Hypothetically speaking, Trump supporters, what would need to happen for you to believe the...

It’s not going to happen.. what’s going to happen is a trump supporter is probably going to break dance in your face when he wins again lol haha and laugh at you haha
To be honest, I’m hoping the stress from being a whiny little bitch makes him stroke out on his desk. That would be true justice.
He’s the healthiest person in the White House Lol he gets younger lol he’s not going anywhere.. get ready for me to break dance on your face
The healthiest person huh? Are you even listening to yourself? Your delusional worship of this moron is downright clinical.
Lol when it’s cross crossing America again like he i! 2016 with the stamina of a 19 year old.. having crowds the size of Alaska let see who gets crazy .. money is on you lol
You are one sad, sad human being.
Relax and enjoy diversity
Jail would be great but it’s not up to me to decide his punishment. Hell, I just want his orange fatass out of office above all else. YesC it very much was an impeachable offense.

The problem is who you would endorse for the WH instead.
Truth told, we don't need another billionaire or deep pocket puppet. We need a common man from the rank and file.

But I'd MUCH rather have a person with tons of business experience in the WH than a career politician any day and twice on Sunday.
Jail would be great but it’s not up to me to decide his punishment. Hell, I just want his orange fatass out of office above all else. YesC it very much was an impeachable offense.

The problem is who you would endorse for the WH instead.
Truth told, we don't need another billionaire or deep pocket puppet. We need a common man from the rank and file.

But I'd MUCH rather have a person with tons of business experience in the WH than a career politician any day and twice on Sunday.
Nothing wrong with a career politician with integrity. That’s Bernie regardless of what one may think of his policies.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

I would need a transcript or audio log, or two credible eye witnesses to conversation, in which Trump says openly something to the effect that his only purpose was to destroy Joe Biden because he was a political opponent. Something that indicated that he had no intention of pushing against Ukraine corruption, but rather the only reason he considered withholding aid, was ONLY for his political benefit.

That would be a deal breaker for me.

But it's got to be a transcript, or a audio log, or two credible eyewitnesses.... not this "Well I think he likely was possibly intended to mean when he said......"

that's a bunch of crap. Nothing I've seen so far has shown me much.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

I would need a transcript or audio log, or two credible eye witnesses to conversation, in which Trump says openly something to the effect that his only purpose was to destroy Joe Biden because he was a political opponent. Something that indicated that he had no intention of pushing against Ukraine corruption, but rather the only reason he considered withholding aid, was ONLY for his political benefit.

That would be a deal breaker for me.

But it's got to be a transcript, or a audio log, or two credible eyewitnesses.... not this "Well I think he likely was possibly intended to mean when he said......"

that's a bunch of crap. Nothing I've seen so far has shown me much.
Okay so that is your standard of a smoking gun. Sure okay. But. What is your standard for there to be an investigation at all?
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

I would need a transcript or audio log, or two credible eye witnesses to conversation, in which Trump says openly something to the effect that his only purpose was to destroy Joe Biden because he was a political opponent. Something that indicated that he had no intention of pushing against Ukraine corruption, but rather the only reason he considered withholding aid, was ONLY for his political benefit.

That would be a deal breaker for me.

But it's got to be a transcript, or a audio log, or two credible eyewitnesses.... not this "Well I think he likely was possibly intended to mean when he said......"

that's a bunch of crap. Nothing I've seen so far has shown me much.
Okay so that is your standard of a smoking gun. Sure okay. But. What is your standard for there to be an investigation at all?

Well, I guess I don't have too much of a problem with them investigating.

I think my issue is, they finished investigating and impeached. To me, what I've seen from the investigation, showed nothing worth impeaching.

At least I didn't see it. I saw a ton of "He would benefit from Biden being investigated!" and "I think he did this because...."

Well duh, of course he would benefit.

Does that mean we never investigate any politicians in the world, where someone else could benefit from them being investigated?

That's ridiculous. How many Republicans have been investigated in the past 10 years, and a Democrat benefited from that investigation? Dozens.

Well according to your logic, we should not have investigated any of those Republicans, and we should have put all the Democrats on trial, and had them impeached.... because they benefited!.

That logic doesn't work for me.

And saying "Well I think he intended to...." does not work for me either.

Honestly, my entire perspective on this whole deal would be dramatically different, if Biden had not bragged about getting the Ukraine prosecutor removed, by saying openly that they won't get the money until he's fired.

