i voted for biden but wish i had not

I don't have to lie as I can internet search yours.

  • UK parliament meets in emergency session on Afghanistan
  • PM Johnson under fire from own party, opposition leader
  • Conservative lawmakers also criticise Biden's comments
  • Johnson urged to speed up plan to take in 20,000 Afghans

UK lawmakers condemn PM Johnson and U.S. President Biden over Afghanistan
Shut up fake news. Go ahead go find a UK lord who supported Biden's f'ed up Afghanistan withdrawal we'll just wait here laughing while you flail about. :auiqs.jpg:
I voted for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because Rump was an existential threat to American representative democracy.

Old Joe is a placeholder President until something better comes along.

I knew hew was gonna screw us up or drop the ball on a half-dozen major issues but it was still better than installing a Dictator-wannbe.
I voted for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because Rump was an existential threat to American representative democracy.

Old Joe is a placeholder President until something better comes along.

I knew hew was gonna screw us up or drop the ball on a half-dozen major issues but it was still better than installing a Dictator-wannbe.
King Trump will return and take control.

Democracy no longer works in America.

The democrats were allowed to run FDR for 4 terms why not Trump....the greatest President of all time.
King Trump will return and take control.

Democracy no longer works in America.

The democrats were allowed to run FDR for 4 terms why not Trump....the greatest President of all time.
Rump... the greatest Horse's A$$ ever to soil the White House with his presence...
America now has a respectable adult as a President. That makes me proud.

The amoral, ignorant piece of shit clown that was in the WH previously has set a very low bar.

You do not know much about biden....you been out of country for awhile? Live in a cave? Your wife forces you to watch CNN?

Anyhow...have you never heard how biden was forced to drop out of a presidential race for lying and plagarism?

Have you never seen all the videos of biden fondling children on camera?

Have you never heard about the woman he raped?

Have you never heard about his son hunter and other family members biden whom biden allowed to take bribes from foreign governdmens.

You do not know much about biden....you been out of country for awhile? Live in a cave? Your wife forces you to watch CNN?

Anyhow...have you never heard how biden was forced to drop out of a presidential race for lying and plagarism?

Have you never seen all the videos of biden fondling children on camera?

Have you never heard about the woman he raped?

Have you never heard about his son hunter and other family members biden whom biden allowed to take bribes from foreign governdmens.
Another maga fuckup crying in his koolaid
There was no evidence presented that we have seen. trump must have had evidence of massive voter fraud as of Dec. 27, the date on which he told the acting AG that the election was "corrupt." Also, there are the documents filed in 61 different lawsuits in several states and courts. Where are these items available? They should be on the internet.

Of course I voted for Biden. We not only had four years of trump, which was a total shit show, as a result of the electoral college, there was all the nonsense before 2016, what with all the sexual stuff, including admitting to assaulting people, the birther stuff, the business antics, the extreme narcissism, the obvious mental instability, picking some Indiana sex queerdo for his VP, his love affair with the fundies. trump had to be dumped, if not pushed off a bridge. There was no alternative.

It is not my fault that the republican party chose to commit suicide. I remember when it was a respectable political party.

Propaganda and not even good propaganda

Meanwhile biden popularity has dropped to 39% how low will it go?...and King Trumps is now preferred over biden by the most legitimate polls.

Scuttlebutt is joe will resign if his poll numbers get much lower.

Can anyone say President Kamel Toe? I mean without laughing.

Fuck Biden....have you seen all those flags flying.....even the media turned on the pos hehheh
Propaganda and not even good propaganda

Meanwhile biden popularity has dropped to 39% how low will it go?...and King Trumps is now preferred over biden by the most legitimate polls.

Scuttlebutt is joe will resign if his poll numbers get much lower.

Can anyone say President Kamel Toe? I mean without laughing.

Fuck Biden....have you seen all those flags flying.....even the media turned on the pos hehheh
Just another maga fuck up crybaby post
Another maga fuckup crying in his koolaid
To the contriare sweet cheeks....I am laughing at how the democrats are stumbling around trying to figure out what to do now that the shit has hit the fan.

They know they could get rid of biden but kamel toe may be even worse. What a predicament for them.
To the contriare sweet cheeks....I am laughing at how the democrats are stumbling around trying to figure out what to do now that the shit has hit the fan.

They know they could get rid of biden but kamel toe may be even worse. What a predicament for them.
Seriously? You flatter earth society folks are going to realize we’ve already moved on
You & your cult are the ones who are ill. Trump lost because voters were sick of his lies, his incompetence & corruption.

Biden does not have dementia. You're a liar. It still burns your ass doesn't it that your boy got beat. Enjoy.

Biden was placed in the offal office by the greatest political fraud in history ....years from now when you come to your senses you will tell your grandchildren you voted for King Trump.

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