Is it wrong to be anti-Semitic?

-- the OP argues that the Jewish people, as a whole, have inherent traits such as anti-humanity, anti-love, anti-justice, etc. The OP argues that the Jewish people are evil.
Wrong, did you even read the OP?

From the OP:

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love
Do you understand what the phrase as a whole means?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.
From the OP:

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love
Do you understand what the phrase as a whole means?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.
Do you understand what the phrase as a whole means?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.

Well you don't share a double standard and have firm beliefs. However, others like to have best of both worlds but get upset if someone is anti-Jewish. I believe that's the issue the OP is raising. That for some, it's acceptable to be anti-Arab or anti-White, but it's outrageous to be anti-Jewish. Many people do share all three views, and we just have to accept it. OP is asking why can't people accept it? Unless I'm misunderstanding him.
-- the OP argues that the Jewish people, as a whole, have inherent traits such as anti-humanity, anti-love, anti-justice, etc. The OP argues that the Jewish people are evil.
Wrong, did you even read the OP?

From the OP:

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love
Do you understand what the phrase as a whole means?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.
The message seems pretty straight forward. The Op has contentions with the politics of many Jews, but not all, and the politics are closely connected to the religion. And if that makes one an anti semite then so be it.
Throwing around epithets is the last refuge of those who can't argue against that premise.

I couldn’t not find ‘Sally’. How about providing me the thread title? Also, please read my following answer.


I am not anti-Semitic because I definitely do not condemn an entire race or culture because I do not like who they are. Torah Jews are Jews and I most certainly do not condemn them. What I am, if you must pin the “anti” label on me, is anti-organization, as in being anti-Mafia, anti-Nazi, or anti-Bloods & Crypts. Zionist Talmudic Jewry is a well-defined organization within world Jewry that is evil and criminal in nature. I believe this, not because of “who” they are, but because of what they have done. Furthermore, adding insult to injury, the Talmud is there most sacred book and it is the writings in this book against Jesus and Christianity that I vehemently condemn.

When Christianity first came along, it certainly was not anti-Jewish because Christ was a Jew. Many of his followers called Him Rabbi. However, the Pharisees were threatened and appalled by Christ’s message. Therefore, they had Him murdered. What I am getting at is, what came first; the chicken or the egg? What came first is the Pharisees (Talmudic Jews) hate for Jesus and all things Christian. I am a Christian and Jesus has taught me to love my fellow man. In contrast, the Talmud teaches that Jesus was despicable person and His followers are sub-human beings who should be vilified, lied to, and even murdered by Jews. What came first? Talmudic hatred for Jesus and his followers did. As a Christian is it wrong for me to be “anti” Talmudic Jews. Of course not, they murdered my Savior and look down on me. What would you have me do? Help the Talmudic Jews in their goals and ambitions like so many stupid and ignorant Christians do? You ask too much of me. I stand against anybody or group of people who stand against me and my God.


If you are a Christian, try to immigrate to Israel! If you did, you immediately find out that in order for you to live in Israel, you must renounce your belief in Christ. In contrast, Talmudic Jews can immigrate to this Nation and continue to practice their hateful and abominable religion. Go figure!
Do you understand what the phrase as a whole means?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.
Except mooslims. They're all filth.
[/QUOTE] Except mooslims. They're all filth. [/QUOTE]

