I just want to thank

the left for trying to start WW3 all because they're butthurt over losing an election.

I agree with Vlad, put up or shut up

Lets see those cards libtarda

Russia challenges US to prove campaign hacking claims or shut up
Russia to US: Prove campaign hacking claims or shut up - CNN.com

Your pals in the RW press are now agreeing that the Russians hacked the campaigns.

Russian hackers tried and failed to breach RNC

obummer knew that someone was hacking waaaaay back in 2015. Why didn't he do anything back then? Could it be because of this?

Bottom line, both the FBI and ODNI have said the CIA has no proof Russia tried to influence the election.

Really? They said that about CIA? Can you give a quote on that?

"The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.

While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.

The position of the ODNI, which oversees the 17 agency-strong U.S. intelligence community, could give Trump fresh ammunition to dispute the CIA assessment, which he rejected as "ridiculous" in weekend remarks, and press his assertion that no evidence implicates Russia in the cyber attacks.

Trump's rejection of the CIA's judgment marks the latest in a string of disputes over Russia's international conduct that have erupted between the president-elect and the intelligence community he will soon command.

An ODNI spokesman declined to comment on the issue.

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," said one of the three U.S. officials. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow."

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, whose evidentiary standards require it to make cases that can stand up in court, declined to accept the CIA's analysis - a deductive assessment of the available intelligence - for the same reason, the three officials said."

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources

None of the Wikileaks emails which the CIA accuses Russians of stealing contained anything that might have influenced the election, so when Obama says he is concerned about the integrity of our elections in this connection, he simply isn't telling the truth.
so, who do you think had a team of hackers sophisticated and coordinating enough to pull off the hacking IF NOT your Lover Vlad?

The RNC?

The GOP?

The Trump Campaign?
Hackers exist in probably every country. It was even sophisticated, a phony scam email to Podesta to reset his gmail password and the goof fell for it.
It was highly irregular if not illegal for the FBI to make public details of an investigation that was ongoing, and which ultimately went nowhere.
I can't let you get away with that. Liberals were tickled with Comey when he said no charges would be filed. That's all we heard from the left ..."Hillary is innocent"...while disregarding the problems he did find. If you might recall, all this was due to the Benghazi hearings where her corrupt mishandling of government intel was discovered. Her foundation is still under investigation.

The left wanted to clear the air so their candidate didn't have it hanging around her neck during the election. AND Comey delivered, not wanting to be the determining factor in the election outcome. He put it out there and let America weigh the scales.

So now we are told that revealing Podesta's emails that showed media in bed with the DNC had more influence than Hillary's dangerous and incompetence? That's why liberals CANNOT be taken seriously. Everything must fit your political/religious beliefs.
It was highly irregular if not illegal for the FBI to make public details of an investigation that was ongoing, and which ultimately went nowhere.
I can't let you get away with that. Liberals were tickled with Comey when he said no charges would be filed. That's all we heard from the left ..."Hillary is innocent"...while disregarding the problems he did find. If you might recall, all this was due to the Benghazi hearings where her corrupt mishandling of government intel was discovered. Her foundation is still under investigation.

The left wanted to clear the air so their candidate didn't have it hanging around her neck during the election. AND Comey delivered, not wanting to be the determining factor in the election outcome. He put it out there and let America weigh the scales.

So now we are told that revealing Podesta's emails that showed media in bed with the DNC had more influence than Hillary's dangerous and incompetence? That's why liberals CANNOT be taken seriously. Everything must fit your political/religious beliefs.

You're ignoring the truth about emails period. Comey didn't charge her because emails are a non-issue. That's the part conservatives refuse to acknowledge. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE FORM OF COMMUNICATION. And as such it is not supposed to be used for classified or sensitive information. Period. End of story.
It was highly irregular if not illegal for the FBI to make public details of an investigation that was ongoing, and which ultimately went nowhere.
I can't let you get away with that. Liberals were tickled with Comey when he said no charges would be filed. That's all we heard from the left ..."Hillary is innocent"...while disregarding the problems he did find. If you might recall, all this was due to the Benghazi hearings where her corrupt mishandling of government intel was discovered. Her foundation is still under investigation.

The left wanted to clear the air so their candidate didn't have it hanging around her neck during the election. AND Comey delivered, not wanting to be the determining factor in the election outcome. He put it out there and let America weigh the scales.

