How to spot a bubble with a conservative in it!!

I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

Well, you don't understand it because you are an idiot.

Define Idiot and please leave out the words, conservative, GOP, tea party, whites and yourself.....BECAUSE THAT'S A GIVEN!!

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

Actually I do realize this...I'm not here to educate anyone, not here to engage in global world discussions. I'm here strictly for entertainment purposes only and expressing my warped heart felt opinions.....outside of those realms, I could give a shit what people here think of me or what value points they allow me......doesn't phase me at all, not at all.

I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

Well, you don't understand it because you are an idiot.

Define Idiot and please leave out the words, conservative, GOP, tea party, whites and yourself.....BECAUSE THAT'S A GIVEN!!

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.

First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.
LOLOLOLOL....don't try to play me for and I both know that had any of these bills any validity to them, real meat, ie jobs, the votes would be there....the fact of the matter is this, there's nothing the GOP whined about to you mindless suckers that's in these bills that will produce real concrete jobs...just a bunch of middle class babble and tax cuts for the rich and you and I both knew sit down and repeat after me at least a zillion times...."please somebody, burst my bubble, want to feel sane again"

The only tax cut I remember the Republicans passing was the Bush tax cut that cut taxes for EVERY single taxpayer.
LOLOLOLOL....don't try to play me for and I both know that had any of these bills any validity to them, real meat, ie jobs, the votes would be there....the fact of the matter is this, there's nothing the GOP whined about to you mindless suckers that's in these bills that will produce real concrete jobs...just a bunch of middle class babble and tax cuts for the rich and you and I both knew sit down and repeat after me at least a zillion times...."please somebody, burst my bubble, want to feel sane again"

The only tax cut I remember the Republicans passing was the Bush tax cut that cut taxes for EVERY single taxpayer.
Here are the facts:
The richest Americans received the most benefit from the Bush tax cuts.
The middle class has fallen behind as wealth has been transferred to those at the very top.
The Bush tax cuts did not create a jobs bonanza for middle-class workers.
The Bush tax cuts is at the root of today’s deficit problem.
Corporations have escaped paying their fair share as a result of the Bush tax cuts and other tax policies.

The progressive income tax system we have needs to be changed. When has Obama even mentioned doing anything to the tax code but to raise taxes on the higher earners? He has had over six years to LEAD the Congress in passing a tax code overhaul. Nothing from the empty suit but raise taxes and increase deficit spending.

The root of today's budget deficit was not caused by the Bush tax cuts. If it was as you contend, why didn't Obama and the Democrats raise taxes back up on EVERY taxpayer? It was caused by the Democrats not passing a budget and operating on a CR for 4 of the last 6 years.

Not true...first of all they had to let the cuts expire, it was law, duh??? And the last thing Obama needed his first few days in office with a recession looming was raising taxes...dude, please stop with the passive aggressive bs.

They could have been repealed within the first month of Obama taking office, he had the Congressional vote and yet they did nothing.

No they couldn't have and you know it....listen, contrary to popular beliefs, I got this...I know what I'm talking about and I don't make shit
Well, you don't understand it because you are an idiot.

Define Idiot and please leave out the words, conservative, GOP, tea party, whites and yourself.....BECAUSE THAT'S A GIVEN!!

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.

First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.

Uh, the way white women are flocking to black men, uh, I'd say no one is wanting your white ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....Don't feel bad, I hear sheep doesn't discriminate and is rather keen to rice grain sized men, ie you!!

I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????
I stopped there.

If you are that dumb....
The only tax cut I remember the Republicans passing was the Bush tax cut that cut taxes for EVERY single taxpayer.
The only tax cut I remember the Republicans passing was the Bush tax cut that cut taxes for EVERY single taxpayer.
Here are the facts:
The richest Americans received the most benefit from the Bush tax cuts.
The middle class has fallen behind as wealth has been transferred to those at the very top.
The Bush tax cuts did not create a jobs bonanza for middle-class workers.
The Bush tax cuts is at the root of today’s deficit problem.
Corporations have escaped paying their fair share as a result of the Bush tax cuts and other tax policies.

The progressive income tax system we have needs to be changed. When has Obama even mentioned doing anything to the tax code but to raise taxes on the higher earners? He has had over six years to LEAD the Congress in passing a tax code overhaul. Nothing from the empty suit but raise taxes and increase deficit spending.

