How the left sees the world...Like/dislike...guilty....


"Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left......."

This fails as a straw man fallacy, a ridiculous rightwing lie.

Liberals have fought for decades against the wrongs propagated by the right, the evil advocated by conservatives, and rightist efforts to disadvantage the innocent for no other reason than who they are, the result of conservative fear and intolerance.

Liberals recognize that conservatives are wrong to seek to deny women their privacy rights and gay Americans their right to due process; liberals recognize the evil that manifests among the right with conservatives' hostility toward immigrants; and liberals acknowledge the contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law common to most conservatives who perceive Muslims 'guilty' for no other reason than their faith.

Consequently, having fought against the evil and wrongs propagated by conservatives, 'the left' is very much aware of the existence of right and wrong, good and evil, and innocence and guilt.

Nope.....they want bakers to be free to bake for who they want. The want babies protected from murder. They love immigrants and simply want them to come here legally....not breaking the law by sneaking into the country because they don't want to obey our current immigration laws. And no....we understand not all muslims are terrorists...but we also know a large part of that community hates this country...having murdered 3,000 Americans...and that they pose a unique threat....

you guys like anyone who dislikes certain muslims are guilty and must be destroyed.

You guys like anyone who doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding must be destroyed.

you guys like illegal immigrants, so anyone who simply wants immigrants to come here legally is guilty.

you guys want the Constitution out of your like doing whatever you want and calling it Constitutional...and anyone who disagrees is evil.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

This is a narcissistic, divisive, pity-pot rant. You think you are normal and people who don't agree with everything you say are abnormal. Woe is you. But that doesn't excuse your dishonesty.

And a lot of the time it is............the conservatives see it all and make judgements based on what is Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocence and Guilt...pretty good guideposts...takes the emotions out of things.....allows one to see the world as it really is and to compensate for the imperfections.....

The left.....if they like something it doesn't matter if it is good or evil, right or wrong or innocent or guilty.......they like it and that is all there is too it.....

like Black Lies Matter, the clintons, thugs who attack police........
Just the idea of banning guns makes you wet your pants. That's because you can't deal with it rationally, it scares you, how will I protect myself then you say, and that's the end of the debate and off you go in a panic.

Yeah..right....I detail my arguments based on truth, facts and reality, using history of human interaction in a logical way....without emotion.....and you guys say...we don't like guns so no one gets to have them...... are so right.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You believe that you make rational arguments but you don't, hence the problem.

Says the poster with the reasoning ability of a 12 year old.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

This is a narcissistic, divisive, pity-pot rant. You think you are normal and people who don't agree with everything you say are abnormal. Woe is you. But that doesn't excuse your dishonesty.

Thank you....your are a classic example of what I mean.........
Case in point:

In the real world someone like me who wants to ban all guns, owns guns. They are good at killing things, something I need to do from time to time...

In your world, I'm afraid of guns so I want to ban them, which would be pretty fucking odd for someone who owns them.

And another realize that in order to punish people who you want need guns to do it...your lefty friends know this and you can tell by the over 100 million graves of innocent people they didn't like..........
Case in point, all emotions. I could test you but you'll fail.

The communists do not like capitalists, Jews, or anyone who owns a business...because they didn't like them, they were guilty...they were accused of being enemies of the socialist states they lived in....and murdered...
You shouldn't make sweeping generalizations against the left, since you obviously don't like using the abstract thinking skills required. It isn't childish to hold two opposing thoughts in your brain and to compare, contrast and imaginatively walk on each path to see what you can learn. It does make it harder to pass easy judgments on all subjects, however. That's not a comfortable place for some people to be.

I don't agree all gun lovers are pants-wetters. 2AGuy has taught me that gun control is a very complicated issue and requlations on gun sales is not an easy answer to the problem. However, since the NRA and extremists like 2AGuy fight reflexively against any potential solutions, gun grabbers are forced to take a more extreme position to counter them. No compromise? Fine, we'll go for carpet bombing.

And a lot of the time it is............the conservatives see it all and make judgements based on what is Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocence and Guilt...pretty good guideposts...takes the emotions out of things.....allows one to see the world as it really is and to compensate for the imperfections.....

The left.....if they like something it doesn't matter if it is good or evil, right or wrong or innocent or guilty.......they like it and that is all there is too it.....

like Black Lies Matter, the clintons, thugs who attack police........

And yet, your entire argument is a fallacious appeal to emotion. Not one single shred of an intelligent argument or honesty can be extrapolated from your rant.
"How the left sees the world...Like/dislike...guilty...."

Given the ignorance, fear, hate, bigotry, arrogance, and intolerance common to most on the right, no conservative is in any position to pontificate as to how others 'see' the world.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

I agree, also don't forget the Left thinking isn't Logical Thinking, it's purely Emotional they don't actually think, they FEEL.

A fallacious appeal to emotion to falsely condemn those you accuse of acting on emotion. That's called "irony".
You shouldn't make sweeping generalizations against the left, since you obviously don't like using the abstract thinking skills required. It isn't childish to hold two opposing thoughts in your brain and to compare, contrast and imaginatively walk on each path to see what you can learn. It does make it harder to pass easy judgments on all subjects, however. That's not a comfortable place for some people to be.

I don't agree all gun lovers are pants-wetters. 2AGuy has taught me that gun control is a very complicated issue and requlations on gun sales is not an easy answer to the problem. However, since the NRA and extremists like 2AGuy fight reflexively against any potential solutions, gun grabbers are forced to take a more extreme position to counter them. No compromise? Fine, we'll go for carpet bombing.

