Income of Richest 100 Enough to End Global Poverty Four Times Over

"Productive sector of the economy?"
Would that be Goldman Sachs or Citi?

Would you think the following three suggestions from Oxfam would destroy the global economy?

"Closure of tax havens around the world
A reversal of 'the trend towards more regressive forms of taxation'
A global minimum corporation tax rate"

BBC News - Oxfam seeks 'new deal' on inequality from world leaders

Where do you think very rich people put their money?

Here's a hint: they don't keep it under their mattresses.
Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.
Where do you think very rich people put their money?

Here's a hint: they don't keep it under their mattresses.
Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.
A bunch of greedy slaves getting a free ride on the backs of those who pay the taxes that enable private fortunes to exist.
Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.
A bunch of greedy slaves getting a free ride on the backs of those who pay the taxes that enable private fortunes to exist.

Yeah except private fortunes existed before taxation did so gl with that
Where do you think very rich people put their money?

Here's a hint: they don't keep it under their mattresses.
Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.

I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:
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Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.

I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:

Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.
Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.

I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:

Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.

Link please.
If we took all of their money and divided it up among the world's poor, do you think it would make any long term difference?
Ahead of the global elite meeting in Davos next week, Oxfam is asking the rich to remember the fact that "...political equality is meaningless in the face of economic inequality."

"The 100 richest people in the world earned enough last year to end extreme poverty suffered by the poorest on the planet four times over, Oxfam has said.

"Ahead of next week's World Economic Forum in Switzerland, the charity urged world leaders to tackle inequality.

"Extreme wealth was 'economically inefficient, politically corrosive, socially divisive', the report said.

"The global economic system required reform so that it worked 'in the interests of the whole of humanity'".

BBC News - Oxfam seeks 'new deal' on inequality from world leaders

The 100 richest paid to keep their names off that list. You won't find Solvay family name there yet they are the richest industrialists in the world, including pharmaceutical, mind altering drugs prozac, anti depressants, fluoride in your water? ( they made that too ) and their names never make the list. So there you have it. The list is a fake.
I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:

Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.

Link please.

Just Google "eminent domain abuses" for a laundry list of government seizures of private property not for public use but for other private ventures.
Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.

I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:

Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.

Yeah, scary, isn't it? Right now, my city could decide that they could make more money by having a hotel on my property and they can snap it up at whatever they decide is a fair price and I have no choice, no standing whatsoever. My home is just gone.
I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:

Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.

Link please.

What, you haven't been paying attention? Google it. something about eminent domain.
If we took all of their money and divided it up among the world's poor, do you think it would make any long term difference?

NO, but I think if we took that money and created education and jobs that provided a living wage for them it would make a long term difference, until the worlds greedy got in control again.
I don't know where you guys get this whole "robbed at gunpoint" thing. They can seize your property if you continue to live in the states without paying taxes, but that's just about it. :doubt:

Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.

Yeah, scary, isn't it? Right now, my city could decide that they could make more money by having a hotel on my property and they can snap it up at whatever they decide is a fair price and I have no choice, no standing whatsoever. My home is just gone.

Basically we are all renters from the government. Nobody owns their property because if you don't pay your government tribute they take it away from you, and lock you in a cage, yeah.
Ahead of the global elite meeting in Davos next week, Oxfam is asking the rich to remember the fact that "...political equality is meaningless in the face of economic inequality."

"The 100 richest people in the world earned enough last year to end extreme poverty suffered by the poorest on the planet four times over, Oxfam has said.

"Ahead of next week's World Economic Forum in Switzerland, the charity urged world leaders to tackle inequality.

"Extreme wealth was 'economically inefficient, politically corrosive, socially divisive', the report said.

"The global economic system required reform so that it worked 'in the interests of the whole of humanity'".

BBC News - Oxfam seeks 'new deal' on inequality from world leaders

i would like to see the list of who the top 100 are.... not just some articular alluding to them.
Actually the Supreme Court ruled that a Government at any level can seize your property and give or sell it to someone they feel will make more money for them.

Yeah, scary, isn't it? Right now, my city could decide that they could make more money by having a hotel on my property and they can snap it up at whatever they decide is a fair price and I have no choice, no standing whatsoever. My home is just gone.

Basically we are all renters from the government. Nobody owns their property because if you don't pay your government tribute they take it away from you, and lock you in a cage, yeah.

It's more than that, you could pay your tribute every year for 50 years and they could still take away your property and give you a pittance of it's value so they can let a private company build a business there.
You don't end poverty by giving people money. If it did work that way, the trillion $$ or so of transfer payments here in the US would have ended it.

You're not addressing the question why are these people poor?

Typical liberal response to every problem.. throw somebody else's money at it.
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"Productive sector of the economy?"
Would that be Goldman Sachs or Citi?

Would you think the following three suggestions from Oxfam would destroy the global economy?

"Closure of tax havens around the world
A reversal of 'the trend towards more regressive forms of taxation'
A global minimum corporation tax rate"

BBC News - Oxfam seeks 'new deal' on inequality from world leaders

Where do you think very rich people put their money?

Here's a hint: they don't keep it under their mattresses.
Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Then shame on the government. They know all these people lie and they don't collect the taxes.
Here's another:

"Millions of Americans knowingly lie on their tax forms. The government loses out on roughly $300 billion a year in unpaid taxes."

But you already knew that.

The American Tax Cheat

Bunch of fucking asshole wanting to keep their own money and not get robbed at gunpoint by the government.
A bunch of greedy slaves getting a free ride on the backs of those who pay the taxes that enable private fortunes to exist.

WTF does this mean?

People who wish to keep their money are GREEDY SLAVES?

You really have mental issues. Get help.
Imagine if you will a world that lasts a few seconds, even less in universe time. A world in which light travels for light years and still takes a phenomenal amount of time just to reach a finite being who exists for no time at all given infinity. Now imagine this finite being exists in this world for this infinitesimal moment but presumes this moment will someday last forever. This being lasts forever, and yet this same being in this grand scale of infinity, presumes to think that what this congruence of time place and situation that exists at this moment is justified given some logic that exists only at this moment. Another moment another time another situation and nothing would be the same. "Riches do not exhilarate us so much with their possession as they torment us with their loss." Epicurus

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