Not all Talmudic Jews are filth and not all Muslims are filth. As Christians and human beings we should not pass judgment upon a person because of the group they associate with even if the group in question has a sinister side to it. The problem with Islam is essentially the same the problem with Talmudism. Both groups make enemies of those who are not part of the group. This is wrong and it is this kind of destructive thinking is what is driving world events. The problem for Americans and Christians is that Talmudic Jews in the form of Rothschild Zionism controls most of the world through the criminal and corrupt central banking system. They also control the media and entertainment industries in the United States and this propaganda machine, along with the Israeli inspired war on terror has many Americans brainwashed into thinking that Islam is our enemy. Because of the war on terror, they truly are, but what we forget is that Israel rekindled the Crusades by stealing the homeland of the Palestinian people and this brought on Islam's war on terror against us. However, when it comes to war, murder, and destruction, Islam is small potatoes and Zionism is a far bigger threat than Islam could ever be. Christianity, Islam, Torah Judaism, the Jewish people, the American people, and the people of the world, are all victims of Rothschild Zionism and central banking. If mankind is ever going to be at peace again, we must bring these two fraudulent and criminal organizations to Justice.
There is a part of me which wonders why I bother to engage with people who are so entrenched in their own hatred that they can post repeatedly the filth such as that which appears on this thread. Its like walking through a beautiful city and seeing a large, steaming pile of dog shit on the sidewalk.. What do you do? You know that the dog's owner is unlikely to suddenly start cleaning up after himself. Do you leave the pile of shit lying around for people to step on so that the dog shit clings to their shoes and gets dragged all over the place? Or do you attempt to clean it up?

So first, to clean up some untruths and one bit of silliness from this thread.

The accusations made against the Talmud on this thread are untrue -- outright fabrications or vile misrepresentations -- which can only have come from antisemitic websites intended to demonize Jews. One can not look at an ancient text and use it to make judgements about the belief systems of modern peoples. As examples: the NT states that JC said, "I came not to bring peace, but a sword." Shall I assume Christians love to kill? Shall I hate Christians because this line of text is in their holy book? The Qur'an states that Jews are the sons of apes and pigs. Shall I hate Muslims because this line of text is in their holy book? No. And no. Of course not. So, too, should it be with Jewish holy texts and commentaries. (The ideology built up around the holy texts is something else altogether, I'll get to that later).

Next, people of all religious faiths (as well as all races, genders, sexual orientation, etc) are welcome to apply for Israeli citizenship. Israel does not discriminate against any religious faith, though it does give preference to people of Jewish ancestry. There are four different ways of obtaining Israeli citizenship: birth (jus sanguinis); Law of Return; residence or naturalization. Under the Law of Return, any person with a Jewish grandparent can obtain immediate citizenship as long as they have not converted to another religious faith. People of other religious faiths can apply for citizenship under any of the other means. One of the intents in the formation of the State of Israel was to provide a safe haven for both Jewish people and Jewish culture, including the religious faith. If one opts out of that family, you no longer have the privileges accorded that family. I have the privilege of immigrating to the US. Why? Because I am an American citizen. Should I opt out of being an American citizen, I would no longer have the privilege of immigrating to the US by virtue of being American. Of course, I could still apply for immigration just because I wanted to live there, just like any other person could. So it is in Israel. Whether or not you agree with the Law of Return t is NOT accurate to say that Christians can not immigrate to Israel.

Next, is the silly idea that Jews should be vilified because they murdered JC.

1. The Jews of today, unless you believe that some of us can magically live thousands of years, obviously could not have participated in the JC's death.

2. The Romans also contributed to JC's death, so why are we not posting hatred towards the Romans?

3. Blaming Jews for the death of JC is the most ridiculous religious argument ever conceived. The sacrifice. was. the. entire. point. Without the sacrifice. you. would. not. have. a. religion. (Or you would have a religious belief that we are all corrupt and destined for eternal torment and shrug, there is nothing we can do about it). There would be no lord and saviour if JC hadn't been a sacrifice. JC's death was the fulfillment of your god's will. That was the purpose. The people who had JC killed were part of the plan. Sheesh.

Okay, now all that said and out of the way:

Well, we've come a long way in 15 pages. We've gone from:

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love.

and this has been re-defined and adjusted to: non-Torah Jews; Talmud Jews; Zionist Talmud Jews; and now all the way down to "Rothschild Jews". The definition of hateable Jews or the subset of Jews who are acceptable to hate is getting smaller. The problem is that the OP keeps looking for a set of Jews to hate and keeps framing it in terms of who they are and not in terms of ideology or belief systems. The latest being:

Zionist Talmudic Jewry" ... is evil"

The OP keeps attempting to claim that he has complaints about what his chosen subset DOES or what they BELIEVE but does not frame it in those terms. Let's see if I can help him out:

Framing opposition to an individual's or group's actions:

I oppose people or groups of people who keep young girls as sexual slaves.

