i voted for biden but wish i had not


You do not know much about biden....you been out of country for awhile? Live in a cave? Your wife forces you to watch CNN?

Anyhow...have you never heard how biden was forced to drop out of a presidential race for lying and plagarism?


Yea, respectable. Respectable day in and out. Respectable just about as often as Trump was a petty, childish troll.

You seem to think Biden copying someone's speech at some point is BFD, but such desperate straw grasping just proves his general decency.
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Yea, respectable. Respectable day in and out. Respectable just about as often as Trump was a petty, childish troll.

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so many people are saying what was said in the title of this thread

it's not just the amount of people who are saying it, it's the stature of the people who are saying it
I voted for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because Rump was an existential threat to American representative democracy.

Old Joe is a placeholder President until something better comes along.

I knew hew was gonna screw us up or drop the ball on a half-dozen major issues but it was still better than installing a Dictator-wannbe.
A democrat was the closest thing to a dictator we ever had.

All these people who refuse to wake up regarding sloe joe demonstrates how the media can control the minds of so many.

It like they are in a trance or have been hypnotized by the media when anyone with just a tad bit of common sense can see what a disaster biden is and how people all over the world now consider him to be little more than a laughing-stock.

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All these people who refuse to wake up regarding sloe joe demonstrates how the media can control the minds of so many.

It like they are in a trance or have been hypnotized by the media when anyone with just a tad bit of common sense can see what a disaster biden is and how people all over the world now consider him to be little more than a laughing-stock.

Sky news? Seriously idiot? You are going to cite FOX New’s crazy uncle to make points about slanted media?
The only media that can now be relied on for truth is the alternative news sites....MSM is corrupted and dominated by those who hate hate America and most especially the White Working Class.

A democrat was the closest thing to a dictator we ever had.

Oh, there is little doubt that at least a couple of Democrat Presidents have taken-on an authoritative streak...

But I do not recall ANY of those joking-around about adopting China's "President for Life" approach...

Nor do I recall ANY of those being cautioned by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs that the military would NOT participate in a post-election coup...

Nor do I recall ANY of those inciting their Kool-Aid Drinkers to Insurrection against the United States and an assault on Congress...

Nor do I recall ANY of those telling their followers that they would be "right there with you" during an Insurrection, then not showing-up, like a coward...

Unfortunately for you-and-yours... your Orange Baboon-God cannot say the same...
So two conservative writers from Washington Examiner and one gives him a B-....

Not bad considering...

Lets try and explain things to you... Joe Biden ran on commitments which you disagree with... He is no fulfilling those commitments... So you are more pissed..

This is Biden's real report card...


That is pretty good going for 8 months in

By the way


How much remorse must Trump voters have (if they were not a member of a cult)...
The border is a huge humanitarian crisis and it is not getting better but worse and you try to downplay it??? What is wrong with you?

We lost much more in Afghanistan than just 13 marines.

We still do not know how many Americans were left behind.

What their fate will be we do not yet know.....but it was your man that allowed the taliban to determine their fate whatever that will be.

Would you be not too thrilled if it was your son or daughter under the power of the taliban?

Bush jr. was the one who initiated the nation bldg fiasco....the following Presidents just went along with it.

By withdrawing we are allowing the terrorist back in to afghanistan--Alquada included.

Not even to mention that China will now take advantage of our ceding a very strategic geo political location.

I give credit to obama for allowing our raid on Osama to proceed but what made that raid possible was a lot of work by others.

Trump made a deal with the Taliban that would have gotten us out without all the chaos and resulting deaths.

Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington and he also allowed his crime family to use him for their benefit to the tune of millions if not billions of dollars.

Not even to mention his long, long history of lying. The only president that was ever forced to drop out of a presidential race for lying and plagarizing....Sam Donaldson back in the 80's when the media was much more honest said Biden was too dumb to be president and that was before biden came down with dementia.

Claiming Trump would have done away with our Republic is ridiculous...just shows you have drank the biden kool aid.

Biden has divided this nation even more than obama did and has begun a witch hunt to identify and arrest real patriots.

Our nation is under greater danger and more threats than any time in our history....not even to mention he has managed to alienate all our allies.

To say the least you are very confused.

Joe is a clown and a total fraud....even the MSM is turning against the demented fool.

Biden has only been in 7 months and already has engineered 2 major crisis....what will he do next???

There are more covid deaths this holiday weekend than there was a year ago.

