Hunter and the n word.

It seems that the president's son, Hunter Biden, might be an unrepentant racist as well as a (former?) drug addict who was kicked out of the Navy but he holds tremendous power in the administration when his father is suffering from mental deterioration. Wouldn't you think the mainstream media would focus on it? Not CNN anyway. The network is busy with leaked two year old phone conversations concerning Rudy Giuilani.
"It seems", time to have some fun calling Lefties "racists"......Whooooooooooo! :dance: :dance: :dance:

When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
More lies he has, a measurable IQ, he doesn`t have.
Did you not read the emails? If this wasn't true you would think Hunter would be defending himself, silence.
Do you feel kinda sad that Rudy and the crew sat on all of this "explosive evidence" all thru the campaign and you are only finding out about Hunter being a racist now??

I am sure these "screenshots" would have been a lot more useful last year....back when Rudy had the laptop....don't you think?

When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
More lies he has, a measurable IQ, he doesn`t have.
Did you not read the emails? If this wasn't true you would think Hunter would be defending himself, silence.
Do you feel kinda sad that Rudy and the crew sat on all of this "explosive evidence" all thru the campaign and you are only finding out about Hunter being a racist now??

I am sure these "screenshots" would have been a lot more useful last year....back when Rudy had the laptop....don't you think?

It's still fun watching you shuck and jive for the racist Biden family.

White America is racist in general and it has nothing to do with political party lines. If he didn't say it, he was obviously thinking it.

No big deal for a country that's well on it's way to destroying it's democracy.

best wishes from Canada.
White America is racist in general and it has nothing to do with political party lines. If he didn't say it, he was obviously thinking it.

No big deal for a country that's well on it's way to destroying it's democracy.

best wishes from Canada.

Say hi to your PM for me!


When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
I got emails that prove Hunter is a racist, raised by a racist. Biden should get a liberal father of the year award. His daughter is a sex addict, and his son is a crack head racist. You should be very proud!
Quote the racist statement. I didn’t see it. You’re a liar. I’m no Hunter apologist. He can handle his own issues. Joe is the right guy at the right time with the right ideas. No wayward son actions spoil that. Hunter is 10Xs the guy you are anyway. What’s your deal other than message board troll? You on any boards? Loser. ;)
Quote the racist statement. I didn’t see it. You’re a liar. I’m no Hunter apologist. He can handle his own issues. Joe is the right guy at the right time with the right ideas. No wayward son actions spoil that. Hunter is 10Xs the guy you are anyway. What’s your deal other than message board troll? You on any boards? Loser. ;)
No, Joe isn't the right guy. There could be no right guy in America, but more importantly, even the right guy stands zero chance of breaking the system that has allowed the very wealthy establishment to destroy all hope for the working class people.

Joe's failure to deliver, regardless of it being entirely his fault or not, will beget another Trump regime that will obviously fail to deliver for the people too.

See any of Chris Hedges' utube vids for an explanation of why ahd how America is fucked.

Can the people wake up soon enough to save their country? If there's any hope then Hedges will be talking about it?
His father fought for years to continue the Jim Crow practices of school segregation...because of fears his son would grow up in a “racial jungle” - it appears the apples doesn’t fall far from the tree.

I can’t blame hunter though...racism is often taught within the family
Indeed Loon - Indeed
Lol, try again. Trump recieved awards for what he has done for minorities. Ole pedo Joe has fought against blacks his entire life.
Fake news ^ As with most of Donnie’s claims, he made it up :lol:
you know what a not fake? Chairman Xide’s racism and bigotry.

That’s why his son drops the N word like it’s nothing, and why he keeps innocent hispanic children in cages to be sexually abused
I can’t believe this dumpster diving OP hasn’t been relegated to the dust bin :rolleyes-41:

It’s real.

