Hypothetically speaking, Trump supporters, what would need to happen for you to believe the...

This is the kind of impeachment attempt our founders were worried about. One that was completely partisan. It divides the country in a way that will do lasting damage between us and guess what? in the end the payout for the DEmocrats will not have been worth it. Hes not getting impeached by the Senate.
There is no clear crime. We need to see a clear crime, not someones opinion on what they thought the president meant in a phone call. We all KNOW the Democrats are looking for any reason to get him out of office.. so this is a great reason why we know they are full of shit. They dont like Trump's policies and they are embarrased by the way he talks... they think hes a rube and they want him out, however that isnt grounds for impeachment.

Yeah because there was no partisan hackery in the Clinton impeachment.

I thought the Clinton Impeachment was a walk down the wrong road as well. There were more important things for congress to be focusing on at that time. But even so, at least with that impeachment there was an actual crime of perjury in court by Clinton. There was a crime verified FIRST and then an impeachment. Here you have Democrats searching for a crime and both houses are battling over definitions.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

Empirical data and verifiable facts that align with Impeachment criteria.
Um empirical data does not align with impeachment criteria.

How about verifiable facts aligning with Impeachment criteria? Yours side’s implicit goal since day 1 has been to use Impeachment to at a minimum, prevent Trump from a Second Term. Facts be damned

Something like this would help
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

They would accept something like this:

"I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America - the bestest, greatestest President the U.S. ever had, unsurpassed in health, upper-body strength and stamina - hereby order Mr. Giuliani, Ambassador Sondland, Secretary Pompeo, and various other government officials...

- corruptly to extract from Ukraine, from President Zelenskyy personally, a thing of value, namely support for my re-election, in the form of a statement that Joe Biden is a suspected criminal, namely by loudly and publicly announcing an investigation into Joe Biden's corruption (for which exists no evidence whatsoever).

In furtherance of that goal I corruptly, in defiance of applicable law, I order Mr. Mulvaney to withhold crucial security aid that was appropriated for the express purpose of aiding the security of Ukraine, push back against Russia, and thus aid the security of the U.S. of A., without providing the legally required notification to Congress. Since this is in violation of the law, I also require Mr. Mulvaney to manufacture an ex-post "justification" for the hold, and then another, and then another, as each of them fails to catch.

In so doing, I am abusing my office, and the awesome powers that come with it. I am also inviting a bribe, in the form of campaign assistance, in order for me to perform an official act I was obligated to perform. In so doing, I also corruptly invite a foreign power to interfere into a U.S. election in violation of applicable law. In so doing I also, corruptly, undermine and subvert established processes to implement U.S. foreign policy, and, in conjunction with that, the security of the U.S. of A. and for nothing more than for personal, political and electoral gain.

Signed, Donald J. Trump - the bestest, greatestest ... etc. etc. etc."​

For that statement to be acceptable, it has to be verified, vouched-for, and published by Fox News, Breibart, GatewayPundit, The New York Post, and every other outlet of the rightarded blabbosphere.


Of course, the above (minus the publication in the rightarded blabbosphere) is exactly what the available record demonstrates. And, of course, we already know that they have chosen to reject every bit of the available evidence for Trump's corruption, from the Mueller report to the serial violations of the Emoluments Clause and on to the extortion of Ukraine.

What part of "evidence (against a GOP president) is not accepted" do you fail to understand?
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

We're not seeing an investigation, everything has been predetermined, from the day palousey announced the inquiry, without seeing any evidence. The later rigged inquiry vote, the speaker saying Trump was an impostor president and then demanding the judiciary committee draw up articles of impeachment, in the military we called that improper command influence.

But perhaps if the commies would abide by the house rules that require the intel and judiciary committees allow a minority hearing day and allow them to call the witnesses they want to hear from. That might lend a speck of legitimacy to the kangaroo court we're now witnessing.

Um okay, so hypothetically, should an independent body investigate Trump instead? Shouldn’t it?