Joe seems not to have a good plan to stop covid.

Why hasn't biden done more to stop covid?
That is one buttload of butthurt you got going there.

Biden expressed optimism yesterday as the top two Democrats in Congress seemed to leave the door open Wednesday to ultimately reducing the $3.5 trillion price tag of President Joe Biden’s plan to boost social and environment programs.

The A.P. reports, "The leaders seemed to suggest what many lawmakers and analysts have long predicted and progressives fear — satisfying moderates may well require shrinking the measure, perhaps by hundreds of billions of dollars. They spoke as 13 House committees have begun writing pieces of the bill, an initial step leaders hope to complete by next week."

Asked if he would back a less costly measure, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said, “We’re going to all come together to get something big done. And second, it’s our intention to have every part of the Biden plan in a big and robust way.”

The emerging, massive legislation is a cornerstone of Biden’s domestic agenda that would direct much of the government’s fiscal might at helping families and combating climate change. Democrats hope to finance much of it by increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations, another sore point for moderates.

The irony is, seemingly violating common sense, Biden's approval rating is dropping dramatically.

No one, not American intelligence, not the Pentagon, no one foresaw the sudden collapse of the Afghan army, an army trained and equipped by the U.S. over the past twenty years. Sure, there are voices now, but not before the withdrawal of our troops. Monday morning quarterbacking does not count, and, yet, despite the most successful evacuation in American history, Americans are blaming Biden for the chaos caused by the sudden surrender of the Afghan army. It almost as though Americans thought that a withdrawal after 20 years of war combined with a massive evacuation would be a walk in the park. They blame Biden because it wasn't.

The sudden surge of the pandemic is being blamed on the delta variant. 95% of the dramatic increase in hospitalizations and deaths is among the unvaccinated. States with the highest number of unvaccinated citizens are Republican-led states. Who do Americans blame? Answer: Democratic President Biden.

The jobs report for August was disappointing, only 235,000. There is little doubt the relatively low number was caused by delta surge among the unvaccinated. The total job creation in the first seven months of the Biden administration is nearly double any prior first-year President. The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell sharply last week to 310,000, a pandemic low.

Biden is also being blamed for his managing of the economy.

Perhaps it is time to cut our President some slack.
Biden expressed optimism yesterday as the top two Democrats in Congress seemed to leave the door open Wednesday to ultimately reducing the $3.5 trillion price tag of President Joe Biden’s plan to boost social and environment programs.

The A.P. reports, "The leaders seemed to suggest what many lawmakers and analysts have long predicted and progressives fear — satisfying moderates may well require shrinking the measure, perhaps by hundreds of billions of dollars. They spoke as 13 House committees have begun writing pieces of the bill, an initial step leaders hope to complete by next week."

Asked if he would back a less costly measure, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said, “We’re going to all come together to get something big done. And second, it’s our intention to have every part of the Biden plan in a big and robust way.”

The emerging, massive legislation is a cornerstone of Biden’s domestic agenda that would direct much of the government’s fiscal might at helping families and combating climate change. Democrats hope to finance much of it by increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations, another sore point for moderates.

The irony is, seemingly violating common sense, Biden's approval rating is dropping dramatically.

No one, not American intelligence, not the Pentagon, no one foresaw the sudden collapse of the Afghan army, an army trained and equipped by the U.S. over the past twenty years. Sure, there are voices now, but not before the withdrawal of our troops. Monday morning quarterbacking does not count, and, yet, despite the most successful evacuation in American history, Americans are blaming Biden for the chaos caused by the sudden surrender of the Afghan army. It almost as though Americans thought that a withdrawal after 20 years of war combined with a massive evacuation would be a walk in the park. They blame Biden because it wasn't.

The sudden surge of the pandemic is being blamed on the delta variant. 95% of the dramatic increase in hospitalizations and deaths is among the unvaccinated. States with the highest number of unvaccinated citizens are Republican-led states. Who do Americans blame? Answer: Democratic President Biden.

The jobs report for August was disappointing, only 235,000. There is little doubt the relatively low number was caused by delta surge among the unvaccinated. The total job creation in the first seven months of the Biden administration is nearly double any prior first-year President. The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell sharply last week to 310,000, a pandemic low.

Biden is also being blamed for his managing of the economy.

Perhaps it is time to cut our President some slack.
Hey these guys cry when America does better as it means Joe Biden gets credit...

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