Is it wrong to be anti-Semitic?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.
Except mooslims. They're all filth.

That' highly inaccurate.
It order to really be anti-semitic, you need to know half a thing about Jews, which you really don't. So I don't really know how to define you. Did a Jew steal your homework at school? that would explain it.
Definition Anti-semite (Websters) hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group You have specifically expressed your hostility towards all 'Modern Jews"- calling them anti-humanity- among other things. Yes- you are an anti-semite. No matter how much you try to pretty up your language- it is just the same old anti-semite crap expressed since the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[/QUOTE]

The village idiot can easily discern from my writings in this thread that I am not an anti-Semite, yet you continue to insist on calling me one. This demonstrates that you are a person full of hate and guilt who is either too stupid to understand the English language or is operation from a hidden agenda the purpose of which is to perpetuate the evil which holds us in its grip. In either case, you truly are a despicable and demented human and this being the case, I want nothing more to do with you[/QUOTE]

From your writings it appears that the village idiot is writing your posts

Definition Anti-semite (Websters)
hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

You have specifically expressed your hostility towards all 'Modern Jews"- calling them anti-humanity- among other things.

Yes- you are an anti-semite.

No matter how much you try to pretty up your language- it is just the same old anti-semite crap expressed since the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

From your writings it appears that the village idiot is writing your posts

Definition Anti-semite (Websters)
hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

You have specifically expressed your hostility towards all 'Modern Jews"- calling them anti-humanity- among other things.

Yes- you are an anti-semite.

No matter how much you try to pretty up your language- it is just the same old anti-semite crap expressed since the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[/QUOTE]

The problem you are having is with the word "all". I did not say all Jews and specifically excluded Torah Jews. Furthermore, I did not even say "all" Talmudic Jews and didn't intend too. This you made up in your addled mind to use as a weapon against me. You are wrong, unfair, and playing dirty pool but this is the kind of person you are. I am not so unsophisticated to think that many not so nice organizations have people in them that live good and noble lives. This includes Zionists, Talmudic Jews, and Torah Jews, etc. People are born into these religions and situations and most people are born good. However, despite being born good and living good lives, which conveniently serves as a shield for the more sinister side of some of these organizations, this does not mean the organization in question is actually doing good. As a Christian, I personally believe any good person can be saved including those who have not accepted Christ; and this includes Talmudic Jews if they have lived good lives despite the Talmud. However, if they know and subscribe to what the Talmud instructs, then they are lost and condemned souls.

It should be clear at this point that I am not anti-Semitic. What I am is anti-Evil. A sure sign of evil is someone who twists and fabricates words to discredit an blameless and honorable. You sir have proven yourself to be an evil person. And please note that I did not have to add to or twist you words to establish this as true.

From your writings it appears that the village idiot is writing your posts

Definition Anti-semite (Websters)
hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

You have specifically expressed your hostility towards all 'Modern Jews"- calling them anti-humanity- among other things.

Yes- you are an anti-semite.

No matter how much you try to pretty up your language- it is just the same old anti-semite crap expressed since the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[/QUOTE]

The problem you are having is with the word "all". I did not say all Jews and specifically excluded Torah Jews. .[/QUOTE]

You identified "Modern Jews"

Feel free to identify any Jewish congregations in the United States that are excluded from the group you identify as "Modern Jews"- and that aren't 'anti-humanity'?
. What I am is anti-Evil. A sure sign of evil is someone who twists and fabricates words to discredit an blameless and honorable. You sir have proven yourself to be an evil person. And please note that I did not have to add to or twist you words to establish this as true.

Being called an 'evil person' by someone like you is truly an honor. Like being called a racist by David Duke.
. What I am is anti-Evil. A sure sign of evil is someone who twists and fabricates words to discredit an blameless and honorable. You sir have proven yourself to be an evil person. And please note that I did not have to add to or twist you words to establish this as true.

Being called an 'evil person' by someone like you is truly an honor. Like being called a racist by David Duke.

I am sad you feel this way because once again you demonstrate your evil nature.

You wrongfully accuse me and by so doing, have dishonored yourself in front of the followers of the thread. I clarified the situation for all concerned and Instead of apologizing, you add insult to injury by justifying your pathetic behavior by implying that what has been demonstrated to be untrue is true. I feel sorry for you! Remember that empty cauldron of boiling excrement that the Tal-MUD-ic Jews reserved for Jesus. When your time comes, a cheerful wail will screech across hell, because the cauldron will finally have a qualified occupant.

Shalom for the time you have left. And remember, as far as you are concerned, it doesn't get any better than this.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.
Except mooslims. They're all filth.

That' highly inaccurate.
That's quite nice of you considering every mooslim in the world wants to wipe Israel off the map. Geez, get your priorities straightened out.
Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.
Except mooslims. They're all filth.

That' highly inaccurate.
That's quite nice of you considering every mooslim in the world wants to wipe Israel off the map. Geez, get your priorities straightened out.

You think I "prefer" Muslims over Jews?


That really WAS an inaccurate statement, though.
Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.
Except mooslims. They're all filth.

That' highly inaccurate.
That's quite nice of you considering every mooslim in the world wants to wipe Israel off the map. Geez, get your priorities straightened out.

You think I "prefer" Muslims over Jews?


That really WAS an inaccurate statement, though.
Maybe not "prefer" but you "appease" the mooslims. That didn't work out very well the last time.
you should read some of my posts before reaching this amusing conclusion.
I've read a few of your posts, aren't you the South American Spanish speaking girl who's trying to pass as a real Jew?
. What I am is anti-Evil. A sure sign of evil is someone who twists and fabricates words to discredit an blameless and honorable. You sir have proven yourself to be an evil person. And please note that I did not have to add to or twist you words to establish this as true.