Why are you defending a racist?
Yeah, it’s about as real as his wet Russian laptop mysteriously obtained by a blind computer repairman. :lol:
Been verified and those emails are real and isn't going away. Biden needs to be removed from office. We cannot have a known racist as president.
Sure Sure :itsok:
It's amusing watching you racist in denial.
Getting a tingle? Making up stuff so you can call Leftists "racist"? So joyful for you! :clap:
Your party was racist from the start. You just elected an idiot that couldn't hide it for long.

When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
More lies he has, a measurable IQ, he doesn`t have.
Did you not read the emails? If this wasn't true you would think Hunter would be defending himself, silence.
Do you feel kinda sad that Rudy and the crew sat on all of this "explosive evidence" all thru the campaign and you are only finding out about Hunter being a racist now??

I am sure these "screenshots" would have been a lot more useful last year....back when Rudy had the laptop....don't you think?
Don't know why, what does that have to do with the Bidens being racist?

When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
I got emails that prove Hunter is a racist, raised by a racist. Biden should get a liberal father of the year award. His daughter is a sex addict, and his son is a crack head racist. You should be very proud!
Quote the racist statement. I didn’t see it. You’re a liar. I’m no Hunter apologist. He can handle his own issues. Joe is the right guy at the right time with the right ideas. No wayward son actions spoil that. Hunter is 10Xs the guy you are anyway. What’s your deal other than message board troll? You on any boards? Loser. ;)
Biden is an demented fool, he has been a fool all his life.
Your party was racist from the start. You just elected an idiot that couldn't hide it for long.

Racism knows no political boundaries in America. The sickness was obviously renewed by Trump but the sentiments were picked up and echoed by the other side just as eagerly.

It's the same tactic used by Hitler against the Jews (the minority) and it's been eagerly embraced by all Americans.

A minority is needed as a scapegoat for the American way's failure to provide for the working class Americans.
15 threads later we find out that Hunter is a nobody..
Then why do all of us know who he is? :cuckoo:
Because you are bored and always gossiping about people you are jelly about.
He was one of the most scandalous people on earth, even before this new string of articles being written all over the world about his racism. :cuckoo:
So what, it's not like he is in govt. or holds an important place in any industry. He's just another deplorable guy, you guys claimed you liked deplorable people.
You said he is a "nobody". Now youre saying he isnt in the government. Since when are we only allowed to talk about people in the government? :cuckoo:
Are you just being obtuse or do you have something to add? You can talk about him all you like yet you do the same thing when you use the niggah word..
No, that was Joe Biden who used the niggah word in a recent speech.

And the fake news media covered it up, after all, it was real news, not fake news.

The same Joe Biden guy who drafted a bill that made possession of crack cocaine carry a 100 times worse prison penalty than powdered cocaine back when 90% of crack users were black.

...until he apparently found out that his white son was a crackhead, then he changed his mind and voted to repeal it.

Ok and? I knew that Old Joe was a dick which is why I refused to vote for him...So what, his son was an addict, do you talk shit about the addicts in your family?
Only on holidays.
I don't because their addiction is not a matter for harassments or intimidations, you people are dicks just like Biden and his son.
All you do is troll. You have some nerve lecturing anyone about harrassment. :cuckoo:

When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
I got emails that prove Hunter is a racist, raised by a racist. Biden should get a liberal father of the year award. His daughter is a sex addict, and his son is a crack head racist. You should be very proud!
Quote the racist statement. I didn’t see it. You’re a liar. I’m no Hunter apologist. He can handle his own issues. Joe is the right guy at the right time with the right ideas. No wayward son actions spoil that. Hunter is 10Xs the guy you are anyway. What’s your deal other than message board troll? You on any boards? Loser. ;)
Joe is the wrong guy, and there is no right time for an illegitimate president. His policies are a disaster and Joe is brain dead.
Your party was racist from the start. You just elected an idiot that couldn't hide it for long.

Racism knows no political boundaries in America. The sickness was obviously renewed by Trump but the sentiments were picked up and echoed by the other side just as eagerly.