I oppose people or groups of people who throw individuals off the roofs of buildings for the reason that they are gay.

I oppose people or groups of people who fly airplanes into tall buildings for the purpose of committing large scale deaths.

I oppose people or groups of people who have sex with small children.

I oppose people or groups of people who murder women or girls who attend school.

I oppose people who use knives to stab people for the reason that they are Jews.

Framing opposition to an individual's or group's ideology:

I oppose the idea of sexual slavery.

I oppose the idea that sex with children is permissible.

I oppose the idea that it is acceptable to use terrorism on innocent people in order to achieve my goals.

I reject the idea that JC is G-d.

I reject the idea that the Jewish people should have a homeland.

I reject the idea that the Jewish people have a right to self-determination on their ancestral lands.

I reject the idea that Mohammed was a Prophet with a message for the entire world.

Framing opposition in terms of who people are:

Modern Jews are anti-humanity.

Zionist Talmudic Jews are evil.

Muslims are terrorists.

See? That's not really so hard, is it? Why don't you give it a try?
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Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.

Is it wrong to be anti-Arab? Go to the Middle East section of this forum, see the user 'Sally'. She's anti-Semitic as well, do you believe she's in the wrong? I just wanna see if you have a double standard or not.

Yes it is wrong to be 'anti-Arab'- just as it is wrong to be 'anti-black' or anti-Chinese or anti-Irish.

Yes it is wrong to condemn an entire race or culture because you don't like who they are.

Well you don't share a double standard and have firm beliefs. However, others like to have best of both worlds but get upset if someone is anti-Jewish. I believe that's the issue the OP is raising. That for some, it's acceptable to be anti-Arab or anti-White, but it's outrageous to be anti-Jewish. Many people do share all three views, and we just have to accept it. OP is asking why can't people accept it? Unless I'm misunderstanding him.

I think you are not only misunderstanding him- you are being too kind.

He has said "Modern Jews" are anti-humanity- anti- love and a bunch of other crap.

"Modern Jews" would include every man, woman and child in America who attend a synagogue.

Why would anyone consider a 3 your old child as 'anti-humanity'.

If the OP wants to clarify he can- but so far all he is doing is condemning all Jews currently in the world.
From the OP:

Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love
Do you understand what the phrase as a whole means?

Lets see- 'modern Jews'- that would include all contemporary Jews in the entire world- are 'anti-humanity' and 'anti-love'.

Yes- I understand it means this is just another Anti-Semitic screed.
"Not Torah Jews", that is a distinction I believe. In the context of the OP, modern Jews would seem to be Zionists, as represented by this statement from the OP.
Now we come to modern times and in light of their abominable history, Jewish leaders decided the Jews must have a nation of their own.

Well thanks for trying to interpret that mess- but I think I will stick with his actual words- 'modern Jews' is a self explanatory statement.

Perhaps he has nothing against King David- but he has clearly stated he believes every man, woman and child of every synagogue in the United States is 'anti-humanity'.

And yes that is classic anti-semitism- and yes- it is wrong to be anti-semitical.
The message seems pretty straight forward. The Op has contentions with the politics of many Jews, but not all, a.

The message is very straightforward- he condemns all "Modern Jews"
Modern Jews (not Torah Jews) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice, and anti-love

He doesn't condemn their politics- he makes a blanket condemnation of a people.

It is no different than the KKK member who says "Modern blacks(not respectful blacks) are anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-humanity, anti-truth, anti-justice and anti-love'

Just another flavor of bigotry.

I couldn’t not find ‘Sally’. How about providing me the thread title? Also, please read my following answer.


