How the left sees the world...Like/dislike...guilty....

Thank you....your are a classic example of what I mean.........

And you're a "classic example" of a simple-minded fool who paints the world good and bad, white and black. Of course, you put yourself in the "good" category while you falsely accuse others of being "bad" with sweeping unfounded generalizations. :rolleyes:

It's the Left who do the sweeping generalisations, against everyone who disagrees with them, hence: . . . .

You accuse the "left" of making sweeping generalizations by making a sweeping generalizations about the "left". Really?

No, that is what the Left do, if anyone disagrees with them, they usually begin the name calling.

Look up ... read what you wrote. That's a sweeping generalization.

How is it a sweeping generalisation, when we see examples of it each day in our societies?

"If a conservative doesn't want a gun he doesn't buy one...if a liberal doesn't want a gun he wants all guns outlawed."

As already correctly noted, this is a lie – consistent with the propensity of most on the right to indeed lie.
And you're a "classic example" of a simple-minded fool who paints the world good and bad, white and black. Of course, you put yourself in the "good" category while you falsely accuse others of being "bad" with sweeping unfounded generalizations. :rolleyes:

It's the Left who do the sweeping generalisations, against everyone who disagrees with them, hence: . . . .

You accuse the "left" of making sweeping generalizations by making a sweeping generalizations about the "left". Really?

No, that is what the Left do, if anyone disagrees with them, they usually begin the name calling.

Look up ... read what you wrote. That's a sweeping generalization.

How is it a sweeping generalisation, when we see examples of it each day in our societies?
Because those 'examples' aren't representative of an entire class of persons, the acts of a few are not representative of the whole; to 'argue' otherwise fails as a composition fallacy, a failure on your part to engage in rational thought.
I appreciate the OP's attempt to comprehend and explain Left-Wing Loons. I have been trying to understand their motivations and conditions for most of my adult life.

I think their primary motivation is Jealousy (though with a few who have inherited, it is Guilt).

They are certain that they are more Intelligent than anyone who dis-agrees with them, and so their response to contrary opinions is never more than the inane responses we see constantly on this board and in life, such as:



Hater Dupe!



Being sure they more Intelligent than the rest of us, they are much frustrated that we don't forthwith do what they say is good for us, and their inevitable recourse is to Control...which is dear to them. Thus the love of Big Government, no matter how incompetent, or corrupt, or costly.

Control can come only through the apparatus of the Democratic/Socialist Party.

So, anything which is good for the Party is good for Left-Wing Loons....and only Votes are good for the Party This means, among other things:

1) A massive debt, by mortgaging our children's future, the money being used to buy Votes today;

2) Ignoring Immigration laws in order to bring in enough Aggrieved Groups to get the votes from Needy Alien Cultures necessary to undermine Traditional America, the most alien of all being the Middle East, with Mexicans being the most readily available.

Jealousy is the motivation; a false and foolish sense of Intellectual Superiority is the justification; Control is the means; to be exercised by the Party which is to be put into put into power by Any Means Necessary.

I think you just trace it all back to Karl Marx.

And the only way to understand them is to understand that there is no rational for any action or position they take---other than:

What will get us the Votes the quickest and get Karl's folks in position to loot the greatest society thus far known to man.

Very complicated from a psychopathological stanpoint; very simple in practice.

Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......

I agree, also don't forget the Left thinking isn't Logical Thinking, it's purely Emotional they don't actually think, they FEEL.

A fallacious appeal to emotion to falsely condemn those you accuse of acting on emotion. That's called "irony".

No the Left do solely Emotional Thinking and are devoid of Logical Thinking, we witness this each day in the Left's pathological altruism.

I got your message: Left is bad; Right is good. And, of course, you place yourself in the "good" category. Don't you see anything "pathological" about your own conduct? Try be honest with yourself, if nothing else.

Well someone like me, not being on the Left, someone like me for example, will think logically regarding what's best for my whole group as opposed to not considering my whole group and emotionally levitating to "assist" an "outsider" group regardless of evidence to suggest that the "outsider" group have great potential to harm my own whole group.

What I mean is, we think we should protect and help our own....the Left say who care's about those people, let's just protect and help EVERYONE BUT our own, because our own have "Privilege" and it doesn't matter that these other people might pose a danger, we still have to help them regardless....Emotional Thinking and Altruism in action.
Wrong – another straw man fallacy; 'the left' advocates for no such thing.

The problem is that most on the right, in an effort to “protect and help our own,” seek to do so by disadvantaging through force of those whom they fear and perceive to be 'outsiders.'

