Is Christmas a Christian (or Catholic) Holiday?

I serve the God of Abraham-a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) so did Jesus and his followers back then. I have been telling- 99% of all religion claiming to be christian, isnt in reality. They wont listen to facts.
They won’t accept your opinion. Big difference.
But you studied the history of the first century and you understand now why in the first century AD the Greek "cultura franka" in the Roman empire overtook the religious philosophy of the new Christian atheists - like life giving water in a dead spiritual wasteland

Rubbish. Jewish nobility and scholars alike enthusiastically embraced Greek culture hundreds of years before the Christian era.
Greeks at the time were also enamored with Jews, believing that their own language was invented by or greatly influenced by Moses. The Christians rejected the post-exilic Temple scam and the whole idea of 'Jewish nobility' and the Pharisees' 'Oral Torah' rubbish and called for a return to the Hebrewism of Moses and the universalism implicit on monotheism. It was the Babylonian Jews who regressed back to paganism and fabricated a racist cult for themselves.
Look, you belong to a "false religion" (your own words) that does not believe in ONE GOD but believes in many superstitious practices and incantations. The Jews, who founded the ONE GOD philosophy, have a relationship with God himself and they pray to Him. Christians, on the other hand, have removed themselves from the belief in God and, instead pray to Jesus, Maria, and an untold number of idols and statures. In fact, Christianity forbids its followers from circumnavigating Jesus claiming that if they don't believe in all of the hocus-pocus and superstition about Christ then they ARE NOT CHRISTIAN and will not be allowed into heaven.

If you want to believe in all of that crap it's up to you. I'm not trying to convert you. I don't even want to convert you. You just carry on because it is your own conscience that will be your downfall that may pave the way for your entry into hell.

I dont pray to Jesus , i pray to the Father-YHWH(Jehovah) the false religions claiming to be christian pray to Jesus. The Jewish did not believe in Going to heaven. This is their belief-Psalm 37:9-11,29. You have no clue about my religion obviously. The book of revelation numbers the ones bought from the earth=144,000.( Rev 14:3) = The little flock( Luke 12:32) no where does it say the great crowd which no man can number goes to heaven. The false religions claiming to be christian teach that lie to them that they are going to heaven.
They won’t accept your opinion. Big difference.

I show them facts of true God worship history and the teachings of Jesus. You are right they will not listen, they will not listen to Jesus the whom they claim to be followers of. A man in a white collar assurred them-You are saved and tickled their ears its all they want.
I show them facts of true God worship history and the teachings of Jesus. You are right they will not listen, they will not listen to Jesus the whom they claim to be followers of. A man in a white collar assurred them-You are saved and tickled their ears its all they want.
You show them your opinions and beliefs. You mock their beliefs. You are entitled. But you also mislabel things. Your beliefs and opinions are not the same things as “facts.”
You don’t seem to be able to distinguish between a fact and a belief. So, obviously you haven’t checked any facts.

I know i have. The catholics own encyclopedia exposes them as creating the trinity at one of their councils. It was never served before the end of the 4th century.
I know i have. The catholics own encyclopedia exposes them as creating the trinity at one of their councils. It was never served before the end of the 4th century.
So. You consider the concept of the Holy Trinity to be a fictional man-made creation superimposed on a more pure version of a religious belief?
So. You consider the concept of the Holy Trinity to be a fictional man-made creation superimposed on a more pure version of a religious belief?
The new catholic encyclopedia-1967-Vol-XIV page 299-- The formulation of one God in three persons, was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.
So were the apostles wrong? Or it was a creation at one of the councils. No trinity was being taught at the first council of Nicea in 325. No trinity exists. The Israelites never served one nor did Jesus, the apostles or any bible writer. They translated errors in to fit false council teachings as well. Billions have been mislead into not entering Gods kingdom by satans will.
The new catholic encyclopedia-1967-Vol-XIV page 299-- The formulation of one God in three persons, was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.
So were the apostles wrong? Or it was a creation at one of the councils. No trinity was being taught at the first council of Nicea in 325. No trinity exists. The Israelites never served one nor did Jesus, the apostles or any bible writer. They translated errors in to fit false council teachings as well. Billions have been mislead into not entering Gods kingdom by satans will.
Was that a “yes?”
The Jewish did not believe in Going to heaven.
Read what I wrote >>>

...... Judaism is tolerant and it is the Christians who are filled with hate. Judaism teaches that anyone, no matter what religion, can find favour in God by adhering to ONLY TEN of the many commandments while the Jews must follow the strict, orthodox Jewish commandments that number nearly 613. The Christians, on the other hand, say that only Christians can come to heaven. Christianity is hateful.

I refer only to your Christian belief in heaven as an interpretation of "finding favour in God".

..... You have no clue about my religion obviously. ....
You believe in the fictional book of the bible and you defend the fake belief in Christ being the messiah. What more do I need to know about "your religion"? Everything else about it is mere details supporting that fundamental superstition.

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