You guys don't hole opposing views in your are pretty binary......

if you disagree with gay think that means the indivual hates gays.

No shades of gray in like gay marriage so anyone who opposes any aspect of it is guilty and must be punished....

See.....there you go.....I don't fight reflexively against potential solutions....I point out specific reasons why the solutions proposed are not in fact solutions at all...and simply target normal gun owners while criminals and mass shooters easily by pass the so called solutions. But...the normal gun owner...gets destroyed if they do not comply with your "solutions."

The don't like them so they are matter that they have committed no crime, done nothing dislike them so they must be ruined....
"How the left sees the world...Like/dislike...guilty...."

Given the ignorance, fear, hate, bigotry, arrogance, and intolerance common to most on the right, no conservative is in any position to pontificate as to how others 'see' the world.

And that of course is a lie...considering the actual hate and world wide murder committed by the left against those they dislike......mass graves all over the world...over 100 million of them.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

I agree, also don't forget the Left thinking isn't Logical Thinking, it's purely Emotional they don't actually think, they FEEL.

A fallacious appeal to emotion to falsely condemn those you accuse of acting on emotion. That's called "irony".

Nope.....the truth, facts and reality based on observing and interacting with the left.....
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

This is a narcissistic, divisive, pity-pot rant. You think you are normal and people who don't agree with everything you say are abnormal. Woe is you. But that doesn't excuse your dishonesty.

Thank you....your are a classic example of what I mean.........

And you're a "classic example" of a simple-minded fool who paints the world good and bad, white and black. Of course, you put yourself in the "good" category while you falsely accuse others of being "bad" with sweeping unfounded generalizations. :rolleyes:
You shouldn't make sweeping generalizations against the left, since you obviously don't like using the abstract thinking skills required. It isn't childish to hold two opposing thoughts in your brain and to compare, contrast and imaginatively walk on each path to see what you can learn. It does make it harder to pass easy judgments on all subjects, however. That's not a comfortable place for some people to be.

I don't agree all gun lovers are pants-wetters. 2AGuy has taught me that gun control is a very complicated issue and requlations on gun sales is not an easy answer to the problem. However, since the NRA and extremists like 2AGuy fight reflexively against any potential solutions, gun grabbers are forced to take a more extreme position to counter them. No compromise? Fine, we'll go for carpet bombing.

Look....I acknowledge that you are at least willing to listen to my points on gun control....but please...list one potential solution that you say I take an extreme position against.....let's hash it out..again.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

I agree, also don't forget the Left thinking isn't Logical Thinking, it's purely Emotional they don't actually think, they FEEL.

A fallacious appeal to emotion to falsely condemn those you accuse of acting on emotion. That's called "irony".

No the Left do solely Emotional Thinking and are devoid of Logical Thinking, we witness this each day in the Left's pathological altruism.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

This is a narcissistic, divisive, pity-pot rant. You think you are normal and people who don't agree with everything you say are abnormal. Woe is you. But that doesn't excuse your dishonesty.

Thank you....your are a classic example of what I mean.........

And you're a "classic example" of a simple-minded fool who paints the world good and bad, white and black. Of course, you put yourself in the "good" category while you falsely accuse others of being "bad" with sweeping unfounded generalizations. :rolleyes:

And there you go......just like any 12 year old...did you stamp your feet and throw your doll across the room too.....

Unfounded generalizations.......I think 100 million graves of innocent men, women and children that were murdered simply because leftists didn't like them is not an unfounded is the truth, the fact and the reality.......
You shouldn't make sweeping generalizations against the left, since you obviously don't like using the abstract thinking skills required. It isn't childish to hold two opposing thoughts in your brain and to compare, contrast and imaginatively walk on each path to see what you can learn. It does make it harder to pass easy judgments on all subjects, however. That's not a comfortable place for some people to be.

I don't agree all gun lovers are pants-wetters. 2AGuy has taught me that gun control is a very complicated issue and requlations on gun sales is not an easy answer to the problem. However, since the NRA and extremists like 2AGuy fight reflexively against any potential solutions, gun grabbers are forced to take a more extreme position to counter them. No compromise? Fine, we'll go for carpet bombing.

Look....I acknowledge that you are at least willing to listen to my points on gun control....but please...list one potential solution that you say I take an extreme position against.....let's hash it out..again.
Only if you promise to stop telling me I'm 12 or need a therapist. I've got one. It's up to you.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

This is a narcissistic, divisive, pity-pot rant. You think you are normal and people who don't agree with everything you say are abnormal. Woe is you. But that doesn't excuse your dishonesty.

Thank you....your are a classic example of what I mean.........

And you're a "classic example" of a simple-minded fool who paints the world good and bad, white and black. Of course, you put yourself in the "good" category while you falsely accuse others of being "bad" with sweeping unfounded generalizations. :rolleyes:

It's the Left who do the sweeping generalisations, against everyone who disagrees with them, hence:

Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

I agree, also don't forget the Left thinking isn't Logical Thinking, it's purely Emotional they don't actually think, they FEEL.

A fallacious appeal to emotion to falsely condemn those you accuse of acting on emotion. That's called "irony".

No the Left do solely Emotional Thinking and are devoid of Logical Thinking, we witness this each day in the Left's pathological altruism.

I got your message: Left is bad; Right is good. And, of course, you place yourself in the "good" category. Don't you see anything "pathological" about your own conduct? Try be honest with yourself, if nothing else.

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