And to appropriately denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate common to many on the right with regard to disadvantaging 'outsiders' is not to seek to 'disadvantage' conservatives.
I appreciate the OP's attempt to comprehend and explain Left-Wing Loons. I have been trying to understand their motivations and conditions for most of my adult life.

I think their primary motivation is Jealousy (though with a few who have inherited, it is Guilt).

They are certain that they are more Intelligent than anyone who dis-agrees with them, and so their response to contrary opinions is never more than the inane responses we see constantly on this board and in life, such as:



Hater Dupe!



Being sure they more Intelligent than the rest of us, they are much frustrated that we don't forthwith do what they say is good for us, and their inevitable recourse is to Control...which is dear to them. Thus the love of Big Government, no matter how incompetent, or corrupt, or costly.

Control can come only through the apparatus of the Democratic/Socialist Party.

So, anything which is good for the Party is good for Left-Wing Loons....and only Votes are good for the Party This means, among other things:

1) A massive debt, by mortgaging our children's future, the money being used to buy Votes today;

2) Ignoring Immigration laws in order to bring in enough Aggrieved Groups to get the votes from Needy Alien Cultures necessary to undermine Traditional America, the most alien of all being the Middle East, with Mexicans being the most readily available.

Jealousy is the motivation; a false and foolish sense of Intellectual Superiority is the justification; Control is the means; to be exercised by the Party which is to be put into put into power by Any Means Necessary.

I think you just trace it all back to Karl Marx.

And the only way to understand them is to understand that there is no rational for any action or position they take---other than:

What will get us the Votes the quickest and get Karl's folks in position to loot the greatest society thus far known to man.

Very complicated from a psychopathological stanpoint; very simple in practice.

This is delusional nonsense and idiocy.
I appreciate the OP's attempt to comprehend and explain Left-Wing Loons. I have been trying to understand their motivations and conditions for most of my adult life.

I think their primary motivation is Jealousy (though with a few who have inherited, it is Guilt).

They are certain that they are more Intelligent than anyone who dis-agrees with them, and so their response to contrary opinions is never more than the inane responses we see constantly on this board and in life, such as:



Hater Dupe!



Being sure they more Intelligent than the rest of us, they are much frustrated that we don't forthwith do what they say is good for us, and their inevitable recourse is to Control...which is dear to them. Thus the love of Big Government, no matter how incompetent, or corrupt, or costly.

Control can come only through the apparatus of the Democratic/Socialist Party.

So, anything which is good for the Party is good for Left-Wing Loons....and only Votes are good for the Party This means, among other things:

1) A massive debt, by mortgaging our children's future, the money being used to buy Votes today;

2) Ignoring Immigration laws in order to bring in enough Aggrieved Groups to get the votes from Needy Alien Cultures necessary to undermine Traditional America, the most alien of all being the Middle East, with Mexicans being the most readily available.

Jealousy is the motivation; a false and foolish sense of Intellectual Superiority is the justification; Control is the means; to be exercised by the Party which is to be put into put into power by Any Means Necessary.

I think you just trace it all back to Karl Marx.

And the only way to understand them is to understand that there is no rational for any action or position they take---other than:

What will get us the Votes the quickest and get Karl's folks in position to loot the greatest society thus far known to man.

Very complicated from a psychopathological stanpoint; very simple in practice.

This is delusional nonsense and idiocy.

And this is a child's response to political discourse.

Have you got any idea how ridiculous you constantly look with your "This fails as a _____fallacy."

You sound like you made it half-way through some half-assed freshman Logic class in some bogus college in some rotting Northern city taught by a Marx-Loon. Possibly the most ridiculous poster on this board.
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...
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"Socratic method, also known as maieutics, method of elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic debate, is named after the classical Greek philosopher Socrates. Elenchus is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions. It is a dialectical method, often involving a discussion in which the defense of one point of view is questioned; one participant may lead another to contradict themselves in some way, thus weakening the defender's point. This method is introduced by Socrates in Plato's Theaetetus as midwifery (maieutics) because it is employed to bring out definitions implicit in the interlocutors' beliefs, or to help them further their understanding."
Socratic method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....
No, that's how children and mental children, like you, see the world. The real world is far more complicated, and things are usually not what they seem and never black or white. Good guys and bad guys? No, just guys...

You're the one that wants to outlaw guns, to keep people from committing suicide, but supports assisted suicide.

Case closed
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...

You're in a room with Hitler and Stalin. You have a gun with one bullet. Which one do you kill?
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...

You're in a room with Hitler and Stalin. You have a gun with one bullet. Which one do you kill?
Neither, they're dead.

And you have no answer? As expected.
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...

You're in a room with Hitler and Stalin. You have a gun with one bullet. Which one do you kill?
Neither, they're dead.