It looked really really bad. Everyone knows it looked bad, because it was all over the news when it happened. So it wasn't just Trump.

If that had not happened, and Hunter was on the board, and Trump had just randomly asked for this... I'd be on your side of this argument.

But it did look really bad, and that is what Trump said in the phone transcript. I don't see anything here.
Jail would be great but it’s not up to me to decide his punishment. Hell, I just want his orange fatass out of office above all else. YesC it very much was an impeachable offense.

The problem is who you would endorse for the WH instead.
Truth told, we don't need another billionaire or deep pocket puppet. We need a common man from the rank and file.

But I'd MUCH rather have a person with tons of business experience in the WH than a career politician any day and twice on Sunday.
Nothing wrong with a career politician with integrity. That’s Bernie regardless of what one may think of his policies.

Yes, most men with integrity sniffs hair of women he doesn't even know.

And if you knew the story behind Biden - and it has been reported on ad infinitum - you'd know why he wanted the prosecutor fired - for being corrupt. The prosecutor in question wasn't even looking into Biden jnr. Oh, I know Trump said that, but almost everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Then I guess you didn't see the topic of Shokin's interview where he said he was investigating Hunter when he was fired.

No. Or course he was...

Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets | One America News Network
Fine. Then give me the hypothetical crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, Ray. Go re-read the first post of mine that you responded to. Read it a few times. And then try answering the question.

I answered it several times. Give me the hypothetical crime, and I'll tell you what evidence I would need to see to believe it.

Yea I didn't think you would be able to follow those simple instructions.

And I'm not going to spell this out for you again.

Good choice on your part. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Whatever you say. I'm not interested in spelling this shit out for you. As you've proven over and over, you're simply not intelligent enough to understand basic concepts or follow simple instructions. I should be getting paid for this.

Speaking of which, did you ever figure out how to calculate a percentage increase?

I'm kidding.

I know you haven't.

It's you that has a hard time a hard time understanding basic concepts. You ask that I answer a question you never asked. How retarded is that?
Jesus fucking Christ, Ray. Go re-read the first post of mine that you responded to. Read it a few times. And then try answering the question.

I answered it several times. Give me the hypothetical crime, and I'll tell you what evidence I would need to see to believe it.

Yea I didn't think you would be able to follow those simple instructions.

And I'm not going to spell this out for you again.

Good choice on your part. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Whatever you say. I'm not interested in spelling this shit out for you. As you've proven over and over, you're simply not intelligent enough to understand basic concepts or follow simple instructions. I should be getting paid for this.

Speaking of which, did you ever figure out how to calculate a percentage increase?

I'm kidding.

I know you haven't.

It's you that has a hard time a hard time understanding basic concepts. You ask that answer a question you never asked. How retarded is that?

"You ask that answer a question you never asked." Simply brilliant.

And yes I did ask the question. It's the first post of mine that you responded to, as I already explained to you. The question is the part that has a question mark at the end.

Go point at that question for me. Show me when/if you find it.

I swear to God this is what every thread with you feels like. You can't follow simple fucking instructions. I have to walk you through it like a child.
I answered it several times. Give me the hypothetical crime, and I'll tell you what evidence I would need to see to believe it.

Yea I didn't think you would be able to follow those simple instructions.

And I'm not going to spell this out for you again.

Good choice on your part. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Whatever you say. I'm not interested in spelling this shit out for you. As you've proven over and over, you're simply not intelligent enough to understand basic concepts or follow simple instructions. I should be getting paid for this.

Speaking of which, did you ever figure out how to calculate a percentage increase?

I'm kidding.

I know you haven't.

It's you that has a hard time a hard time understanding basic concepts. You ask that answer a question you never asked. How retarded is that?

"You ask that answer a question you never asked." Simply brilliant.

And yes I did ask the question. It's the first post of mine that you responded to, as I already explained to you. The question is the part that has a question mark at the end.

Go point at that question for me. Show me when/if you find it.

I swear to God this is what every thread with you feels like. You can't follow simple fucking instructions. I have to walk you through it like a child.

And you even failed at doing that. Loser.
Jail would be great but it’s not up to me to decide his punishment. Hell, I just want his orange fatass out of office above all else. YesC it very much was an impeachable offense.

The problem is who you would endorse for the WH instead.
Truth told, we don't need another billionaire or deep pocket puppet. We need a common man from the rank and file.