The root of today's budget deficit was not caused by the Bush tax cuts. If it was as you contend, why didn't Obama and the Democrats raise taxes back up on EVERY taxpayer? It was caused by the Democrats not passing a budget and operating on a CR for 4 of the last 6 years.

Not true...first of all they had to let the cuts expire, it was law, duh??? And the last thing Obama needed his first few days in office with a recession looming was raising taxes...dude, please stop with the passive aggressive bs.

They could have been repealed within the first month of Obama taking office, he had the Congressional vote and yet they did nothing.

No they couldn't have and you know it....listen, contrary to popular beliefs, I got this...I know what I'm talking about and I don't make shit

Yeah, right. Obama will not immediately repeal Bush tax cuts. ThinkProgress
Define Idiot and please leave out the words, conservative, GOP, tea party, whites and yourself.....BECAUSE THAT'S A GIVEN!!

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.

First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.

Uh, the way white women are flocking to black men, uh, I'd say no one is wanting your white ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....Don't feel bad, I hear sheep doesn't discriminate and is rather keen to rice grain sized men, ie you!!

View attachment 39970
That is all you got? What a fucking tired act, it isn't like we all haven't heard that 1,000,000 time before, it was pretty good back then, not now.

Let me know if you get new stuff.
Whites only.... Racist prick....Thanks for exposing your base hatred toward Caucasians.
You're even racist against some of your own people ( Uncle Tom reference).....
You keep voting for liberals....Go ahead.
If it were not for shit you whiny idiots had to complain about, you'd have a life with no purpose.
Hey sunshine..Instead of looking to government to wipe your ass for you, how about wiping your own ass.
Or is being helpless an avocation of yours?

Listen, I know your a little slow.....being a conservatives, I accept your faults and I understand, but clearly your out of your effin mind. Dude, if ever there was a word to describe a conservative, its the word complain...cause that's all you mindless shttt for brain fkkks do. Thread after thread after thread of you morons whining about NOTHING........and please if you do anything in your life going forward and I mean anything that begs for wisdom......get off this bullshttt liberals needing gov. crap......more whites are on welfare, just about every conservative politicians in the country got their wealth from the very government these hypocrites in point, Ky's gov's race....all them dumb fkkks attacking each other over who got the people are too fkkken sad for words
....Here's a little newsflash for you.....If you want to get into a contest of insults, let me know. I will make you cry. Because I don't give a fuck about forum rules....
so, we can have a debate here. Or you can face what will be your destruction. I will not leave anyone out.
So the choice is yours. have a debate, or have a brawl.
Your move.
For now, the discussion between you and I is terminated. You have shown your base hatred for conservatives and Caucasians. If that is all you've got, then take a hike.
Choice is yours

Are you dare I say it, threatening me? Because if you are, I'm frightened Ante Em. Listen, have a nice upcoming work week and chill out!!
No I'm telling you. That's all you need to know.
Fly it anyway you wish.
Debate or brawl.....Your call.

Listen, chewing nuts off a pig isn't fun, now is it?Neither is debating your ignorant ass or brawling with a hillbilly.....Now if I was you, I'd crawl quietly back to my prison cell and tell your cell mate you've borrowed enough Vaseline. Now good nite LOLOLOLOLO

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.

First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.

Uh, the way white women are flocking to black men, uh, I'd say no one is wanting your white ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....Don't feel bad, I hear sheep doesn't discriminate and is rather keen to rice grain sized men, ie you!!

View attachment 39970
That is all you got? What a fucking tired act, it isn't like we all haven't heard that 1,000,000 time before, it was pretty good back then, not now.

Let me know if you get new stuff.

Oh really...nothing you've said to date hasn't been a retread....and listen clown, its not my job to feed you fodda for jokes around the water cooler tomar in prison...ask your cell mate for jokes.
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????
I stopped there.

If you are that dumb....

I'd stop too, can you read or do you need help? WTF????
No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.

First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.

Uh, the way white women are flocking to black men, uh, I'd say no one is wanting your white ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....Don't feel bad, I hear sheep doesn't discriminate and is rather keen to rice grain sized men, ie you!!

View attachment 39970
That is all you got? What a fucking tired act, it isn't like we all haven't heard that 1,000,000 time before, it was pretty good back then, not now.

Let me know if you get new stuff.

Oh really...nothing you've said to date hasn't been a retread....and listen clown, its not my job to feed you fodda for jokes around the water cooler tomar in prison...ask your cell mate for jokes.

