Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

Because Trump isn't being charged with the other crime. The other crime has already been charged and the individual (Cohen) convicted.


Fat Alvin said he is able to charge Trump with a felony because he tried to cover up another crime, but didn't list what that crime was. Furthermore how would Fat Alvin know how it was paid in the first place? He got that info from a convicted perjurer and serial liar.
Because Trump isn't being charged with the other crime. The other crime has already been charged and the individual (Cohen) convicted.

The bank up the street was robbed last week, and they got the guy. I hope they don’t charge ME.

And tell me again….what crime was Cohen convicted on?
Fat Alvin said he is able to charge Trump with a felony because he tried to cover up another crime, but didn't list what that crime was. Furthermore how would Fat Alvin know how it was paid in the first place? He got that info from a convicted perjurer and serial liar.
Fat Alvin is still trying to figure out what underlying crime to create.
Fat Alvin said he is able to charge Trump with a felony because he tried to cover up another crime, but didn't list what that crime was. Furthermore how would Fat Alvin know how it was paid in the first place? He got that info from a convicted perjurer and serial liar.
Sigh…. Bragg does not need to list the felony… as per NY State law

How many times do you need to be told that stupid?

As the “how he would know”

Evidence jackass
Fat Alvin said he is able to charge Trump with a felony because he tried to cover up another crime, but didn't list what that crime was. Furthermore how would Fat Alvin know how it was paid in the first place? He got that info from a convicted perjurer and serial liar.
P.S. Any testimony from Cohen should be disallowed. He has been convicted for perjury, as you point out, so why would anyone believe what he has to say now? It’s known in legal circles that once a witness is caught in a lie, all his other testimony is considered not credible.
The bank up the street was robbed last week, and they got the guy. I hope they don’t charge ME.

And tell me again….what crime was Cohen convicted on?
If you aided and or abetted that crime they well might
Fat Alvin said he is able to charge Trump with a felony because he tried to cover up another crime, but didn't list what that crime was. Furthermore how would Fat Alvin know how it was paid in the first place? He got that info from a convicted perjurer and serial liar.

Sure he did. The other crimes are in the Statement of Fact unsealed at the same time as the indictment.

It's nice Ray that you think that the only thing Bragg has is testimony from Cohen. You seem to choose to ignore the testimony of Pecker (AMI Media), Weisseilberg (Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer and all the others that testified in person before the Grand Jury and the documentation they used to corroborate their testimony (text, emails, phone records, travel documents, corporate files, accounting information, invoices, canceled checks, and audio records of Trump Cohen made).

There will be a lot more to the case than just Cohen.

P.S. Any testimony from Cohen should be disallowed. He has been convicted for perjury, as you point out, so why would anyone believe what he has to say now? It’s known in legal circles that once a witness is caught in a lie, all his other testimony is considered not credible.
That’s not how it works dumbass.

And if he had evidence substantiating his testimony

Oh well… you lose again
The bank up the street was robbed last week, and they got the guy. I hope they don’t charge ME.

If you concealed him in our basement to aid in the commission of the crime, expect a knock on the door.

And tell me again….what crime was Cohen convicted on?

One of the charges was campaign finance violations and court documents reflect it was at the direction of Donald Trump.

You're mistaken. Trump is charged with a felony which carries a 5 year statute of limitations.

Technically it can be up to 10 years (5 years base and an additional 5 years for any periods where Trump was out of state).

Yes the FEC said there was no crime. Both FEC commissioners Trainor & Smith explained it this way.
Campaign finance laws are VERY subjective and specific.
Looking at specific "campaign" items:
1. Buying a new very expensive suit to look good? NO
2. Teeth whitening? NO
3. Paying hush money? NO
4. Buying TV commercials? YES
5. Hiring a campaign manager? YES
6. Buying newspaper ads? YES

The FEC said there was no crime for the Stormy payment since Trump did NOT use campaign money.


This Trainor...?

No, the FEC never said there was nothing there. A majority vote was needed to proceed with a case but the 6 member commission failed to achieve that majority with 2 Democrats voting to proceed, 2 Republicans voting to not proceed and 2 others recusing themselves.

And the reason cited by the 2 Republicans was that the matter was settled for them by the DoJ prosecuting Cohen for it.
And here is the FEC documenting the failed vote and that charges should be pursued.
To quote a well respected poster: "Those two FEC commissioners know election laws better than anyone." :)
1. Posting a democrat whine by 2 democrat commissioners about democrat claimed campaign violations doesn't prove anything.
2. As I proved before, with examples, of allowed and disallowed campaign funds. Hush money payments with your own money is NOT a violation.

Did you see where Hillary got nailed for using campaign funds to pay Russians for the Steele Dossier? That's a crime.
1. Those two FEC commissioners know election laws better than anyone. Stop grasping at straws that are not there. What part of "there is no crime" don't you understand? If Trump committed ANY campaign finance violation the FEC would have prosecuted him.

2. You point to two partisan commission members instead of the actual Election Law. If the case went to the USSC we both know how it would end.

3. If those two "GOP" members voted not to indict, that still leaves a four member majority that could have indicted. Why did two abstain? Two commissioners couldn't block it, as you claim. Why didn't the DOJ indict? They're all democrats.

They didn't say there was no crime. They acknowledged there was a crime. But 2 Republicans blocked proceeding, citing Cohen's prosecution for that crime being sufficient for them.
So let’s say he did? What of it? Trump can use his own money for any legal purpose, and paying off a porn star with an NDA agreement is legal.

This is all a distraction to shift attention from the corruption in the Biden Crime Family, the weaponization of the government against Republicans, and Biden’s theft of classified info from the SCIF when he was a senator. All that is much worse than two consenting adults playing hide the pickle.
This happened long before Biden with the 2016 campaign.
Not a dodge, Dumbfuck, when I never said he was charged but yet you're asking me to say what he was charged with.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

Ever??? :ack-1:
I asked you two questions, Simp.

You pathetically dodged both.
Mind reading?

He admitted to reimbursing Cohen for paying out the NDA. And he concealed those business expenses as "legal services," which conceals Cohen's crime.
You came up with what you thought, not facts, Dumbass.
The other 4 voted NOT to pursue campaign violations. So there were two partisan hacks.

That's false. Two of the other 4 didn't vote on the matter. The vote ended in a 2-2 tie.

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