some people just seem to get this worse than others.

You can’t fault the medical community for not knowing about the adverse effects of a respirator for a disease they learned about on the fly. Those you can blame are the WHO and China. China withheld information. The west didn’t get a good look at Covid19 until it hit Italy. The WHO dropped the ball by ignoring SARS and MERS and not warning the world a Coronavirus pandemic was inevitable. We could have been more prepared but because we put our faith in the WHO we got caught with our pants down.

The ventilators killed every person on one that should not have been on the ventilator. The hospitals also put non covid patients next to the covid patients murdering them

Get educated kid, watch the following if you want the truth or you can believe the babble on TV. Again covid is no more dangerous than the common cold

I’m just letting you know this conspiracy bull shit you’ve swallowed is hurting people who have had loved ones die. I’ve got an acquaintance grieving the second brother she’s lost in a decade. I’ve got a woman I’ve been friends with since 1974 crushed from losing her oldest child who happens to be my Godson. I’ve got another friend who had to say goodbye to her dying father over FaceTime. That’s just the people who died. I also had a bunch of friends get sick and recover, some were hospitalized. The local obituaries went from three pages to 30 pages. That my dear isn’t a harmless cold. The fact that you don’t seem to give a flying fuck who you are hurting speaks to your character or the lack there of. I live an hour outside NYC. We got hit hard. But hey, you just keep swallowing the kool-aid and pray you don’t lose someone precious to you.

FYI They think that the virus was in the NYC area as early as November. This means this corner of the country isn’t weeks ahead of the rest of the country, we are months ahead of the rest of the country. So for all the idiots who think this is bull shit, wait for it, it’s coming. Have a nice day.

Can you document a single instance when the government told the public the whole truth?

LOL try kid, the gullible one is you


Watch the video the nurse who was there took and note that no one is saying that she is lying, they just want it to go away

It will not go away

Truth is subjective dear. Who’s truth? I’m basing my opinion on what I’ve seen and experienced not on some strangers YouTube. So now my question to you is this. I’ve WITNESSED myself Young and healthy people die from a disease being described by doctors as COVID 19. I’ve had friends sick and hospitalized with the symptoms of COVID 19. Equally my 81 year old mother was hospitalized with pneumonia and recovered, the symptoms were similar but not exact to Covid19. So now I’ve witnessed COVID and non COVID. I’ve witnessed the endless obituaries. I live in the hard hit NYC area. I’ve seen coverage that most people in the USA didn’t see because I get the tri-state news. And you present me with what TANGIBLE evidence? You don’t have anything. Grow the fuck up troll.

I also have witnessed myself, my wife and my son get covid-19, and we are stronger for having had the disease. Too bad the people you know are or were not healthy like my family.

When was the last time you rode a bike for 4 or more hours or do hill training at the highest point on the east coast like I do.

How do absolve governors ordering infected people into nursing homes with healthy people and the same thing happening in hospitals?

You are a sad fool

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