Gee, I knew you were going post that, lol! You are a real predictable. Lol!
Here are the facts:
The richest Americans received the most benefit from the Bush tax cuts.
The middle class has fallen behind as wealth has been transferred to those at the very top.
The Bush tax cuts did not create a jobs bonanza for middle-class workers.
The Bush tax cuts is at the root of today’s deficit problem.
Corporations have escaped paying their fair share as a result of the Bush tax cuts and other tax policies.

The progressive income tax system we have needs to be changed. When has Obama even mentioned doing anything to the tax code but to raise taxes on the higher earners? He has had over six years to LEAD the Congress in passing a tax code overhaul. Nothing from the empty suit but raise taxes and increase deficit spending.

The root of today's budget deficit was not caused by the Bush tax cuts. If it was as you contend, why didn't Obama and the Democrats raise taxes back up on EVERY taxpayer? It was caused by the Democrats not passing a budget and operating on a CR for 4 of the last 6 years.

Not true...first of all they had to let the cuts expire, it was law, duh??? And the last thing Obama needed his first few days in office with a recession looming was raising taxes...dude, please stop with the passive aggressive bs.

They could have been repealed within the first month of Obama taking office, he had the Congressional vote and yet they did nothing.

No they couldn't have and you know it....listen, contrary to popular beliefs, I got this...I know what I'm talking about and I don't make shit

Yeah, right. Obama will not immediately repeal Bush tax cuts. ThinkProgress

the country was in a depression you simplistic barf bag!!
First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.

Uh, the way white women are flocking to black men, uh, I'd say no one is wanting your white ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....Don't feel bad, I hear sheep doesn't discriminate and is rather keen to rice grain sized men, ie you!!

View attachment 39970
That is all you got? What a fucking tired act, it isn't like we all haven't heard that 1,000,000 time before, it was pretty good back then, not now.

Let me know if you get new stuff.

Oh really...nothing you've said to date hasn't been a retread....and listen clown, its not my job to feed you fodda for jokes around the water cooler tomar in prison...ask your cell mate for jokes.

Gee, I knew you were going post that, lol! You are a real predictable. Lol!

So are you!! Hey you like horse racing?
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????
I stopped there.

If you are that dumb....

I'd stop too, can you read or do you need help? WTF????
what part of "If you are that dumb....." went over your head?

You are clearly to dumb to learn since you have not learned a thing in 7 years
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

Well, you don't understand it because you are an idiot.

Define Idiot and please leave out the words, conservative, GOP, tea party, whites and yourself.....BECAUSE THAT'S A GIVEN!!

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.
"Screaming raving bitch".....That's friggin funny as hell!
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

Well, you don't understand it because you are an idiot.

Define Idiot and please leave out the words, conservative, GOP, tea party, whites and yourself.....BECAUSE THAT'S A GIVEN!!

I hope you realize very few take you serious.

No takes this idiot serious. Why would anyone take a screaming raving bitch seriously.

First off, I'm not your bitch, second its obvious you do....because if your of a mindset that I'm some raving idiot, than why waste your valuable prison break time on me???? Clearly your cell mate is lonely!!
Just had to try a comeback.....You are a lunatic.. You have done little else than spew talking points and hate.
Whites only.... Racist prick....Thanks for exposing your base hatred toward Caucasians.
You're even racist against some of your own people ( Uncle Tom reference).....
You keep voting for liberals....Go ahead.
If it were not for shit you whiny idiots had to complain about, you'd have a life with no purpose.
Hey sunshine..Instead of looking to government to wipe your ass for you, how about wiping your own ass.
Or is being helpless an avocation of yours?

Listen, I know your a little slow.....being a conservatives, I accept your faults and I understand, but clearly your out of your effin mind. Dude, if ever there was a word to describe a conservative, its the word complain...cause that's all you mindless shttt for brain fkkks do. Thread after thread after thread of you morons whining about NOTHING........and please if you do anything in your life going forward and I mean anything that begs for wisdom......get off this bullshttt liberals needing gov. crap......more whites are on welfare, just about every conservative politicians in the country got their wealth from the very government these hypocrites in point, Ky's gov's race....all them dumb fkkks attacking each other over who got the people are too fkkken sad for words
....Here's a little newsflash for you.....If you want to get into a contest of insults, let me know. I will make you cry. Because I don't give a fuck about forum rules....
so, we can have a debate here. Or you can face what will be your destruction. I will not leave anyone out.
So the choice is yours. have a debate, or have a brawl.
Your move.
For now, the discussion between you and I is terminated. You have shown your base hatred for conservatives and Caucasians. If that is all you've got, then take a hike.
Choice is yours

Are you dare I say it, threatening me? Because if you are, I'm frightened Ante Em. Listen, have a nice upcoming work week and chill out!!
No I'm telling you. That's all you need to know.
Fly it anyway you wish.
Debate or brawl.....Your call.