Being called an 'evil person' by someone like you is truly an honor. Like being called a racist by David Duke.

I am sad you feel this way because once again you demonstrate your evil nature.

You wrongfully accuse me and by so doing, have dishonored yourself in front of the followers of the thread. I clarified the situation for all concerned and Instead of apologizing, you add insult to injury by justifying your pathetic behavior by implying that what has been demonstrated to be untrue is true. I feel sorry for you! Remember that empty cauldron of boiling excrement that the Tal-MUD-ic Jews reserved for Jesus. When your time comes, a cheerful wail will screech across hell, because the cauldron will finally have a qualified occupant.

Shalom for the time you have left. And remember, as far as you are concerned, it doesn't get any better than this.

I accurately accuse you. You continue to be a bigot who blames Jesus for your bigotry.

Still waiting for you to provide a single congregation of any Synogogue in the United States that doesn't meet your definition of 'Modern Jew" and that is not 'anit-humanity'
.[/QUOTE] I accurately accuse you. You continue to be a bigot who blames Jesus for your bigotry. Still waiting for you to provide a single congregation of any Synogogue in the United States that doesn't meet your definition of 'Modern Jew" and that is not 'anit-humanity'[/QUOTE]

There you go again making statements that you do not fully understand and have no way of supporting.

First, you start our by stating that I blame Jesus for my bigotry. "Blame Jesus for my bigotry"? Are you daft? How can I blame my Lord and Savior for my bigotry? To blame someone for something means you disagree with or criticize what they did. Please tell us what blame or wrong I find in Jesus?

Next, you challenge me to name a congregation that doesn't meet my definition of 'modern Jew'. How can you make this challenge when I have not provided you or any one else with my definition for 'modern Jews'. If you do not know what this definition is, how can you issue a challenge about what you do not know?

Now as far as this 'anti-Humanity' thing goes; the Nazis, claiming mythical Aryan blood, believed they were superior to everyone else in the world. Because of this belief, I label them anti-humanity because they denigrated the rest of humanity. Similarly, the Jews believe they are God's chosen people. To be chosen by God means that you are special in God's eye's. To be special in God's eye's means you are better than other people. If you think you are better than other people, this means you think you are superior to everyone else in the world. If you believe you are superior to everyone else in the world, then you think like a Nazi; ergo Jews, like the Nazis are anti-humanity for the same reason as the Nazis.

Now, I realize that your hateful primitive brain will try to make something more out of what I have just written than is really there, so let me qualify what I just said by saying that it does not apply to all Jews. Instead, it only applies to the ones that are stupid. In all fairness, also understand that I think that stupid Christians are far more stupid than stupid Jews. The reason I say this is because stupid Christians actually support and endorse stupid Jews, and it doesn't get anymore stupid than this.

Finally, please do not ask me to provide you with a single congregation of any Synagogue in the United States that doesn't meet my definition of stupid Jews. Congregations of people are congregations of individuals and to classify a person as something just by the company he keeps is wrong. Oops! I didn't just say this did I? Gosh darn! It proves I am not anti-anybody.

P.S. How come you do not know how to spell Synagogue?
What a load of bullshit.

The back-tracking is astonishing. All Jews, some Jews, non-Torah Jews, modern Jews, Tal -MUD-ic Jews, Zionist Jews, good Jews, Nazi Jews, chosen Jews, superior Jews, saved Jews, anti-humanity Jews, JC-killing Jews. Its like watching a pinball machine explode.

All done with the intention of labelling a group of Jews whom it is acceptable to hate. But still not capable of talking about ideologies which he finds problematic instead of the people.
What a load of bullshit.

The back-tracking is astonishing. All Jews, some Jews, non-Torah Jews, modern Jews, Tal -MUD-ic Jews, Zionist Jews, good Jews, Nazi Jews, chosen Jews, superior Jews, saved Jews, anti-humanity Jews, JC-killing Jews. Its like watching a pinball machine explode.

All done with the intention of labelling a group of Jews whom it is acceptable to hate. But still not capable of talking about ideologies which he finds problematic instead of the people.

I hate 50 million dead in two world wars for no good reason, I hate a Christianity that supports war and oppression, I hate the demise of the government bequeathed us by the Founders, I hate a war on terror without end, I hate a monetary system doomed to fail and destined to plunge the world in a depression which will make the last one look like a cakewalk, I hate the fact that we have over-populated our planet and life as we know is reaching its end, and I hate the demise of the rule of law among nations. These abominations are a part of the reality we live with in the world today. Did things happen by accident. No, they are a result of greed and the stupidity of the worlds ruling elite. Do I hate the worlds ruling elite? No I do not, but in order to understand what they did to bring us to where we are today, it is necessary to discuss the people whose ideologies played a key role in bringing about these events. When I do this, I am attacked because the hate I have for what has and is happening to is shifted to the people who harbor the ideologies involved. In other words, In words my detractors actions are not aimed at facilitating intelligent discussion, but instead, about preventing any discussion at all. End of story. Attack the messenger and the message is lost in the shuffle and discredited as well.

I would like you to explain to me and those who follow this thread how it is possible to discuss the ideologies and events that I find problematic without also discussing the people who harbor these ideologies and who are behind the events which happened. It seem to me that you have placed me in a Catch 22 situation. No matter what I say or what talk about, I am going to be chastised for talking about people instead of what is really happening. From my perspective, you have demonstrated my foregoing comments to be true. Attack the messenger to refocus the discussion and bring it to an end.
does anyone out there know who the "ELITES" are-----there are a few people who post on this board who USE this term-----but they do not explain it or identify any of the "elites"

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