So now we are told that revealing Podesta's emails that showed media in bed with the DNC had more influence than Hillary's dangerous and incompetence? That's why liberals CANNOT be taken seriously. Everything must fit your political/religious beliefs.

You're ignoring the truth about emails period. Comey didn't charge her because emails are a non-issue. That's the part conservatives refuse to acknowledge. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE FORM OF COMMUNICATION. And as such it is not supposed to be used for classified or sensitive information. Period. End of story.
Huh? That was the whole problem. She was using it for official business and on her own server. That IS illegal and anyone else would have been dismissed at a minimum.
the left for trying to start WW3 all because they're butthurt over losing an election.

I agree with Vlad, put up or shut up

Lets see those cards libtarda

Russia challenges US to prove campaign hacking claims or shut up
Russia to US: Prove campaign hacking claims or shut up - CNN.com

Your pals in the RW press are now agreeing that the Russians hacked the campaigns.

Russian hackers tried and failed to breach RNC

No.on argue a Russia hacks.

But thanks for showing the superiority of the Republicans once again. YOU Guys have the tech sector and your defenses still suck.

Just ask, well teach you guys some stuff.

the story really says two things

1- the right is superior

and if true

2-the ruskies didnt target just the leftists

It was highly irregular if not illegal for the FBI to make public details of an investigation that was ongoing, and which ultimately went nowhere.
I can't let you get away with that. Liberals were tickled with Comey when he said no charges would be filed. That's all we heard from the left ..."Hillary is innocent"...while disregarding the problems he did find. If you might recall, all this was due to the Benghazi hearings where her corrupt mishandling of government intel was discovered. Her foundation is still under investigation.

The left wanted to clear the air so their candidate didn't have it hanging around her neck during the election. AND Comey delivered, not wanting to be the determining factor in the election outcome. He put it out there and let America weigh the scales.

So now we are told that revealing Podesta's emails that showed media in bed with the DNC had more influence than Hillary's dangerous and incompetence? That's why liberals CANNOT be taken seriously. Everything must fit your political/religious beliefs.

You're ignoring the truth about emails period. Comey didn't charge her because emails are a non-issue. That's the part conservatives refuse to acknowledge. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE FORM OF COMMUNICATION. And as such it is not supposed to be used for classified or sensitive information. Period. End of story.
Huh? That was the whole problem. She was using it for official business and on her own server. That IS illegal and anyone else would have been dismissed at a minimum.

The best thing about this, is it now gives us cart blanche to investigate Hillary and the left is cheer ingresso it on, theyre just too stupid to see it.
It was highly irregular if not illegal for the FBI to make public details of an investigation that was ongoing, and which ultimately went nowhere.
I can't let you get away with that. Liberals were tickled with Comey when he said no charges would be filed. That's all we heard from the left ..."Hillary is innocent"...while disregarding the problems he did find. If you might recall, all this was due to the Benghazi hearings where her corrupt mishandling of government intel was discovered. Her foundation is still under investigation.

The left wanted to clear the air so their candidate didn't have it hanging around her neck during the election. AND Comey delivered, not wanting to be the determining factor in the election outcome. He put it out there and let America weigh the scales.

So now we are told that revealing Podesta's emails that showed media in bed with the DNC had more influence than Hillary's dangerous and incompetence? That's why liberals CANNOT be taken seriously. Everything must fit your political/religious beliefs.

You're ignoring the truth about emails period. Comey didn't charge her because emails are a non-issue. That's the part conservatives refuse to acknowledge. EMAIL IS NOT A SECURE FORM OF COMMUNICATION. And as such it is not supposed to be used for classified or sensitive information. Period. End of story.
Huh? That was the whole problem. She was using it for official business and on her own server. That IS illegal and anyone else would have been dismissed at a minimum.

The best thing about this, is it now gives us cart blanche to investigate Hillary and the left is cheer ingresso it on, theyre just too stupid to see it.


yeah that is funny

like when the leftards called for a recall in Michigan

and accidentally uncovered a shitload of dem voting fraud

No they didn't. Republicans were there challenging every box of votes being counted. When a box is challenged, it can't be included in the recount. It was total bullshit.
No they didn't. Republicans were there challenging every box of votes being counted. When a box is challenged, it can't be included in the recount. It was total bullshit.

sure anyone with an ounce honesty would challenge a box that claimed 600 votes

but really only contained 75 cast ballets

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