Listen, chewing nuts off a pig isn't fun, now is it?Neither is debating your ignorant ass or brawling with a hillbilly.....Now if I was you, I'd crawl quietly back to my prison cell and tell your cell mate you've borrowed enough Vaseline. Now good nite LOLOLOLOLO

View attachment 39971 you're one of those " I have to get in the last word" libs......Great...Feast on this.....
Listen, I know your a little slow.....being a conservatives, I accept your faults and I understand, but clearly your out of your effin mind. Dude, if ever there was a word to describe a conservative, its the word complain...cause that's all you mindless shttt for brain fkkks do. Thread after thread after thread of you morons whining about NOTHING........and please if you do anything in your life going forward and I mean anything that begs for wisdom......get off this bullshttt liberals needing gov. crap......more whites are on welfare, just about every conservative politicians in the country got their wealth from the very government these hypocrites in point, Ky's gov's race....all them dumb fkkks attacking each other over who got the people are too fkkken sad for words
....Here's a little newsflash for you.....If you want to get into a contest of insults, let me know. I will make you cry. Because I don't give a fuck about forum rules....
so, we can have a debate here. Or you can face what will be your destruction. I will not leave anyone out.
So the choice is yours. have a debate, or have a brawl.
Your move.
For now, the discussion between you and I is terminated. You have shown your base hatred for conservatives and Caucasians. If that is all you've got, then take a hike.
Choice is yours

Are you dare I say it, threatening me? Because if you are, I'm frightened Ante Em. Listen, have a nice upcoming work week and chill out!!
No I'm telling you. That's all you need to know.
Fly it anyway you wish.
Debate or brawl.....Your call.

Listen, chewing nuts off a pig isn't fun, now is it?Neither is debating your ignorant ass or brawling with a hillbilly.....Now if I was you, I'd crawl quietly back to my prison cell and tell your cell mate you've borrowed enough Vaseline. Now good nite LOLOLOLOLO

View attachment 39971 you're one of those " I have to get in the last word" libs......Great...Feast on this..... more time, do you like horse racing? And just for the record...come up with somethin new...been there done that!!
The progressive income tax system we have needs to be changed. When has Obama even mentioned doing anything to the tax code but to raise taxes on the higher earners? He has had over six years to LEAD the Congress in passing a tax code overhaul. Nothing from the empty suit but raise taxes and increase deficit spending.

The root of today's budget deficit was not caused by the Bush tax cuts. If it was as you contend, why didn't Obama and the Democrats raise taxes back up on EVERY taxpayer? It was caused by the Democrats not passing a budget and operating on a CR for 4 of the last 6 years.

Not true...first of all they had to let the cuts expire, it was law, duh??? And the last thing Obama needed his first few days in office with a recession looming was raising taxes...dude, please stop with the passive aggressive bs.

They could have been repealed within the first month of Obama taking office, he had the Congressional vote and yet they did nothing.

No they couldn't have and you know it....listen, contrary to popular beliefs, I got this...I know what I'm talking about and I don't make shit

Yeah, right. Obama will not immediately repeal Bush tax cuts. ThinkProgress

the country was in a depression you simplistic barf bag!!

If it was so bad for the country, why was it continued for the rich, they could have repealed that part, yet they didn't you stupid bitch.
I wouldn't want a bitch like you, you are one stupid screaming crazy ass bitch, no one would want you.

Uh, the way white women are flocking to black men, uh, I'd say no one is wanting your white ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....Don't feel bad, I hear sheep doesn't discriminate and is rather keen to rice grain sized men, ie you!!

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That is all you got? What a fucking tired act, it isn't like we all haven't heard that 1,000,000 time before, it was pretty good back then, not now.

Let me know if you get new stuff.

Oh really...nothing you've said to date hasn't been a retread....and listen clown, its not my job to feed you fodda for jokes around the water cooler tomar in prison...ask your cell mate for jokes.

Gee, I knew you were going post that, lol! You are a real predictable. Lol!

So are you!! Hey you like horse racing?

It's obvious you like stupid out dated jokes.


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