It's the same tactic used by Hitler against the Jews (the minority) and it's been eagerly embraced by all Americans.

A minority is needed as a scapegoat for the American way's failure to provide for the working class Americans.
How did Trump renew racism? Be specific, name on racist policy.
Biden is an demented fool, he has been a fool all his life.

Apparently it took no more than a demented fool to take the presidency away from Trump.

That reflects on Americans who have never had enough sense and ambition to choose a leader of their country that could even come close to standing his ground with China's Xi.

America is paying a very dear price now, and there's no logical way of saving it!

The stranglehold of the very wealthy is virtually unbreakable.

Apparently Americans still believe that their god will make things right again!
Biden is an demented fool, he has been a fool all his life.

Apparently it took no more than a demented fool to take the presidency away from Trump.

That reflects on Americans who have never had enough sense and ambition to choose a leader of their country that could even come close to standing his ground with China's Xi.

America is paying a very dear price now, and there's no logical way of saving it!

The stranglehold of the very wealthy is virtually unbreakable.

Apparently Americans still believe that their god will make things right again!
You did not see my question? How did Trump renew racism and a racist policy of Trump's? I'll wait.

When the President is hitting on all cylinders go after his loser kid. Seems like a plan to me.
Biden has already passed Obama as the worst president in history. You loons went after Trump's kids even his underage kid. So you support racist now?
No one went after Trumps kid. You’re confusing that with How you fuckers went after Chelsea. Fuck off. Anyway Biden will be remembered similar to FDR. A war time (covid war) president who rebuilt a nation, economy, world, and society. Watch , listen and learn.
Oh bullshit you loons were all over them. Even Baron. Your party are the party of the racist, like it's always been.
That’s not true. At all.
Yes it is, in the emails said Biden wanted to call Obama the n word. So your boy is a racist and shouldn't be president.
No he didn’t.
Found out a minute a go, he actually did call Obama my ni@#ar. Lol
Just think he called you hero the n word. You gonna have to dump Obama and start sucking off Biden. Oh I forgot, you're not a young little girl. Sorry.
More lies. Yawn. What else you got?
I got emails that prove Hunter is a racist, raised by a racist. Biden should get a liberal father of the year award. His daughter is a sex addict, and his son is a crack head racist. You should be very proud!
Quote the racist statement. I didn’t see it. You’re a liar. I’m no Hunter apologist. He can handle his own issues. Joe is the right guy at the right time with the right ideas. No wayward son actions spoil that. Hunter is 10Xs the guy you are anyway. What’s your deal other than message board troll? You on any boards? Loser. ;)
Biden is an demented fool, he has been a fool all his life.
So you can’t quote it and are just a blowhard. Ok. I can name call too if you want. When is your next med treatment? I wanna work around your mental health.
It doesn’t matter. Hunter is in a protected Class. Look at everything else he has been tied to from extortion, selling access, and pictures of him with young girls. Think an N-bomb or two coming out of his mouth will ruin him? Keep in mind as well that we have a Democrat Governor who was caught in Black face in his youth and nothing happened to him. Democrats get a pass for shit like this. If a Republican or Conservative says something that Liberal attack dogs can even remotely map to an N-bomb, the cancel culture kicks in and careers and legacies are ruined.

Hence, Democrats are a protected class.
Biden is an demented fool, he has been a fool all his life.

Apparently it took no more than a demented fool to take the presidency away from Trump.

That reflects on Americans who have never had enough sense and ambition to choose a leader of their country that could even come close to standing his ground with China's Xi.

America is paying a very dear price now, and there's no logical way of saving it!

The stranglehold of the very wealthy is virtually unbreakable.

Apparently Americans still believe that their god will make things right again!
I’m not ready to throw the baby about with the bath water just yet. The last few elections have shown this regressive GOP isn’t here to stay. It’ll be ugly but won’t get power again. Let’s just hope tribalism fades and we can agree to steer the country out of choppy waters.

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