Indians from India, and their networking in America.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
I am for immigration to this nation yes, and I am for people becoming Americans here because they want to become Americans here and work here, but I am seeing a trend in which I don't like that is growing and growing in America these days.

It is a trend where as we have these Indians for example who are coming here, and they are networking their wealth in ways that are allowing them to gobble up specific types of American businesses faster than a speeding bullet train, and then when they become owners of them, they are firing or laying off the American workers in order to bring in their own people to run these businesses for them or by them. How come the EEOC has nothing to say about this activity going on in America, especially when it is seen by many upon what is going on in this way ?????????????????????????

How is it that people can come here from other nations, and purchase American businesses or realestate, and then basically ban Americans from being a part of their workforce ?????? I am seeing this in many businesses that these people end up owning, and to me it is undermining the very premise in which this nation was built on, has fought over, and has spilled blood over in order to over come such as this in the past, be it through wars and by implementing laws of fairness for all Americans whom want a chance in America just like anyone else has in order to make it somehow.

How is it that we are just laying down like a bunch of complete fools when see these kinds of things going on in our midst ? White Americans of all Americans should be livid over this activity, because we have given up so much for the creation of equal opportunity for all in this nation (even allowed the deaths of our own kind in order to right what we figured was wrong in the nation) . Now we are seeing a backlash in it all or a situation that is making us look and feel as if we are complete fools for what we have done in this nation, and this in order to accomodate others like we have done over time, and in which we were so compassionately willing to do when done so.

Example: I have a friend who worked at a store for years, and she had a great customer build up over those years while working there. In fact I think she was actually the back bone of this business whether the owner would admit to that or not, so then he sells the business to Indians, and the first thing they did was get rid of her and put in their own family. I thought your "Kidding" me right ? Ok so now I am boycotting most of these peoples businesses, as I see how they operate, and I have been seeing this for quite sometime now, and it is so not American friendly in my opinion, and that is that.

Maybe Joe Biden was right when he mentioned the overtaking of specific American businesses by these people, and maybe his concerns were spot on even though he took some heavey heat over such speak by those whom politically hate him. This is also going on in Mcdonalds in some areas but does not pertain to Indians in that case, where as they are hiring a specific race of people, as if there is no diversity of race within the application process, but I know by what I see that there is big time discrimination going on, but for some reason nothing is being done or said about it. Are the white people in the nation this stupid anymore, or have they been beaten down into a pile of scared little rats whom are afraid to challenge this stuff with the EEOC or have them investigate it all ? Was the EEOC's job just pertaining to discrimination against blacks in the nation (or) does it cover discrimination in general ? Some one needs to start checking into this stuff, because it's just not right what is going on or has been going on in these things.
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