Don't try to put words in my mouth. Investigators are supposed to be objective, you can't say this process has been objective in any way, shape or form. I guess you think it's perfectly acceptable for the commies to ignore their own rules and interfere when republicans were asking questions.

Not only did I not put words in your mouth, you completely dodged my question like a little bitch.
And you dodged my answer like a little bitch....no surprise.
Good choice on your part. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Whatever you say. I'm not interested in spelling this shit out for you. As you've proven over and over, you're simply not intelligent enough to understand basic concepts or follow simple instructions. I should be getting paid for this.

Speaking of which, did you ever figure out how to calculate a percentage increase?

I'm kidding.

I know you haven't.

It's you that has a hard time a hard time understanding basic concepts. You ask that answer a question you never asked. How retarded is that?

"You ask that answer a question you never asked." Simply brilliant.

And yes I did ask the question. It's the first post of mine that you responded to, as I already explained to you. The question is the part that has a question mark at the end.

Go point at that question for me. Show me when/if you find it.

I swear to God this is what every thread with you feels like. You can't follow simple fucking instructions. I have to walk you through it like a child.

And you even failed at doing that. Loser.

Yea I wasn't expecting you to find the question.

rolling eyes.gif
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
well, when they started yelling impeachment, election night and before the inauguration, might have been key. impeachment is about in office actions. well duh, he wasn't even in office. if you're that blind, there's absolutely no hope for you.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
well, when they started yelling impeachment, election night and before the inauguration, might have been key. impeachment is about in office actions. well duh, he wasn't even in office. if you're that blind, there's absolutely no hope for you.
18 minutes after the election results democommiecrats started demanding impeachment.
... There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it.

You, a self-admitted socialist, "be objective"? WHAT a JOKE!

Your socialist pals have murdered well over 100,000,000 victims and you still cling to their fascism, like a fool. You FLY the "red flag," proudly.
Simple. Real evidence of a real crime. No hearsay, no bullshit. No unfair crap run by Adam Shithead, etc.
Your answer is cowardly and nonsensical.

Answer the real question:

What evidence, Specifically, would convince you that trump abused his power by withholding foreign security aid for personal gain?
What is with the cowardly nonsense?

The question is, where is the evidence that Trump abused his power. So far, nothing but presumption of motives has been offered.

We know that the aid was not withheld because of Trump's phone call. In fact, the aid was held up and then released BEFORE the phone call.

Trump never said he was going to withhold aid on any conditions. A document to that end would go a long way.

Maybe a document that shows money transferred to Trump. A document that Trump sent to Ukraine giving aide for a specific action. To date, none of that has appeared.

What I have seen is nothing more than, "Well, it could mean this." or "I read this to mean this."

None of it proof or evidence.

Now, will you be cowardly and start namecalling from the safety of your basement?
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”
well, when they started yelling impeachment, election night and before the inauguration, might have been key. impeachment is about in office actions. well duh, he wasn't even in office. if you're that blind, there's absolutely no hope for you.
18 minutes after the election results democommiecrats started demanding impeachment.
And I'm thankful they did, because Trump got caught covering for the other criminal Flynn.
...investigation and impeachment proceedings are valid?

What evidence would need to exist short of Trump magically admitting wrong doing in full detail?

It seems as though you dismiss the investigation into Trump for two reasons and two reasons only and nothing will change your mind about it. Those reasons are:

1) Trump is a republican and you voted for him.

2) The democrats are behind the impeachment.

Is that it? What I find incredibly lame is that you don’t even think the investigation itself is necessary. You think the democrats or any investigative body should drop the whole thing. Based on all of the facts presented, you can’t even say “well, okay. Let’s look at a few things. There are a few red flags about this whole thing if I’m trying to be objective about it. Just let an independent body investigate it instead of those demo-rats!”

Empirical data and verifiable facts that align with Impeachment criteria.
Um empirical data does not align with impeachment criteria.

How about verifiable facts aligning with Impeachment criteria? Yours side’s implicit goal since day 1 has been to use Impeachment to at a minimum, prevent Trump from a Second Term. Facts be damned
The facts are in;

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