And you have no answer? As expected.

You dodged that
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...

You're in a room with Hitler and Stalin. You have a gun with one bullet. Which one do you kill?
Neither, they're dead.

And you have no answer? As expected.

You dodged that
That's no dodge. Rational thought is not that easy, and neither is asking a rational question...
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...

You're in a room with Hitler and Stalin. You have a gun with one bullet. Which one do you kill?
Neither, they're dead.

And you have no answer? As expected.

You dodged that
That's no dodge. Rational thought is not that easy, and neither is asking a rational question...

You dodged a hypothetical question. Pretty much proves the OP's point.
To be a truly rational thinker you have to be able to make decisions based on very limited information and back up your reasoning. "I'm not sure why" or "I don't know" doesn't count.

A test:

In front of you is a burning car about to exploded. There are two people in the car, a teenage girl in the front and an infant boy in the back. You can save only one. Who is the most rational one to save, and why?

You cannot change the conditions and that's all the information you have to go on. Points if you even attempt an answer (most won't)...

You're in a room with Hitler and Stalin. You have a gun with one bullet. Which one do you kill?
Neither, they're dead.

And you have no answer? As expected.

You dodged that
That's no dodge. Rational thought is not that easy, and neither is asking a rational question...

You dodged a hypothetical question. Pretty much proves the OP's point.
Nope, I answered it. You posed a bad question, that's all.

And, I answered yours but you can't answer mine, which proves my point, the OP is wrong.
Normal people see the world in the terms of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and Innocent and Guilty....a pretty good way of seeing things.....

The left sees the world as Like/Dislike...and if they dislike something it makes anyone who likes the thing guilty...and deserving of all the wrath and punishment a lefty can inflict....

Case in point...some here know me as the guy who discusses gun issues...

In a recent thread one left wing, anti gun loon stated that gun stores who follow the law, fill out the paperwork, and unintentionally sell a gun to a straw buyer....someone with a clean record who buys a gun for a criminal...then they should get sent to prison along with the actual criminals.

It doesn't matter if they acted in good faith, followed the law, and filled out all the paperwork the anti gunner lefties want filled out....if it turns out they were lied to by a straw buyer...then they are guilty and should be punished too...

See for this lefty anti gun loon......the world is based on Like/Dislike....

He dislikes guns...hates if he hates something, then anyone who likes those things are guilty and are no longer human. They need to be punished no matter if they are actually innocent of any actual crime...the mere fact that they use guns means they are appeal to right and wrong or good and evil.

So if a person buys a gun and never uses it for a crime.......they are guilty because this lefty dislikes if there is any way to punish them for owning the gun....a clerical error on paperwork, a late renewal on a gun permit...then this guy wants them completely and utterly destroyed.....

And don't even start on people who use guns to stop violent criminal attack.

If an innocent person never uses a gun to commit a crime...but is forced to use one for self defense...they are no different from the gang banger who shoots a child in a drive difference between the two for this anti gun loon.

Because this guy dislikes guns...anyone who uses a gun...wether they are good or evil, right or wrong in the use, or innocent of any crime associated with the use of the gun.........they are all the same and need to be destroyed.

The same applies to liking something....if this guy likes something...then anyone who dislikes it is guilty...and is no longer see this in the gay marriage debate, the abortion debate, and any other difference between left and right.

Like a lefty.....they don't like corporations are guilty, and anyone who supports a corporation for any reason is also guilty and needs to be doesn't matter if the corporation is the vicitm in a law suit, or did nothing wrong...the left doesn't like they are evil, guilty and need to be punished...

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and Innocence and Guilt do not exist in the world of the left.......
"Lefty" here, just to point out something.

You can literally use that logic about anything (since most people tend to "dislike" things that are evil / wrong and "like" things that are good / right). So, if you don't want to seem as a hypocrite, and as you seem to be an advocate for guns...please explain to us how much you "dislike" guns but only support gun rights because, regardless of how much you like them, you think that they are "good" or "right".

On a personal note, I'm a liberal, but I support limited gun rights (I've been to countries where you need an AK for your families' security)...but I tend to hate handling firearms...I'm literally the direct counter to your argument. I think that gun rights should depend on the cultural situation the individuals are in. The less civilized the society you live in, the stronger your gun rights should be for personal / property protection. I think that people living in areas that are extremely rural or have high crime rates should be almost required to have a weapon for safety while people living in less rural, less criminally active areas should (depending on the culture) have the freedom to choose whether or not they own a firearm, but should be much more restricted in that choice (you won't be needing an arsenal at your disposal to defend your home in suburbia where there hasn't been a break-in in two decades).
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