I am not anti-Semitic because I definitely do not condemn an entire race or culture because I do not like who they are. Torah Jews are Jews and I most certainly do not condemn them. What I am, if you must pin the “anti” label on me, is anti-organization, as in being anti-Mafia, anti-Nazi, or anti-Bloods & Crypts. Zionist Talmudic Jewry is a well-defined organization within world Jewry that is evil and criminal in nature. I believe this, not because of “who” they are, but because of what they have done. Furthermore, adding insult to injury, the Talmud is there most sacred book and it is the writings in this book against Jesus and Christianity that I vehemently condemn.

All practising Jews use both the Torah and the Talmud.

You do indeed condemn an entire culture- as you did when you referred to "Modern Jews".

There is no 'well defined Zionist Talmudic Jewry" in the world except in the minds of anti-semites like yourself.

What you are preaching is no more than the usual "Elders of Zion" crap that has been around for 100 years- just the usual hate against Jews.
If you are a Christian, try to immigrate to Israel! If you did, you immediately find out that in order for you to live in Israel, you must renounce your belief in Christ. In contrast, Talmudic Jews can immigrate to this Nation and continue to practice their hateful and abominable religion. Go figure!

The United States has no religious tests- in the old days anti-semite bigots like yourself did indeed restrict immigration of Jews to the United States- which did lead to more deaths in Hitler's concentration camps.

Meanwhile- every country sets its own immigration policy- I am only concerned with how we Americans set our immigration policy.

There is nothing serious about you and nothing you say has validity. This being the case, instead of your being a responsible poster, it is clear that you are instead a "cruiser" and a "spoiler". Having an exchange with you is a waste of time and I have nothing more to say to you.

There is nothing serious about you and nothing you say has validity. This being the case, instead of your being a responsible poster, it is clear that you are instead a "cruiser" and a "spoiler". Having an exchange with you is a waste of time and I have nothing more to say to you.

There is nothing serious about this thread.

Just another anti-Jew, anti-semitic rant.

You really have nothing to say to anyone other than to urge them to discriminate against Jews.

There is nothing serious about you and nothing you say has validity. This being the case, instead of your being a responsible poster, it is clear that you are instead a "cruiser" and a "spoiler". Having an exchange with you is a waste of time and I have nothing more to say to you.

There is nothing serious about this thread.

Just another anti-Jew, anti-semitic rant.

You really have nothing to say to anyone other than to urge them to discriminate against Jews.

I will say one more thing.

The village idiot can easily discern from my writings in this thread that I am not an anti-Semite, yet you continue to insist on calling me one. This demonstrates that you are a person full of hate and guilt who is either too stupid to understand the English language or is operation from a hidden agenda the purpose of which is to perpetuate the evil which holds us in its grip. In either case, you truly are a despicable and demented human and this being the case, I want nothing more to do with you. Shalom!

There is nothing serious about you and nothing you say has validity. This being the case, instead of your being a responsible poster, it is clear that you are instead a "cruiser" and a "spoiler". Having an exchange with you is a waste of time and I have nothing more to say to you.

There is nothing serious about this thread.

Just another anti-Jew, anti-semitic rant.

You really have nothing to say to anyone other than to urge them to discriminate against Jews.

I will say one more thing.

The village idiot can easily discern from my writings in this thread that I am not an anti-Semite, yet you continue to insist on calling me one. !

Definition Anti-semite (Websters)
hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

You have specifically expressed your hostility towards all 'Modern Jews"- calling them anti-humanity- among other things.

Yes- you are an anti-semite.

No matter how much you try to pretty up your language- it is just the same old anti-semite crap expressed since the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
[/QUOTE] Definition Anti-semite (Websters) hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group You have specifically expressed your hostility towards all 'Modern Jews"- calling them anti-humanity- among other things. Yes- you are an anti-semite. No matter how much you try to pretty up your language- it is just the same old anti-semite crap expressed since the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[/QUOTE]

The village idiot can easily discern from my writings in this thread that I am not an anti-Semite, yet you continue to insist on calling me one. This demonstrates that you are a person full of hate and guilt who is either too stupid to understand the English language or is operation from a hidden agenda the purpose of which is to perpetuate the evil which holds us in its grip. In either case, you truly are a despicable and demented human and this being the case, I want nothing more to do with you

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