But I'd MUCH rather have a person with tons of business experience in the WH than a career politician any day and twice on Sunday.
Nothing wrong with a career politician with integrity. That’s Bernie regardless of what one may think of his policies.

Yes, most men with integrity sniffs hair of women he doesn't even know.

View attachment 294084
I’m sorry are you too dumb to know Bernie is not the same person as Biden?
Jail would be great but it’s not up to me to decide his punishment. Hell, I just want his orange fatass out of office above all else. YesC it very much was an impeachable offense.

The problem is who you would endorse for the WH instead.
Truth told, we don't need another billionaire or deep pocket puppet. We need a common man from the rank and file.

But I'd MUCH rather have a person with tons of business experience in the WH than a career politician any day and twice on Sunday.
Nothing wrong with a career politician with integrity. That’s Bernie regardless of what one may think of his policies.

Yes, most men with integrity sniffs hair of women he doesn't even know.

View attachment 294084
I’m sorry are you too dumb to know Bernie is not the same person as Biden?
Oops, posted too soon............see post #192.............
Yea I didn't think you would be able to follow those simple instructions.

And I'm not going to spell this out for you again.

Good choice on your part. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Whatever you say. I'm not interested in spelling this shit out for you. As you've proven over and over, you're simply not intelligent enough to understand basic concepts or follow simple instructions. I should be getting paid for this.

Speaking of which, did you ever figure out how to calculate a percentage increase?

I'm kidding.

I know you haven't.

It's you that has a hard time a hard time understanding basic concepts. You ask that answer a question you never asked. How retarded is that?

"You ask that answer a question you never asked." Simply brilliant.

And yes I did ask the question. It's the first post of mine that you responded to, as I already explained to you. The question is the part that has a question mark at the end.

Go point at that question for me. Show me when/if you find it.

I swear to God this is what every thread with you feels like. You can't follow simple fucking instructions. I have to walk you through it like a child.

And you even failed at doing that. Loser.

Yea I wasn't expecting you to find the question.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

This is the kind of impeachment attempt our founders were worried about. One that was completely partisan. It divides the country in a way that will do lasting damage between us and guess what? in the end the payout for the DEmocrats will not have been worth it. Hes not getting impeached by the Senate.
There is no clear crime. We need to see a clear crime, not someones opinion on what they thought the president meant in a phone call. We all KNOW the Democrats are looking for any reason to get him out of office.. so this is a great reason why we know they are full of shit. They dont like Trump's policies and they are embarrased by the way he talks... they think hes a rube and they want him out, however that isnt grounds for impeachment.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

This is the kind of impeachment attempt our founders were worried about. One that was completely partisan. It divides the country in a way that will do lasting damage between us and guess what? in the end the payout for the DEmocrats will not have been worth it. Hes not getting impeached by the Senate.
There is no clear crime. We need to see a clear crime, not someones opinion on what they thought the president meant in a phone call. We all KNOW the Democrats are looking for any reason to get him out of office.. so this is a great reason why we know they are full of shit. They dont like Trump's policies and they are embarrased by the way he talks... they think hes a rube and they want him out, however that isnt grounds for impeachment.
Thank you for bringing sanity back to this thread. Nicely done.
Actually I was reflecting on this...Humanity. I was nearly run off the road by some goon and killed. Some snot nosed zoomer. OK, boomer? I remember like 40 years ago, we followed the laws. It was basic stuff. This shit NOW? This is what liberalism brings us. Diversity? You zoomers like diversity? You cant stand REAL diversity, hell you whinny bastards can't even stand your fellow Americans like Trump or conservatives. Liberals can't stand real diversity.

What is your definition of diversity?
I'm not American. And I can't stand Trump. Non Deplorable conservatives are okay by me.

Oh, and I'm not liberal. Not even close. Not conservative either. Half the shit I believe would fall into one category, the other half into the other.
This is the kind of impeachment attempt our founders were worried about. One that was completely partisan. It divides the country in a way that will do lasting damage between us and guess what? in the end the payout for the DEmocrats will not have been worth it. Hes not getting impeached by the Senate.
There is no clear crime. We need to see a clear crime, not someones opinion on what they thought the president meant in a phone call. We all KNOW the Democrats are looking for any reason to get him out of office.. so this is a great reason why we know they are full of shit. They dont like Trump's policies and they are embarrased by the way he talks... they think hes a rube and they want him out, however that isnt grounds for impeachment.

Yeah because there was no partisan hackery in the Clinton impeachment.

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